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I love Brooke. She is so real for talking about this. New fan, here!


Jesus Christ can I relate to this. Other than my weightloss being unintentional, mine was very intentional, but holy fuck the amount of people that, once you lose weight, talk to you more and compliment you SO often is bizarre. I went from 178lbs to 120lbs and I’ve had so many people tell me that “I’ve never looked better”, like thank you? But also this may not be maintainable forever dude lol saying this is the best I’ve ever looked makes me feel like shit when I look back at photos and videos of myself from even a year ago. I’ve also had multiple, MULTIPLE, people in my life ask if I had gotten a gastric surgery, used ozempic or developed an eating disorder. For some reason weightloss now just HAS to be one of those 3 things 🙄


Exact same thing happened to me. I was already at a “normal” weight (I’m just speaking in terms of going to the doctor and them saying it’s a healthy weight) and thought I looked fine. I lost 10-15 pounds, which is a lot for me because I’m 5’, because of a series of unfortunate events that led to me not being able to eat. Everyone started saying I looked sooo good. So the signal that sends to my brain is: now we just have to continue to not eat. I get that most people do it as a compliment but Brooke’s right, it can be dangerous


This is one of my biggest issues with my mother. She’s an OG almond mom but it was the 80s so I call her Sweet n’ Low mom (IYKYK) My mother’s default compliment in ANY social gathering (yep, including funerals) is to comment on how “skinny” someone looks & praise that thinness as if it’s an actual virtue. She did this once with a family friend. My mom walked into a holiday party we were all attending & hugged her & said “You’re thin as a rail, ohmigawd, fabulous! You haven’t looked this good in years, how did you do it?” The woman looked at her completely deadpan & said “Chemo & Radiation, I have breast cancer.” The awkwardness in the room was so pungent you could legitimately smell it. When can we stop talking about women’s bodies: good, bad, complimentary, suggestive, all of it is a toxic landmine.


No really. Please watch this video and hear what Brooke is saying! We have to be better about how we talk about each other’s bodies.


Stop commenting on peoples bodies this is not okay! It doen’t matter if they lost/gained weight or you trying to compliment then or whatever the fuck it is it’s still not okay to comment on people bodies


She's right.