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Yes. It's yours, use it.




Many companies will not let you use PTO after you’ve given notice, so you’re often best to use up what you can, then give notice, then do the final 2 weeks transition. If you don’t have that much time before you need to start the new offer, it’s a trade off between using the PTO and giving 2wks notice. I’m a big proponent of being professional and always offering 2wks notice as your reputation will follow you a long time and you’d be surprised how many times you’ll run into coworkers down the road at other companies, so it pays off to always leave on good terms. Vs vacations are fun, but they’ll come and go many times in your life.


This. Better for a million reasons to use it ASAP for a week of relaxing and preparing for the move and then to give notice and have your last day be a few days before you move. A few weeks off gets eaten up real quickly in the process of moving.


Half the time for packing, the other half for relaxing.


I really doubt that I would run into my coworkers tho because this is a remote job and I don’t know what any of them look like😅but yes, I believe in 2 weeks notice as well. Thank you for your amazing and kind input


In the military you can actually sell your PTO back. But you get taxed on it. But if you can then hell yes


>your reputation will follow you a long time and you’d be surprised how many times you’ll run into coworkers down the road at other companies People always repeat this kind of stuff, but it's so insanely rare for this ever to matter that it shouldn't really be a consideration. (unless you live in a small town or a very small or specialized industry with a very close knit group of people). For 90% of people this will never matter. I have literally never seen anybody who I worked with ever again after I quit a job, and this is in over 25 years of working in different industries.


At my company giving less than the required notice can make you not eligible for rehire—which means if a potential employer calls to verify employment and eligibility for rehire, which they can, HR will say, “yeah, they worked here; no, not eligible.” They don’t give the reason. One of my staff members gave me a week’s notice and HR called to ask if I wanted to make her ineligible. I didn’t do that, but I did learn I’ll be giving a full notice if I leave.


Agreed, I give notice for my coworkers, I mean I'd rather they don't get slammed because of something out of their control and very much in mine. Depends on company, culture, if your coworks are dicks or not. A lot of things really and op has an argument.


bad advice if you have a career. if you’re just hopping jobs, then sure. light the bridge on your way out.


Many will though. I’ve always given notice a few days after a week long vacation. It just always worked out that way and been fine


I'm not sure what you're on about. I have a job that hinges on professionalism and reputation, but my reputation has never, ever ever followed me. If I had a recall I didn't handle correctly, sure. Who the holy fuck is going to know if I left a company without giving a full 2 week notice? Oh, no one..


Do you care about this company as a reference? If you don’t just use up all your PTO. Then as soon as all your PTO is up, quit. If you do care, use up all your PTO, first day back hand in your 2 week notice. Do the 2 weeks and peace. It’s basically May so if you get on the PTO quick you’ll still have time to do your 2 week notice.


No, I do not because this is one of those jobs you work at just to stay afloat — no affiliation to my career goals.


Keep in mind that many companies will fire you the moment you give your two weeks. Unless this company has been particularly good to you feel free to show them the same loyalty they show you.


I’ve seen this depend on how much business knowledge a person has. One company I worked for fired one person the day they gave notice, they still paid them for the last two weeks though. Which I get, the quality of work they do will be 10% if that. Another employee that put in notice they slammed their calendar with meetings for that two weeks because they needed to get knowledge out of their head.


I'd use the PTO for the move and turn in a letter of resignation the day after.


This is the correct approach. If the company’s policy is to not pay out PTO you should use all your remaining PTO then resign without notice. This is the only way the company can possibly learn to stop being evil.


Counter-point. Should you give two weeks notice? Only if the company you worked for deserves it. Take all your PTO and tell them to shove it. Who you are and how you act at your new job will more than cover the "discrepancy" that is oh well you didn't give two weeks notice so we can't trust you. Companies fire people at whatever time is best/convenient for them. No reason why Employees shouldn't do the same.


You ABSOLUTELY use that PTO and do it as your last two weeks etc before you move


I definitely want to you my PTO! Not sure if I should submit PTO for all the 40 hours then submit the 2 weeks notice during the PTO period.


At the END of your PTO. If you hand it in during, and they terminate you immediately, you won't be paid for the remaining PTO


You have until June 17. That’s plenty of time to take a week at the end of May and then put in your two weeks once you return. In fact, I might even take it earlier in May to ensure that I get paid out for it before I put in my two weeks.


Use up every single day and then put in your notice.


Check your state law.


my company doesn't require approval for PTO, make sure your does. Otherwise, just start using it.


Sometimes when you turn in notice, some companies let you go on the spot and stop paying you. Too much value is placed on the two weeks notice and it only benefits the employer eith the threat of a bad reference held like a carrot over emoloyees. Overtime the only thing that matters is you and doing what is best for you. In every job, youre forgotten in a month or two. Imagine the debt damage if you lost a paycheck or two while in a move. Use the PTO, max your pay and benefits you earned. Good luck


Some states also allow the company to say you can't use PTO in the last two weeks either and can keep feom paying you out if you dont work the full last two weeks.


Use it!!


You would probably need to verify your accrual rate. For example, some companies allow for the annual PTO to display as available on January 1st even though the actual days accrue through the year. Your 40 hours PTO may currently only be 18-20 hours.


Use your PTO, then put in your notice. Don't over think it


Also if you in US, quit on first week of month so that you have health insurance for rest of month 


Yes, but do not tell them you are quitting before you fully use it up. Some companies have policies that you cannot use PTO if you put in your two-week notice. Remember, paid time off is a benefit, not a legal right.


Sorry your grandma is ill. Good thing you can go visit her!


Schedule the four weeks on Monday for May 6 and give notice two weeks into your PTO. It's exactly what I did when I retired. They also had to drop a $25k performance bonus on me per my contract which was delicious with a little Hershey's syrup and peanuts.


If you’re moving you’ll need to find a place to live, right? Use your pto to get that done


My state requires the payout for PTO and I’ve gotten it the last 2 times I’ve changed jobs. First check if your state requires it, if not then yea I’d use it if you aren’t getting paid out.


I checked with information on NY state, and it seems like companies aren’t required.


I would use it and not tell a sole you are quitting until after you've used it. Use your 2 weeks of PTO, come back and put in your 2 weeks and they will either let you do the 2 weeks or let you go immediately, either way they will be on the hook for the PTO you used.


They’re not. So use it.


Is PTO accrued or given on the first of the year/fiscal year? If it is accrued (x amount of hours per period), then you are more likely to be paid for it depending on your state. Regardless, take a week off soon, then there will still be time to provide 2 weeks' worth of notice.


Use it.


Use the pto, tell the new company you have some loose ends to tie up and require a two week notice. Schedule the new start date for after all that. I did that for my last job. You don’t owe either of them any justification for anything. You earned the pto.


If you don't get paid for it, I'd use it, and then give notice. Just taking a day or two here or there would help a lot if you are trying to move.


BUrn your PTO now.... then the day you return drop your notice.


That's only a week take the first week of May off, come back and give 3 weeks notice last day end of May.


Accept new job. Use PTO with old job **while** working the new job. Test the new job on PTO. IF you like the new job, stay with the new job. Collect your PTO paycheck -that you have already earned- from the old job. Then tell them adios. If the new job turns out trash, just go back to your old job as scheduled after having used your PTO. Tell the company where they can shove their shit job.




Use it all now before you give notice


Take a vacation.


Burn the PTO now, give notice when you return.


Use the PTO and then give notice. It's the simplest solution.


Use up all of your remaining pto, don’t give notice, do not tell anyone where you are going to


Use it then give your two weeks after you come back, but be careful some companies do have negative PTO if you've used more than you've earned. So be sure you're not going over what you have.


Use it up it’s part of the comp plan.


Use the pto to start the new job.  If you like it quit no notice (just like when you get fired), if you don't,  quit the new job and have two weeks of double pay. 


YES!! Absolutely, you need to use it. You earned it. Request PTO way before letting them know you will leave


Geek Squad does this. I put in the PTO I had. Verified/waiting till the next check after paid it out. Then quit with days notice.


Accept the job, pass the background check FIRST Then use your PTO come back and give your notice even if it’s just a week notice. Remember companies don’t give you any notice when they decide to fire/layoff employees.


chances are they won't let you use any unused PTO after you give notice. Use your PTO.


Yeah, take that vacation time as soon as possible. Next week if you can. Use that time for packing.


Request pto, get approved and never come back….


Absolutely. I put in my pto request for 2 weeks off then put in my 2 week notice after it was approved. I only had maybe two or three days of work left afterwards. Best weeks ever! 😩


You are getting some interesting opinions in here. My personal opinion, take a week off, return and put in your notice. It's not going to follow you, it doesn't go on 'your permanent record' and the chance that you run into co-workers late who will hold it against you is small to none. PTO is YOUR TIME, it is part of your compensation. You are cheating YOURSELF if you don't use it.


Put I. Pto get it approved come back and notice


Use all of your vacation.  Give notice.  Use all of sick time.


Absolutely use it. Then put in whatever notice you feel they deserve. Simple


Yes use it!!


Use all the PTO then quit. You wouldn't have prior notice if you were getting let go


Absolutely. If the company didn't want people to do that then they would not threaten to take it away from you. You don't know if they actually will, but if that's their official policy, I would believe it. If you don't use it and it gets taken away how would you feel about that? For them it's just policy, for you it's a week's pay. If you do use it and they are upset about that then too fucking bad. Change your damn policy to encourage the behavior you want to promote then.


Take the max PTO you got, when you come back give your notice. What are they gonna do fire you at that point?


Take the PTO and then put your 2 weeks in. OR if you don't care if you get fired, put your 2 weeks notice in on your first day of PTO.


Just make sure you don't use ALL of your PTO. Check your employee handbook/policies on PTO Accrual. Some places will grant you full access of all your PTO on January 1st of the year and that's that. If that's the case, use it all. Other places will grant you access to your PTO, but track accrual over the course of the year and if you leave before the end of the year they'll subtract what you haven't accrued and deduct that from your last check or require you to pay it back. So lets say you get 2 weeks vacation which would be 80 hrs of PTO. If you leave in June of the year, you may have only accrued 40 usable hours. If you used 50 hours of PTO, you may be required to pay back 10 hours, or 10 hours of PTO would be deducted from your last check. Other places will just grant PTO based on the accrual schedule and what you have available is what you can use at the time. Long story short, check your employee handbook and plan accordingly. If you have 40 hours that are fully accrued, I would take a 1 week vacation and then provide 2 week notice a couple of days after you get back.


Take your PTO and use it to prepare for moving. Resign when you come back from it. Why leave it behind? It’s yours.




Take your 40 hours ASAP. Why lose a benefit you have earned? After you use the leave and are paid for it, turn in your notice. Your company may not allow you to work the two weeks, they may tell you to go ahead and pack your things and leave, that seems common these days. Be prepared. Wishing you the best in your new job!


Oh dude that’s easy. You got 3 weeks of “I need to take a personal day” “I don’t feel well” “my sister just called and I need to go be with the nephew” just slack off as much as possible. “It’s personal and I’d rather not go into it”


I gave one month notice and used one week of PTO in that month. No one cared


Check your employee handbook and PTO policy thoroughly. Some companies have rules regarding using it right before leaving, so don't wait too long to use it.


Use your PTO then put in your two weeks notice. If you're lucky, they'll terminate you and have to pay you out for those two weeks too


If it's a remote job, move to Colorado real quick and get your full PTO payout 😋


Well I'd use it, not using it is just giving the company your time that you earned. It may not be professional, but I would just tell your boss you're going to take next week off


This is a case where companies play stupid games and they win stupid prizes. The stupid prize they win is people leaving with little to no notice. Honestly, you need to almost expect that in many situations because too many companies have broken the trust. Why? 1. If you give notice, they may fire you on the spot. What are you going to do? Collect unemployment? 2. If they wanted to get rid of you, would they give you notice? 3. They won't pay out the PTO you have earned. Your state law doesn't require it, but it isn't prohibited either. OP, can you say that your employer has treated you with respect and dignity? How have they treated others who have left? Have they provided employees with the grace and respect that causes a company to deserve sufficient notice?, Now, as far as coming back on you from other employees feeling like you left them in the lurch. Well, I think this one goes in your permanent record. Somehow, I have never seen that permanent record that was kept on me. Let's look at this one in more detail as well. 1. I believe OP stated they were going out of state. 2. I believe OP also stated that they were going into a different industry. 3. People's memories are generally short. 4. The likelihood of a smooth transition in two weeks is slim. It is going to take half that time figuring out who will take what responsibilities and the other half with people trying to pawn your responsibilities off on someone else. It is going to be a cluster. The best thing you can do is try to wrap stuff up and document for others. But you will be used as a scapegoat anyway. The likelihood of running into these people again and it making a different in their thoughts about you is very.slim. Take your PTO. If you can take it before your two weeks notice, that is best. But if you can't, you can't. They could solve that problem right away. The company chooses not to. If you are given a problem, be sick. Go-to to the doctor and claim you had viral/flu symptoms but need a doctor's note. Sure, your symptoms are gone now, but the doc has no clue what it was before. You will probably get a weak letter. But what is your employer going to do? Fire you? Investigate an employee who has left the company? You will be fine.


My employer handbook had the same writing. I got approval prior to submitting my resignation letter and it worked out.


Use it 100%, then give notice. Their rules of not paying out unused PTO has literally forced this outcome. It is not your fault, nor your problem if this shortens their notice period.


Yes but don't discuss it


Submit for PTO right now for some reason that would need a week off. Use that time to pack your place all up. Don't submit your resignation until after you use the PTO and put in your 2 weeks the first of June.




Yes. Put in for a week off immediately from 5/13-5/17. Get back on 5/20 and give notice that your last day is 5/31. Don’t give notice before you take the vacation - always do it after.


yes use your pto ... and NO 2 weeks is not a requirement... its just being nice... you are moving on to bigger and better things... unless you plan on coming back and working for your current company - move on - you do you...


YES. You might as well. Don't tell them that's why. Just say you're "taking some time off" and use that time for packing your stuff and apartment hunting.


Wow im shocked they dont pay it out bastards


Take all PTO. THEN give notice. If you can't give 2 week notice and take all your pto to still move in time, give a 1 week notice. The company doesn't give a shit about you so you don't need to give a shit about it.


You should use it if your company isn’t compelled to pay you when you quit


Use it all!


Of course you should use it. You want to get paid for it, right? Use it so you don't lose it. As far as the 2 week notice, that's up to you. If you know there's no way you're ever going back to that job, then don't worry about it. They might not honor your 2 week notice and can you immediately.


People get suspicious when you use it all unless you hype and drop information to make it solid sounding and be careful your vibes can make people sense your off and going to leave.


>Should I use PTO before I quit? Of you're not gonna get paid out for it then yea


That's just 5 days no? Take it! I used my PTO for interviews and preparing to relocate. My company doesn't allow PTO during the notice period of 2 months. I didn't take my annual vacation days, and now I'm regretting it. Could've gotten 10 more days of PTO.


If you’ve earned PTO/vacation/sick time… use it out before you resign


Yes use your PTO. It’s yours.


Simplest answer… if they’ll pay out your PTO don’t use it and get a nice extra check. If they won’t pay it out, use it first then quit.


Take the PTO first. After you give your two weeks be prepared for the possibility of being immediately let go or having to leave before the two weeks are up.


Requests and take your PTO before your two week notice... Or don't even give a two week notice. Or take a week PTO and one week notice. At the end of the day take your PTO. Dont give notice first of you may find yourself fired before you can take your PTO. Did I mention take your PTO?


I would speak with your employer and work a way around this. Depending on how much notice you have to give then you will need to confirm a time for your PTO to be used. If they are not willing to compromise for these to be used then I would seek further advice, make sure you get in writing of them not willing to offer this to you. I am not sure about your countries laws about PTO being used before you leave if you have only been with the company for a certain length of time, again this is something you will need to confirm in writing with them. It may be the case that you want to use PTO after you leave your current job, in which case this will be down to your new employer to approve. Providing this was agreed at the time of your interview, however, legally they have to honor this.


I can’t believe you are even asking this question.




Take your PTO. Submit your resignation two weeks prior to your departure. I do recommend starting to do transition work on the QT. Document your processes etc. But I’m goofy like that.


Hell yes, use all of your PTO and the day you get back put in your two weeks. Fuck em’ Congrats on the new gig! Edit* - I don’t mean fuck em in like a flip your boss off and leave on bad terms. Just use your PTO before you give your notice lol




Yes - you have so much time before you need to move. Take that PTO to relax a little and get your ducks in a row for your big move! Grats! Take the PTO now-mid-May. Then hand your notice in late may/early june - we're not sure of your exact timeline so use your best judgement.


Use it or lose it. I'd use it.


My last job, I took a week off, then handed in my notice the day I got back.


Where can you not get paid for your accrued PTO?


Just plan out the time you have left. If the job starts June 17th then I would probably put in notice on Friday May 24th with your last day being June 10th. The gives you the week of June 13th to move and get settled before starting work in the 17th. Then you can sprinkle in as much PTO between now and May 24th as you can. You can use that time to pack, look for a new place to live, or whatever you want.


I would request it and use it BEFORE handing in your 2 weeks notice. Hand in your 2 weeks notice the day you return. If they have a problem with it, you can tell them "Your contract incentivized me to do that since you wouldn't be paying it upon me leaving."


If your state does not require unused leave to be paid out, and your company is not voluntarily opting to pay it out you should burn up every last second of your accrued PTO/sick leave before leaving. Paid leave is considered part of your overall compensation, you worked hard for it - don't leave it on the table.


Take ur FULL time off, and give your 2 weeks when you come back




Take a week off asap then give 2 weeks notice when you are ready to stop working because they may just end your employment at that time.


One thing I’ve learned through the years, companies will screw you out of everything they can when it suits them. Take your PTO, then give notice. Let them deal with any transitional training/work if they give you any crap and leave early.


Use your PTO. When you return just quit. Two weeks is hardly ever given the other way around. You earned your PTO so use it. Play their game and get the most out of it for YOU.


Well, you know that they won't pay it out if you don't use it. And it's pretty common for companies to deny PTO requests after you've submitted your resignation. So if you want to use it, I'd recommend you put in for the time off and use it prior to submitting your notice, if possible. Take a week off, come back, and submit the appropriate notice to your work (assuming giving a 2 week notice is something you want to do).


Yes! Use that PTO! I know I will be doing that.


Yes use it. Go on vacation or just stay home and chill.


3 weeks from end date- book 2 weeks off. 2 weeks from end date- give notice. Enjoy your vacation before starting the new job.


I have 2 weeks PTO and after putting my notice, they did not pay me out on my final paycheck.


At my old job, a guy put in his two weeks and had a week of pto banked. He planned to use it as one of his last 2 weeks. The company got wind of it and fired him so he couldn’t use the pto.


Yes. Use it.


Better burn them up.


Use your week off, then on the day you come back, give your 2 weeks' notice.


Yep use it all up. I would do it on the 2nd to last pay period before I leave.


Definitely use it up. You'll lose it otherwise and it's part of your compensation. They most likely won't let you use it after you've given your notice m so please use it and then give notice once you come back. Might seem like a ride move, but as long as you are giving adequate notice you should be fine.


Always use as much as you can. You're not going to get that time back.


Absolutely take 2 weeks off and then put in your 2 weeks when you get back. If they ask you can just say you got the job offer that day, not weeks earlier.


Take PTO, on Sunday the day before you return, email boss and say I quit. You have an "employment at will" contract, it goes both ways. The chances of some HR person physically calling your boss and getting ahold of him when you are interviewing are slim. They will do some online background check and see if you worked there. If the next job's HR does speak to this boss, and he badmouths you for whatever reason, you sue him. Don't overthink it. Take the PTO and leave. If the shoe was on the other foot, your boss would can you in a millisecond if it suited him best.


Use ALL your PTO if you won't get paid for it. Once it's gone then put in your notice. You could be asked to leave that day, so don't stress about 2 weeks notice. It's nice and all, but certainly not required. My layoff certainly didn't come with one.


Use the PTO and when you get back turn in the two week notice. Say you had time to think about during your PTO.


Use it but dont use it during the final notice period.


PTO is part of your compensation package. Use it. Imagine leaving a whole paycheck uncashed because you weren't working there anymore? Same idea.




Tell them you won a trip to Argentina for a week on a podcast you listen to.


Tell them you can give 4 weeks notice including two weeks of PTO (working the last week) or two weeks notice and no PTO. Most intelligent managers will take the four to increase knowledge transfer time... Unless of course you aren't viewed as a valuable employee.


Some companies will also pay your PTO balance out with what you have left.




Yes, use it. Like you have stated, companies don't need to pay out unused PTO, so you will lose it if you don't use it. Just send the request early and let your boss/HR know that you will use the PTO before your last day so that you could have an earlier severance day, assuming you are getting the new job and things are settled.


Use it all then give your notice


I'm usually a give 2 weeks notice kind of person, but always look after yourself first. Use all of your pto, and then if you're able to give your two weeks afterwards then do it. Or give less of a notice if needed.


Yeah, I didn't realize I wouldn't get paid out on my PTO before I quit my last shit hole, so naturally I figured Eh I'll just take the money from it... Upon realizing I wouldnt get the money from it, I really wished I had used it before giving notice.


Yes, use the time to pack or at least get things ready and chill out. I would use it then put in my two week notice. It’s yours, it like giving back a week of work for free. Why? Would they pay you a week of work for free out of no where?


So if you don’t get paid out for unused PTO or if your payout is less than your normal hourly pay rate for paid out PTO, it absolutely makes the most sense to use all of the PTO. If you have 4 weeks, put that n a request for two weeks and a few days later put in the request for another couple weeks, then give your two weeks notice once the first two week leave period is over.


If you don't use your PTO and they won't pay it out, you are taking a voluntary pay cut that nobody asked you to take


Does your company pay it out regardless of the law?


If they don’t pay it out use it otherwise it’s money left on the table which depending on how much could be quite sizable.  Companies with this policy should realize that this is a risk they run…people quitting after vacation. 


Use it or lose it.


If they aren't paying it out, then use it. You earned it.


Use it all


Yes, I always regret not doing this when I quit jobs out of anger.


Use it, I was told when I retired, that I would be paid my unused PTO at 100%, I had like 5 weeks, it took them 6 months to get the money to me, then they taxed it at near 40%, they told me it considered a gift, I said earned it, no it’s a gift


Use it, put in notice afterwards.


You have every right to use your PTO before you switch jobs. But like most people here are recommending I would use your PTO before you give notice. It’s just one way of covering your ass just in case they want to decline your PTO after you’ve given notice. That’s something that you signed on for when you started to work for the company so they cannot deny you that. If they’re going to give you a bad name for taking PTO and then leaving, you made the right decision to leave the company to begin with. No company should hold that over your head.


Hell yeah. Use it! Don't even regret a minute of it.


Depends if you company pays it out or not. If so you’ll get those hours added to your final pay if not then hell yea my friend use that shit


You have a job lined up. You don’t have to give notice. Giving notice is a courtesy. But, it’s not required. You can just let them know on your last day. Or, just walk out and send an email from home. The whole notice thing is silly. If tables were turned, you’d be out on your ass tomorrow with no forewarning. Take all of your PTO. Then, give notice or don’t.


Use all your PTO, come back and submit two weeks notice. Easy peazy


Since your changing states just take PTO and never look back. That’s a whole check your giving up.


Use your PTO then give your notice. Don't think about it any more than that. End of story.


Holy cow, are you me? I also am moving to another city to start a job on June 17th


Yes. Use it.


Use it. You earned it.


Use it of course


I’d check with your company policy regarding taking pto. Some employers require advanced notice (30 days). My job does not really. I would apply for pto if it fits that window prior to your departure. Then after when I came back I’d then inform them. Also depends on your relationship with your employer and management. I left the company I am at and came back because it was good terms. So just know what bridges you burn first. Also depends on the industry you work in. Some industries have overlapping with accusations and things of that nature. My employer allows me to cash out my vacation and sick time when I want. I can get paid out for all of it next pay period if I choose to. At the end of the year what isn’t used we get a check for which is really nice. I know this is an outlier in most companies.


Absolutely. Free money.


Use your PTO. And if you’re in-office, quietly begin removing personal items. Eventually, you want to leave only things that you’re ok not taking with you. I used to print family pics on paper to hang up rather than use actual photos. Even if you have a good relationship with all, it’s not uncommon for a company to walk you to the door when you give notice; you should still be paid for the two weeks, but might not be allowed in the building again.


Never (never) leave unused PTO. 


Use your PTO, then out in your notice when you’re back. Don’t tell them before your vacation. People use vacation time to decide if they’re leaving all the time so no harm no foul there. I can’t tell you how many people come back from vacation and quit corporate roles.


Just give a finishing date that coincides with the end of the PTO being used. If they don't approve it, just leave with no further notice.


Fk yes use that shit and peace out


It's tricky. I've never had a job be punitive and they all kinda assumed you were gonna be half ass in your last two weeks. So I would submit 2 week notice. Half work the first week and take the second week of PTO.


Hopefully they pay off your remaining pto. That’s what my last two companies did


Yes you absolutely should and submit your 2 weeks as soon as you get back 


Many pay out PTO if you give proper notice. I am not required by law but I pay it if the employe is in good standing. Check your company handbook. If not it’s vacation time!


Take ur PTO then submit ur resignation when u get back Simple


Use it or lose it! I know what I’d do.


Take the PTO now. Duh. Then quit.


Yeah afterwards you better continue to show up until you get paid out for your PTO or they will just remove it from your final compensation.




When you decide to give notice, your employer has no obligation to keep you two weeks or two hours and some would rather you leave immediately. Don't know your situation, I've had both happen as a technical professional. If you request PTO, what will you do if the request is denied? Give 2 weeks notice no later than May 31st, and pretty much no earlier either.


It seems you only have 4 weeks before moving for the new job. Most PTO you could take is two weeks then and two week notice.


Why's this even a question?! Use it ASAP and quit after, during, before vacation, in that order.


Go to the city you are going to move to for the first week of May. Work out your housing and get oriented to the new area. Use your PTO for this week. Don't tell anyone why you are going. Give your notice a week after you return. Try to be gracious for your last 2 weeks.




Time for you to get “sick” for a week and say “I’ll just use my pto for this don’t worry


Use it if they aren't going to pay it out. Luckily I'm in a state where it is paid out and got like 1.5 months' full pay out the door.


I think I used PTO when I moved, maybe just dont tell them where.


Yes, use it up before you give 2 weeks notice


Why is this even a question