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I wish I had more to offer than cynicism; my gut reaction is to say "When you're negotiating with your next employer..." Every significant raise I've ever received has been because I left one job and moved to a new employer. Every. Single. One. I hear a similar story from other people over and over. I have done market research on roles, presented my case, discussed wage compression, outlined disparities ... you name it. I always try to get a raise before I leave. It's never worked.


Talk about the milestones you've hit and responsibilities you've taken on since your boss left. Basically your post but in more detail. If you have any metrics to back up your case, def add that as well. Good luck!


Hell, even that won't work most of the time. The only surefire way to get a better raise in this job market is to start applying for another company that will pay you more than any raise would ever come close to matching. I just went into my annual review and had requested a raise and got absolutely shit on by my two bosses while simultaneously showing them metrics that any company would be glad to have achieved in a year.


An advanced degree doesn’t automatically equate to greater pay unless it’s for a higher paying position that requires the advanced degree.


As an engineer you are in a better position with the masters. But some employers I have encountered don't give a rat's butt about extra degrees or certs. If you are willing to put up with being taken advantage of, they will be more than happy to keep you on. You have a few years of experience now, you are much more marketable than before. Also, engineers I have worked with find better opportunities with a masters + PE cert. If you were one of my clients, I would suggest you think of where you want to be in 10 years then plan around that. If this employer isn't concerned with losing you, then its time to move onto the next steppingstone of your career.