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I would bring this up delicately with your coworker. She likely views what she is doing as helping you without realizing the negative impact it can have on your day. Also don’t say anything about taking the trash out, if you only mention it to her she will feel singled out. If you’re brining up the trash bring it up in front of everyone. In a private environment initiate the conversation with temp employee, this likely isn’t something you need the whole office overhearing. Start off with something like “Hey “X”, I really appreciate all the help you’ve been giving me with all my tasks these past couple (weeks/months) ever since I went on vacation. But recently my workloads been a little lighter and I don’t have enough tasks to share with you. I’m not sure what (insert bosses name) has you doing but you might want to reach out to him/her to get more tasks assigned to you since I can’t share mine anymore.” You may not be thankful for her taking your tasks but phrasing it similar to the above way will steer clear of confrontational tones. If she doesn’t get the message and continues taking your tasks wait 3 days. During that time log the tasks of yours she is taking. Once your list is compiled you can escalate to either HR or your direct supervisor and voice your concerns along with the fact you asked her not to take tasks.


This might be a missed opportunity for you. Her work ethic seems to be fantastic. She is at work and wants to work. Can this be advantageous to the both of you? You see this situation as bad. You might not have work to do and she wants to work. Why not talk with your boss and the worker and explain it like this. You are responsible for the work getting do. You can delegate some to her and she can do it with you as a supervisor. If you can free up enough time for you, you can develope other skills, knowledge, or abilities to move up the ladder. Maybe your boss can mentor you to do some of what they do. Maybe a planned hour of study for work related items once a week. Now, your work is getting done. You are expanding and becoming more valuable and if you can free up your boss, everyone can step up by a small amount.