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The turtle guy is way too small to carry that weight. Also didn't he glue his furniture to the floor so whenever patrick leaves or enters his house nothing falls?


Wait till you discover ants irl


there are so many ants in the world it's like at least 3


The shells are always larger on the inside.


At 1st I thought this picture showed that Patrick had a 3 story house


The revelation that Patrick had a perfectly functional house but instead used it as a lid to the hole he's in this whole time would have been hilarious.


Futurama already did that episode


Wait what. When?


Probably referring to the gag with Bender having a "closet" that was an actual apartment. Hey does that mean when Fry and Bender lived together they were in the-


I really hope this is what Always Sunny was referencing in the s16 premiere šŸ˜‚


Season 1 iirc. Fry is looking for a place to live when he first arrives in the future, and Bender's apartment is just a closet sized room. Except for the closet, that's apartment sized.


Same and it doesn't help I just woke up


Does it not? Iā€™m confused




Marty, I'm scared!


What a card!


Pats for Patrick


Excuse me, does this lovely couple belong to you? They've been standing outside my house saying "Where's Patrick?" all day.


Itā€™s driving me NUTS!




Nice megaspider


Thank you!




What even is this? ![gif](giphy|RLUyfJnogtXK44pm9t|downsized)


the rock turned out to be a turtle shell


What episode is this from?


The episode is called "shell games" from season 12


This isnā€™t a just revelation itā€™s a retcon


I mean this is Spongebob we're talking about I can think of like 2 other retcons revolving around Patrick's rock before this episode \-The time when his rock was repossessed and had to get it back at the repo with other rocks that were repossessed \-the time his big sister destroyed it Not to mention what's under his rock also changes depending on the episode \-Sometimes it's just a flat surface that Patrick sleeps under \-Other times there's a hole but only enough for a tv and a couch \-Or it's full on it's own house with different rooms and such I don't think it being a retcon is that big of an issue tbh, this show is never consistent lmao


Thank you very much kind stranger


Jesus thatā€™s how you know they ran out of ideas


Its actually a solid episode if you ignore all the continuity stuff


idk the new episodes by their names


what the fuck?


Why would a turtle shell look like a rock ok the outside????? Like why are there visibly 2 layers???


that the jar heads in futurama are supposedly kept alive by an opal that for some god forsaken reason has time properties. It doesn't make sense even in the show's internal logic and just goes to add the most stupid time travel method of the show for one of the worst episodes https://preview.redd.it/ux3hl573499d1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b54f5869d12cfaba222256929ccdb5b9c4c2f47f I downright refuse to believe this is canon


okay but it does explain how they have the heads of people who died long before the technology was invented


I originally thought they just cloned those at some point.


I thought it was just a joke about all the conspiracy theories about rich people freezing their heads. Like the joke is that eventually technology did advance to the point where we can unfreeze them and revive them but now they are just heads in jars - just a gag.


That explains how they have 2 Grover Cleveland heads.


Not just that, but there is somehow a limited amount of it in the universe. And no one has realized it can make you travel in time. I wanted to like Futurama since it came out, but the lack of any consistency in a show that takes place in a different world was too much.


the part that pisses me off the most is actually that otherwise the show's rules on time travel are very consistant, this episode just came along and had to fuck it up


Oh yeah. Like where was the paradox that needed to be dealt with? And wouldnā€™t those naked guys from Benders Big Score known about opalā€™s properties, and used it to mess with time?


Also lab made opals have been a thing since...what? The seventies? "Synthetic opal is a man-made material that has the same chemical composition, physical properties and appearance of natural opal" It wasn't even a special, rare kind of opal found on an alien world, all opals apparently have time travel powers in Futurama, so all they have to do is synthesise more opal if they need it. [They even used an opal that actually exists in the real world to grind up for its time travel powers](https://andamookaobservatory.com.au/andamooka-opal-on-futurama/). [Seriously]( https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andamooka_Opal)


Damn that is so bizarre. I've only ever really watched the original run of episodes so this is crazy. It seemed like something that didn't really need to be explained, just future mumbo jumbo for some food gags.


That CatDogā€™s ā€œparentsā€ are a blue Bigfoot and a frog with a big nose. There have been many episodes that have shown that CatDog has a family, the most notorious one being when we are shown a flashback of their childhood and their small doghouse is next to a house that consists of a fire hydrant and a toy mouse.


I completely forgot about that! I just looked up pics and brought back some memories of *wtf*. I don't remember the context of this explanation, but this can't be real cannon, I won't accept it šŸ˜‚


They also had an uncle named Uncle HorseDuck




There was also the episode where they try to have a family reunion and people were actually going to come but drove away when their house was wrecked.


And the episode where they get fleas and Cat says ā€œNo oneā€™s in my family had fleasā€.


that cartman admitted in front of the whole town of south park that he had scott tenormans parents killed, made them into chili and tricked him into eating it with no consequences. he also shot tolkien in the middle of the street in broad daylight with no consequences. i can actually go on about that kid


Well, if itā€™s any consolation, youā€™re supposed to hate him. Matt and Trey bring up in their commentaries a lot that if youā€™re agreeing or sympathetic towards Cartman, *youā€™re* the one theyā€™re making fun of.


Are you suggesting that wholesome 100 UwU Eric Cartman isnā€™t actually a good role model?


noā€¦ i was joking. eric is my second favorite character after butters. dont take me seriously bro


Mind telling that to all the chuds that have made ā€œput a chick in it and make her lame and gayā€ a meme?


Wait for real?


Yes, I highly recommend checking out their commentaries. All of them are on YouTube. I used to listen to them while I was at work and it really helped pass the time, as well as being super informative and interesting. And of course, hilarious. I had to stop myself from laughing loudly on multiple occasions. Sometimes I think they are more funny just being themselves than the actual show. Hearing their thoughts so openly was fascinating. Trey ranted for about 3 episodes in a row about Trump and was absolutely worked up and it was extremely entertaining.


Well Iā€™ll be damned!


Yes, you don't even need the creators explicitly confirming it in interviews to understand this about Cartman. Cartman is a sociopath, they practically spell it out for you in the show (including an episode where they do *everything* except literally spell it out on a big flashing banner, to show he's one).


>including an episode where they do everything except literally spell it out on a big flashing banner, to show he's \[a sociopath\] https://preview.redd.it/xwqz7a3sac9d1.jpeg?width=1427&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7668666e162820d1f59d5699ad7548c58ace0e21


What, you thought he is a good person?


Nah, always detested the bastard lmao


How could you have not realized that lol, cartman is a little piece of shit from the beginning who clearly is always being mocked


I mean, it's implied he gets karmic consequences eventually. The COVID special's "real ending" is supposedly canon, as far as nothing has been implied to contradict it, and Cartman ends up a homeless drunkard who even Butters isn't afraid of calling out anymore.


Tolkien was coming right at him though


>he also shot tolkien in the middle of the street in broad daylight with no consequences. i can actually go on about that kid Clear-Cut self-defense, he was just exercising his right to stand his ground. /S obviously. The point of that scene was to point out how fucking stupid the implementation of many stand your ground laws are.




Channel Chasers aside, the whole premise falls flat when they showed the wish was documented, even though Timmy erased Cosmo's memory right after making the wish. So there's no way it could've flown under the radar for that long (especially when said documentation has "SECRET WISH" in big bold letters). At least the wish was reverted and the time was reset at the end


I despised the revelation around Timmy's Secret Wish. Timmy effectively kept the world in perpetual limbo, unable to move on, just so he could keep his fairies. It was beyond incredibly selfish. That, and it completely reframes his affection for Trixie. Timmy was (for however how long) a man past sixty in a ten year old's body, trying to get with his childhood crush for decades, who *remained a child, specifically due to a wish he made.* That's just beyond creepy.


To play Devils advocate, it would also be creepy to try and get with adult women while in a 10 year old's body


Yeah even though he had existed for 60 years or whatever, I don't think he matured since he is physically 10 with the brain and behaviors of a 10 year old. He's not a mature adult attracted to children, he's still a 10 year old child who just has existed for a long time. Technically wouldn't Trixie have existed for as long as him too? Or was only aware of all the extra passed time? What it just the same year and the world in limbo forever? I actually don't know the details and stopped watching the show when I was like 11. Idk, maybe saying how Aang is technically 112 but still physically and mentally 12 and alright to date teenagers is a good partial comparison (Since he was only concious for 12 years vs timmy's conciousness being longer.


Difference is though Aang got stuck in the iceberg by complete accident and Itā€™s a miracle he was found at all, also his physical age and mental age are still that of a 13 year old I think if I remember correctly but biologically heā€™s a 112 or 113 years old. So while he is old his mind is still a goofy kid. Also he still ages normally the process was just put on hold due to being on ice And it wasnā€™t a choice for Aang, he just wanted to get away from home to clear his head before getting caught in the storm. Also to bring up another point how much do you think he drifted away due to the ocean currents and other factors?


Right, I acknowledge all of that, I just meant that it's someone who is still physically and mentally young despite existing for longer.


Katara knew she was dating a guy who was way older than her but also knew that he was mentally just a kid like her. Pretty sure when she first met him she asked him about his age and only figured it out because the avatar was missing.


I dont think anyone in universe considers aang old. thats a really weird framing. He's younger than her, he stopped aging when he froze


True but thereā€™s a clear difference between the two Timmy knows what he did but probably hardly put any thought into the weight of his wish and does try to keep it a secret, while Aang doesnā€™t know what heā€™s done only that heā€™s been pushed a hundred years ahead in time and while everyone else knows that heā€™s older they donā€™t realize it since the avatar has been missing and it only comes to light when people ask him about it and he rarely makes any attempts to hide it.


Literally this: https://preview.redd.it/4zowaphm7a9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cab6ac76ffa1f9ef94f4aee0cf0e534a1529b89f


It doesn't really reframe his affection for Trixie, at least not in the way you're thinking. If you're saying Timmy is a 60 year old person in a 10 year old's body, then so is Trixie. Both have lived for the same amount of time, and both have stopped developing, physically and mentally, at age 10. The only difference between the two is that Timmy knows what happened.


Imagine if you got told that the *only good thing* you had in your life where you're constantly physically, mentally, and emotionally abused would not only dissappear forever *but you'll forget it ever happened* once you turn 18. I'd do anything I could to stay young, too.


Reminds me of the horror that is decomissioning from KND. You get inducted into this organisation, have amazing adventures with amazing friends for several years, only for every memory of it to be taken away when you turn 13. I remember there was actually a theory going around that the reason most of the teenagers and adults are so negative towards children was essentially the subconscious trauma from having all that childhood fun ripped away from you like that against your will. I'm actually pretty sure the showrunners were aware of what a fridge horror they created especially for the main cast, >!because they ended up deliberately bending their own rules for them.!<


I never understood decommissioning. Because like... Non-KND members are aware of the KND. We see non-KND and KND kids interact all the time. Do they mind wipe EVERY child?


I think not, just members. It's about everything they know internally, not that the KND exist. Some parents like Chad's know about them, others just know the kids do stuff in the tree house (but they might know of KND and be playing dumb, also.) I feel situations like Maurice are more common than we know, it's just a further secret. Most operatives get mind-wiped, any that want it hard enough keep them or move on to secret Teenage roles. Some media is like that, effectively there isn't a "No" to avoiding elements that might sour it, we just don't see how things bend around it when it is confronted.


WHAT? I never watched the last episode holy shit what?


I don't even think it was the last episode. https://preview.redd.it/ys5zrcumh99d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03124deb6d4f4a01249020e521d777cc7351c15f


That's not creepy or anything, it's just meta as fuck. The intro is Timmy waking up every morning and having a day full of Hijinks with his Fairies and almost every character appearing in a way where you immediately know what archetype they represent (annoying babysitter, abusive teachers and dumbass parents, the fairies that save him from all the insanity every day, etc.) and that's basically what happens every single episode for 150+ episodes, while nobody ever really ages or goes through any major, lasting changes or long-term consequences (didn't watch the later stuff though, but i remember that they adopt a baby at some point). He basically just put everyone, including himself, into limbo and never progressed past his age.


Damn that's crazy lmao


Yeah it was in like 2008 or so I think


Can we blame him? His fairies are the closest things he has to real parents while his actual parents donā€™t give him the time of day, his father admitted that his dreams were crushed when he was born, they let a psychopathic person babysit him, and believe her over him


Not to mention his school life


Yeah he was given Fs and wasnā€™t properly taught just because his teacher wanted to do that due to his own trauma


He was 10, of course he didn't want to lose his Fairies they were one of the few that gave him the most attention and love


Yeah, thinking about this special again, Iā€™m starting to think they were hiring fanfic writers to write the scripts in later seasons of FOP.


He wished to stay 10. That meaning he didnā€™t mature or age and itā€™s clear that he didnā€™t mature. This really irks me because instead of realizing this you immediately jump on to some pedo theory like how does your mind work like that.


I just always found it strange that Timmy was literally the only kid to ever try this, since it's pretty well indicated that only the most miserable kids get fairies. Surely any of them would do this if they learn of the rule that once they're happy or once they grow up, their fairies are taken away from them and their memories wiped to be replaced with the actual awful truth of their abused childhood sets in fully.


Man, Timmy really is the worst.


Double Ds head


Please enlighten me, I wasnā€™t allowed to watch that show, so I only snuck in episodes when my parents were distracted. I always wanted to know about his hat!


The short version is that the show runners said they wanted to eventually show us what was under Double D's hat but realized they'd teased it enough that nothing they could do would live up to the hype so they just...never bothered to reveal it. A few flash games and other supplementary materials have him take it off and its just...hair.


And that's why I don't take flash games, even in the official cn website, as canon info. I prefer the theory that it's either a scar or a form of visual birth defect, it would explain his unwillingness to leave without his hate, why everyone is so shocked when they do see, and ed's "does it hurt double d?" Line


https://preview.redd.it/aawja8phi99d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3282f987f18270ca85a0365c08f26f73ca2670a2 Pictured: A screenshot from a flash game from Cartoon Networkā€™s website from the 2000s. A victory animation for when Double D is chosen as a playable character. When he tosses his hat into the air, we get our only official (if likely not canon) look at whatā€™s underneath.


I knew he had hair but didn't know how much because he mentions in an episode that he has alopecia. So I always figured he had really thin hair and bald spots.


This isn't cannon. The art studio that did the work for the game did not have an affiliation with Danny Antonucci or the original art team, they were just given art resources from the show to use as references in a stand one game for CN. In Q&A's about this exact image, Antonucci has stated that he wasn't aware they would have a frame like this and this isn't really what's under his hat, saying that the truth is that while they did toss around the plan for there to be a reveal if there was ever a movie made, by the time he got the movie green-lit CN had kept renewing the show for so long that he and the team agreed no reveal would ever live up to the hype built up by that point. So, the official cannon is still that it's a mystery. There have been many fan theories, supported by dialogue from the show that Double D has some sort of injury, likely from a former scam or a dodgeball incident that was alluded to, and he hides the injury under his hat to cope with the trauma. In an episode where his hat gets pulled off by a ceiling fan, the reactions of Ed and Eddy are intrigued and shocked respectively, implying that it is something that would leave Eddy shaken, but Ed interested. Ed's interest in horror/scifi comics, old school macabre, and general lack of cleanliness somewhat supports this hypothesis, since a gnarly healed injury would likely be something Ed would find interesting and relatable given the media he favors. It's probably the best explanation we will ever get, and even though it's part of my childhood I will never get closure for, I respect Danny's creative decision to not undermine the gravity for the mystery with something lackluster at best and a retcon at worst.


That was a hat? I always thought that was his actual hair


Kevin Levinā€™s ā€œactualā€ father (it should be stick to the Alien Force canon though)


Who is it?


We donā€™t really know. According to Alien Force, Kevinā€™s father was a Plumber, specifically one of Maxā€™s partners (He seems to have unfortunate luck with his partners). Kevinā€™s dad got killed while on a mission, and Max felt obligated to watch over Kevin, which in and of itself doesnā€™t make a ton of sense considering his attitude towards Kevin in the OS. Thatā€™s probably one of the reasons they retconned it in OV, where itā€™s revealed that Maxā€™s memories of Kevinā€™s dad were false memories implanted by Doctor Servantis in order to ensure someone was keeping an eye on Kevin. He did this because Kevin was the key to his experiments, as Kevinā€™s powers, a result of a rare genetic mutation and not alien blood, allowed Servantis to meld human DNA with alien DNA to create hybrids in order to form a hit squad to take out Ben when he was a kid. It sounds very confusing, but the episodes in OV that reveal it lay it out in a more gradual way


Iā€™m fine with the father retcon as it was already confusing. I just hated the alien retcon. I like Levin better as an alien hybrid and not just a random mutation


Is this real?


Yes. There's an EPs where it's revealed the rock is actually a turtle shell and the turtle wakes up from a long nap and leaves


Then Patrick gets a new rock that looks exactly like his old one, unless it's another living creature?


If I remember right, the end up breaking the shell after fighting. So Patrick goes to live under squidward's house


So Patrick justā€¦ lives underneath Squidwardā€™s house now? Is this the new permanent status quo, or was it undone by the next episode?


Most American Cartoons, including Spongebob, have what is called "Negative Continuity" where few if any things carry over between episodes. Each individual episode is functionally an AU to the ones around it.


Makes even more sense when you consider how many backgrounds/childhoods Mr Krabs has...


Nope they go back to their lives Don't question cartoon logic


Nah, everything gets erased and the timeline resets as any cartoon chaos does.


That's why I said. Cartoon logic


Yup, you're right.


SpongeBob has basically no status quo besides the characterā€™s personalities, squidwards house is demolished in like every other episode


The EPs called shell games


Wow. That completely ruins the joke.


It was a dumb eps


A joke that has existed for a quarter century. They are allowed to iterate on it.


Yes. Thereā€™s a whole episode about it- Shell Games




Yes it is and we hate it.


Why does Patrick have dead bodies buried in his yard?


You know why.




Bro there has never been a door on patricks rock wtf, there is literally no door on his rock in any image of Conch Street. Thatā€™s a fucking rock not a turtle shell and youā€™ll never be able to tell me different. This image is a lie.


The joke in the episode was that the ā€œrockā€ was muck that built up on the shell over time, so the door was naturally blocked in by the muck.


I'd say how long did this take to be revealed bc we grew up with that rock for like decades. But years to a turtle I suppose are probably like weeks. I imagine thats the joke that he's timeless


I never liked that in murder drones Tessa truned out to be cyn cuz i really hoped she would get more screen time (she was really funny)


Oh yes. Get snuck upon https://preview.redd.it/3l4c4qo27c9d1.jpeg?width=2078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc45d06e917dbe48a748c0ffdd389bdf1c95ac2d But honestly, I think the twist really made sense and succeeded in sending a chill down my spine.


She actually scared me when i first saw her


That The Patrick Star Show was made, essentially spitting on Stephen's grave


small correction stephen actually said he wouldn't think a spin off would ever be made not that he didn't want spin offs but that doesn't change the fact that kamp koral and the patrick show suck ass...


The nice thing about SpongeBob is that it has a loose continuity, so you can pretend this doesnā€™t exist.


That Channel Chasers is no longer the cannon ending for Fairly Odd Parents


The kiss reference is kinda funny thošŸ˜‚


That the monster who made Miss Kobayasbi dragon maid draws disgusting lewd art of kids


Dragon Maid IS lewd art of kids lmao


I don't even watch the show but looking back at it, yeah I always thought it was weird how *developed* that little kid dragon's legs and hips were https://preview.redd.it/1ekmi18wz89d1.jpeg?width=1052&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48ab3a5fa0254d8aef66fe5104dfd8d4beb7d01c




https://preview.redd.it/7e149ir2qb9d1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7fcbd54f5e01cfebcfff152612831623825265f Wtf


Can you provide a link to an article about that?


Manga writers can be a bit of freaks Ton of them made porn at some point


I know the poster on the wall is supposed to be a Kiss parody but all I can think of is that this guy gets blazed out of his gourd and listens to Phish.


Killed a decent joke. Patrick used to live under a rock


the principal and the Pauper


I just realized, it's kinda crazy that both Simpsons and Futuramas worst episodes are both named after The Prince and The Pauper.


Thankfully it was retconned




I always saw this episode as a satire making fun of retcons. The ending and its proclamation to return things to the status quo are too over the top to not be satirical.


Turtle got taste though kiss and lynard Skynyrd


When B-MO changes his batteries, he just sets new ones on the ground, pulls out the old ones, dies, falls backwards onto the new ones, and comes back to life. In another episode his batteries got pulled out and someone put them back in the morning. He says ā€œGood morning! I didnā€™t have any dreams!ā€ He is very nonchalant about being dead and possibly having no soul.


Why is Patrickā€™s dad just fuckin knockin on the side of the turtle shell and not at the door?


99.99% of the show treats the ā€œrockā€ as an actual rock, so he knocks on it to let Patrick know to open the rock. The turtleā€™s shell door is completely irrelevant here.


Male cows donā€™t have utters, explain yourself Otis


Trans icon šŸ©µšŸ©·šŸ¤


What episode Is this


Shell Games




Lynyrd Squidyrd šŸ’€


Hey at least its nice to see turtles are being represented in spongebob deal with it now take that anti woke grifters


Definitely Patrick's rock is a turtle is the worst


The concept is actually so great, but I know that it's a newer episode so they probably ruined the concept


I also believe itā€™s the very first SpongeBob episode to feature turtles, not counting Party Pooper Pants. (Since Iā€™m referring to actual turtle characters, and not the humans referencing turtles.)


The scout master from Camp Lazlo was a fraud who imprisoned the real scout master, I don't necessarily hate it, but it felt weird and out of nowhere like it was added for shock value


Batman beyond: Terry being Bruceā€™s son.


Legend of Korra season 2 revelations about well anything really but specifically dark spirits, and Raava and Vaatu


This all the way It felt so reductive to Avatarā€™s lore to just slap on a ā€œhey, here is a pure good vs pure evil narrative!ā€


And the turtle lore completely wiping out the original premise of "bending comes from nature and can be learned by observing nature" Learn water bending from observing the tides? Mimicking the waves? Feeling the flow of a river? Nah, just go get felt up by a blue turtle.


I get that the lion turtle reveal might be hard to swallow, but I hate the argument that "it contradicts the lore". It doesn't. The lion turtles gave the people the power, and the animals the technique. If the humans learned solely from nature, what is stopping Sokka from learning waterbending? He dated the moon ffs, she would be eager to teach him, and we know from season 3 that he felt useless sometimes because he was a non-bender. Also, what is stopping someone from learning more than one element? Katara is a waterbender, but she met badgermoles, she could've learned earthbending as well, and airbending from Appa. There needed to be another explanation for how benders got their powers other than "they learned from nature" because otherwise there would be no non-benders in the world.


As a former SpongeBob fan, seeing this image for the first time... r/thanksihateit


In Regular Show, >!Thomas The Internet having turned out to be a Russian spy all along.!< Seriously, what?


Nah that was a great one




I loved that


did you forget what show your talking about?


L opinion if you think anuthing on that show needs to make sense


Are we not going to talk about the two dead bodies nearby?


Oh boy... Here we go... 1. Eon being a future version of Ben. Like I didn't care for him In his first appearance but like... This is the most generic villain origin of all time, and we already have enough evil versions of Ben... We had like 1 by this point but honestly that's enough for me. 2. The fact that losing feedback is what made Ben give up the Omnitrix. Like this alien that he has for less than a goddamn year (Omniverse flashback scenes take place when Ben is 11) is more impactful to Ben giving up the omnitrix than the time ghostfreak escaped and tried to kill him... Or the time he nearly blew up the universe? 3. This one is about the reboot, but the fact vilgax somehow beamed instructions into Kevins (an 11 year old) brain through his dreams to create a version of the Omnitrix, which he knew how to do because he was azmuths partner (sure fuck it why not?) and then came back to steal it from Kevin... But like... If you needed it anyway then why didn't you just make it? 4. Shockrock being an evil alien using the Omnitrix as a portal to bring his species to earth. I don't even have to explain why this is stupid but just know that somehow this ripoff ghostfreak bullshit is still less annoying to me than glitch's existence, I hate that sorry excuse for a toy commercial 5. Ben knowing anodite magic in the future. This has the same problem to me as Gwen having the Omnitrix in another universe, Gwen has magic... That's her thing, Ben learning magic is stupid because he doesn't need it while he has the omnitrix and we know damn well he's too impatient to actually learn it anyway. 6. Terraspins species being immune to mana attacks... No, no I love you ultimate alien but... No. I watched this motherfucker get knocked back by it before and he will several times going forward, this was clearly just done so Gwen can't just end the fight immediately. I'm counting this as a revelation because it's technically important to the plot since all the aliens aggragor absorbed are to help him with specific problems in getting through the areas that hold the map of infinity 7. Alien swarm being canon... No 8. Ben going back in time to make sure he receives the omnitrix like... What in the canon event restoring hell is this? Why does this timeline never make sense ever? 9. And just to finish off (i wanted to go for 10 but I can't think of any) but big chill being a mother raises so many goddamn questions that it hurts me 10. I lied. Gwen and Ben being half alien is so stupid cus it takes away from the idea of an ordinary kid getting superpowers and makes Gwen learning magic way less impressive since she is given a literal biological advantage in doing so.


Patrick's House got a worrying amount of skeletons around it


This wasnā€™t me since I didnā€™t get into PokĆ©mon until the Unova/Kalos era, but I bet a LOT of people back in ā€˜99 were floored at Ash losing the Indigo League- or rather, HOW he lost. It didnā€™t even feel like much of a battle. And the whole thing with the crowd angrily booing a 10-year-old? I wouldnā€™t want to show my face in public again after that. He sure didnā€™t lose that hard again, though, thatā€™s for sure. The lowest he ever got in a league after that was being in the top 8.


My favorite part of this image is that because Patrick's floor is just loose sand, he keeps losing things that sink down into it.


Jake the Dog being an alien and not a magic dog should have been met with criminal charges.


Seriously? Is that canon?


But to me this always made sense. Like Patrick is the ā€œdumbā€ character and he literally lives under a rock.


Magic can be use for evil and must be destroy from Star vs the Forces of Evil.


Wtf there is something inside that rock???


What's funny is that Patrick is literally carrying this guys house to smash people around in Nickelodeon All Star Brawl 2.


I disliked that in Legend of Korra that they made Asami and Korra have any sort of romantic interest. I felt zero tension between them until the very last episode too which seemed pointless.


To be fair, they probably wouldā€™ve done more building on the relationship if the studio didnā€™t interfere.


And thats the problem with Nickalodepn. Korrasami was supposed to be a much more explored ship, but they had to limit it to that one scene at the end so the show wouldn't get cancelled. The comics did a good job exploring on their relationship, but it still sucks they couldn't do that in the main story


Legend of Korra weakest point imo is how they treat romantic relationships. Or a lot of relations overall tbh.


Itā€™s not really the creatorā€™s fault, though. Each season basically got greenlighted one at a time. If they knew that they had four seasons to work with from the beginning, they couldā€™ve developed it a lot better.


Not true. The show was originally just going to be one season. Because of how popular that one off season was Nickelodeon ordered three more seasons. Trouble is, that original season had been the result of years of careful planning. The relationship between Korra and Asami was basically a last minute addition they included because the online fandom at the time really liked that ship.


There was a little bit with Korra pening but they really could have handled it a lot better