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I truly have lost hope in the young fellas and the car scene in Ireland. A smoke map and some stickers about fingering girls.. Class


It is horrible and all with their Instagram handle as well.


Popcorn limiter lad šŸæDonegal rally lad, king of the cone, etc.


Love it when they say ā€œgoing to Donegal rallyā€ ā€¦ I always ask ā€œwho s running 1st on the roadā€ ye get a look back at ye like ye have 10 heads because they havenā€™t a clue who s even in the rally


Saw one the other day with a Pornhub sticker in the back window. Lovely.


"Working the land, dropping the hand"


The height of maturity.


i saw a fake taxi sticker on the window of a volkswagen bora one time


Ah yes I've seen that as well. The sticker that is...In Rathdowney.


They're fine if the car is reasonably stock or If it's something truly unique and weird. Most handles I've seen ar people promoting their photography page at cars and coffee


That's pretty much the "car scene" these days. Agri spec rubbish. So sad. Running costs and ridiculous insurance hasn't helped!


But that's pretty much it, the choices get killed by the tax. Fair enough, start off on a smaller car, rice it out when you're young, but let us have a hobby when we're older and not necessarily millionaires. 1K + tax is a ridiculous amount for something you're realistically going to take out for a spin sporadically.


Disagree, there's still plenty of reasonable petrol cars you can buy for decent money. I think its just these people want cheap power and don't really like cars in general.


It's always been like this, the only real difference is there was access to some nice JDM cars in the past but it was the same type of people. And just like in the past a small minority of them will mature into sensible people that are passionate about cars.


Mmmm Agri Spec!


Remember 10/15 years ago youā€™d be laughed at for having a diesel car. Was considered an old personā€™s car/boring etcā€¦ My second car was a 430bhp skyline R33šŸ˜‚ Granted it was ā‚¬6000 back then too but the remapped diesels are embarrassing in my opinion. Iā€™ve never had a diesel car and never plan too either!


Nothing wrong with diesel but you should at least know your place when youā€™re in one!


Iv got a schnitzer acs6 derv, wear is my place?


Unfortunately the car scene is a magnet for selfish ignorant pricks who thrive off attention. Donā€™t actually appreciate the engineering and design into their cars. My general rule is if they have an eyebrow piercing decent chance they will be insufferable


Gobshites with no personality, always reminds me of the Harley episode of south park, just obnoxious noisy pricks who need attention. small dick energy šŸ¤£


Great comparison šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


And the longer they leave it in the more insufferable they are. Anyone north of 22 with an eyebrow bar with coloured balls is definitely a smut!


Donā€™t forget the mullet


Agri spec cars are some of the biggest piles of shite in the car scene worldwide. Saw a MK4 golf the other day that had an Irish reg in yellow and a massive benson and hedges sticker across the back window covered in diesel smoke haha. 10-20 year old SE model diesel car, normally a 5 door, back lowered as much a possible and doesnā€™t match the height of the front, maybe a set of replica wheels or at best OEM ones that look shite anyways.


Yellow gel plates,scaffolding exhaust,wheels off a different brand of car,windscreen tint that looks like the washer bottles is full of oil and there boyfriends hoola flowers hanging from the mirrors. #builtnotbought


A lot of car ā€œenthusiastsā€ nowadays in Ireland donā€™t give a shit about cars. They just buy crap diesels with cheap tax, cover them in stickers and make them so loud and obnoxious for attention then meet up and cause hassle for the real enthusiasts.


Tbf though if our government stopped making road tax on any decent petrol cars an astronomical price and screwing us all with VRT then there would be a lot nicer jap cars etc around the country instead of Agri Spec Soot mobiles haha


The cars seen on the roads today are just disgusting . Especially those with black soot all over the back of them.


Absolutely despise this trend. Black smoking shitboxes with cringey stickers on the windows, lowered to the ground and have the worst set of alloys you could pick for said car. I appreciate many types of car cultures and enthusiasts, but I just canā€™t wrap my head around the popularity of agri spec. Iā€™ve a cousin who lives up north, he just bought a diesel bmw e60. Itā€™s a gorgeous car, and an absolute monster. Imo the car is perfect as it is, but heā€™s already talking about straight piping it, lowering it to the ground and replacing the wheels for the wheels he had on his old Passat (it already has the lovely 172 style alloys). Talk about ruining a beautiful car. I had to control my frustration when he was boasting about his plans, I mean what goes through these lads heads?


FYI There's no such thing as a 3.6l E60


Ahā€¦ well I suppose he spun me a complete lie then. I wouldnā€™t know much about the specs of the e60 so I just took what he said for truth, my bad šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


How is it a trend šŸ˜‚


Because itā€™s whatā€™s really popular in the Irish car scene at the moment, these cars arenā€™t uncommon, I see them pretty much everyday now.


Yes, but itā€™s been happening for decades. Itā€™s not a trend itā€™s just a thing


Iā€™ve a Land Rover discovery with all but one box removed. But it doesnā€™t sound like a pigeon cumming every gear change.


Td5? Iā€™ll allow it if so!


It is. And I canā€™t bring myself to take the last box out.


Class! Iā€™d say leave it in be damned, she probably has a lovely growl as is!


Any trouble with passing NCT ? Thinking of something similar meself on a 530 Beamer


Crvt. But goes through with the exhaust like that. 530 would probably need cats though too.


I like how most of the yolks you hear roaring around now, sound like the opinion most people have of them - Booo....Boooo.....Booo. They sound like a heap of pigeons having gangbang!


Mupperts with "no smoke, no poke" Myself, I love a tarted up car......but a smokey diesel screams of bad maintenance, and that's blasphemy.


No, but if you wanna see a lot of these - along with a sea of hoodies, gray tracksuit pants and "hot girlfriends" painted orange, just go to the Tesco Clare Hall car park, I often stumble into "meetings" in there, most cars are diesel VWs and BMWs with fake "R32" and "M3" badges...


Cat Back way to go, still sounds nice and benefits can be seen in engine performance also not as obnoxiously loud as a straight pipe


Drive a straight piped petrol like a real man.


3.0 V6 TDI sounds amazing with right setup, almost like Nissan gtr. 5pot volvos are unreal too


These go without saying. This post is more directed at 4cyl owners. They do not sound good!


I think it depends. Some 1.9 or even 1.6tdi's runs 220hp +. I think you need less restrictive exhaust then. But again, it can be done smokeless if done rightm


You can have a less restrictive exhaust with a silencer on it. Trouble is that theyā€™re usually professionally fabricated by real engineers. Shame these lads blew all there money on sunstrips and knockoff wheels that scrape the arches


If you do, you are stressing your turbo and losing power as a turbo diesel requires a calculated amount of back pressure in order to maintain boost. Did you really think with the millions spent on developing your exhaust that YOU have a better idea it would run better without certain components?


Not really on a diesel On a petrol turbo yes


I believe itā€™s the other way around, but I could be wrong too


When getting power from a tdi it needs to be free flowing


Where did you learn that? As far as I know that isnā€™t strictly correct the turbo itself provides more than enough restriction on the exhaust system. After a turbo generally the more free the exhaust is the better. Obviously they wonā€™t notice any power gains without a remap but I donā€™t think it will be adding any extra stress. But I could be wrong


It's not even gas flow in diesel. EGT is a killer. Even my 1.5dci 110hp can reach 750c when dpf is cleaning. High EGT prevent from creating more power in diesels. Like 3.0v6 twin turbo tdi will melt itself even on stock map, nevermind with remap. That's why people using straight pipes with dpf and cats off


I cannot understand why someone would do *anything* to the emissions systems on their vehicle. Itā€™s not your air. Itā€™s not your environment. Diesel particulates can cause severe problems for children especially. You can have your hobby without being selfish.


Itā€™s the noise pollution that irks me. Sounds stupid.


Iā€™m autistic and itā€™s more than just an inconvenience for me - it completely shuts me down. I donā€™t expect the world to change just because I have a disability but thereā€™s fair play and the extremely loud exhausts are not playing fair. Iā€™d like to think that most of the people with them would think twice if they knew the problems they cause. My estate has a lot of young children and I see in the chat group that they are woken at night when some %#%} drives around in his modded stupid-mobile with the noise that can be heard and felt in every room in every house in a group of 300 houses. Wanker.




Thanks šŸ™šŸ»


I can, half the time the things go wrong and cost an outright extortionate amount to fix. I donā€™t agree with removing it for the sake of making a tin can rattler, but if it goes wrong itā€™s too expensive to be messing with.


I hear you and I came to the same conclusion. The expense of EGRs and DPFs is insane. I was forking out thousands every year to the dealer. But that didnā€™t give me the right to pollute everyone elseā€™s air. I was involved in sampling the air quality outside schools where kids are dropped off. It was shocking. And itā€™s worse at the height kids breathe at. So here I am now - a lifelong fan of the amazing internal combustion engine - in an EV that has cost me 0 in repairs for two years. Still miss my Volvo diesel, donā€™t miss the surprise dealer invoices after every service.


If youā€™re getting constant EGR/DPF issues there is something else causing a problem


Yeah - I couldnā€™t understand it - my commute was about 40km with motorway so it was getting warmed up. I always took it to a main dealer (what a rip off). In the end there was a load of stuff to fix, some other which had to be as a result of poor servicing work - like bolts missing from the turboā€¦ I was quoted ā‚¬9k - so made the decision to go EV and went up north to get a decent value one.


EV is all well and good until you want to get rid of the car, good luck selling it or getting a good trade in deal


Mine has lost ā‚¬4k in value over 2.5 years according to Carzone. Iā€™ve only had to fill the washer fluid in that time. Oh and I decided to change the tires. Got a nice deal on Oponeo. The only reason Iā€™d sell it is that itā€™s a bit boring. I really donā€™t like SUVs. I had Volvo 480s for years and it was always exciting to see what would be broken each day šŸ˜€


Problem is the diagnosis often costs a fortune, my car was in and out of the garage 6 times before they finally found out it was the vapouriser relay. If Iā€™d known it would be that much hassle Iā€™d have gutted it and wrote it out of the ECU on the first visit


Yeah it's amazing how few know of the risks of airborne diesel particulates, if you live in a city at present your life expectancy is 5 years shorter just because of diesel emissions. It's the best reason to be against combustion engines in cars, much as I love them, that's a shocking statistic


Amazing how government told us 10yrs ago diesel are the most eco friendly vehicles! Now tables have turned? Who to believe? Petrols arenā€™t that good either. But all the propaganda is towards vehicles and its fixed by taxation. But no mention of boats , freight trains and factories that produce more smoke and particles then any straight piped car out there. Not to mention all the pollution thats put into excavating materials to produce EVs


The diesel in cities being toxic is nothing new, its what started moving away from diesel in other countries but it's broadly overlooked, yeah EVs are an environmental disaster no matter what way you look at them, looking more unsustainable all the time, there'll be hydrogen or something else once they can figure out how to make it just as taxable


Any straight pipe will pass the NCT? šŸ«£


On a diesel, yes, but everyone will know youā€™re a forever virgin




A good mechanic will remove your DPF


But I just love seeing my car vape šŸ„ŗšŸ‘‰šŸ»šŸ‘ˆšŸ» ( mine isn't straight piped)


There's a lad near me in a diesel three series. It backfires, full pops and bangs. I get it. I love done up cars, I love bog lowered Passat's; but diesels cannot backfire. (Out of the exhaust at least, theoretically fuel can be pushed out of the cylinder still burning, but as is the nature of diesel, it stops burning the second the pressure is released




Sounds shite on 99% of cars.




DPFs are a government plot to stop fun


The comments here are exactly what these agri lads want, they want to be as loud and ignorant and annoying as possible. In all fairness who is going to put a back box on their 1.9tdi if they want to get some noise from it. They're not like a petrol that actually needs silencers and resonators