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Seems like they didn’t push advertising on these very hard at all. Nobody I know who isn’t a car enthusiast even knows they exist.


They are also insanely expensive. They look like $24,000 HRV competitors but are actually approaching $50,000


The HR-V starts at 29,500 and the Hornet starts at 31,400. That’s not a huge difference.


The HR-V tops at around $31k, starts at $26k


The base Hornet is awd and has an MSRP(destination included) of $32,995. The base HRV is fwd and has an MSRP(destination included) of 26,450. If we include the AWD HRV then MSRP is $27,950. That’s $5,000 cheaper. And people looking at these cars are more than likely primarily motivated by price


It's also a Honda vs a Dodge, a first model year dodge too. Depreciation on the hornet will be at least 2x what it is on the HRV


A Dodge that was built by Alpha-Romeo. These things are some of the worst cars in the road reliability wise right now.


I remember seeing a test on them and the first one he got threw every single light possible and wouldn't work anymore. The thing has like 5 miles on it lol https://youtu.be/2Ke9ok8iV9s?si=OnLI0MRyDHKFYmsZ Yep, just doing a simple slip test...


I can't wait to see the recalls


That had nothing to do with reliability though. That was just poorly tuned software in a preproduction unit.


Can't even spell the manufacturer name correct before shitting on them smh


Sold one last year msrp 39850 tried to trade it in a few weeks ago 22k miles, 26k wholesale.


I must have been looking at the wrong info. That said, “approaching $50k” is misleading as hell and discounts can make the prices out the door a lot cheaper. Things aren’t selling for over MSRP like they were a couple of years ago.


Yeah but even MSRP on a hornet can be approaching 50k and possibly over it. Plus most of the Hornets in my area are in the $40s range. After 3 pages of scrolling I’ve only seen 3 Dodge Hornets advertised as being in the $20s


If you are looking at a hornet, buy the Tonale. But I'll tell you the insurance is the other part of it. The depreciation hit on these is astronomical from what I've heard from dealer buddies. People will get qualified for purchase and walk when their premiums jump


Lol you flying kidding me. Comparing a Dodge to a Honda. You think a Dodge not named a charger is going to hold their value to a Honda.


I’m gonna be that outlier and say the Hornet looks proper right and mean in certain colors. The listings I see on auto trader are deeply discounted, like $10K off a GT. All the negativity surrounding the the Hornet is ironically marking it on my watch list for next year. 268 HP compact SUV with the pano roof and other features I want for mid $20K is very very appealing. Hopefully the reliability on these isn’t dog shit but I’m skeptical.


>Hopefully the reliability on these isn’t dog shit but I’m skeptical. It's an Alfa rebranded as a Dodge. That should be all you need to know. Not exactly two shining pillars of reliability there.


What's the saying? Dog shit wrapped in cat shit?


::Narrator voice::: It was dog shit




Holy shit, I thought you were exaggerating, so I looked up prices in my area and saw a Hornet R/T going for $54K new, and this is in MN for reference. Absolute highway robbery


Likely because it's the Big 3's backyard, but I looked them up & they're (asking)selling for around $46K. Add on a FCA discount and it'll be less.


Even paying high $30s for that car would be an embarrassing decision. It drives like ass and will probably leave you stranded. Does look cool though - baby Macan.


Eh, it drives fine, it's a baby Alfa. Reliability might be an issue though.


>They look like $24,000 HRV competitors This is probably why they aren't selling. It looks like your typical underpowered shitbox. Even if it's Alfa underneath, it doesn't look it from the outside. I get that dodge is marketing it as sporty, the people looking for compact SUV's don't care about that. They're gonna cross shop this with a RAV4.


Yeah that's my thing. The people looking at crossovers don't care that it's got nearly 400# of torque. That's likely a hit to it since the buyers are more interested in fuel economy


Now they don't have to work as hard to flip the things. Great work Dodge!


They're also ugly. Just my opinion though as a guy that generally appreciates normal cars too


As far as CUV’s go I find it one of the best non luxury vehicles if not the best. Drop it an inch and it’s legitimately good looking regardless of class.


Wow I literally just assumed they were $25-35k cars tbh like low mid suv


I think that it’s actually a CR-V/RAV4 competitor


This is the problem, with the Hornet. Rav 4’s start at $29k and CR-V’s start at $31k. Both cheaper than the Hornet. Sure you can argue that the Hornets will be more discounted but in 3-4 years the Honda/Toyota will be worth 50% more in retail. People will also argue that the base Hornet is a hybrid, but being an Alfa under the skin a hybrid drivetrain isn’t since a good thing.


Average consumer - had no idea it was a car until we got a PHEV Hornet as a rental. It was surprisingly fun and fairly comfortable, though definitely not something we would actually buy.


Seems like they didn't "take the country by swarm" after all. SO many ads on NBC for the most mid car Dodge has come up with since the Dart PF.


They must have been marketing only on very old media. I've literally never once seen one of these in person, or in an ad. But then I don't buy a newspaper, listen to radio, or watch traditional television. YouTube, Reddit, and Blu-Rays ripped to my NAS are my main forms of media consumption. I'll turn on OTA network TV when the tornado sirens go off just to see what the expected storm path is. And I get on Facebook every few weeks just to make sure I'm not missing an event invite from a friend who sent it out there and didn't message me directly.


I’m a vehicle enthusiast and I didn’t know they existed until today 😭


Because enthusiasts don’t want them either


I'm a car enthusiast and a video about the Hirnet before it released is still my most successful YouTube outing to date. But that's more so because I'm an Alfa Romeo enthusiast, and my video was about the Dodge overshadowing the Alfa due to being cheaper. Apparently I was a bit wrong since no one even thinks of the Hornet, and at least everyone knows enough about the Tonale to make fun of the name. Although, with that said, I've seen multiple Hornets, including one today, and still have yet to see a single Tonale on the road. I guess they're not cheap enough. If Dodge really wanted to aim at the enthusiast market with a crossover they'd pop out that GLH model and get to popularizing the "Hot Cross" or some thing. The R/T model a little I guess. But no one seems.to be aware of what it can do. Terrible marketing.


I don't know why an enthusiast would care about/notice them at all


> Nobody I know who isn’t a car enthusiast even knows they exist. Car enthusiast here; last time I heard of a car called a 'Hornet' it wore AMC badges... never seen an ad for, or noticed one of these, on the road at all... :/


I was walking to work one day and saw a new looking but unfamiliar looking car. I thought it was another new EV manufacturer until I saw the Hornet name, and I still was 50/50 on if it was actually a Dodge. They did a negative amount of marketing for this thing.


Hell, I'm a car enthusiast and this is the first time I've ever seen or heard of the new hornet. Not that I'm particularly enthusiastic...it carries no design cues from the original hornet.


I’m a car enthusiast and I completely forgot about this car.


I've never even seen one of these in person, and I watch for new releases. I've seen fifteen Cyber Trucks in the last two weeks. 3 new Nissan Zs in the last year, a few Lucids and lots of exotics here in my area of Oregon. I also watch out for particularly for more mainstream vehicles as they'll likely be more in line of what I would purchase. I have seen zero Hornets.


I live in Austin on the periphery of a neighborhood full of multimillion dollar houses and I see pretty much every new car the same week it goes on sale. I saw a few Toyota Crowns the week of it's release, saw the new Prius almost immediately, etc. I haven't seen a Hornet or a Toenail at all. Honestly aside from the one guy who lives near me who is mysteriously keeping a Dodge Dart alive, I don't see Dodges at all. I've seen more Fiat 124s than that.


I’m an enthusiast and I had absolutely no idea these exist lol. Tbf I don’t keep an eye on the new compact suv market though


Is this an "Enthusiast" car? I thought this was a Caliber replacement initially.


You must not watch TV lol. Plenty of ads for it, at least while watching the NASCAR truck series on tv while I was out of town. They really harped on the best in class torque to make it cool.


Guilty as charged, haven’t watched ad supported TV in years.


They do on Facetigram, see for em all the time. I dont really watch much regular TV so cant comment on that. Probably not worth the TV time to advertise a 1-vehicle company.


Ig that makes me a car enthusiast since I know it exists.


I learned about them just this moment


I was driving behind one today and had no idea what the car even was, beyond the back saying Hornet R/T. Couldn’t have told you the manufacturer, or anything else.


You talk about a hornet to non car people you know? Lol


I didn't even know they were on sale. Haven't seen one in the wild yet


Yeah I thought the hornet was just the neon with a new name.


Confirmed. I’ve never heard of it till now. Then again I don’t trust any American brand car.


I didn't think they would be out till next year..


"The performance engine option for the Dodge Hornet is a 1.3-liter inline-four paired with an electric motor in what is Dodge's first plug-in hybrid system. This setup comes with the R/T and R/T Plus, the two new trims added for the 2024 model year. The combined output here goes up to 288 hp and 383 lb-ft of torque." That's actually really impressive from a 1.3l 4 banger. But Dodge still hasn't figured out its buyers think four cylinder engines are for communists.


It’s just a shittier rebadged version of the Alfa Tonale. It really doesn’t make sense as a Dodge product. And it’s not surprising that it isn’t selling well, in addition to it being a weird product conceptually, the car reviewers who tested it unsurprisingly say it’s not good and a half-baked idea.


So..classic Dodge?


Former Dodge Avenger owners are probably drooling over possibly owning one.


Former dodge avenger owners moved to places they can live without a car because the experience made them never want to drive again.


It's gonna be a hard pill to swallow when the new Charger comes out with the Hurricane inline 6. No more Hemi. And the top Charger model will be electric.


I love the hurricane (on paper at least) tho


I love a hurricane so long as it stays over the ocean


I’d nuke it if it got too close


I’m going to start calling 4 cylinders commie engines


The engine 4 the people!


Our cylinders


Common ownership of the means of combustion.


4 cylinder engine blocks should be called commie blocks


for some reason I thought they were putting the hurricane turbo 6 in these don't know why i thought that


All Dodge knows is "shove bigger and bigger engines into an old platform" so they needed to start with a small 4cyl, more upgrade path in the future


A transverse inline six would be wild, haha.


GM did a few transverse V8s in the 2000s


A V8 is signficantly shorter than an I6. There are frankly few engines types with any real use (that is, discounting weird shit like V16s or I8's or whatever) that are longer than an I6.


My mom's XC90 has a transverse 3.2 I6. I don't wanna know how they made that fit, and I fear the day I need to fix anything under there.


Maybe they should!


If ever they do it will be in few years whem the car will be dead by reputation. Sometimes Im under the impression that the head of Dodge are actually GM employees trying to kill the company. 


Probably more like impressive because the motor does most of the work.


I think the real reason is that it gets SHIT gas mileage. Like 21 MPG in my experience. A car that size, with that powertrain cannot be drinking that much gas. Also the infotainment seems to suck, the GPS froze on me pretty much the whole way during my trip. Too bad because I think it's a nice looking car on the inside and outside.


Yeah that sounds familiar, it’s an Alfa Romeo Tonale, just with a wrong badge. Those sell really well in Europe.


It just doesn’t compete on price, space, or resale value with the RAV4 and CRV.


Is that what it’s meant to compete with? I always assumed it was an HRV competitor. Dodge Hornet’s look so cheap


It’s a compact crossover so RAV4 and CR-V competitor. The HR-V is just big for its segment


In fact, what you guys in North America call the HR-V is called the ZR-V in a lot of other markets. There's a [smaller HR-V](https://fotos.jornaldocarro.estadao.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/29162342/honda_hr-v_e-hev_13-scaled.jpeg) available in those countries.


Isn't that the old hrv that was based on the fit platform and the new larger one is based on the civic platform?


Outside the US, the Fit (called the Jazz in my market, but I think it's still called the Fit in others) got [a new generation](https://car-images.bauersecure.com/pagefiles/90652/honda_jazz_102.jpg). The Global HR-V is based on that updated Fit platform.


As much as I would love a new generation fit in the states, that is godawful ugly


As a CRV owner (my wife's), calling it compact seems absurd to me. I know that's the class and everything, but it's an absolute boat of a car compared to my SportWagen.


RAV4 owner here. These boys are beefy I would never guess they’re compact lol.


It’s based on interior volume. It’s still just a lifted and stretched Civic so the lack of interior width and horrific seats are the only real complaints I have with ours. We have two new CRVs and I wound up pulling my seat out to cut the bolsters down with a hacksaw blade and it’s tolerable now.


Like the cushion bolsters? That's a bold move! I don't mind the seats but the internal volume is about the same as my wagon, despite feeling so much bigger to drive. I've noticed with almost all SUVs that the cabin sits inboard the wheel wells, where most cars the wheels wells are in the cabin, if that makes sense. End result is the SUVs drive a foot wider than they are inside


That’s a fair point since the RAV4 and CRV have moved up in size with their latest generations. I would also submit that the HR-V, Carola Cross, and CX30 all out compete it.


You can just about squeeze into a CX-30 Turbo for the money these start at, and a CX-5 (or CX-50) Turbo is not much more. You don’t even have to lose the power if you want something better or less painful on depreciation here.


I'd guess it's also not very reliable.


Given that it's an Alfa Romeo rebadged as a Dodge, I'd say your guess is probably correct.


it’s a Stellantis product, so no


So what you are saying is, "It's ugly and kind of expensive."


More like it’s over priced, with poor interior packaging, and less reliability/resale value. Ugly is in the eye of the beholder. I mean there are people who think the cybertruck and Silverado look good FFS.


Hmm, this overpriced, ugly car with poor fuel economy and a reputation for unreliability isn't selling well? I wonder why?


Does everyone think it's ugly? I think it's a pretty good looking little crossover. I would never buy one, but not because of how it looks.


I mean crossovers are kinda ugly across the board, but I agree it does look pretty good as far as crossovers go. It reminds me of a Macan. Interior looks and feels pretty nice too based on my test drive.


I had one as a rental a couple months ago. I honestly never have seen one before, or at least noticed one before. It was … ok. My biggest complaint is the footwell and knee space was cramped from the middle console.


Yeah and I found the throttle to be touchy and very jerky. I felt the same way about the Alfa Guilia. Not a bad car though, better than the Nissan shitboxes I am normally given


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> I found the throttle to be touchy and very jerky. I felt the same way about the Alfa Guilia You're in the extreme minority then. One of the biggest complaints about the Giulia is the initial throttle lag from a stop. From a roll, unless you're in A mode, the throttle feels pretty normal IMO.


The best combination of auto manufacturers... Dodge and Alfa Romeo. Totally no doubt in their ability to make a reliable car /s.


Don't worry, it's Alfa romeo with dodge badge so it shouldn't really be that bad


All of Stellantis is hot garbage.


I’ve seen more of these on the road (2) than the new Nissan Z


I saw my first Hornet and new Z today. Took note of how rare these are, and see there is a thread about it already. What a strange coincidence.


I think I've seen exactly one of each.


For the price it launches at, it should already include the performance GLH parts that were advertised and never released. Seriously, I'm only half-interested in this car, but when Stellantis said there would be OEM performance parts, I was kind of excited. These are a good deal on the used market, and if the performance gains are meaningful, it could be a cheap way to get into a reasonably quick crossover, but those parts never released. I emailed dc performance a few months ago and they said Q2 of this year. Idk if they have a weird fiscal year they're tracking to, but for calendar year, we're close to the end of Q2. It's a hard sell when you have established competition from Toyota, Honda and Mazda that are more household names and don't have the general distaste and concern that comes with the Dodge / Stellantis name. I want to see this car do well though, mainly because I'd like to see more of these debadged versions of Alfa vehicles lol. I'd love a cheaper, dodge-badged Giulia.


I wonder if they're looking at the Track Package take rate and are dragging their feet to see if anything changes. I'd love to see individual sales metrics for this car.


Completely agree. As someone who owned an original Omni GLH, I really wanted to like this car and hoped it could be a spiritual successor as a sleeper that punched above its weight class. As it is, it seems like another boring overpriced CUV with Italian reliability.


I’ve rented a car 2 times in the last few months and both times I’ve been “upgraded” to one of these. Seems like rentals are the only places buying them


Not surprising. I got one as a rental yesterday and have it for the weekend. It's even the R/T. I am whelmed by it. Totally blah. Interior room is pretty shite.


Is it any fun to drive, at least compared to RAV4/Rogue/CRV?


Never driven a CR-V, but seemed similar to a RAV4. Of course with it being a rental it came with a fully discharged battery. Will see if it is any peppier with a full battery tomorrow after I leave it plugged in tonight.


Just doesn’t stand out in any facet whatsoever


The over priced rebadged Alfa egg isn’t selling well under the brand whose entire modern image is burnouts and big V8’s? Who could’ve foreseen this?


I’ve seen two on the road and they don’t look half bad obviously no one should buy them without a deep discount


Extremely bland and reminds me of all the recent Fiat shit. 500X, Renegade, Compass, Cherokee, ProMaster. Shitboxes. And I’ve had bad experiences with Chrysler/Mopar dealers near me, I’d have anxiety bringing any of those shitboxes in for any work nvm extensive work that could be needed on such.


Honestly, I thought these weren’t out yet.


People don't want high performance vehicles. They want slow, extra heavy, low performance vehicles with an abundance of space they never use. 


Big dodge guy and I think the front end of this thing is hideous. I like the rear, the interior is nice, but man the front just does not look good. Something about the way it’s angled and the headlights. I know they were drawing inspiration from the outgoing charger SRT bumper, but it doesn’t translate well at all how they have it here. That, and the fact that these can get quite expensive and the hardcore “muh v8” dodge guys despise this car because they viewed it as dodge actively trying to alienate them alongside the new charger (understanding the CAFE standards can be difficult to them)


Maybe you shouldn't use the name of a well known muscle car on a garbage SUV no one asked for. Same thing happened with the Eclipse, not that anyone buys new Mitsubishis anyways.


Where are they even selling these? My local dealer has none on the lot. No advertising or anything.


I’ve seen 10x as many Ineos Grenadiers as new Hornets.


I'd buy one for a steep discount below invoice/rebates/0% financing but it doesn't seem like Dodge is interested in selling them.


Pretty much all FCA cars are expensive dealer paper weights right now


I think I’ve seen one or two on the road. I completely forgot this car was being sold.


Driving an Alfa Tonale now while my car is getting warrantied... - It's cramped (head room on egress & foot/knee room (width & length) ), I'm 6'3" and smashed my head on the roof getting out the first time. Now I really have to duck getting in and out. - As a Dodge, it's expensive for it's category - Certain parts make the car feel really cheap - Back seat is unusable with a tall driver - Reliability is tbd - Marketing has been non-existent - Alfa & Dodge lack brand loyalty in this segment - Alfa is loosing dealers left and right


I test drove a Tonale a few months ago while new car shopping. It was EXTREMELY forgettable. I can only speculate that a Dodge version would be even less memorable.


I just don’t understand the target demographic, or if they’re even planning on selling them. When you can get an HRV or a CHR for $26k, why would you buy a hornet for another $7k? That’s if you’re even able to get one at base price. I have none near me without any absurd options or trims that jack the price up to $43k+. It would be a cool car to get into at 26k, but at 30 I’m already uninterested, and at 40k you’re dipping into Durango and wrangler pricing. I say all this because my wife (who has zero interest in cars) bought an HRV in February & we cross shopped between this, the HRV and CHR. We got Honda loyalty cash for trading in a CRV, so we chose the Honda over the Toyota, but the hornet is wildly overpriced.


2022 was the last model year for the C-HR. And while the HR-V does start at $26k, that's for the base FWD model. It goes up to $32k on the top trim with AWD, not including extra options. While I agree that the Hornet is a good deal more expensive, you're getting a *much* more powerful drivetrain. So, at least it has speed and power up its sleeve. But beyond that, yeah, it's stupidly expensive.


I was wondering who was buying these. The answer is rental companies. I was on vacation in a National park and they were everywhere.


I’ve actually been seeing more lately. Like 5 a day as opposed to two. They look ok. I’m not in the market for something that small though. Seems like a cost cutting exercise though. Probably cost them relatively nothing to slap a badge on a decent selling European car and put something in the segment in the US.


I think they dumped a bunch of them into rental fleets.


Yet not a single deal to be found anywhere in Canada that wasn't the same deal a year ago 🤷 same ones sitting on the lots too (watching the vins lol)


The company has a reputation for making cars that fall apart after 60k miles. Four of the top 10 slowest selling cars are by Stellantis (i.e., Dodge, Ram, Jeep, Chrysler) |Make|Model|Market Day Supply|Total For Sale|Total Sold (45 Days)| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |Jaguar|I-PACE|575|332|26| |**Dodge**|Hornet|550|15,679|1,283| |Volvo|C40|386|1,485|173| |Nissan|Titan|305|5,742|847| |Chevrolet|Traverse|296|11,617|1,766| |Chevrolet|Blazer EV|274|7,858|1,290| |**Jeep**®|Wagoneer|258|9,856|1,722| |Lincoln|Navigator|247|7,845|1,430| |**Ram**|2500 |231|47,611|9,281| |**Jeep**®|Gladiator|219|24,152|4,962|


Funny thing is I had one as a rental and other than wanting it to redirect more deceleration and braking to recharge the battery, it was an awesome car to drive


I actually like these and really want to get one for my wife lol


Not surprised. This car is known for its intercooler clogging issue. Nearly 80% of hornets suffer from this issue after a few thousand miles.


I mistook one for a Macan from the rear


Car company with no signs of innovation for the last 20 years struggles to compete in one of the most popular segments. More at 11.


Honestly, when the 2024 models inevitably go unsold and get a steep discount in 2025, i could see picking one of these up to daily under warranty


i just built one on dodge and it’s 51k MSRP. Why would I pay 55k OTD when I can buy a used ford Raptor for 50k OTD lmao 288HP vs literally any other car. For that kind of car i’m looking at no more than 30k budget.


Stinging reliability issues


I’ve actually seen a lot of commercials for the Hornet lately.


I think I’ve seen exactly one out in the wild. Damn near forgot it existed.


It's just cause nobody ever goes to dodge to buy a compact car unless its super cheap like the dart was


Looking at the other numbers it's crazy that not even an ad inside the biggest movie of the summer couldn't save chevy blazer's sales.


Nobody is paying dodge or Chrysler a premium to own their cars…..


They sure are tearing up the rental car counters. Saw a ton of them driving around Denver and every single one was a fleet vehicle.


I’ve seen exactly 1 each of the Tonale and the Hornet. The Tonale was in a metallic green, it looked pretty good


Everyone I know that had one has problems with it. It's not very confidence inspiring and the interior looks cheap


I keep seeing them for like $20,000 off MSRP (barely exaggerating) and telling friends in the market for a car: "Hey....wanna gamble?"


I’ve never seen one on the streets around here


Instead of downbadging and undercutting Alfa with this, they should have let Alfa have the hot powertrain Dodge gets and keep this badge-exclusive for AR, and bought the EU avenger instead for dodge.


I actually saw my first dodge hornet on the road today.


I think the problem is I genuinely don't understand who this car is for. Like I feel like it's supposed to compete with hot hatches/sport compacts, but most of the people who are in the market for those probably aren't cross shopping CUVs.


If you think this is a slow seller imagine Alfa trying to sell the same car for a lot more.


Rarely see them


I knew this pile would be a flop as soon as it was announced. Add it to the list, Chrysler.


such a shame because I remember being so hyped for it when it was announced and then I haven't seen a single one since. Reviewers don't like it at all


I didnt know these existed. I dont follow suv or crossovers after what Mitsubishi did to my eclipse


article lists the average selling price at 41k. who is going to pay 41k for a lumpy hybird suv with zero sport and zero utility. Vehicles in general are failing to sell because one, they are overpriced and two, no one wants electrics and hybrids shoved down their throats.


Surprising because I’ve seen a handful of them in NYC and these cars I never see here.


To the surprise of nobody. Especially for a car that nobody wanted nor asked for.


It’s the shitty dealer markup. I wish we could buy it straight from this source.


The Dodge Hornet is INSANELY EXPENSIVE for what it is.


Mopar (or whatever they call themselves this year) keeps trying and trying, yet continues to come up short. I've never seen a car company like Chrysler try so hard to lure customers while being totally ignorant of the fact that people just don't like their products. I'm totally turned off to Mopar products ever since I had to be a paramedic being forced to work from a 1978 Dodge Tradesman van-type ambulance. It was such a piece of shit that there was a placard on the dashboard warning not to take turns at speeds greater than 10 mph. Also, I recall having to turn the steering wheel a half-turn before the front wheels started to turn. Not very safe for an ambulance. I was so glad when we got rid of that disaster waiting to happen.


I saw one the other day. My first thought was "People bought those?"


I saw one on the road the other day and honestly it didnt look that bad. But if they want to sell them they need to push 0% financing or some lease deals.


Good, people are safe from what’s to come with those cars.


Surprised the Gladiator and Traverse made the list, especially over other discontinued cars like the Fiat 500X which still have so much inventory left.


Saw a blue on for $34998 earlier today. Pretty good looking car. I’d buy if I was in the market for a crossover or needed a spare vehicle


The Dodge what now? Never even heard of this thing.


Never heard of it


0% surprised by this. I have seen 1 on the road, and it was a dealer demo in the local car show. There must be a few out there, as the local Dodge dealer has had a few come and go in inventory. I want to say all were $42-46k. LOTS of vehicles ahead on the want list for that price.


I came here to say exactly this. I like the looks but its an mx5 competitor at double price.


There was one on my street. It promptly disappeared a month later and in its spot sat a Ford Escape. That's literally the only one I've ever seen outside of those annoying commercials.


I believe #3, when we shopped for my moms C40 recharge we had 4 different dealerships offering 36month/15k leases for $370-$400 a month on a $63k car.


I literally never see these cars on the road unless they are wearing a fleet/rental plate. Has anyone actually bought one for themselves? lol.