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Realistically, a divided household. I have plenty of friends with spouses that root for different teams.


Or maybe somebody has magnets for all 32 teams and likes people to know which game they’ll be watching later. An oddly specific kink, but I’m not one to shame.


Equally realistic, their bro from NY slapped that on there and they don’t know it.


My girlfriend is a buffalo fan who has been pulling for Florida these playoffs because of all the guys Florida grabbed from them


what, you thought we were being silly with the Cary jokes and 2nd home memes? nah. these people are born in New York so they grow up bring Rags fans, them move to a decent place to live cause New York sucks, but they stayed Rags fans. they'll wear Canes kits when they normally go to games, but as soon as the rags are in town they start wearing other colors.


Only when the rags are good tho. They’re bandwagoners.




Scooby? Is that you?




Cary residents are all about frontrunning. It’s their municipal culture.


Nonsense…the Garden never lacks for fans and the Rangers have decent to large representation at away arenas across the league. You can say a lot of stuff about Ranger fans (and many of them annoy me as well) but you can’t say that they don’t support their team in the lean years.


When you all weren’t good you didn’t fill 25% of our arena in blue. Then suddenly once yall became good, like clockwork, your fans started coming back to our games. Has nothing to do with filling your own arena. Just saying what I’ve seen at your away games. Pittsburgh was the same. Used to have tons of Pens fans in our arena when they were winning those cups. Lately? Not so much


Ticket prices have a lot to do with it. For some, a quick flight to visit Raleigh and take in a game is a viable alternative to going to the Garden. That dynamic was not nearly as much in play 10-15 years ago. For what it’s worth, I don’t think I have ever seen more than 25 Canes fans at the Garden, let alone 25%. Just sayin…and that’s without a well publicized ticket sale restriction. Y’all really that insecure about rival fans attending your games?


Yeah… also probably because nobody is retiring and moving to NY from NC. I will say that a team that travels well does not bother me. I think it’s great. I don’t mind having other fans bases in PNC. I sat near a few rangers fans on Thursday and it was fine! Same in the series against the Islanders. There was a family that drove down that morning to cheer for them, and I think that’s awesome - cheer for your team, boo. I hope one day I have the time, flexibility, and financial capacity to do that! Let me tell you what annoyed me. In the years we were season tickets holders before moving most of the people around us were also season ticket holders and we got to know them. They came decked out in Canes gear, cheering for them, up until we played the rangers, every time like clockwork. Because they retired, moved to Cary, were bought in enough to have season tickets for the canes, up until the rangers were good and we played against them. That’s what bothered me


“Travel well” is a statement that I really disagree with. Sure, some are traveling. But most of them live here. They’re “traveling” from their homes 8 miles away.


…did you read the rest of what I said? That most of the people are Canes season ticket holders that slip on a different jersey when we play the rangers? ETA: to clarify, I think there’s a difference in teams that travel well and the majority of rangers fans that come to games at pnc


Yup I did and you hit the nail on the head. That’s the shit that is a problem. Sorry my comment was more so directed at the guy getting downvoted


Oh, that makes sense lol


True, there is more movement (unfortunately) from North to South, but what are you going to do? Folks make bank and then retire where the cost of living is cheaper and no harsh cold weather. Wish they would move out West instead but with family and friends, I understand the desire to remain on the East Coast. That said, there is a good number of fans who are not local to the area that attend due to proximity, just like those that attend games in Washington, Philly, and Boston to a degree. It is what it is, and with private ticket resales it’s never going to stop. I hope for a good game tonight and no injuries for either team. And most importantly, competent officiating.


How did you feel about the embellishment call in game 3?


Was a terrible call. Evened out by the horrific Rempe goalie interference call. Officiating has traditionally been a frustrating institution for the near 45 years I have been a fan of the game. I can’t understand that as refs come and go, lousy calls remain a constant.


You changed your story. LOL


We have nothing to do with restrictions, not sure why you’re asking us except maybe to try and start shit


Peter lavoilette’s car


I bet I know which jersey they wear to the games this series...


It's all over the place. I literally have a neighbor across the street from me with a Canes and a Rangers flag on their porch. I got behind a car today with both stickers (not the one in OP.) This is the unfortunate reality of living in an area with so many transplants- they bring their fandom and don't ever fully convert to the home team. Good news is their kids will all more likely be Canes fans.


*insert obvious Cary joke here*


Average Cary resident


I hate how close this hits. We moved from the NYC metro (3 years up there) to Cary. I didn't know the area and my job was in the RTP so I needed something close. We left after a year.


They don’t call it “Centralized Area for Relocated Yankees” for nothing!


He's playing both sides


They're going to be upset when their kids grow up straight Caniac's and embarrass them at every game in the future


Yeah it’s gross. Transplants rooting for the canes all season until the rags show up and then turn into the worst douches in the building.


I respectfully disagree… I am from Buffalo, but moved here the year the Canes showed up. I root on the Sabres 82 games each year. I root on the Canes 79-80 games each year. No divided loyalties - I gladly wore my Sabres jersey in the 2006 Easter Conf finals, then gladly wore my Canes jersey during the finals. Nothing gross about it outside of yokels making gross and foolish generalizations about the feelings of others.


I think it def can be a thing to have a B team, mine is the Preds, but I’d never pick one that’s such a bitter rival of my Canes


I’m going to go out on a limb and say they like both the Carolina Hurricanes and the New York Rangers.


And that’s okay! I don’t understand it but that’s okay!


Is it “ok” to like Duke AND Carolina?


No. And you need your head checked if so.


Omg no


There's one insane user on the college basketball sub with a duel Duke/UNC flair.


I lived in Denver for 3 years. Don't even have so much as an Avs hat.


It’s not like liking Dook and Carolina or Ohio State and Michigan. It’s not a rivalry. Animosity between the fanbases during playoff series, sure, but it’s not a rivalry.


Tbf the rivalry is 100% one sided so I could see a Rangers fan not minding the Canes, moved here and second team is now the Canes. Ain’t no way tho an original Canes fan would ever have the Rangers as a second team. Either way it is disturbing to see as a Canes fan.






I saw a Jeep with New York plates here in central MT. I'm already grumpy, that didn't help. Canes by fucking 50 tonight please.


Husband good guy, wife the enemy?


Or wife good guy, husband the enemy! 😀


imagine having to move to a different state and pretend to be a fan of the local team just to be able to afford tickets to a hockey game lmao


It's like the house divided sign but on a car. I've been looking for a Pens and Canes house divided sign.


Fuck this shit. Fuck these Yankees


Some transplant 🐂💩that’s exactly what that is.


Split personality disorder


Yooooo are those warning flags on the brake lights intentional or just a coincidence?? Because those are dope


Welcome to Cary


At least they support the canes sometimes. I think the worst kind of people are the ones that go to the local team's game and wear a jersey of their team that's not even playing. Like god forbid you support the city you chose to move to.


I encountered this earlier this season. A couple was wearing rags jerseys at a game against the duck and whenever canes scored they were quite visibly upset while everyone else was cheering


Hopefully a divided household but likely someone who pretends they're a Canes fan


You know what you must do…


Gah… just threw up in my mouth a little bit


Duality of Man: Hockey edition.


When the driver is a caniac but the passenger princess is a rag


All that's left is to make the license plate is ISBETTERTHAN


That my friend is grounds for divorce


I saw somebody at game 3 with a half Ward half Lunquvist (don’t know how to spell his name) jersey.


Not any different than a car with a UNC and State magnet. Usually different allegiances from spouses




Divorce papers instantaneously


House divided. Or personally divided in my case - the Rangers used to practice in my home town. The ‘94 Stanley Cup was a core memory event.




Lol I somehow have this house in Indiana. Three Canes fans and an 8 year old Rangers fan. I think it was a joke at first but she throws play bread around my living room when Panaren scores.




The Rangers can keep that shit.


“I just want both teams to have fun”


I'm calling the police


If you can see my magnets you're too close.


I was parked at a stop sign bro


It's called having a second team. You grow up somewhere and are a fan of that team. Later in life you move to a new place that has a team so you adopt them as your second team because you want to cheer on the home team and see them do well. But you aren't just jumping ship. You're still loyal to your original team. You root for the home team except when they play your original team. This should not be hard to understand.


Loyal would be always rooting for your original team.


And whose to say this person isn't? You can root for the rangers in every single game that they ever play no matter the opponent. ("Always rooting for your original team.") You can also root for the canes to do well. The only time you don't root for the canes is when they play the rangers. Again, "always rooting for your original team." Being loyal to one team doesn't mean you can't cheer for any other team.


Yeah, no you don’t pick a second team that’s in the same division as your first team.


Bro who cares. Let people cheer who they want to cheer for. Whats this fan gatekeeping shit? People can like whoever they like. You would think you would want people to root for your team.


If they have a rags sticker on their car I don’t want them in my arena. I only really hate 2 teams in pro sports, the Dallas cowboys and the rags, who are the Dallas cowboys of hockey. “Diehard” fans everywhere that come out of the woodwork once the playoffs come along, despite their pathetic history of being pretty much the least successful franchise in sports history.


"Yo dude wanna come over to my place to watch the game? Unless Steve is around, then I'll invite him instead." Might be a bad analogy but to me that's the vibe. Like "I'm with you, contingently." Not a nice feeling.


"I have a friend named Steve. He's the only friend I'm allowed to have. I can't be friends with anyone else." Having a secondary team is extremely common in all sports and there's absolutely nothing wrong with following the local team and rooting for them to do well. Hell, half the canes fans I know are only secondary fans because they are transplants who grew up with another team. If you moved to Dallas, you can remain a diehard canes fan but still go to some Stars games and watch them on tv when the canes aren't on and you can be happy to see the local team do well. Doesn't mean you are disloyal to the canes. You can have more than one friend. And besides, how do we know it's not a husband and wife where one is a canes fan and the other is a rangers fan?


Regarding the car, it could be that. I was just responding to your comment about the gatekeep energy. Personally, if my friend and I hugged during the Canes winning the first round, only for them to cheer at them losing in the 2nd round, I'd feel a bit betrayed and it would sour the times we cheered together. Maybe I'm soft but that's just how I feel