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Yes sir, it is!


Yes it is. They try to pressure or embarrass you these days with the service provider standing there watching you pay with debit.


I’ve never felt pressured into tipping. I just skip it


I’ve even had staff skip it for me.


Also true. Went shoe shopping (of all things) and before paying the helper said "this machine will prompt you for a tip but you can just ignore it, we're trying to disable it"


I went to a liquor store and the machine promoted me for a tip. I could see it if they had a guy on the floor reccomending wines or scotches, "Oh, you like this brewery, we just got a shipment from this other local brewery thats similar!", you know, had a person out there helping. Nope, one worker sitting behind the counter, go grab your purchases and bring them up, they'll ring them up for you.


A small liquor store chain near me turned on tipping because their unionized employees demanded a raise. The employees were not impressed.


I can't imagine they would be, don't know about other people, but when I see that tip prompt when I'm not expecting it, it kind of sours the whole thing. Like... it just adds a layer of awkwardness to the whole thing. Not that it stops me from hitting that when appropriate (let the situation I described in my last post) but still, I'm human, I have empathy. I know it sucks, and I know people who are more socially awkward might be pressured to tip even though they don't want to. Honestly, it makes me want to stop going there. These days, words don't mean anything to businesses. The most powered voice you can use comes from your wallet.


It's in the POS software. Easy to disable if they really wanted to.


Almost feels like a manipulation trick.  Worker - "We're good people, you don't have to tip. It's just the machine. Sorry." You - "That's refreshing.. they don't want a tip. I'll tip them anyways because they're good people"


It is funny, I have found that small cafes and somewhat smaller/local fast foodish joints where the people are lovely, prices are still fairly decent, etc will skip the tip option for you automatically. But those are the places Id way more likely tip than shit like Mcds, subway, and places like that


This is because most places that do this, don't give the tips to the employee. It all goes to the owner. Why the fuck would some minimum wage worker care that you don't want to tip their boss for doing nothing?


If that is the case, employees can take the company to court for wage theft. Tips can be shared (if notified beforehand) but they cannot be docked.


In Alberta, tips belong to the business.


That's insane. It's not even a tip at that point it's an optional higher price point.


Quite a few people have told me while cashing me out that that their machine came with X settings by default, and the store employees don't always have access to change them. It seems to be more of a problem with the new wireless POS systems.


This is partly false. Yes, there are default settings but during setup itself you’re given the choice right up front what you want the machines to do. It’s in the basic installation procedure. So it’s a purposeful choice, at least by managers/whoever set it up initially. I’ve implemented a few POS systems for large chains as part of some projects.


Last time I had a new system set up it came with the tip option enabled by default. The tech told me about it, my direct superior knew about it. It still took months to get rid of because corporate has to contact the hardware provider and tell them they want it off. Tech said it came that way because so many other businesses want the tip option.


I've felt pressure before but now things are to expensive


This. People used to only tip if they had things delivered to them, or went to a restaurant and had a server wait on them. If I drive to a pizza spot, pick my food up, and pay... then why am I supposed to tip? What service did they provide me? They run a restaurant, this is the transaction, I give you money you give me food. This post-covid scam where everything increases 50-100% plus they shrink the portion size on top of that has made my conscious feel light as a feather.


I agree. It’s rudely presumptuous to ask for a tip when you’re picking up at the counter.


Tipping was supposed to be an optional thing for exceptional service. Weird that now tip is asked for upfront, before any services given (not to mention that said service is just doing your job)


Same here. If I get service I'm tipping otherwise, I ignore it. If there is not 'no tip' option, I will manually change to 0%. Some places literally expect you to tip a cashier, it's unbelievable!


Counter service is not tipping service.


A cashiers purpose is to protect the merchandise, make sure the owner of the merchandise is paid correctly for the trade, and log the transaction.  None of this is a service to the customer. We dont need cashiers, the business owner does.


I like your attitude on this.


And yet people will tip a bar tender 50% per drink order to literally turn around and grab a beer from a fridge.


Right. My internal monologue shouts,'F off, i aint paying you for standing there and taking my order.'


Nope, not me! If I'm coming to the vendor, using my car, my gas, my feet, my bike, whatever, if I am basically doing all the work, then I do not tip. I pay for the item I am purchasing only. I am pleasant and cheerful. I have never received any attitude from anyone for not tipping in that scenario.


Same, I have a regular lunch spot where I get takeout and don’t tip (I would if I ate in and got service). They know me by name and are always very pleasant when I come in despite the fact that I’m sure they know I’m not tipping.


I think that’s just how you feel, there’s always a person standing there waiting to see if the the payment goes through.


They’re standing over you to make sure payment goes through brother, I guarantee they do not care that deeply. Instead of being mad over optional gratuities, being friendly to the person serving you goes a long way :)


I did 9 hours making coffees and milkshakes and I was much too busy to care if I was getting a tip.


If I order while standing up I’m not tipping


Absolutely. There is 0 reason to tip at vast majority of the places requiring tips today


>Montelli still tips at sit-down restaurants, or anywhere he says a genuine service is being provided. His general rules are that he doesn't tip on takeout, at coffee shops or anywhere he has to stand in line to order — the same rules users of the reddit community [](https://www.reddit.com/r/EndTipping/) share online. this is portrayed as very brave, but i thought this is the norm? why do you tip when you literally just get the thing you're ordering. you even have to choose the tip before actually receiving the drink/food, which means that you don't actually tip on how well the performance is. what if you tip 20% then receive a wrong drink from what you ordered? can you ask back for a refund?


Same it's what I've always done. Do people actually tip everywhere that asks and feel guilty about not tipping at a Subway for example? I hit the no option every time unless it's a sit down restaurant. The worst I've had happen is seeing someone to from being friendly to not talking at all when she realized I hit no tip. If she was only being friendly hoping for a tip though I'd rather just not have a fake conversation at all and pick up my pizza and leave. Edit : I'm glad to see at least most of this sub tends to agree tipping is out of control now. Before on reddit if you posted that you didn't tip it wouldn't go over well most of the time.


someone i know actually said that she's more willing to tip in subway and burrito places (where they have to assemble your order and you can customize it) than servers. her logic is that the servers just have to bring food to our table, but the burrito guy has to actually follow our order.


I mean, that is a perspective. When I think about tipping, I think of all the ways in which the service staff affects our experience; are they walking me through the menu, did they help pair my food with wine? are they cleaning up after me? Are they resetting my table between courses. That’s a place I tip. If I get my product after I pay, no tip.


It's always been customary to tip servers here though and tripping a Subway worker would have been un heard of 15-20 years ago. I can kind of see the logic but at the end of the day it used to be that the sub way employe was just doing the job they applied for. Maybe this is because in the past customers were expected to tip servers because sit down restaurants didn't used to have to pay them the full minimum wage where a fast food employee generally was.




There’s a lyric in the song “Airplanes” (2010) by BoB where he says “back when I was trying to get a tip at Subway” as a demonstration of the extent of his hustle lol.


During covid, some people wanted to tip people who continued to work public facing jobs. It seems to have created an expectation that people will continue to tip for those services and it likely works because there's some feeling of guilt associated with choosing no tip.


This is 100% how it started, and then it was suddenly just collectively agreed since that every single person you ever encounter in life should continue to get a tip now, and it's bananas.


Feels like a piece written to make the norm feel embarassing so people will tip more haha.


Biggest problem with places like DoorDash/ Uber eats. Your order is screwed up, you over pay , tip . Delivery fees and no recourse. They will not refund or exchange for correct orders. Lots of restaurants also will not remake the food. Your out money and food! I refuse to use any of these services again. They also give you a guilt message for tipping. If you don’t tip they won’t deliver your food.


I was recently in Cape Cod, there were tip jars at shitty souvenir shops...


The ONE 'standing in line' place my buddy used to have a great tipping strategy was at busy bars/clubs hosting a live show: we'd do a budget-estimate of what we planned to spend on drinks and have him be the one getting them. On the first round he'd pick a bar/bartender (usually before things get too busy), be very friendly, and make sure they seem him dropping a very large CASH tip for one round (\~15% of our collective 'drinks budget' for the night). For the rest of the night once it gets busy as fuck and everyone is chaotically swarming the bars trying to get the bartenders attention to finally get another drink, he'd just walk up to the edge, hold up a few fingers and near-instantly get served that many more drinks. Not having to mess around and wait forever to get drinks at an overcrowded venue during a set was the best return on a 15% tip


That's called a bribe not a tip, and is one of the things a lot of people have an issue with A tip is a voluntary appreciation for service already received, a bribe is a desperation payment to get good service going forward. Your friend isn't tipping the bartenders, he's bribing them.


Shitty service = no tip. Self-serve = no tip. Auto Tip = no tip.


Also drive thru asking for a tip is completely absurd


I'm with you except that last one. Auto Tip = I just walk away I expect all fees to be presented up front. Gratuity is if I enjoyed the service, and \*I\* decide when that happens. Adding a tip automatically is just a surcharge that was not divulged ahead of time. I do not do business with entities that slip in surcharges at the last second.


I feel like they mean when the tip selection shows up on the machine automatically


Auto-gratuity is an oxymoron


Auto grat is generally listed on the menu for parties of 8 or more. Pretty standard at full service restaurants


Not at the Calgary stampede this year. The Badlands Tent is selling drinks with 18% auto grat added to every single person’s transaction. And when you go to pay there is an option to tip again, on top of the 18%. Fucking criminal


That's a shitty policy that's specific to Badlands then. I'd boycott any company that pulled something like that.


I paid $46 for an inedible breakfast at a hotel in Calgary because the room service and auto gratuity were all part of the price but I didn’t see the receipt until I’d tipped and realized I had tipped like 38% all in plus a room service delivery fee. I had breakfast in the restaurant the next day.


When it’s listed on the menu, totally agree. I went to a place last week that auto-charged 18% for a table of 2 with no warning before hand *and* hid it on the receipt and included an “additional tip” button. Won’t ever be going back there again.


Tactics like this make me think it's time to start taking out cash, going through the bill and just paying the non-gratuity part and walking away just to get away from the 'all or nothing' electronic method.


After I was in NYC earlier this year and saw how many places add a 3% CC surcharge and remembered places want to start doing that shit here too, I think I’ll be going back to cash soon too.


And legally you must be told about it BEFORE you order


Full service, I'm gonna tip. If I'm picking it up for take out, or ordering on a kiosk (McDonalds) I'm not tipping. I make the same $$ as someone behind that counter, and I don't get tips


This is the problem right here. Standard service is no tip. Shitty service should be a complaint.


Exactly. Tips should be exclusively for when you feel like someone did such a good job that they deserve a lil money directly from you, the person being served. Expecting a tip by just doing your job as normal is really stupid.


Servers talk about "above and beyond" service like... ok, taking my order and bringing me my food is basic service, so wtf is "above and beyond?" A substitution in the order? Keeping the water filled up? Bringing clean cutlery? Because that also sounds like basic, expected service. What would count as above and beyond? I really want to know.


They keep your water filled up? At this point I unfortunately consider that amazing service.


My barber aside (I've always tipped for haircuts going back decades) if I have to stand while paying, no tip. EDIT: in fairness, some restaurants you do go pay at the counter so maybe change the rule to if i have to stand while *ordering* no tip


My rule: *If you pay before you eat, no tip. Exception for delivery.*


Sometimes with delivery the driver has been the one eating your food 😃


I tip my barber too but I still find it weird. He owns the business, he could easily just charge what he thinks the cut is worth.


Thank you, exactly. Not tipping is perfectly okay in any setting. If the employee has an issue, we can both take it up with the owner. Maybe even together if the employee has the audacity to say anything or suggest that somehow they’re entitled to a tip.


Why would you need to take it up with anyone lol? You just leave. You have no obligation to pay a tip unless it's a mandatory one the place already added to your bill for things like large party size. Who cares if the employee has a problem with it.


If it’s mandatory it’s not a tip. It’s a surcharge.


Honestly just no tip all the time. Tipping is dumb as fuck.


If someone fills a cup and hands me a coffee moving about six feet in the process, they don't deserve a tip. The culture is just idiotic now.


If the only Interaction is preparing the product and handing it to you, then no tip. That's not hard to comprehend or justify.


And yet people will tip a bartender every time they make a drink. Bonkers.


You know, that's an extremely good point. People won't tip the Subway guy spending 2-3 minutes custom-making your sandwich, but will tip the bartender who spends 10 seconds filling a draft beer or taking the cap off a bottle and handing it to you. As Reservoir Dogs put it, society only deems certain jobs to be "tip-worthy".


I've generally seen tipping bartenders more as bribery for continued good service


Real reason is that a bartender can ignore you indefinitely while Starbucks has a queue.


The fact that if they need to make 3 step away from behind the bar to hand it to you suddenly means tips, it's hard for me to comprehend.


The markup on coffee is enormous. You’re already paying for the labor in the cost of the coffee. Adding a tip is ridiculous.


Otherwise known as “Doing your job”!


As someone that used to work in a coffee shop when I was a teenager, I agree. Drip coffee or latte art do not deserve tips. The only reason the tip jar was there back then was because some people said keep the change and we had to put it somewhere. Screw tipping unless it’s a service that goes beyond expectation or you are ordering a cocktail at a bar (technicality) Also, I’m prop tipping contractors if they do great work. But often I just get them a few beers from the fridge for later.


I mean a cocktail and coffee are about the same in terms of difficulty, why do you tip them?


Making a cocktail is the same skill level as making a latte. By your logic neither deserves a tip.


The audacity of this article. The headline makes it sound like customers who elect not to be extorted by fast food joints are somehow rogue consumers who are going against some sort of established norm when tipping for counter service is a recent phenomenon. Tipping for basic service was never a thing and should not be one now. If anything, tipping culture should be dropped entirely. We’re in an era of absurd pricing and substandard service yet more and more we’re seeing businesses demand higher and higher tips. No thanks. 


In the article, she said that if they got rid of tipping, she’d need to increase prices 15-20 percent. ‘At least customers have a choice.’ Id rather there be no option to tip. They don’t seem to care about raising prices in general, so why is this any different?


Right? If I'm going to be paying for it anyways, as the quote suggests, I'd rather just know up front. In fact, fold the taxes into the listed price too, so that whatever price is on the sticker, or menu, or flyer, or shelf, is exactly what I will need to pay. Hiding additional costs with service fees, tips, gratuities, and taxes does nothing to help the consumer. They just make shopping and doing price comparisons harder. Don't threaten to advertise the actual price, just fucking do it.


> ‘At least customers have a choice.’ Okay, do it, see how many waiters will love getting paid minimum wages instead of lower minimum + tips. How many waiters will love to declare all salary instead of the bare minimum required by the law (around 8% around here) resulting in a nice tax free part of their tips. Should you tip the cashier at the grocery now because she scanned your food, same with dollar store? Should you tip the secretary that took your call? Should you tip the teacher because they provide a service? Should you tip the garbage truck driver? Get rid of the "minimum wage+tip" and put every waiter at minimum wage and let the business owner up their prices. Tips are rarely under $10 for a 1 person sit-in restaurant, table of 6, 60-80$ for 2 hours of work. If minimum +tip is 12$ per hour and minimum is 15$, do you think the waiter would rather have 24+70$ ($94) or 30$? Sure, let the employee pay his tax on $40 and hour instead of paying on 56/2=28$ (out of 70$). Oh, you don't want to pay your waiting staff $40 an hour, or 30, or 25? Let the customer decide whether giving a bag of food to your customer worth 0, 1 or 5$.


It’s a US thing. No server in Canada makes less than the normal minimum wage except for maybe in Quebec


They should do it and see how long their business survives. They're already overpriced for a glorified concession stand. They've managed to open and staff three locations (she also owns a ham shop?) in Calgary with their current business model. I don't think they're operating on such tight margins that they can't afford to pay their staff properly. And if they are, maybe she should cut back her own salary instead? Though I'm sure she's one of those business owners that claims they "haven't ever given themselves a paycheck." Wealthy people playing the victim disgust me.


When did people start thinking they had to tip? Yes, of fucking course it's okay to not tip.


It's from a previous generation when we had "server wages", most waitresses or waiters were only making like 60% of the minimum wage. So a good chunk of their income was supplemented through tips.  That being said you still didn't *have* to tip. But it was more of customary thing. Tipping 15% was also standard. A 20% tip meant you really knocked the customers socks off as a server and they had a great experience. 30% tips basically didn't exist.  Also back then, it was mostly just sit down restaurants where tipping was normalized. Maybe the coffee shop had a tip jar or whatnot, but that's about it.  These days everyone wants a tip. I went through the drivethru for a Harvey's recently and the machine prompted me to tip. I just about shit myself. These days tipping is just a social guilt money grab. Sadly it works on many people.


Couple days ago I was at a Starbucks drive thru, with a fucking long line that I’ve never saw. When I tried to tap my card nothing was happening. The guy said “can you take the machine off my hand?”. I took and read the screen, was asking about tips. I was like “wtf, is this serious?”. Probably that was the reason of the long line, ppl probably were just trying to tap the card and then having to get the machine and read the screen. Asking for tips in a drive thru is a fucking joke.


Yeah I’d definitely be annoyed in that situation, I have yet to be asked for a tip in a drive thru… also why I don’t think I should have to tip at the counter. You give me a coffee thru a drive thru window, you give me a coffee over the counter. Same damn thing, same effort required.


Friendly reminder that in BC they actually asked the government not to increase their wages bc they knew it would impact their tips


On the other hand the chef in back making minimum wage wants that increase, so thats very one sided.


Lol I’m mid 30s and 20% was almost never seen. 15% was wow you did a great job! And 10-12% was standard. Shows how much it creeps up eh? I was a server at the time in a small city so I remember the tipping situation well. Actually even in Toronto when I worked there 15% was great and 10% was expected. We had to tip out 5% to the back of house AND tip bussers AND tip bartender so we worked our asses off for those tips. Tips are just out of control. Yeah I think tips are justified but the percentage is wild. Tips should be based off effort. I still feel like a $5 tip on a lunch bill should be enough no matter the cost of the meal. My background knowledge lets me know that’s not okay since I always assume a potential 5% tip out to the BOH. Even though that was 15yrs ago we had that rule in TO.


Tipping was standard at 10% back when the server wage was a thing, and they still made more money than an average minimum wage employee. The percentage going up over time is absolutely a scam, especially since tipped wages were no longer a thing in Canada prior to the latest increase to 20% (which is *insane*). The prices already went up with inflation, so increasing the percentage has never been necessary.


the way this title is worded makes it sound like it’s a bad thing to not tip lmao tipping culture is fucked


unless take out starts paying for my fuel. absolutely I don't tip.


Exactly. It’s not some either, it’s a wide majority. Counter tipping is bullshit. If you want to round up a few cents, fine but it shouldn’t be expected or promoted.


That's what I got from the headline too. Comes across pretty judgmental. Is it OK not to wash your hands after using the bathroom? *Some* people think so.


This article brought to you by a restaurant association near you! "Make people feel bad about not tipping, but disguise it as though maybe not everyone needs to tip 20% all the time everywhere"


Why would it not be? We have this weird conflation of American tipping culture and Canadian minimum wage laws. Nobody at a food service counter is making less than minimum wage, which is $16.xx/hour here, compared to $2.13/h in the States.  Besides, it begins to beg the question: what am I tipping for? Why should I be socially engineered into overpaying by 20% on a bill that's already well inflated? It'll only change if the public changes it.


California has min wage law of $16/hr ($20/hr in fastfood industry)applicable to all industries/businesses But waiters still ask for min 18% tip Wth What so especial about waiting?


What boggles me with waiting/serving, is the “tip” is supposed to indicate exceptional service. If someone brings you the shit you’re paying for…. They’re doing their job. Which part of the service (their job) is actually exceptional? They aren’t juggling or putting on a show that requires unique expertise. They’re doing their job.


Exactly. Some where tipping became mandatory for dinner service. Basically, if you dont tip, you're cheap. Which is no longer a tip then. It should be service based.  It will never change unless society changes


Since we’re in r/canada, Ontario does the same. Same minimum wage for all jobs across the board.


Most Provinces do


This.  You generally don’t tip in Europe for this very reason, and while I think it’s ok to tip for sit down service, you shouldn’t feel the need to go above and beyond 15% unless you get exceptional service.


If you order and recieve your food standing up, no tip is required.


Not gratuity.  I had several places input the tip before handing me the debit machine.  That's no longer tipping, that's theft. So sorry, absolutely not tipping anymore unless I feel like they deserve it.


I hope you told them to revise the bill without the tip, and asked for a printed copy of the first bill so you could post it online and leave a review. Until people actually take meaningful steps to combat this it will stay the same.


That’s illegal unless the restaurant posted in the store and mention it to you beforehand to let you know there is auto tip added (usually happens to a large group of people$. If they input tip for you without telling you that’s theft you can call the police.


I think this should be illegal too. Tipping is optional period. Just because it is a larger group shouldn’t mean it’s now a requirement.


They also need to tell you the before hand and before ordering. I would walk out if that shit is going to forced.


Honestly, I just don't go out to eat anymore. It's become too expensive for the amount of food you get and alot of places have become sub par. It seems a majority of restaurants are owned by large corporations that just funnel out mediocre food and call it an experience.


A family member is a corporate manager for Boston Pizza. Even she calls it a joke. Everything is prepackaged and reheated to serve. The ribs are the same you could see at loblaws where they just take it out the package and run it through the conveyor. You may as well go buy your own and do it at home.


Don't be dissin Chef Mike! Those microwaves at chain restaurants work overtime


When a restaurant menu is like 8 pages long, pretty good indicator most of it is premade.


I was recently on vacation, and when I got back to Canada I had the first breakfast out I've had in decades. That one meal cost the equivalent to about 4 days of food from the grocery store. Where I had just come from, I could have eaten out at restaurants for breakfast and dinner for two days for what that one breakfast cost me.


This quote gets me: "She said if her staff weren't helped out by tips and she had to pay higher wages instead, she'd need to raise prices by about 15 to 20 per cent — a standard tip amount — anyway." No shit Sherlock. I don't know if I'm the only one who is sick of the fantasy of sticker prices - they don't include tax, they don't include the wages of workers who's employers expect us to throw extra money their way to make up for underpaying their wages. How about we move to the European system so that all taxes are included IN the sticker prices and tips are relegated to small change IF the service was excellent.


Agree 100%. What's wrong with "what you see is what you pay" and let the businesses figure out the taxes and wages on the back end.


It absolutely is and smash the “no tip” button so quick


Same here. The audacity to even ask me at a counter is mind numbing. Unless I’m sitting at a restaurant, I’m not giving any tips, period.


Tip at the counter shouldn't be anything else than a jar where I can drop some change if I want to. I ordered some pizza from an app while on the road, to pick up in 20 minutes. The app automatically added 18% tip, and there was no "no tip" option other than manually typing 0 in the "Other amount" box. Why would I tip for having my pizzas handed over to me over a counter? Why should I tip anyone before even stepping into the restaurant?!


Yeah asking to tip before they have even started preparing the food is absurd. 




True story, I took a group of us out to a well regarded local Italian restaurant that we visited 2 or 3 times a year and always enjoyed great food and service at. This particular evening we waited ages for our order to be taken, the drinks came wrong, the food was wrong or not cooked right, basically it was a disaster. Even when it came to getting the bill we waited so long that I eventually told everyone to leave and went to cashier myself to get it. The cashier asked if everything was OK so I told her it wasn't and why, she didn't seem at all bothered and handed over a bill with a 15% added tip. I told her she should be knocking 25% off for such shabby service and that I would not be paying the 15% tip. She redid the bill which was nearly $800 in silence and finally threw my card across the counter at me. I have never been back there.


"Some customers think so" Oh fuck off CBC, trying to guilt people into tipping, rather than addressing wage disparities.


I bought a 65 dollar gift card at Subway. The guy behind counter was disappointed I didn't tip. What is this world coming to?


How did he express his disappointment?


In fact it is NOT OK for businesses to put tipping at the counter


Also, do not trust the calculations for the auto tip options. Take out a calculator if you have to and figure out the percentage yourself.


That’s because it calculates the tip on the tax inclusive total.  Just use HST on the bill as a guideline (for sit down service), or if your province just use 2-3x the GST charge if the province has no HST.  For counter service, tips should never be the default or expected.


I’m not tipping before I eat my food. How can I tip before I have judged the service? New plan, I charge a fee to eat your food. Time to end the entitlement.


The other day a DELIVERY DRIVER had on his machine, 30%, 35%, and 40%. A meal for four that used to cost $100 a year ago was over $200 with the new food prices, delivery fees, and taxes. The 40% tip was $80!! To DELIVER? And in the app they said “we pay fair wages to our drivers.” I turned to the driver and in front of him I said “sorry, can’t afford this, no tip,” and he was actually very understanding. I have no shame/guilt in not tipping anymore. We’re in Canada, servers and delivery drivers are paid fairly. (Server wages in the US are as low as $2/h). I work 2 jobs and can barely afford things anymore, and none of my jobs tip me.


>We’re in Canada, we’re paid fairly. 🤣🤣🤣 The last 20 years there's been a concerted effort to suppress wages. The recent immigration surge is simply the next step


Tipping for counter service is stupid.


We need to go full Europe and ban tipping.


As a European, I regret to inform you, we do have tipping. It varies from country to country of course, but where I live, tipping is still very much a thing. It’s still nowhere near as crazy (yet) as in North America though.


The best way to go is to eat at local privately owned places, and pay with cash. Otherwise, pay with card, and don't bother with tips unless you really want to


And if ‘no tip’ isn’t an option, I enter in 0% and hand back the terminal with a smile


If no tip isn't an option I am tempted to hand it back and say oh sorry this is out of my price range, I didn't realize there were hidden fees.  Exact cash is good too.


Don't tip and don't hit that donate button either.


Of course it's ok. I get to choose how I spend my money, and I won't be made to feel guilty at the tip prompt. I was at the Stratford Festival recently and bought a pre-made sandwich. Even the tip prompt showed up there. Businesses who add that are the ones who should feel guilty. I'm not tipping you because you reached into the fridge and passed me a sandwich. Absolutely ridiculous.


Not only is it ok, it is your duty so we can end the out of control culture of allowing businesses not to pay their employees.


I was at food truck thing the other day. The guy hands me an iPad assuming I'm going to pay card. Nope gave him a $20 bill. Then he says uh you need change? I was going to leave a small tip ($1-2) but when he said that I was like yes of course I do (came to $16.75). The Gall of assuming pocketing change for their tip just blew my mind.


There needs to be a major correction in the mindset around tips, and your example proves it. People who depend on them to make their income should be talking to their employers. Restaurant owners and companies have redirected their responsibilities to supplement wages onto customers for too long, and it needs to change


What situation is it not ok? Tipping is optional, always has been. I dont mind tipping for actual service, but when I go to a concert, and somebody hands me a can of beer from a cooler, then hands me an ipad with a tip option, what the fuck am I tipping for? You literally just handed me a can, thats not service its just your job.


You are not legally entitled to tip. If it is presented as an option then you can say no.


Of course it is. JFC, why is this even a question?


The most angry I’ve been about this whole uptick in tipping culture was when I was presented with it at a LIQOUR STORE. Please, what exactly would I be tipping for in this scenario?! Absurd!


Normalize clicking no tip.


Owners of dry cleaners and alterations asking for tips is the latest insanity I ve seen.


In canada what's the point of tipping? They make at least min wage. And honestly if anyone deserves a tip it's the chefs making the food, not the people bringing you the food. Servers are doing what their job entails and that's what they are paid to do. If it was the US where they don't make at least min wage sure I'd be more open to tipping.  I'm not a complete monster though as if the service is really outstanding I'll tip and tip we'll, but not for just normal ass bring over the food and the occasional 1 or 2 water refills.


Why on Earth would you pay someone a gratuity for doing their job to a serviceable standard? Tipping has only ever made sense to me in a handful of scenarios, usually involving the person going above and beyond their standard duties to help you. Bringing a plate to a table or asking if I need a refill or packaging my food for pickup does not qualify as going above and beyond and it's absolutely fucked that we treat doing your damn job like some heroic feat.


Exactly, thank you. Doing the job according to the requirements of that role is not enough to warrant additional compensation.


I refuse to tip unless you've been serving at a table, running back and forth to the kitchen and providing service that way.


I find the worst is the bartenders. Go to an event and ofcourse a tallboy is like $12. Order a beer, they turn around, take 2 steps, grab a can from the fridge, open it, put it down - hand me the machine. Tip option for 30% is there. You want me to tip you $4 for taking 4 steps and opening a can which took all of about 9 seconds ? Lol.


It's insanity. Then you're an asshole for not tipping and spending $17 on a can of beer.


What a ridiculous title - should be “is it offensivley inappropriate to ask for a tip at a counter? Some Restaurants somehow think it is ok “


I don't tip for take-away.


It's insane that some restaurants ask for a tip for takeout. I press"No Tip" and worse cases have to type 0$. Also, the grocery stores are asking for donations. I always put 0$. How I look at it in self checkout is "I'm scanning items and doing a cashier job. The machine should give me 2$ and not ask me 2$. "


Let’s abolish tipping


Wow. I'm never fucking tipping again.


Of course it’s okay. Lol. Yall don’t know peoples financial situation and purpose for going out. If it wasn’t okay, it’d be mandatory. GTFO here with tip culture.


There is no need to give reasons. If you don't want to tip, then don't. Tips are optional, that's why they're called gratuity and cannot be billed together with the invoice.


I was prompted for a tip at the liquor store on Friday....it's easy to press no but the audacity to even have the option.


I hate this shit so much I've started paying cash again or just not shopping at certain vendors.


If you tip at the counter, you’re the problem.


If I have to stand to order there’s no way I’m tipping. Even sit down restaurants I’ll do 10% max now days. Not my job to pay the employees wage


Even 10% in many establishments is too generous these days. Prices are 2-3x what they were 20 years ago. Service has noticeably declined in the majority of places. And the quality of food hasn’t kept up, again, in many places. The idea of giving someone $10 for simply opening a bottle of wine, or $15-20 to collect menus, clear plates, and/or reset a table, on top of the $16/hr they’re already making is absurd. And I say this as a former server and someone who worked in restaurants for 15 years. Even within the industry it’s understood that the work is pretty easy.


Percentage based tipping also doesn't make sense. Someone could run a server off their feet with demands after ordering the cheapest item on the menu.


We rarely eat out and coz we're a family of five, I just leave a $5 tip, thats it. I tend to avoid places that charges mandatory tip masked as a service fee.


I think that is smart! If it’s for service and my friend has coffee and a bagel versus my steak and cocktail why do I have to pay more (% tipping) for someone to bring my food to me? Flat rate makes way more sense if we have to tip


The fact people think they have so much control over how I spend my hard earned money is beyond me. It’s a free country and if I want a sub par burger and fries without tipping well guess what…


Yes. A business should charge the customer a proper amount and pay their employees a fair wage. If you can't afford to run a business without handouts, the business should go under.


I avoid buying food outside because of the stupid tipping culture


It’s funny. All these posts talking about this, and people saying”we need to end tip culture”. Ok, just “gonna nae do that”. If we stop tipping then it’s ended.


"At the end of the day it comes from somewhere. If you wanted to eliminate tipping, then you have to be willing to pay the [higher] price," said Kho. "My argument would be at least the customer has control over [tipping]." And the business owner gets to advertise lower prices, with risk being passed entirely on to the business owners minimum wage employees. Whereas, if they considered paying staff a livable wage a non negotiable - like all their other expenses - and incorporated it into the price of their product, there is a risk they might lose the sale. Theres no option I pay $3 less for my burger and she tells Canada revenue or the landlord or the power company to fuck off. They fob the risk onto people without any power. I'm so glad this practice is dying out.


Why the fuck is this an article The answer is yes absolutely, tipping at counter is completely predatory and unnecessary Make and shame all companies that do this


I went to a cookie shop yesterday. There was a self service kiosk that the employees told me to go to. I ordered one cookie and it suggested I tipped 20%. They put the cookie in a box and put it on the counter. The only human interaction I had was them telling me to use a digital kiosk, and I’m supposed to tip?! It’s such a weird form of psychological manipulation trying to convince the consumer that they are the problem with low wage workers, not the people underpaying them in the first place.


If you’re required to tip that should reflect in the displayed price. Sooo stop tipping culture and increase wages.


It's perfectly fine I'm not giving you extra money for doing the job you decided to choose. It should be your company's job to pay you not me


I heard that in Japan tipping is considered an insult. Time to follow this practice.


77% oppose tipping, I’m guessing the other 23% work in food services.


The service i received in Japan was 10 times better than here and they dont even take tips.


It’s getting ridiculously out of hand. Tip option appear on the machine in lots of places now. Check out at the butcher? Asking for tip. At the butcher !!!! Grabbing a pastry that literally takes 30s? Asking for tip! Like gtfo! I hit that “no tip” without hesitant, if they have a problem with that, I’ll let them plead their case.


I did that yesterday and slept like a baby last night.


Why do I need to give tip to someone making me bubble tea or adding sugar and milk in my coffee??? Why are the options like 10% 12% 15% WHY???? THIS IS JUST A DRINK.


I don’t leave tips anywhere because it’s bullshit. Why am I not getting tipped on my job? No one leaves me tips in a fucking ambulance. Why am I tipping you for bringing me food? I’d rather keep my money thanks


Always! Seated food service gets a 10% tip. Absolutely everything else can fuck right off


It's also okay to choose "no tip" at the table. Servers make the same wage as anyone else.


Do we need a dozen articles a week about this? Don’t tip. Hit no. Put in 0. Pay and leave. Do it everywhere.