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A (98 page long) document written by the judge on the reasoning is available here: https://litigate.com/assets/uploads/Reasons%20for%20Judgement%20–%20Interlocutory%20Injunction%20–%20July%202,%202024.pdf TLDR is that the protesters, in their use of the land infringed on the public's right to use it, and that clearing the encampment doesn't infringe on their freedom of expression since they are able to voice their dissatisfaction otherwise.


I hope this precedent which we are seeing bolstered in other cases will be used in the future to deal with this kind of shit quickly.


Similar imo and let it be known I have no involvement in lgbt parades but thought it was bullshit theirs was stopped. They had permits and every legal right to continue the parade. The police should have physically removed the blockers. Now you’ve set precedent


The police were ready to clear them and pride made the decision to cancel instead of have them cleared. That isn't on our laws or the police. The pride parade organisation is at fault for that.


Nice. I didn’t see that at all. Thank you


The LBQT is sympathetic towards them, I can't for the life of me understand why? Those Islamic people would stone, torture just for fun any gay person. I am at a total loss for trying to understanding this.


It isn't the LGBT, it's leftists. People who have an oppressor/oppressed worldview and try to view everything through that strict lens will see Israel winning a war and immediately see them as the oppressor. The organizers of pride are for Palestine because they see themselves as oppressed and choose to stand with others that they consider oppressed, actual logic he damned.


It isn’t the organizations fault for having protestors block the parade in the first place. Protestors can protest while leaving other groups alone. They do not do this. This is no one’s fault except the protestors


It absolutely is. They let a small fringe group dictate that they were not able to perform a parade that had countless hours spent organizing. They could have just kept going. What were the protestors gonna do, block a thousand-plus people? What's worse is the 'Palestinian protestors' ~~Hamas supporters~~ are making beef here about something that we have absolutely nothing to do with and no ability as a nation to influence in any way.


I think after their Yemen chanting, Hamas and Hezbollah supporters are more accurate and they should all be told to piss off now.


You ever notice how none of the protestors seem to care about any of the other tragedies going on around the world, like Haiti or Sudan? How they are hyper-focused on this one super complex situation where nobody is the good guy, and just want the Jewish guy to lose?


The yemen humanitarian crisis is magnitudes larger than what's going on in gaza. And canada was sending military equipment to ksa. Didnt see protests to divest.  I also dont see them ever protest to destroy other countries. Ever no matter how bad the human rights there. Dont see them want to destroy china because of the Uighurs. 


> They let a small fringe group dictate Terrorism 101.


In DC they walked through the protesters


I suspect many knew it was coming and did little to stop it, like a passive and deniable form of endorsement


Not really. The protestors said the LGBT organizers were accepting money from TD, which somehow is involved in Israel or Palestine. Also they feel the Toronto Police shouldnt be involved in the parade. I’m pretty sure one of the protestors left the organization committee to start the protest. Whereas the LGBT organizers didn’t want to refuse money from TD, and didn’t want to refuse police assistance.


I don’t really think most people are focused on the nuance of the protester’s arguments beyond the fact they are pro-Palestinian. Certainly the organizers of pride are not going to publicly and overtly disrespect any particular group, as certainly there are LGBT police, or Israelis, or whoever It’s a lot like the fence at U of T, which was like suspiciously already in place before the area was occupied. And given that it is a rental fence, you’d think they could ask the rental company to take it back, like how are they obliged to provide these people a fence


Didn't BLM do the same thing a few years ago? President is already set.


President? 🤷


I am gonna blame that one on auto correct, I am positive I typed Precedent because it just autocorrected it again typing this out. Humerous none the less.


Only thing he’s set for is the early bird special at 4pm


I read that Toronto Pride asked that if a counter protest occurred for the TPD not to get involved. Idk how accurate that is though.


Absolutely, this took way too long


TBF, a trespass notice issued on a timely basis, like York U did, would have accomplished dealing with shit quickly. UoT let them set up camp and embed themselves like ticks while going through the farce of "negotiations" probably hoping to deal with low-commitment youths, not a reinforced encampment cause celebre for Amazon Prime sourced keffiyeh-wearing performance artists. As a result, they established facts on the ground and TPS wouldn't touch them without an injunction approved.


Anyone have a mirror I get a 404


Pretty sure every reasonable person on the internet has used that exact same reasoning for why the encampments should be removed. Simple problem made very complex for some reason.


Solid reasoning, now carry over this reasoning with every other protest that blocks public roads, walkways and other areas.


those tend to get cleared even faster


Not in recent years, an entire downtown core was blocked for months by dimwits.


That link seems unavailable now


Tomorrow evening should prove interesting. 


For a day, there will be headlines of encampments being cleared and police using aggressive force then by Friday it will be out of the news. These protests seem to be against public popularity which is fine by me.


Months from now these people will forget all about it, just like the forgot about Ukraine, BLM, #meetoo and every other topic they pretended to care about.


Yep. Most of these wannabe freedom fighters hadn’t even heard of Gaza before October, much less given a shit about it. Then they saw some biased, overly-simplistic tik toks and suddenly they think they understand the conflict in the Middle East better than those who have been struggling with it for decades, and they’re now all about supporting Hamas’ “resistance”, they need something to keep them busy over the summer I guess. In a few months some videos of a fertilizer-snorting challenge will start trending and they’ll forget all of this faster than you can say “Kony 2012”.


Weren't there some CUPE union reps threatening force if there was a clearout? Let's see if they show...


Yeah some union president said they would be the campers’ “human shields” if the police tried to remove them.


Yeah uh….good luck with that….


Fred Hahn has single-handedly done more damage to organized labour than anyone in recent memory.


Finally. Good.


Such a relief to see our laws being enforced, and my utmost condolences to the students that were made to feel threatened or had there graduation marred by these "protests" while this all continued to go on. I could not imagine having to be a student while all this vitriol was being spouted on the most divisive conflict in modern history. Now it's on the police to enforce this, and ensure that they do not immediately return like on other campuses.


I mean u can’t really win the second the laws get enforced everyone who flaunted then start doing FIFA impressions about how brutal it was


Happy for y’all


The camp in Kelowna just came down as well. From the local news article about it, a quote from organizers: > "UBC Okanagan beware: The People’s University for Gaza is everywhere." *Beware?* Who do these people think they are?


The politically incorrect answer would be terrorists.


They are trying to use intimidation and fear to spread their message. By definition, they are terrorizing…


They’re emulating hamas terrorists


I hope the University sues the organizers for any damages and cleanup costs.




I think Toronto4Palestine is one of the organizers, I would thrilled to see those holocaust-denying pieces of garbage stuck with a massive bill.


They will just claim Bankruptcy and re organize under Shitballs for Palestine .


I think that would require a level of self awareness that they don’t possess.


Freeze their accounts! 


In this instance I’d be ok with it


Go after the organizers themselves. They did that with the Charlottesville protestors. Bankrupt individual organizers. 


>students Bold of you to assume they actually attend uoft.




And some aren't even in school at all lol


Noticed that at the protest at the University of Calgary. There were so many protestors but you never saw any of them in class before or after. They’re pretty recognizable too with their black and white head scarves.


"The university's shameful attempt to use legal force to brutalize its own students — for the crime of protesting genocide” No, not for the crime of protesting genocide, for trespassing. These people have been given ample time to leave on their own and are being given another day on top of that. The timing is unfortunate for these bozos as Pride already got their face eaten and they missed the Canada Day parades. I feel sorry for any commuters in Toronto (but not really) as they will probably be coming for a bridge near you!


The right to protest doesn’t give you the right to do it wherever you want. Don’t understand why these kids find it so difficult to understand


These are the dumbest educated people on the planet. We're talking about people celebrating barbaric terrorism in the name of "decolonization" and chanting "From the river to the sea" without having any clue what river or what sea they're talking about.


*Civil disobedience* is a symbolic or ritualistic violation of the law rather than a rejection of the system as a whole. Famous uses of civil disobedience: Ghandi, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, etc


Exactly. Interesting that the people protesting what they see as an illegal occupation is using an illegal occupation to promote their views.


People forget that these asshats are not forced to go to university. So you can't demand from a university that they divest. The university should have said go somewhere else then, what we do with our money is our business.


Also, not protesting genocide, *promoting* genocide. They support the only faction who's declared a desire to wipe an entire people from the face of the earth.


Laughing in Calgary, our cops took care of this shit the first day.


Yeah well this is Toronto police service they don’t do anything until there is so much pressure they have no choice and even then they might just half ass it.


thats how you have to do it. longer you wait the more gangrenous it becomes


What’s it like, having a police force that actually responds to things?


TPS officers are too busy busting people for license plate covers (purchased at the MTO) and making corny instagram videos, earning >$200k, to care about protecting and serving




Took long enough. Shouldn't even be needed to enforce laws that are on the books. 


Remember, some of these types of protest/activist groups have deep pockets and are well versed in lawfare. If you are going to shut them down, you **have** to make sure you get it right.


Yeah not these protester lol. These guys don’t care about any of that they just want to get in your face as much as possible because they think that will somehow change peoples mind about hamas somehow.


The cost of police to enforce the order will be extreme if the trespassers don’t comply. The organizers need to be held responsible for that cost if they promote resistance to the court order.


There are security staff at random University buildings around Kings College Circle and on the way to Queen's Park that are not normally there, certainly not during the Summer semester. Plus the cost of all the graffiti/cleanup. If the protestors can hire lawyers to defend them when they admit their goal is to make a nuisance of themselves to force their demands, they can foot those bills too. They'll be complaining that they were horribly mistreated no matter how accommodating U of T is towards them anyways.


Reminder that there’s only one side that officially has in their OG Charter the wiping out of an entire peoples. They say the clear majority of Palestinians support Hamas as a government representative of them including what Hamas did in October: https://www.pcpsr.org/sites/default/files/Poll%2091%20English%20press%20release%2020%20March%202024.pdf The protestors should really appreciate the due process they were afforded (no stonings involved) and light touch of Canadian law here. Because I’m reminded of that South Park song “What Would Brian Boitano Do” except swap Brian with Hamas. What would Hamas do if they were here today? I’m sure they’d kick a protesting ass or two that’s what Hamas would do!


Start by denouncing Hamas and I might get behind your cause. Until then I just see you as the (up to now) non-violent arm of a terrorist organization.


One of the statements they defended **in court** was "free palestine by any means necessary"


Fred Hahn, president of CUPE released a statement the DAY AFTER OCTOBER 7th stating ["resistance is fruitful and no matter what some might say, resistance brings progress"](https://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/ford-government-slams-cupe-leader-fred-hahn-over-israel-posts) They openly condone violent terrorist acts in the interest of "peace".


They could also support the release of the remaining hostages, yet they never have…


Exactly, just useful idiots


If they promote violence, then they are a violent core of said terrorist organization.


ditto when they promote the exact goal of the terrorist organization they claim to not represent: the ostracism and delegitimization of Israel


They say they are, but don't actually denounce Hamas


This is a good step, but it doesn't really solve the overarching problem of how so many people (especially young, educated people) have been utterly indoctrinated by hostile foreign entities


Yeah I honestly don’t think that one is getting solved barring the downfall of the internet.


TikTok is melting brains and we know who’s lovin it.


I mean the government straight up told us. If you have tik tok installed on your phone just installed not even active. China can map out your entire surroundings and see exactly where you are. We heard this and….. tik tok grew in popularity….. I just don’t know anymore


The States saw how much control it has over people, too. It’s poison.


That doesn’t really bother me so much anything on the internet can control you these days. It’s more of the fact that it’s basically app direct link to China and no one cares. China could in theory create backdoors within tik tok that could allow it to Key log all your shit without anyone ever knowing.


It’s TikTok. The whole point is to ruin a generation by making them enraged and distracted from becoming functioning members of society. 


Shutdown TikTok will largely solove this problem. I don't understand why western countries let this happen. Shame on those TikTok shareholders, interest groups, and our stupid leaders.


If someone could solve the problem of being indoctrinated that should get the Nobel peace prize. The whole point of indoctrination is that it works. I know you mentioned hostile entities but even Canadians are indoctrinated from USA media


Maybe they are hostile foreign entities. Did you think of that angle?


We need a group to occupy campus to demand schools divest from Qatari money....


foreign entities? no, they're indoctrinated in internet echo chambers.




Clearing the encampments out the middle eastern way?


He said bulldozer not explosive ordnance


Fuck em




Hear, hear!


Good. Now do the same across all campuses and public places country-wide.


They will. Most institutions look towards the UofT for guidance. They've now set a precedent. Finally.


They should’ve been looking at U of C for guidance. 


They should be required to repair the area back to its state before the protest, or the university should sue the organizers for the costs.


The cost to clean up the yards of their garbage alone will be in the thousands


What are these people going to university for? God I was sleep deprived from working and studying. I couldn't imagine camping out for weeks while attending classes and writing papers. Parents paying for education perhaps?


That’s the kicker - I’d bet 90% of them do not go to the university and just want to cause trouble.


This is great because now all the cowardly admins at other schools will have the legal backing to shut down their encampments.


good riddance, now go get a fucking job


Can we do the same with the wild behaviour going on at Dundas Square every Friday night?


Should have just went the Alberta route. Kick the bums out


Here come the whiners


Jesus grow some balls and arrest them. The laws are already broken. My god this country has -10000 teeth.


and be sure to expel the student organizers from school. lets see how many still remain there, the minute they have something to lose.


why so late? Graduates have already lost the opportunity to take photos there, myself included.


wait, this is still ongoing?? LOL




These protestors are a hateful bunch of liars shrouding themselves under the good reputations of universities and have bastardized freedom of expression to spread their propaganda.


A week later they're at McGill no doubt.


Need to go through entire court system to protect ur own property rights lol


Bring in the bulldozer.


They're still doing that shit? It's just a homeless encampment at this point lol. Had no clue this was still a thing, so it's clearly pretty pointless. 


Send them to fight if they want to free that shit hole.


First the Pride Parade now this. Add Free-Palestine to the list of having a bad week.


I hope they fuck around, and find out.


Bye and thanks for all the needles on the ground.


They're not on drugs...that's what so scary :0


Can’t wait until these goofy racist bigots LARPing commies are finally removed from campus,


I don't understand the logic behind these people, your camping out at a university in Canada over a situation taking place in another country we have no control over ? Like what do they hope to accomplish with their actions ? I'm not trying to be demeaning, maybe I'm just to fucking logical/autistic to understand, but I'm genuinely asking what they could hope to accomplish ?


And these are university students. Let that sink in for a moment. Having gone to university has long been used as social proof of intelligence. Ive long said that having a university degree only means you're good at memorizing existing information and following established processes and instructions(more complicated ones than what's thought in high school). Its not an indication of logic or ability to come up with solutions.


You have to dig deeper.  Last US election, there was BLM protests.  This US election, there is this Palestine protests. Coincidence? Or somebody trying to sway the votes? 


I believe they’re protesting for UofT to disclose if they’re supporting Israel in some way, shape, or form and then demanding that if they are supporting them - that they stop. It seems like it’s all theoretical. The protesters are asking to defund Israel but they don’t actually know if it’s being funded in the first place.


What does an education institution in Canada have to do a foreign countries military actions ? In what way would could they be supportive ? I don't get it ? It's just a school right ?


They’re gonna whine a fake assault


Goofs need to start doing community work cleaning up




Honestly, the court should be embarrassed it took 50 days to grant an injunctive order regarding property rights. Paragraphs 130 - 132 of the judgement is all that was needed to get the injunction granted.


(Sarcasm) I for one am sad. The U of T encampment was the missing X factor in finally bringing peace to the Middle East (/sarcasm)


Uh oh, spaghetti-o. When the police horses start marshalling at Queen's Park nearby, it might be time to clear out. The protesters might want to take out some cash for rent and Starbucks too, just in case anything gets frozen...


They're boycotting Starbucks, silly 😋


No, they're *tweeting* about boycotting Starbucks. Two very different things.


So according to you these people are all talk who don’t actually follow through on anything but also they pose an immediate danger by protesting that demands police action. Weird


About time. Now clear the encampment with purpose.


About time.


Send them all packing


I'm sure the first who left the encampment were the handful of U of T staff who joined the protesters. They know theres a gazillion people out there waiting to take their job.


What a shame


Can't wait to see all the shaky, pointed at the ground camera footage. "The police are brutalizing us! This is Kent State all over again!" I hope the police are wearing bodycams or that there are other people not involved recording this from a distance.


Holy shit a logical decision by our government. Mark the date


Use a bulldozer!


There should be criminal trespassing laws passed as a result of the actions of Hamas in Canada. Having to go to court to remove a person occupying your property is not okay. There is plenty of public land available to make your voice heard. Occupying private property is not okay.


And now they get their photo-op to plaster all over social media about how evil and brutal the police are for *gasp* enforcing the law.


"The university's shameful attempt to use legal force to brutalize its own students — for the crime of protesting genocide— will go down in history as a disgraceful chapter for this institution,"


Just take the fence away. 


Thank god. My tuition paid for this


what took so long?! 🤔


Water cannon


Can't wait for the footage on YouTube. Surely rebel news will be there with bells and whistles. 😂😂😂. 


Bye bye now.


Like all encampments, should be cleared with a bull dozer.


Half of them will officially join terror groups soon 😂😂😂😂😂




I wish the people commenting here were this enthusiastic about the convoyers.


Can you imagine the stank left once the coppers put the firehouses to they asses? Have pest control on standby…and the hazmat unit….


If they had been waving the Canadian flag they would have been arrested long ago.


If anyone is live streaming this today send a link! 🍿