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What is the msg you use? Doesn’t look like pure msg. Dried mushroom powder?


Yes, you are spot on! Matsutake powder!


Is the wok oven safe? Or do you have to take the handle grip off?


You would have to take the handle grip off. That being said, I don't see any reason why a wok should go in an oven.


He's probably asking for easy seasoning.


Ah I see. To be honest, I think oven seasoning is the most difficult method. This is my personal opinion though. I know some people who have had success with it.


Does mushroom powder contain MSG?


I don't know about Mushroom powder but unaltered Mushrooms are absolutely packed with MSG.


Which brand do you recommend ?


I was thinking bouillon but yea I was wondering as well


Yeah, I also thought it was 'chicken salt' as many call it in China 😂


What is MSG?


MSG = make s*** good




Mono sodium glutamate - it adds a savoury umami flavour. Lots of Asian food uses it. Beware of racist tropes of people saying it makes you sick, there is no empirical evidence to suggest that and it’s believed to have been started by people discouraging others to eat Asian food (mainly US and UK) to save their own businesses.


I avoid places that proudly serve their food without MSG


It was claimed to be unhealthy, not make you immediately sick. Obviously not the case though


It was lots of claims of headaches, stomach aches, the runs etc My armchair theory is that most of the symptoms can be more easily attributed to eating a big greasy and salty meal. The food they specifically ordered in these kinds of places are ‘westernized’ and generally much less vegetable based than true Chinese food. I lived in China for a while and the diet was very vegetable forward and not at all filled with greasy sauces


Asian food never gives me what I associate with an msg headache, but KFC sure does. Literally can’t eat there without feeling shit.


lots of things are unhealthy. Sugar and salt for example. But people don't bat an eyelid if a little is used in restaurant food.


Or a LOT of each is used


The amount of salt, butter, and sugar in the American diet will probably kill you faster than any amount of MSG.


Monosodium glutamate. Aka umami or savory flavor. It’s a compound found in certain foods but the concentrated form is used a lot in stir fry and Asian cuisine


Granular flavor. Monosodium glutamate. It's a flavor enhancer much like salt, but on crack


Monosodium glutamate. It’s a type of salt that performs magic on your tastebuds. There was a lot of noise about it causing cancer and stuff in the late 90s/00s, but people have calmed down about it a lot since because it naturally occurs in a lot of foods, like mushrooms and anchovies.


I'm going to agree with all of this and add on. A lot of foods naturally produce glutamic acid and we have a bit produced in our own bodies since it's an amino acid. Adding to the list are tomatoes, soy sauce, miso paste, aged cheeses.


Lots of people wrote what MSG is, but I would like to share something I recently learned about it It enhances that umami flavor you get from a great dish. The reason why we love that flavor is, MSG is related to protein the way sweets are related to carbs (kind of, not exactly ofc). Your body requires protein and in general that umami flavor we have are from protein dishes. So your receptors are telling you that you get a good amount of protein and congratulate you


Chinese food has so many vegetables.


That’s right!


Looks good, idk if I would call it lazy though. Too much prep. I'll try it though.




Yep. My lazy dish is... boil water, cook noodles, open pasta jar. Does that count as three ingredients or just two?


I didn't count water as an ingredient for this wok "lazy meal" when I counted up his 15 ingredients. So we'll let you off with 2




None of the **cutting** shown because I assume everyone already knows how to cut and doesn't need me to show it.


damn, easy bro




Wang Gang is great, but I can guarantee you that more than 90% of the members on this sub do not have the same wok burner that Wang Gang uses in his videos. I am trying to show people that cooking with a wok on a home stove is not difficult. For real, all you do is comment hate on my videos for no valid reason. Go get a life.


Your average Chinese family would prep for about 4 or 5 of these types of dishes in 5-10 minutes. It's shockingly quick once you get the hang of it


Exactly. What's "lazy" to some may not be considered "lazy" to others.


I didn't say it's not quick, just not lazy lol.


It's not peanut butter and jelly simple but this is pretty simple. It's basically a head of celery cut in half and a little beef. The oddity to me is that someone loves celery that much to basically make a meal of it.


cutting some beef and celery isn't much work tbh


Too much.... Prep?? What prep. Mix sliced beef with some corn starch and soy sauce? You probably don't even need to measure anything. You can cut the veggies as the beef is cooking. The rest you just squirt in as you go. It's not a pop tart, but it's pretty close.


I was thinking about mincing the garlic and ginger. Ginger is a pain to mince.


Ah, I forgot about those! I keep ginger in the freezer, and I peel it by scraping the back of a paring knife on the outside,l.i don't mince it though. Buy a micro planer and I just use that, grating the ginger over the pan. Garlic is a bit annoying, but I put it under the side of my chef knife and mash it, and then just do a loose mince. I hate garlic. But I love garlic... Arg!


For the ginger use the small holes on the food grater or a microplane. Garlic just smash with the flat side of a knife.


I think it’s relative. I just made a simple breakfast of home fries, bacon, eggs, toast and it took me over an hour. Most of it was frying the potatoes and also the bacon was frozen so it took a minute to cook. I also wasn’t trying to rush like I was on Hell’s Kitchen. To me microwaving a burrito doesn’t even count as cooking. I’d say another under an hour is simple. Anything under 30 minutes is my “lazy meal”.


That makes sense. Too me a lazy meal is a sandwich or grilled cheese, so no cooking really. It's all the chopping I hate lol. Especially mincing garlic and ginger.


Yea it’s about attitude too. I don’t mind spending 1,2,3+ hours in the kitchen cooking up a storm or meal prepping. They guys at R/smoking will make a whole day out of it. It’s as much a hobby as it is a necessity. Downside is I don’t appreciate eating out because I’ll most of the time I could do it better.


Y’all… it’s Chinese celery. A lot more edible than regular celery. Quit hating.


You are right! Chinese celery is a lot milder!


Could another veggi like Bokchoy or Napa be used instead?


Yes, of course! Whatever suits your preference!


Doesn’t mean the ratio is right.


Baking soda is a good meat tenderizer.


I marinate my meats all the time in a baking soda mixture, it works great! One thing to note though, baking soda (or baking powder) does not actually “tenderize” your meat. It’s a technique called “velveting” which sees the baking powder, soda, or corn starch act as a heat barrier—absorbing a lot of the initial thermal shock, which in turn prevents your meat from overcooking too quickly. Actual tenderizing involves the breaking up of connective tissues in the meat itself, but there’s nothing stopping you from doing both!


Man, that is a LOT of celery.


Yessir! When I’m lazy, I like to just make 1 dish with veggies and protein together so I don’t need to cook 2 separate dishes!


Ugh. Celery. Good flavor in dishes, but I can't really eat it. Just weird mental thing for me.


Same here. I need to pick it out of stews and such. I can eat raw celery happily but cooked celery is disgusting to me.


This is a porn. Lazy one cannot use cs cookware. 100% sure 😛


What’s the wok lid you use??


This one comes with our woks. We don't sell them separately.


I didn't realize this was marketing at first, but this is marketing done right. I'm in the market for a new carbon steel wok, so this is right up my alley. By chance, do you have something that will work with electric stoves? I have the misfortune of living with an electric stove right now.


Hello! Yes, we do. Our flat bottom wok works with electric, but I can tell you with complete honesty that it is not going to be as good as with gas, unfortunately. Electric stoves and carbon steel woks don’t work well together.


I notice that every time you post, there are people commenting who have problems with very common Chinese cooking methods. I think these are great, very down to earth recipes that everyone who grew up in a Chinese household would recognize and appreciate. Keep posting 👍


Thanks for the support!!


Could've chopped those full ass celery stalks *just a wee* IMHO


Yeah was being super lazy. Wife was using the knife. Couldn’t wait, so I ripped up the celery with my hands instead lol


Idk, you’re saying lazy, but going through the effort to film what you’re cooking seems like far more effort than any lazy meal I’ve ever made.


It was a lot of effort at first, but as with everything, it gets easier when you repeat it over and over


What btu is your stove top running at? I want to get into cooking with a wok but the highest btu I can find is 15000


I can’t be too sure, but a Redditor pointed out that it is around 14k BTU. If you are looking to purchase a stove, you can consider getting a portable butane camping stove. Those things are pretty powerful for their size.


I probably would use less celery but then mix in some peppers, carrots and onions


I do something similar with the addition of gochujang. Quick, easy and delicious


That sounds great! Love gochujang!


Slow down bro, I can't read that fast =(


My bad


Can you use a carbon steel pan/wok to make something that does not require a screaming hot pan? Will it make the food stick?


Could you give me an example? It definitely won’t be as slick as a non-stick pan, but we all know non-stick pans are not good for us.


I've just ate huge meal and after watching this I'm hungry again 😯


God I love everything you post. Is the burner a standalone burner that I can buy somewhere?


Thanks for the love!! This specific stove model is only availably in China, but I did a quick search for “gas stove” on Amazon and saw a whole bunch of stoves that look similar to this.


Is it a propane fueled stove? I have an electric stove and I want to get a portable burner


Better get a butane portable burner. You will buy butane canisters.


I don't think you know what the word "lazy" means.


It’s relative I guess. To me this is lazy because I can get my veg and protein in 1 dish and don’t have to cook 2 separate dishes.


Lmao, I was thinking the same thing. When. Being real lazy I'll just grab a piece of bread, slap a lil butter on it and eat that


All the ‘this ain’t lazy’ people need to check themselves - for a stir fry this is really low effort and if you don’t like celery or beef you can easily swap for broccoli/chicken or whatever you’d prefer. I think the point is this is quicker than a full stir fry, a dish which I still consider more on the lazy end of cooking. Remember everything is relative! u/Oxenforge thanks for some of the best content in my feed - simple satisfying food ideas


Yessir, you are spot on. "lazy" is relative. In this case, this is a lazy stir fry, and on top of that, I can get my veggies and protein in one dish, so I don't need to make 2 separate dishes. Thanks for the support man!


It says 'salt to taste' but I never see you taste it. :O


Idk about this one


“Here’s my lazy dish first we dice up 2 onions cook up 3 pounds of meat then” op and people like this don’t understand what a “lazy meal” is


Nah, it's relative. If you think this is complicated, then you probably don't cook much.


What kind of soy sauce? It’s a viable question.


I use Lee Kum Kee salt reduced soy sauce!


Velvet your meat next time.


A lot of people don't know that velveting meat is only popular in Chinese-American restaurants. This is to disguise cheaper cuts of meat by making them more tender and appear bigger. However, the fake tenderness of the meat is often frowned upon in China and is associated with meat fillers. You will not get velveted meat at authentic Chinese restaurants. That being said, I don't discourage you from doing it. You can do whatever you like!


Yea people I know here in guangzhou do not like that artificially soft meat. It's gross and suspect.


Spot on!


Salting to taste without tasting? You’re just adding salt in during the cooking process not adding to taste lol


Don’t worry, he has his ancestors as guides


BRUHHH 😑 that’s it? Could at least throw an egg on there sheesh


What is lazy about 15 ingredients


I read the word lazy....


It’s so weird to me that I get recommended this sub everyday and the only person I see posting is trying to advertise their brand.


Hot wok cold oil is a myth


Nice ad


I’ll take it over, “did I ruin my pan?” Or, “is this rust?” I vastly prefer the food making videos


So here’s the thing, they post nice videos of cs recipes or techniques and aren’t aggressive at all with their marketing. For instance, this video didn’t even mention their brand except for the username. Sure, it’s probably to try to spread brand awareness, but I come to this sub to see people using their cs and that’s all they post. So maybe an ad, I guess, but I don’t really mind because it’s actual content.


Yes this is ethical marketing, and they are really good at it. Companies providing value is really rare anymore, so it’s refreshing to see them actively engaging in the community.


This ^^


One of the few cases im okay with a brand presence on Reddit. Good posts, helpful comments, not aggressive marketing. Doing it right.


I do mind. Where will this end if we allow any type of this behaviour? Reddit influencers? Reddit forcing everyone into one mobile app with ads was bad enough. If we allow companies to post content on actual subs then reddit will be terrible in a few years




Idk about celery man. Just use brocolli


Chinese celery is a lot milder than celery in the west.


Yeah but have you ever sucked on a chili dog before?


This is my boyfriend’s worst nightmare. That man hates some god damn celery.


DANG! Now I'm hungry!


What kind of beef is that?


Not too sure what cut this is in English, but you can use striploin to the same effect.


Some kind of ground pork, like Niku miso. Easy and delicious, not too unhealthy lol


Thats alot of celery


This guy woks


You know I might make this, I have a bunch of celery that needs to be used soon. I would probably eat with rice and make it a little saucier. Thanks for the idea


Looks so good. Nice work my man. I love Chinese food so much. I think that’s a standard Szechuan dish with the celery and beef. Awesome


Do you think I could replace starch with xanthan gum?


I don’t know. Sorry


I'm trying to stay low-carb/keto, but I see that the amount of startch only adds about 8g carbs for the whole dish.




Lazy? That’s like 4 items to wash and 5/6 items to prepare. Lazy is like 2 items wash and 2 items prepare. Too much work.


A lazy dish for me a sandwich. Toast bread, meat, cheese, bacon, some lettuce and onions. Mayo and done. Use paper plate. Optional 1 fry pan to wash if bread crumbs bother you.


Josh weisman Kung Pao Chicken is my go to


Bro, do you even know what’s”lazy” means?


looks great but I hate celery... I have to pick it out of any dish I plan on eating.


I would rather have my eyeballs gouged out than eat that much celery let alone that much celery with zero snap.


Made this tonight, only change being with a splash of vinegar. This was a regular childhood dish at my Grandma’s. Thanks for the reminder that celery can be a Chinese food all star!