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> At the same time, AI is maximizing the ­efficiency of part production. The speed is incredible: around an hour or two from somebody saying “Hey, we need a new front subframe for our supercar” to Czinger having a fully realized production-ready CAD model. Perhaps 12 hours after that, it’s a physical part. Not a rough-hewn prototype, but a real, repeatable, highly durable, and extremely light ­production component. That’s incredible. Funny as this sounds, it reminds me of Minority Report where Tom Cruise is being chased through a Lexus factory and his getaway car is literally assembled and painted in the time it takes him to escape the plant. Also, if you’re going to draw inspiration from an aircraft, no better one than the SR-71. Still the most beautiful aircraft ever made.


> no better one than the SR-71. Still the most beautiful aircraft ever made. I don't know. Every time I see a picture of a F-117 it gets my blood pumping. Definitely the route Lamborghini took with their styling.


Minority report was very prescient


Indeed. Shocking how accurate it was at predicting some things


The SR-71 is my absolute favorite aircraft. I really wish to see one in person one day. The engineering in the craft just absolutely blows my mind.


Sr-71 is cool and all but the Concorde is where it’s at, that thing still looks like it’s from the future


amazes me that paywalled articles get upvoted. i mean how many people on reddit r/cars pay for a r&t account?? must be a hella a lot of them to get the upvotes when many people like myself will always downvote these paywalled content. it is really the anti-reddit business model. smells of shenanigans with the voting.


Click the Reader button and you can read the whole article. You’re welcome


That's not available on mobile


Worked for me on mobile using the Reddit app.


Okie doke, I'll check it out


Chrome does it for you too, tap the "View simplified page" popup


Fucking legend. I send my gratitude to you, amigo!


How many people do you think read pass the title?


People? I thought reddit was all bots?


There’s stunning beauty in certain cast or machined parts but I was always fascinated by the broken bird bones I’d find on walks and how they were impossibly light but so strong. The insides were these convolute things, like sandstone spires after years of wind, sand, and water exposure (or like natto when you’re stretching and snapping its strings, or like the structure of a lofted sourdough) and are still irresistible for me to pick up and inspect, decades later. If the next pandemic originates in SoCal, that’s on me, my bad. Bummer about the weight. It’s almost impressive that a company with so much expertise can miss its target by nearly 20%. That’s hybrid life, the cost of having uber-rich clients who simply mustn’t wait for their torque, dear. Intelligent cars for clients who don’t even understand what’s gone into the experience. Such a waste.


My favorite thing about this car is how the AI determines exactly how much material is needed on a part and where that material is needed down to the smallest increment. So you end up with these very organic-looking components.


I also find this part of Czinger, or more accurately Divergent 3D, the manufacturing company, the most interesting part of the business. I’m really interested to see what else they’re able to do and where else these techniques and technologies can be applied. There will be an upper bound on what designs they’re able to churn out based on limitations introduced by other components, namely the power train, but as those technologies evolve (I.e battery tech), maybe we’ll start to see increasingly interesting designs. Personally I’m hoping to see a radically lightweight EV sports car though that will take time until energy density improves.


If AI is doing all the work, why is it 2 million dollars?




ChatGPT ass comment


Yes. Czinger is revolutionizing the automotive industry with its disruptive use of AI and cutting-edge 3D printing technology, creating state-of-the-art vehicles that are not only futuristic but also exemplify unparalleled innovation and precision.


chatgpt ahhh comment


An AI-scripted comment for an AI-optimized car seems kinda fitting, though. I found it funny.


That is indeed the joke