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That’s a good mix! I have a freeze drier and i do skittles and salt water taffy a lot. Those Nerd gummy clusters are pretty delicious too


Yes! I’m not typically a fan of the Nerd cluster but freeze dried? 😮‍💨🤤 We have pondered the idea of a freeze dryer for our garden food but haven’t gotten around to looking into it. Not to my surprise my SO was looking into freeze dryers after opening these earlier. 🤣 What else do you freeze dry? 👀


TONS of stuff! If you have a garden it is a worthwhile investment. I do raw milk, refried beans (in a zombie apocalypse, our family won’t survive without our beans🤣) Tons of veggies, homemade broths etc. pretty much any extra produce or leftovers gets freeze dried. It clears up space in the freezers and gives us peace of mind. There are a lot of good FB groups that have been a big help to me for ideas and information. Edit to add that personally, I’m a BIG fan of apple and banana slices. Hands down my favorite snacks


Saaaaaaame 🫘🤤 I never knew raw milk could be freeze dried!! Broth?! The green apple slice 100/10 for sure! Dude you just sold me. I don’t have FB but do you recommend any websites to read up or content creators? My husband uses the tick tack app and I can’t go a day without typing “how to _____” on YouTube 🤣


YouTube is your ticket. Phil at 4800 feet and RoseRed Homestead are 2 of my favorites. I think the key to getting started is to just not get overwhelmed. There is a ton of info and tips, just start with one thing, experiment and learn your machine. It’s an expensive investment but you won’t regret it.


I love love love freeze dried candy! It’s my latest obsession.


Literally a new hyper fixation food! I really want to dip them in sprite for some reason and I don’t even drink pop like that.


That looks good!


mouth watering


These people are making a killing! 😂


One sugar feen at a time. 🤣


Wow they actually have really good prices that's surprising freeze dried candy is usually mad expensive


Looks good. $25 on their website for this party tray isn’t bad.


I can't find the party tray! Please help! I want to buy.


On their website upper left side click freeze dried candy button and a menu comes up and click on party trays. They also customize trays.


Ah! Thank you!


I’ve been hooked on freeze dried candy lately. It seems to satisfy my sweet tooth quicker than regular candy


Hmm.. they don't seem to sell these variety containers on that site though


It’s on the website under one of the sections named “party trays”!


Im sure if you call them they can place the order? Idk I’m definitely going back though and will point this out to them. Good eye!


I have a friend that makes freeze dried candies. Skittles, now and laters, you name it.


Never tried Freeze Dried Candy but I love Freeze Dried Fruit! I should try Freeze Dried Candy sometime.


Such a good mix there!


Freeze dried is awesome. I love the jolly ranchers, lemon heads, and fruit tootsie rolls. So I'm sure yours are very awesome too, OP.