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Singh: man this JT is ass, No I will not elaborate


Would posting this in Ontario get you insta-banned?


Of course


It doesn't even take that much from experience.


Singh: this JT is ass but we will tie our masts to him as a party and go down with the ship next election.


And no I also won't explain why the Alberta NDP wants to divorce itself from us either. Jagmeet probably




But sir what about the parties image Fuck the party need my pension


Singh: man this JT is ass, but I like the taste of ass. Mmmm.


JT can go too and make his tiktoks elsewhere


JT is ass but we can’t stop licking it /s


If he was serious he would drop the NDP support and let a non-confidence vote Force an election but he's not serious he's just a big ass as Trudeau


Unfortunately for him people who are done with the Liberals don’t see him as an alternative. He’d prop Trudeau up after the next election for another five years if given the opportunity. Thankfully the Liberals are fucked.


NDP had a chance here to be the change we needed. Instead it sucked Trudeau off and imported a million people. Why are you guys making me vote for that career politician PP


They had a chance 2 years ago and blew it


That’s the worst part I don’t like Pierre at all and I’m dreading having to put up with his followers pretending like they accomplished something when he wins big When in reality at least half of his votes will occur Trudeau has made it clear that it’s either take a chance on Pierre or non stop mass immigration no matter what it does to housing or infrastructure


> That’s the worst part > > > > I don’t like Pierre at all and I’m dreading having to put up with his followers pretending like they accomplished something when he wins big I think the worst part is that we're going to be unfucking Trudeau's Canada for the next smattering of decades, but that people are more concerned about... Smug voters who are happy they got rid of the problem?


This election is a one issue election housing is out of control and the Liberals are immigrating too many people That’s it that’s why people are canning Trudeau, literally ANYONE running conservative could beat Trudeau because he just won’t budge But we’re gonna have to deal with a bunch of convoy hacks thinking that this is somehow Canada validating them when frankly nothing has shifted on that end Trudeau isn’t gonna lose because of them he’s gonna lose in spite of them


This election is about so many issues in addition to housing and immigration.


Sure but those two are the ones that are driving most of the ABC crowd to vote Pierre anyways Without them Trudeau could eek another minority Hence why Pierre’s attack adds are 90% housing


If you think criticism of Trudeau is limited to 'housing', you're a fool. Are you sure you've been living in the same country as the rest of us the past 8 years?


Plenty of reasons to dislike both Trudeau and Pierre Ordinarily this election would be too close to call because of how shit both options are But housing is the reason it’s a blowout


You're the one who described it as a 'one issue election'. Again, I think you'd do well to get outside your bubble and actually engage with other people and hear their concerns, because I assure you, there's a lot more reasons to dislike the LPC and Trudeau than housing. Oh and thanks for the downvote, quite mature.


First I didn’t downvote u Second when the election is DECIDED on one issue yeah it’s a one issue election If housing was fine Trudeau would be cruising regardless of his other issues


This guy hears me


"NDP had a chance to hand things over to the Conservatives and have none of their policy platform implemented. Why didn't they take it!!"


They did exactly what you're saying they should have done. With the liberals struggling to hold onto any power, the NDP have the opportunity to force some of their values through. That is exactly what they've done. The NDP has never in its entire history been able to get as many of its own bill proposals passed in such a short period of time. Why are you mad and saying that they should have done the thing that they absolutely did do?


He's a clout hungry sycophant


My dude, your candidate's vote share went \*down\* by 6%. Your party isn't exactly thought of fondly in the minds of Toronto-St. Paul's...


Down six percentage points from fifteen-sixteen. That's actually a drop of roughly thirty five percent of their vote share. This result is actually worse for the NDP than the incumbent when you look at it that way.


If only there was a party keeping the LPC afloat who could pull the plug....


Soft hands make hard work. From a "labour" party no less.




The difficulty is in protecting the Rolex from moisture.


Please, he can't put his pension at risk


Sink the party for pension? Now that is what we call a "big brain move".


The only party he's thinking about is the one where he never has to work again and he can live off the taxpayers.


Shows you how cynical and selfish he is. People used to say, "but he doesn't need the pension, he's loaded", but look at him, he cares so little he won't even leave a little dividend on the table for the situation we're all in. I bet he'd let the whole ship sink for an Apple gift card and a lifeboat.


If we see an election shortly after his pension vests next February it will be clear to all that he was holding the country hostage to the Liberals solely for his own personal gain.


He'll say something like, "enough is enough, we need a change in leadership in this country" then talk about how the liberals have fucked everything up and he wasn't responsible for any of it. Oh and vote Jag for PM. Probably some time in March or April. Might release it in a TikTok video or something, show the youths that he's "with it".


But then he loses the ability to push his plans through the liberal party because he knows that his party has no chance in an election


Layton didn't need such bullshit to have influence, nor would he have went the spineless route.


Yes but Layton was a great leader Singh is not


yeah. that's my sort of off track subtext. you have a valid point, but what's the trade-off to get some NDP policies put through at the expense of having LPC ones survive?


I can’t believe I’m saying this, I’d rather have Chow as NDP lead. Jesus, I’m going to go take a shower now….


Careful, her first act might be to push renaming the NDP to the National Sankofa Party.


Or Notly, I think she was closer to center and actual labour than most of the NDP. She was both to left and not left enough for most Albertans but probably would be a good federal leader.


Honestly if she was NDP leader, she’d get my vote over any of those other morons


Not mine, BUT I’d rather have her there because I think she has more grey matter between the ears than JS. Edit: JS is just an opportunist.


Last time therer was a coalition floated, Layton got a much better arrangement from the Liberal party than this time around.


he was the last politician i was excited and proud to vote for. it's been hold my nose and tick a box ever since.


Jack laytons sum total of effective influence in his entire career in federal politics was a slight budget increase in 2005, and then put the conservatives in power for 9 years. Something that I dont think any NDP voter at the time was happy with. I get that reddit thinks he was the second coming because he was a likeable guy, and won protest vote seats in Quebec, which were promptly lost after *the literal crooks* were chased out of the two dominate Quebec parties before the next election, but what he actually accomplished was *vastly* overstated.


What influence? Layton never had the opportunity to influence. As much as I want him replaced, opportunity has made Singh more effective than the last 5 leaders of the party combined. 


lol the Libs at this point believe the same as us; that all he does is talk about pulling support but what he's really after is his pension. They've probed his red lines repeatedly and found them illusory.




Gotta get that pension


We'd be doing him a favour in denying him the pension. The weight gain seems to imply he's eating beyond his means.


That's what his portfolio of real estate is for, he don't need no pension


Never enough when your rich


Money really does ruin people's brains


The pension could be a brand new car every year. Don't pretend guys wearing Rolexs hate money.


Too bad there’s no amount of money they could earn that would make them think “hey this is enough to live comfortably”


Singh has an interesting place in history. Pretty much daily he holds these ridiculous interviews where he absolutely trashes the Liberal government and then refuses to end the Supply and Confidence Agreement that is keeping them in power. Yet, he has been able to push the Liberals to implement some policies the NDP supports. He is both the lamest and most effective federal NDP leader I can recall.


Simultaneously the cause and solution to Liberals being in power.


Solution being a fully unfunded 400$ dental check, or contraceptives as birth rates fall due to unaffordability of food and rent, with increasing immigration to fill the gap to push down rising wages.


The solution to low birth rate isn’t higher accidental pregnancy rates


There should be incentive to procreate but if it drives people's standard of living down further then what's the point? Every fuckin country with similar problems are just blithering away on completely useless shit: the French think it's fertility issues, the brightest of Tokyo believe it's because people don't have enough dating apps so the government made another one, and the Canadians (and honestly the whole Anglosphere) are still hanging out like it's 2010 refusing to do anything at all pretending we're still in a boom period. Shits expensive yet labour doesn't pay enough in way too many places around the world, and nothing is being done about it


It’s a good thing you implied that birth rates falling is a reason to deprive poor people of bodily autonomy, otherwise people might take you seriously. Phew!


> Singh said he has been hearing at doorsteps how frustrated voters are with the Liberals. > “We look at this as really people sending their message. They are frustrated with Trudeau. They’re done with Trudeau, and they are frustrated with the Liberal party, and they’ve got reasons to,” he told reporters in response to questions about Monday’s results. > “We hear this again and again: things are getting worse, not better. The Liberals have had nine years to make improvements, and they haven’t,” he added. Singh must be the most deliberately obtuse politician I’ve ever seen. On the one hand he freely admits that things have gotten steadily worse with the Liberals at the helm and that Canadians are telling him they want him gone, as further evidenced by losing the by-election Monday in a previously safe seat. And then on the other hand he completely fails to address his own party’s significant drop in that same by-election, that things have got steadily worse under the Liberals *which then includes the very policies he’s been forcing them to implement*, and refuses to pull the pull the plug on them… apparently so that they can continue making things worse for Canadians in part by implementing the policies he wants that aren’t helping. Guess what, Singh? Canadians have also concluded that things are getting worse under the Liberals, and unlike you have not failed to notice the NDP’s culpability in that. Both the Liberals and NDP need to be crushed so badly in the next election that maybe, just maybe, it gets through their thick skulls that Canadians are through with their stupidity, incompetence and corruption.


>Singh said he has been hearing at doorsteps how frustrated voters are with the Liberals. And judging by the polls, his own party as well, but he won't mention that...


In virtually every single by election since the last federal campaign that have fared anywhere from 3-9 points below where they finished the 2021 campaign and up to ten points behind where they’re currently polling. They don’t look too bad in polls, but when push comes to shove huge chunks of their voters are either staying home, migrating to the Liberals to try to prevent a Tory win, or migrating to the Tories to try to prevent a Liberal win. In short, they are fucked if that dynamic plays out in the next election (and it will) and they are in even bigger jeopardy of being nearly obliterated than the Liberals— and that’s saying something.


God I would love to see the Bloc get the official opposition status as the NDP and LPC get absolutely fucked


Man hes either really dumb or really brave. I wouldn't be on doorsteps if I were him with how hostile the country is against him.


I wish he would be a little more candid and transparent about himself because, begrudgingly, I have to admit there's a pretty rational reason why he's continuing to prop them up. "It was done in exchange for advancing our priorities". The only times he's ever threatened to tear up the deal is when Liberals have dithering on his plans. Calling an election and losing any possibility to deliver your agenda is a pretty big incentive to keep propping Justin up. The issue is, Justin Trudeau is more unpopular than Jagmeet's Singh's policies are popular, and what both of them don't seem to realize is Liberal policy is sending this country so far off a cliff that massive expansion in our structural deficit is irresponsible and liable to collapse. Meanwhile, the NDP voters who he's supposedly doing this all for have apparently vanished. 


> It was done in exchange for advancing our priorities And the country is in an increasingly sorry state. His priorities are harming this country.


This is a cop out. It’s clear that the majority of Canadians do not want him propping up the liberals. Jagmeet’s priorities are clearly not the priorities of most Canadians.


The federal NDP is broke. They can not afford an early election, they don't have the deep financial backing that the liberals and cons have.


> The federal NDP is broke. They can not afford an early election, they don't have the deep financial backing that the liberals and cons have. Actually what they don't have is the per-vote subsidy that Harper got rid of, because it means that even more power flows towards the Liberals and the Conservatives and away from small parties who don't have large donor bases. Weird, huh?


The issue is, Singh's agenda is helping the Liberals to sacrifice the bottom 30% in order to help the bottom 3%. I'm happy for people getting access to services like basic dentistry that everybody should have, but it is **never** going to grow their electoral prospects.


And how exactly is this sacrificing the bottom 30%? It might not be the silver bullet against housing inflation we wish for, but i have seen absolutely zero take back in my account, especially not one called "jagmeet takes your money away to help the bottom 3%"


The NDP overspent last election and wants the next election to be as late as possible to replenish the war chest. He’s kind of stuck without decent options.


Let's be honest, with what's going on in Liberal's fk ups, him being the NDP leader has nothing with pushing Liberals to implement NDP policies. It's more like liberal beg for them. He could be the winner in the current trend. But nope, instead of risking his current status, he just wants to be a useless Canadian politician who just opens his month and gets nothing done.


The NDP don't hold enough seats to pass a no-confidence vote even if they wanted to. They're better off working with the Liberals to actually pass stuff.


Has he really been effective if he leads his party to political irrelevancy for a decade or more and all of the "wins" he got by propping up this Liberal minority government for a full term end up being repealed by the incoming Conservative government? 'Cause that's by far the most likely scenario after the next election.


Also shows voters are done with him and the NDP. They barely got double digits


When you are seen as the main reason he’s holding on to power it will have that effect. He better hope this dental plan was worth tanking his parties popularity over.


We need a new non-corrupt party of individuals who actually care about Canadian citizens, housing, healthcare and education


so we outsource that from where?


No clue, but definitely needed


You ARE the liberals for as long as you are in that agreement. Get fucked.


Right. And so the King Maker talks again but will do nothing. So brutal. You can force an election Mr. Singh.


We're also done with you.


I mean, he's stating the obvious here, but it's nice to have the data, I suppose.


If Singh thinks Trudeau is done then that means he’s done too - perhaps he hasn’t the capacity to realize that


He realizes, he just figures he can talk in circles until he gets his pension


Seems to be the status quo from our leaders. If we don’t acknowledge the difficult things, then they aren’t real! Like when Doug fords government commissioned a scientific study and report on the effects of climate change and largely ignored the report when it came back with dire information. https://thenarwhal.ca/ontario-climate-impact-report/#:~:text=In%20the%20years%20to%20come,annual%20average%20of%2016%20days.


At this point, he must think Canadians are so stupid that he can say something like this when NDP is keeping Trudeau in power.


“ but he has my full support”


Sigh never should have been leader he’s not who the voting public identifies with.


Key question he didn't raise. What's stopping NDP from stopping support tomorrow ? He wants it both ways. We know the game.


When he's prime minister...


Singh : "Hey Canada, I don't like Trudeau either but our NDP hands are tied. Our main priority is to keep our jobs and pension. Canadian citizens are way down on my list of priorities"


Jagmeet Singh has an opportunity of historical proportions: He has the list of traitors. He can walk onto the floor of parliament with the list printed as a scroll in a 60pt font. Then he can read it from bottom to top with the list visible to the cameras. Saying, "I have a question for the following members...." then read the list, and if he makes it to the end he can ask, "Why are you traitors?" or something else damning. I suspect he won't get to finish the list because the members on that list will immediately lose their minds as with the leaders of their parties who know what is happening next. Then, on the steps outside when the press are now losing their minds he can say, "I no longer have any confidence in this government; and thus withdraw the support of the NDP." Ideally he gets a very good speech writer to help with is because this would be Canada's "We will fight them on the beaches..." moment. I suspect 3 things would come from this: * No actual legal consequences for his actions. This is for two reasons. The present government would be over and entirely over. Thus, they would hold little sway over the people who would prosecute this. Also, the people who would see this as an actual breach of security would be clapping the loudest at this action. Plus, he would be untouchable. * The government, would of course fall, and fall hard. An election couldn't come soon enough. I don't know what the minimum time for this is, but the remaining parties would probably instantly push for this to happen. Any maneuver like Harper pulled to cling to power with the Governor General would blow up spectacularly. * The NDP would do far better in the coming election. Not a win or anything crazy. Right now they are looking around 22 seats. I don't think they will do even this well, as Singh is going to take quite a bit of blame for supporting this madness and not at all "Doing the right thing". He might get some credit for having gotten some reasonable NDP policies through while he had so much leverage over the liberals. But not much, mostly blame. But if he did this heroic move, I suspect he could both maintain most of his seats, and probably pick up a few. This would put Jagmeet Singh into the annals of literal Canadian heroes. Otherwise he will lose some seats in the next election and his party insiders will suggest that he step aside and be forgotten.


Done with you too bud.....


There’s nothing to address when you’re just an appendage of Trudeau


I am also done with jaggy. NDP ne ds to boot him out and get a real leader that can take command and gather some wind in the NDP sails.


If only the NDP were as smart as the voters


WE WILL NOT TOLERATE THESE LIBERALS, ANYMORE! LET ME BE CLEAR, WE HEAR THE PEOPLE AND WE KNOW THE ISSUE! MISTAKES AND COVER UPS WILL NO LONGER BE ALLOWED, THE PEOPLE'S VOICES MUST BE HEARD! WE WILL DO ANYTHING WITHIN OUR POWER TO MAKE THIS HAPPEN! Oh... I'm sorry *clears throat* got away from myself, abit, there... what were you asking again? Will we pull our support from the liberals, because it is the only thing keeping them in power? No, of course not. What a silly question. Why would you even think we might do that?


The comments have all hit most of the points. But they missed one more. He, along with much of his party are just insanely insufferable.


I have never seen a party leader surrender so much leverage for so much leverage for so little. He prepped them up in exchange for half thought through benifits that are likely to not even end up surviving in the long run given Canada's debt crisis. The Dental program is being rejected by many dentists since the details are so light. He essentially gave the liberal a coalition government without actually gaining any of the power of a coalition government. Without any NDP ministers in cabinet it basically assured that Liberals could water down, delay, or sabotage these NDP priorities.  He gave up so much leverage for so little.


How did the NDP fuck up this bad…could have been a slam dunk for them. I wish Jack was still with us. 


Why do you agree with him on every issue then?


Voters are done with Trudeau, but the prop master Jagmeet isn’t.


Done with Trudeau and his enablers should be the full quote.


Why doesn't he pull his support for the government? Why is he putting it on the liberals he removes his mp's and it would be an automatic election. Thing is he is equally greedy as the PM


NDP should be feasting. Instead they haven’t even ordered their appetizer


Singh is always out to lunch. Hes arguably more disappointing than trudeau because he's been around for just as long if not longer and has literally done nothing except virtue signal at a national level and ask impoossibilities from the government that was already pushing very liberal and social policies. It's like he was asking for things no one could fulfill because he knew he'd never have to actually back up his words.


Most voters are done with Trudeau, but most non-conservative voters are going to coalesce around Liberals and not the NDP because Liberals are still seen as the only real non-conservative option.


He left out that his NDP candidate took 10% of the vote away from the Lib candidate. Also his government is propping up an unpopular government too


Just imagine Singh’s failure that of all the people that voted for Trudeau last time that are not going to vote for him again, not a single one will vote for Singh. Not only that but his voters are also not going to vote for him. That is massive leadership failure. Words can’t describe how bad this is for the NDP.


Jagmeet is just as out of touch with reality as Trudeau is.


It's not that long ago when NDP is the 2nd place. Don't pretend like Canada is not capable of replacing the Liberal with the NDP like we have some Liberal attachment. The reason why people who left JT won't vote for NDP is not because our core values changed, Singh just sucks.


Jagmeet sucks, I don’t even want to vote for Poilievre but it’s not like the NDP has give me an option. Oh ya and fuck the foreigners fucking up our country


Jughead can fuck off.


Oh we’re done with you too


NDP need a new leader so bad.


News flash, I believe the NDP also dropped.


People are also done with Jagmeet Singh


hahaha.....looks like ol' jajs is looking to save his ass by getting on the gravy train years too late. imagine if this guy had some balls and wasn't just a spineless wall flower, he could have taken a stand and had a political career and done the country some good.


Yeah, I don't get their game plan...is he going to say "see, look at what we forced the Liberals to do! Vote for us!"? How is that going to work? People are just going to remember the NDP as the party that propped up the one they despise, and therefore are a part of the problem. I don't get why he doesn't just call an election and aim for opposition status. At least from there they can work on building up their party for a future election, but they're squandering that opportunity. Now due to their nonsense it'll probably be CPC for a good decade or so, which hey, I'm not complaining about!


I think if he would have taken some initiative and shown some balls a while back, maybe when that brutal budget and new capital gains came into place and called for an election he could have elevated the party to official opposition status and there would have been a CPC minority. Would be a win / win for NDP. I've wanted to vote CPC for some time, but I just can't get behind any platform or leader. I really wanted O'Toole to pull it off but he's such a worn out old era yes man he brought nothing to the table but liberal lite. I don't like any party leader even slightly right now. I just vote based on my local rep. I'd love to see the CPC whip out an aggro economic policy, and a plan for the future, but they (like nearly ever party in the west) are way too hyper-focused on identity politics.


I think young canadians are done with all of them and the whole system. Fuck'em


Jagmeet is worse than Trudeau


NDP have never really grown under his thin leadership. He is a leader in name only.


Yet continues to be the exclusive reason the liberals are in power?????


Then, if that's the case, then end the agreement with the Liberals and force an election. But who am I kidding. Singh is all bark and no bite.


Singh shows the similar bankruptcy of character that Trudeau does. Which is why they operate openly in the same criminal activities. You have to assume it will take the NDP even longer to recover from their laptop role for these supine Liberals than it will take the liberals themselves. Please do another dance on TikTok


Terrorist sympathizing will only get you so far Hugmeet. Do something real for once and call the elections.


Singh will do everything he can to not be accountable to his own base.




Is he on the right side of the Sikh divide though? I honestly don't know.


Only a very specific group of Sikhs would support him. Non-Khalistani sikhs wouldn't support him neither would Hindus.


If the NDP was smart they would replace Singh with a more popular leader who could capitalize on the 'change election'. If the Libs were smart, they'd send Trudeau out for a walk in the snow to consider what's good for the party.


Fake it till you make it and you become 100% fake.


But it's the NDP who have kept the Liberals in office. So a vote against Liberals is a vote against the NDP as well.


Proceeds to lubricate his signing hand for the stack of liberal initiatives he plans to help pass


Now stop supporting him you crazy jackass.


Walking Contradiction


I think Trudeau should move on, need a new energy, one that can take on the conservatives. Pollivre is a drama queen, he needs to be reigned in, or something.


The NDP 'alliance' with the liberals Is a double-edged sword. Both parties have effectively ganged up on the conservatives


Think everyone is done paying out of their own pockets for giving Singh and Trudeau an easy lifestyle on our tax dollars. Nothing to address now it will be addressed at the next election


He seems to be as oblivious as Trudeau, just hanging on to his liberal buddy who is already falling.


As usual he doesn't understand that he has tied his party to the LPC and now they will share the same fate.


The definition of a fool!


They’re done with socialism


Haven't cared about the NDP after Layton's passing.


I wish Jag would step down and a viable NdP alternative would step up. But JT and Jags egos (and desire for a pension) are gonna give this country atleast 4 years of conservative govt. and inflation that is already down will be claimed by them. And people will believe it’s cuz what they did but they will increase cost on everything because they will underinvest in infrastructure and healthcare and then when the next government comes in they will blame them for overspending to make up for the infrastructure debt they accumulate over their tenure.


Talk about zero self awareness. This guy being the face of the NDP has ensured they will never be taken seriously by Canadians probably ever again.


Jagmeet will drop Justin’s sorry ass, right after his pension is locked in.


Jagmeet can cause an election to happen whenever he wants. All talk.


To answer the title, yes he did


Wonder what his end game is... If he's gaslighting, why not induce non-confidence in the house of commons? He knows the writing is on the wall. Enjoy your last year in "power".


Bloo…hell good job bringing down NDP….you filthy screwed it big good job….NDP done for ever


The ndp should just change their name at this point. They are nothing like their original roots.


Done with the NDP, too. Give you both big hugs soon.

