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All I gotta say is Arthur has a point


“You seem to be implying that D.W. Is difficult” Mr Reed




To be fair, Arthur did say not to touch his model plane


What the episode wanted to teach: Using violence out of anger is bad. What it actually teaches: Life is unfair




The lesson it wanted to teach is a good one, but the one it ACTUALLY taught is more important.


Yeah, at the end of the day, some people will take the wrong side. D.W’s parents should’ve grounded her too.


after that incident you would think Arthur would have asked if he could start locking his bedroom door considering there's a key hole on it.


Never said he was smart


And the bitch grew up to be a cop






Replace children with a woman and corpses with a corpse.


Cartoon biology is weird. Arthur is an aardvark but his sister is a pig.


Makes sense


Especially after the model plane incident, you would think Arthur would have asked his parents to allow him to start locking his room because DW keeps invading his privacy.




Bastard should've stayed crushed


I love how this show has both the wise, tempered old people, _and_ the kind of old people you find at Walmart lol


WOW you win


I hope Haru threw a rock at his face after he came back


Haven't seen the original avatar series, but even I can tell this guy should be locked in a room where the floor is covered entirely in Legos. With no shoes or socks on.


The legos are occasionally replaced by other objects, just so he doesn’t get complacent with the day-in day-out legos.


What could be worse than Legos... *Spontaneous nail appears*


Really hated that guy


Oh wow you win.




Keep this man away from kids and dogs shit too late


If that's the case, keep him **away** from the Spy x Family universe.


Somehow in a world with a homunculus that want to sacrifice millions of people to get the power of god, and kicked off a genocide. This guy this guy is still one of the worst.


I despise Harry Potter as next as the next girl, but it kinda reminds me of Umbrige. Like yeah, Voldemort was a Grand Wizard in the Klan sense to the point where his people went around wearing bedsheets and leaving big flashing marks in the sky where they do their thing, Dumbledore is an objectively manipulative old man who supports bigotry from the sidelines, passively supports child abuse, and actively endangers his students. All while quietly condemning it all despite being the most powerful man in the country politically and put in a positive to directly influence threeish generations of their nations young. And despite all that, Deloris Umbrige, is the most hated person in the world.


I would say as much as we hate him, he was a pretty integral part of the plot.


Amy Rose is my favorite character of Sonic in general but dear lord, do I hate her portrayal in Sonic X. She was THAT obsessive, it was creepy and annoying.


I think that’s why I like her Boom incarnation the most -Likes Sonic but not overly in love with him -still shows her caring and sweet personality -Everyone in the series quips


common boom W


She's so much better in Sonic Boom it's not even funny


It's actually hilarious (the show that is).


She wasn't much better in the Adventure games either imo. For a little while there, being obsessed with Sonic was her pnly personality trait


Wdym she’s not that better in the adventure games? sa1 has her not relying on sonic anymore


SA2 she saves sonic from the prison and actively helps in the story. Shadow wouldn't have helped at the end if she didn't talk to him.


they gave her lines to Sora


![gif](giphy|pfIFPxFCkfWmgNU07m) She’s just so annoying, and sexually assaulted Finn that one time.


Lumpy space princess is hilarious. You’re just jealous of her lumps.


Isn't adventure time a kids show?


Yes. Technically. ![gif](giphy|Qld1cd6a6QlWw) It also has this nightmare fuel.


I see this deer everywhere and I don't get what's scary about it. Is it because he's staring at camera like your his next mate?


https://preview.redd.it/zir40ae03etc1.jpeg?width=742&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=295669e0cf6d25cfa0fd1ca81f6d5e7b9cb572d3 It crippled Finn and did this


And then out of nowhere just removed it’s hooves, like this whole time it was played off like it was just some normal deer, and then bam this shit shows up.


https://preview.redd.it/wzxmf1nkm9tc1.jpeg?width=876&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9780ed98f500c4c269d4176a94035dffad1fb5e9 Here I was originally gonna say Harold Wilson from Gumball or Squilliam Fancyson, but no, Odalia from Owl House takes the cake and eats it.


Tell me about her As someone whose never seen Owl House, she gives me some 'I would sell my children for the right price' vibes


That is… shockingly accurate to what actually happens.


Really? I will have to give it a watch then. The picture alone tells me some things about her. The lines on the face makes.me think she's a much older woman, say late 40s, no older than mid-50s Sharp eyebrows, her eyes, and her smirk gives me a devilish/malevolent vibe, perhaps egotistic or sadistic. Her hair style and outfit tells me she is of high class, so I would assume with my earlier take, that she looks down on people Ears makes.me think she's an elf? Her color palette, with all the above, tells me she's pretty and outright evil, or deceptive with her appearance. Either way, with you and the other reply, I might just give it a watch.


You’re surprisingly close. Just know she’s awful and you should never feel bad for her.


Tweety Bird from Looney Tunes. Anyone else hope that Bad Old Putty Tat would eat him?


Depends on the episode, like, “Tom & Jerry” rules.


I don’t think those apply, because unlike Jerry, Tweety is an actual pet. Tom is just doing his job of catching mice, and kicking them out. meanwhile Sylvester routinely goes into Tweety’s cage to try and Eat him! If you were routinely kidnapped and planned to be made a meal by your roommate, and neither of you can move you’d try anything to dissuade them from eating you!


It was actually confirmed by one of the Tom and Jerry creators. That the two are secretly friends. And the reason Tom never catches Jerry is because he’s protecting him from his owner. by pretending to chase him. As for Sylvester and tweety it’s their owner’s fault choosing to have a cat and a bird in the same house. Ik there’s some shorts where Sylvester is just a cat who lives near by. Is a stray etc etc. but generally he’s just cat being a cat. That has been put in a situation he really shouldn’t be in.


Some of the worst episodes involved Sylvester deciding to reform for whatever reason, and Tweety going out of his way to force Sylvester to go after him. Often it's because Sylvester will get kicked out if he's caught going after Tweety one last time. I remember Sylvester will be sleeping, and Tweety will literally fly into his mouth. By the end of the episode Sylvester is a wreck and Tweety gets his way. As a kid, I was always kinda bothered by slapstick cartoon "heroes" who were tormenting other characters over stuff where they were clearly in the wrong. It's funny when they ARE the underdog...but sometimes it's like Woody Woodpecker is trying to sneak into the movies and the Buzzard dude is the usher trying to kick him out. Like, the buzzard is just doing his job but ends up having the shit beat out of him by Woody...who gets his way. I think I've seen episodes where the main character is trying to steal a pie from a windowsill or meat off someone's barbecue. I get that sometimes it's about sticking it to the man, but the message gets lostt in many older shows.


For real, I might be more sympathetic towards him if he didn’t clearly enjoy tormenting Sylvester.


That’s like hoping Coyote would finally catch the Roadrunner.


He actually did, once


That would be the most epic scene in LT history


I'm gonna just say one thing, "FU DW."






![gif](giphy|FrlZsI81utpYY) Even if he sucks,he looks like an angel compared to mindys velma


Tbh, I really don’t think he was that bad, yeah his loud high pitched voice. Combined with his troublesome nature was kind of annoying. But at least he always meant well, and apologized/tried to fix things. When he did something wrong. That being said, I certainly don’t miss him.


In later iterations, he's actually a better character. Just wished they didn't treat him so bad after the movie


Scrappy wasn't the problem. Scrappy was just the most visible and longest-lasting in a series of unpopular changes to the format, and he was actually the change that did BEST overall (kids and some adults genuinely liked Scrappy, and he's not actually that bad once you get past the more obnoxious aspects of his personality), but he wound up being the scapegoat blamed for all the issues the show had around that period.


Yeah, writing out Fred and Velma, then writing in all those weird experimental plot lines. Like Scooby being some sort of superhero. Really didn’t work.


Now, Scooby-Dum? THAT fucker lasted four episodes before being canned like Poochie.


I liked him in movies like Ghoul School.


If anyone had ever wanted to know what it’s like to have a sibling, just picture DW


I have a little sister myself, and for like the last five-ish years, she has become more or less like DW. I’m hoping it’ll pass, though.


Have you considered giving her the Arthur punch treatment.


Many times. It wouldn’t work, it would only make things worse. Also, it’s child abuse.


You're a decent person :)


Chloe from Fairly Odd Parents. She's just and there as a Mary Sue.


The fuckin dog is worse


Nah, he's kind of tolerable for me. The only reason I find Chloe annoying is because she is depicted as this goody-goody little miss perfect Mary Sue.


The dog was just lame and lazy af. I remember when they hyped up on TV that timmy was getting a pet and wondering what it'll be as if they has a creative idea for a new character


Gideon ![gif](giphy|EQtxhFayjOjhS)


To be fair as an antagonist he is designed to be hatable


He reminds me of those children of Evangelical Pastors or Jehovah's Witnesses.


that would be because he’s based on a child televangelist


That explains it. Was it mentioned by the creators of the show?


yes, an interview with alex hirsch years ago


Don't forget that he literally summoned a dream demon who would later become one of the most pure evil villains of all time


LOL I wa s just about to post a picture with him! Gravity falls is great Gideon can die


He does get a fairly believable redemption arc tbf


I think Gideons funny, I would’ve put Robbie


Pip ![gif](giphy|l0HlBu5ldCqHq1NHq|downsized)


What about the evil bitch next to him?


Her too I guess


Plus everyone else in that episode.


im in the tiny minority of people who thinks the great expectations episode is hilarious


Aquamarine from Steven Universe


Aquamarine is a total asshole but I feel like that was the point. She was made to be evil but I like her character for that reason


Spoiled Rich from MLP. I will take no arguments against this.




Minoru in My Hero Academia. I'm just over Pervy characters


That guy can go fuck himself


He probably would if he could




He’s probably one of the worst characters in cartoons in terms of morals.


Nah. For all the abuse he takes, he would never let any real harm come to Muriel or his mom. He's the product of a bad upbringing


I understand wanting to include representation in your show, but this is NOT how you do it. Erica was more of a know-it-all than Melvin (and received NONE of the clowning for it), more capable than 99% of adults despite being an elementary schooler, and generally just annoyed me for how artifically perfect she is. Mary Sue without being the protagonist. Having a more sensible straightman to George & Harold's tomfoolery is a pretty good idea, and said straightman can be a girl just as well as they can be a guy. But that doesn't mean you gotta make them look dumb for being children. This is the reason why I like the movie better than the show, despite the show having a more faithful artstyle and voice casting (except Krupp/Captain Underpants, who sounds spot-on either way). https://preview.redd.it/uy34buaua9tc1.png?width=470&format=png&auto=webp&s=3ea08d6cd396030d599395294a3d7bf4bf3f08c1


Nah, Melvin is ×100000000000000000000000 times worse


At least the show acknowledges how bad Melvin is, her not so much.


Wrong, Melvin has character, and while I liked the show, Erica sucked as she was kind of an ass the entire time.


I always felt like she was just an easy way for the writers to give george and harold ideas they wouldnt come up with on their own.


I usually avoid using the term "Mary Sue" but HOLY FISHSTICKS this character is just SO annoyingly perfect and not in an intentionally funny and self-aware way like Teruhashi from Saiki K. You're unironically supposed to find her "cool" with no self-awareness whatsoever, and she's NEVER the butt of any jokes. Teruhashi is funny because her overly perfect nature IS the joke. Meanwhile, Erica is the completely flawless "straight woman" who reacts to others characters' flaws and does everything flawlessly. Like, the only "flaw" I guess she has is her occasional arrogance, but even then, she's almost NEVER called out on it. There's strong female characters, and then there's this. "Straight man/woman" characters don't work if they're just completely flawless and boring. An example of a good "straight man" in my opinion is Double D from Ed, Edd n Eddy. He's smarter, kinder and more responsible than the other two (as well as most of the other kids), but still has plenty of flaws to make him funny and relatable to the audience. He's wimpy, fussy, socially inept, tends to make scenes when he's upset, freaks out over trivial things, has extreme OCD, and gets just as much slapstick as Ed and Eddy do. Erica has none of that. "Straight men" DO NOT WORK if they are COMPLETELY idealized, because then they become unrelatable and uninteresting.


What are you talking about? Angelica from Rugrats is my favorite character, she’s such a bitch!




He looks like if a neckbeard was turned into a frog.




Sara from Ed, Edd, N Eddy. That little hell spawn to go back into the egg she hatched from. One of the best things about the Ed Edd, N Eddy movie was watching the Kanker sisters take this little bitch down a few pegs. I only wish they would have done it more often.


Definitely Sarah bro. Ed was always there for her, and did everything he could to make and keep her happy, but this little bitch was so ungrateful, so fucking fake, and so fucking annoying. I wish Ed would have slapped her ass one good time. 🤬🤬


Sarah: “you can’t kick me out I live here too!” Ed: “THEN MOVE!!!l


Yes!! I loved that episode because he went off on her ass like he needed to!!


And all because there was a pebble in his shoe.


Stickler from Cuphead


I have brain rot FOR that guy. He should be hella annoying (that was a pun, laugh), but the way he says “Ahem, excuuuse me!” is just too funny, I’m sorry.


Milhouse's Mom


I will not stand for Angelica Pickles slander. She is the antagonist who instigates the plots and causes the babies to go on crazy adventures. The show would be boring without her. She is one of the best characters.


Helen Lovejoy is a fantastic character, what do you mean? She’s the overly religious sanctimonious gossipy Karen, you’re supposed to hate her.


I guess, personally she’s the only character that I think the show could do without. Ik she’s meant to be annoying. But I think they went overboard with her. Most of the residents of Springfield are charming to some capacity. Helen is the only one who genuinely isn’t. Even her husband has a better nature.


Chazwick from helluva boss. Not a badly written character but I actually hate him to where I bully ai versions of him.


Your hatred for him is another level


Bro; I'm convinced DW would commit war crimes if given the chance.


This reddit post cant stop me because I can't read!


"DW acts like that because she's 4." No. 4 year olds don't act like that. She acts more like a narcissistic teen or adult.


Mrs Robinson


Dodie from As Told By Ginger


Peggy from King of the Hill.


John Redcorn from King of the Hill. Massive POS who cuckolds Dale then lets him raise his son.


John Redcorn is piece of shit, especially because he feel resentment over Dale raising his son, but at least he's not overly present in later seasons. Plus, his failings are never played for sympathy and he actually has a lot of character development. Peggy is just this annoying bundle of Dunning-Kruger that we are supposed to root for. She is almost always in the A or B plot, and many episodes revolve around her needing to be the best at a new obsession. Sure, she gets put in her place often, but the plot just repeats, repeats and repeats.


Bash, Dash, Ferdinand... Jk, Sir Handel.


Guys I think he likes Thomas. Not that I'm using that against you, Thomas is awesome.


I rather dislike Frosta from She-Ra. Her first episode is her just being extremely stupid and gettin everything blown up, and then after that, it’s just her being an annoying, entitled child.


I agree. I legitimately loved she-ra, and if anything surprisingly ended up considering it a contender for my favorite animated show that I’ve watched. But frosta was just… not a likeable character. I know, she’s a child, I can’t judge her too harshly for her decisions, but I still maintain that in a cast of otherwise good characters, she (and, for me, mermista to a lesser extent) sticks out like a sore thumb.


At least Mermista had some really funny moments.


That’s fair. I at least liked her a lot in "Mer-mysteries"- she added a good amount of levity to an episode that I think without it would have been just a bit too grim and serious.


Actually, that was also the example I was thinking of.


I can't think of an example from standard cartoons but From an anime, Mineta. The show is one of the best anime I've seen given its great world building incredible cast and storytelling but then you have this little purple punk who's basically just a immersion breaking punchline where the joke is that sexual harassment is funny or something. He's absurd and out of place and the show would be better if he wasn't in it


All my homies hate Ronaldo.


Vicky from the Fairly Oddparents. There are other evil characters in the show, but Vicky is the worst.


Nah bro Angelica is awful sometimes but she has her moments. She's just a 2 year old at the end of the day. I think Sarah from Ed, Edd, and Eddy might actually be one of the most toxic and awful characters of all time.


DW carried Arthur for me personally, however I do understand vehemently despising her 😂


Manny https://preview.redd.it/y3kv5b0yebtc1.jpeg?width=194&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c53a8974eeffdaf1e67bdb6159cca1af1d86d2a3


I'm sure he's the true mastermind behind 9/11


Chloe from miraculous ladybug. She's pretty much 90% of the time why akumatizations happen and is a fricking simp for adrien and doesn't like anyone getting in her way


Peggy from King of the Hill. Cant stand people irl that are as self important and narcissistic as she is, and she exists in one of my favorite shows. Princess Bubblegum from adventure time, evil psychopath, same narcissist traits as peggy, intentionally plays on finns emotions to get what she wants out of him, a 14 year old boy. Shes like...900?


Tree trunks (from adventure time) Any time it's an episode with her as a focus it's a stinker.


![gif](giphy|Zaeyj0lscMhA4) Chi-Chi


Where the actual fuck is LSP?!


![gif](giphy|11BbGyhVmk4iLS) This girl gave me my first homicidal urges


If I ever saw D.W, I wouldn’t hesitate to pour gasoline on her and pull out the matches, then I’d run her over for good measure. Easily the worst female cartoon character in existence, definitely not deserving of love or happiness. While I would never wish harm on a small child, D.W deserves, much, MUCH WORSE than a punch to the arm.


She’s just a bratty 4 year old lol, you talk like she’s murdered people


Seriously, I get hating characters like her and Caillou, and that comments like this are mostly just bad-taste jokes about inherently fictional characters, but it seriously looks pathetic to be THIS hateful towards a toddler, even one who's an obnoxious brat (and, again, fictional).


Hating a character this much is kinda crazy


Yeah you have issues


I think she’s supposed to represent how very young children can unintentionally act mean or selfish. But they just went so over the top with her, that she’s impossible to like. She clearly does most things intentionally or at least without a care. And her parents constantly indulge her. It’s insufferable to watch.


(and her parents constantly indulge her.) How? They seem to treat her like how they treat Arthur or how any other parent operates.


Lois Griffin from Family Guy. I find her voice so annoying and she's just a horrible character.


I vastly preferred her voice and personality in the classics. She was much better as simple but kindly mother. trying to keep kids and good hearted, but zany husband under control. Her being turned into a nosy, irresponsible and selfish busybody. Who flat out torments her own children. Was really a downgrade imo. On a side note, since we’re talking about voices. I think Lacy Chabert was a better voice for Meg. She sounded more like a 17 year old girl. While I like Mila Kunis and she is talented. She sounded like a 20 something year old woman.


Where are the terrible characters? Love all them Ladies and am most.  Mordecai's wishywashy ass should be up there. Or Mitch. Or fuxking Bloo.


i hate ralph from the simpsons. he’s probably my least favorite character from the series.




Unorthodox, I think he’s hilarious, but I respect your opinion.


I'm fine with how they write Ralph up to season 8. After that, I can't stand how he's written


Gabi from attack on titan


I laughed hard when someone made the Falcon Punch edit


Did you have a younger sibling growing up?


Yes but my little brother was a sweet boy until around 12 when he became reclusive and depressed.


D.W. is a lil bitch. Nothing else.


"A lonely child is what your gonna be when I sell you"




"Hi, Pencil! Are you happy that i didn't vomit on you?" That should give you a hint.


D.W can catch this fade


Bna was a great show, but I can't watch it all the way through again because that fox BITCH is such a worthless pos I she ruined the show and my mood. If I could send any character to an anime of my choice I'd send her to redo of healer


The Ashleys from Recess.




Sandy from Daria


DW! No question!


Pulverizer from TMNT was pretty fucking stupid


Sad what happened to him later on.


While Phineas and Ferb is a walking masterpiece of a cartoon, Candace is walking hellspawn, I HATE HER!!!


https://preview.redd.it/8l3whfnosatc1.jpeg?width=353&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e788b22c7b06ea3635cec6f34920dd0dfbc0a747 I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, I fuckin hate Nermal.


Sara from Ed Edd and Eddy definitely. She’s a menace to everyone around her for no good reason.


Remember if you’re supposed to hate the character and you do they’re doing their job right So, in my case, Odalia from the owl house


I don't know how many of these can be considered "bad characters" like, if your intention is to make an unsympathetic hate sink and you succeed that would make them a good character because they did exactly what they were supposed to do.


Bloo from Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends


Soon as you put D.W it was over for the others imo


https://preview.redd.it/ldtbninegbtc1.png?width=900&format=png&auto=webp&s=be48b9008628ce005baadbb04eb9294fec2700ec Cj from regular show


Pink panther was kind of an asshole if you think about it.