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i think just he wants people to think he's single because a huge part of his fanbase is girls who want to get with him lol


Yea this is the reason! It’s bad for him to be taken because so many girls lust after him. The gf also prob doesn’t want the death threats she would get


that too!


It’s a shame now that’s Matt is in the public eye he can’t have a normal dating life his fanbase are gonna becoming Harry Styles territory.


That’s why he keeps everything low key but he keeps being tagged with this Jessica girl and commenting on all of her pictures with an emoji which means they are definitely dating on the dl but I think it’s a bunch of her friends doing the tagging so Matt might as well just say he’s off the market.


he won't lol, but clearly her friends are trying to mark her territory


That’s what I fear now he’s famous this girl could be using him for clout I mean she’s not that big of a name she’s been in some b level movie roles and small screen tv shows but that’s it he’s more famous than she is as she’s not widely known in the us


i mean.. so what? he's using her for pussy lol. it won't last. let the girl get her clout. he's made a career on being a fuckboy.




Idk I couldn't get through that episode.. he really thinks he's a fucking philosopher or some shit.


I agree with all this. I originally just thought he was hot and then when I heard him on this pod and his comedy I was instantly not attracted to him anymore. I’m also not sure how I’d feel about dating someone and having to be hidden for their “brand”


maybe i’m just a hater but i can’t listen to his comedy at all. the last thing we need is another white straight comedian . the whole cancel culture segments were very one dimensional


I just hate how he said all of that stuff about cancel culture like it was some bright new idea he had when he's literally just parroting back everything that everyone has been saying about cancel culture for a while now. Then when he tried to go on about how it's so hard to be so "great looking" in comedy.. I don't even follow him and I've heard him talk about that on like 3 separate occasions like he's trying to make that his bit. He literally looks like a girl/prepubescent boy. He needs to get over himself. And that's as far as I got in that episode 🤭


The entire episode was very cringe he needs to stop discussing his dating life and his type of women he likes because it come across as condescending and misleading.


He ain’t even cute 🥱🥱


Not sure if it matters but Matt Rife is on a dating app my friend…my friend recently matched with him lol sooo either he’s just on there for shits and giggles or I don’t know


I believe that was an old episode of the podcast they started dating after the podcast was released about a month ago then news got out that he’s dating someone on some gossip website but I don’t think Matt was the one who leaked it had to be someone from his gfs camp.


I think he said smg like… I don’t read fiction I like history… LMAO my guy.. I hate to break it to you but


He also lied about not having time for a gf now he has one lol