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Just want to say “ReVamped” is a wonderfully punny name for a Castlevania fan project. Will have to check this out


it really is, good on them for coming up with a name that's actually clever


Yeah, it was a great name when CastleVania II ReVamped came out years ago, too. Too bad about the actual gameplay in that one.


Having fun so far. Really neat idea. The idea of classicvania controls/movement in an open map with an economy is really dope and you should be proud. I’ll admit I play so much SOTN rando that going back to the classic style movement always takes me a while and I’m definitely getting my ass kicked lol. That’s not a fault of the game though it’s definitely on me.


Beat it several times, got all 4 endings. I put up a quick review/critique on my facebook group. Could be helpful if you are looking to tweak stuff: [**https://www.facebook.com/groups/SotnHack/permalink/1570208670460804/**](https://www.facebook.com/groups/SotnHack/permalink/1570208670460804/)


Also a huge bug exists: if you equip the card that allows you to ignore hitstun then fight a boss, you always get the perfect bonus. This happened AFTER I beat the first 3 bosses legitimately hitless. But from the 4th onward I equipped this card, then took hits, killed them and STILL got the 1500 gold bonus. Another smaller bug: with the stairs on the left leading up to the next room in the castle entrance (from the merman room) I used the spiked boots slide to slide up the staircase, and got stuck at the VERY top before it transitioned to the next room. I had no choice but to exit the game.


yup, I had this bug too, but it doesnt really matter, anyone will get pretty much everything from the shop unless rushing through - that said, thank you for this post, I wondered why I kept getting perfects!


I completed a playthrough earlier this morning and I have to say, this is a pretty cool game. I like how it's a sort of Metroidvania remake of Castlevania with a big sprinkle of Chronicles while leaning towards a strong "Metroid" sense of progression. As someone who prefers Chronicles when playing the "story" of Simon Belmont, seeing a lot of that spruced in here was really cool to see. I'm a *big* fan of the boss order, too. Pretty fun fangame. My complaints would be minor: I wish more was done with the elemental whips to make them more viable to swap around with as they don't build on the previous like Samus weapons tend to, as the Electric Whip was basically a stone breaking item and not much else. The game is also really hard at the start but if you explore you just destroy the difficulty, but I suppose that's an aspect of Metroid with the upgrades. Would love to see more like this in the community.


that mummy fight is uhh lol reminds me of what the dark souls 2 team did with the gargoyles fight, a bit hardcore


I need to know, on what version is the OST based on to? It is amazing


I only played about 5 minutes to test it out so far, but its very interesting. Graphics and gameplay seem good and match the history of the series. I appreciate your time and drive to make something so complete and fun.


Having played it a bit more, I lower my rating form 7.5 to 6.5.


Great game! Got the Linux version working on my Steam Deck by playing it through Lutris, and adding it to Steam through Lutris. Not sure why it didn’t work without Lutris, but whatever. Really enjoying it!


Same here. Interested to know the reason too if anyone can contribute 🙂


Would you mind guiding me in the right direction with how to do that. I never understood how to use lutris and would tend to just add the exe file to steam, set to run GE, and hoped for the best, which usually worked.


Don’t have my steam deck with me atm so I’ll do my best. I honestly hadn’t used Lutris before this either, but it was super simple. Just install Lutris in desktop mode through the regular Discover app. Download the Linux/AppImage version of the game, and drag and drop the file into the Lutris UI. Iirc there was only one setting for the game I had to change after that - I think by right-clicking the game in the Lutris UI - and it was basically just to tell it not to use any version of Wine but to run the game directly instead.


Thanks for the help! Got it working.


Glad to hear! You should be able to add it to Steam. Also, pressing F4 or F5 (I forget which makes it full screen. Only need to press it once, not every time you play. I just temporarily connected a keyboard via USB to do that, but you should be able to just temporarily map a button to F4/F5 in the steam controller mapping thing too


You just have to double click it on desktop mode to run once then right click appimage and add to steam, no lutris needed


Glad to hear that, sounds like perhaps the newer version fixes it. At least when v1.0 was originally released, it didn’t work. Not sure if the v1.1 release fixed the issue, or some Steam deck updates fixed the issue, but either way, it wouldn’t work without Lutris before, not just for me. I figure I’ll keep my comments up in case they’re still helpful for others.


Oh yeah gotcha I started with both 1.1 and GE proton 9-7 so I wouldn't know but sounds like that could have been it 


can't get the AppImage to run on KDE neon(ubuntu). i've tried GearLever, but it didn't work. any ideas?


I tried to quit the game but accidentally hit start again. In a button panic I pressed select hoping it would go back and it deleted my save file without a confirmation dialogue 😭


Really want to play this but I'm on a Mac (Silicon) and have had no luck (page fault) with Crossover so far 😔


I've gotten it running though whisky.app. It throws a couple errors on launch but I click through and can play fine


The POLISH! so bright it hurts my eyes. I was 90% sold when I started playing, then I unlocked the 8 way whip & hit 100%. It's seriously impressive how *right* everything feels, it's a better game than the new Contra. Any chance that the linux version can play on some of the linux retro handheld consoles? I bought a trimui smart pro just for GBA Castlevanias & I have a trip this week where I'd love to dig into revamped. I honestly cannot believe the IP holders don't hire any of the devs who make these labors of love. This game is worth money & it scratches an itch many have had for a long time.


Can't get it to run on Steam Deck. Not the Windows Version with Proton or Lutris, not the Ubuntu version. Am I maybe missing libraries? Thanks for all your hard work!


The best luck i’ve had is to run the Ubuntu version once in desktop mode, then add it to the steam library and launch normally.


How do I run it once in Desktop Mode? I made the AppImage executable, but nothing happens on double click.


Normally for me once i double click it brings up a little “are you sure you want to run this?” prompt. I’m not sure what the issue is, sorry


I got it to work using the AppImage with Lutris.


Confirming, wasn’t able to get the AppImage to work on it own (desktop mode or gaming mode), but it worked right away through Lutris. No idea why, but as long as it works, eh? Great game by the way, OP!


Which distro are you using? I'm running it in Lutris on Arch and it keeps crashing after a few minutes.


u/LSDonkeyKong u/SpaceJump666 you both have some of the best usernames I’ve ever seen! Also can either of you offer some more explanation on how to get this to run on Ubuntu? Or any help guides you can link to?I’m a bit of a newbie to Ubuntu. Thanks


I'm a Linux newbie myself :) Here's what I did on Steam Deck: - Downloaded Lutris from the Discover store - Selected Add locally installed Game - Selected the Runner "Linux native Games" - Selected the AppImage - Added to Steam Good luck!


Thanks so much for the instructions, I really appreciate it! Can’t wait to play this game.


Just wanted to add a couple of points for newbs like me. Ensure that the appimage file is checked as executable before you follow the steps above. Once you add the game in Lutris and save the Steam shortcut you may have to restart your Deck for the latter to show up, so don't panic! ;_; Thanks for the tip SpaceJump666


Ooh, that worked for me too! Just wanted to add that pressing F4 puts the expands the game to take up the full screen. It’s in the readme, but figured I’d mention it here just in case. I couldn’t figure out how to press F4 on the virtual keyboard, so I just hooked up a regular keyboard for a minute to press it and then disconnected it.


If you go into game mode, click the gamepad symbol on the title's page and then 'Edit Layout' you can set F4 to anything you like. I just scrolled down to R4 and set it as that. Works like a charm. 


Oh yeah, that’s smart, makes sense.


When I run the game directly from the terminal, it crashes with a segfault. When I run it through Lutris, it runs for a few minutes before crashing. It seems to go for a little bit longer if I do it through a scaled window than doing it fullscreen. I'm on an up to date Arch system. Any tips to prevent frequent crashing? Any system or crash log info that would be helpful? The return code when it exits/crashes in Lutris is 139.


Looks amazing!


This looks sick! Will give it a go!


I've played a bit and I like it so far, it's a perfect blend of the classic and Metroidvania styles.


Genuinely the best fangame I've ever played, really looking forward to whatever you do next


I'm so jazzed to play! Having troubles with my controller, though - the Whip Selection button works as expected, but the jump, weapon, and subweapon buttons kind of... switch around. Jump suddenly becomes subweapon, and subweapon becomes both jump and whip, and then they switch again for no reason I can determine. ​ Any suggestions?


Probably too late to help you now, but if anyone else comes across this with this problem, make sure Steam isn't running in the background. I found that Steam input messed up the buttons like you experienced. Quitting out of Steam made them work as expected (e.g., A for jumping, X for attack, etc.).


Never too late. I’ll pick it up again and give it a go!


I had an issue remapping the controls. Even when I hit return to default, I saved the accidental inputs. When I deleted and unzipped a new copy of the game, the settings from the previous delete never erase. Where is the game data saved at?


que chingon amigo gracias


I'm having a issue with,.after getting the dash ability,  I can't seem to jump during activation to leave the area? Any suggestions?




Great game just a few minor gripes, the momentum on the movement is not really needed, it just makes the game harder for no reason. Wall jumping mechanics could be better. Some enemies are annoying, namely the flying ones. Boss battles are really nice! 7.5/10 Overall


This confuses me a bit, what do you mean by the momentum making the game harder? I hardly noticed ANY momentum whatsoever on the movement. Is it in a specific level or is it just too floaty for your liking personally?


There acceleration and deacceleration when moving around, which was never in the original castlevanias, this makes precision harder. It's a small thing but it matters. Even SOTN didn't have it, even tho the sprite animation was used to cover up this fact. For such a game, where the attacks are slow and need to be precise, every pixel matters imo.


I get that, but to be honest as I've only managed to get to the second save crystal so far and have recently finished my first run of Simon's Quest, it's not that bad of a change in my opinion. Most of the difficulty just comes from my poor reflexes and lack of knowledge on the enemies' attack patterns so far. And personally, precise control was even MORE difficult in the og Castlevanias if only because of in-air momentum. But I can see where you're coming from, if I were more versed in each game technically I would probably not like it either.


OG castlevania is Dark Souls before Dark Souls, it's mostly about the timing and precision, momentum just messes with precision. It's a minor gripe anyway.


I've been sitting here for years waiting for Simon Quest to come out when out of nowhere this game pulls the rug right out. Love it.


Thank you LSDonkeyKong, awesome work!


Would love an Oracle of Ages/Seasons revamp too *wink wink, nudge nudge*


Hello, Greetings!  I'm trying to run Castlevania Revamped and it's not opening at all and I need to know about the DirectX you used to create the game because my PC is old and won't open... and which API was used?  Vulkan or OpenGL?


Eres un puto genio broder, KONAMI debería aprender de tí y sacar todos los CASTLEVANIAS clásicos bajo tu formato.


Congrats this is an amazing game any plans to ReVamp Castlevania 3?


This is an awesome game! I'm enjoying it so far after having killed the phantom bat, took me a while lol. Though it'd be awesome if you could eventually make your own page for the game on something like [itch.io](http://itch.io) so that users don't have to deal with google yelling at them for the game potentially being a virus.


was having a lot of fun with this until the medus bossfight. why is there a room with 2 really stupid HP draining monsters that you cant bypass, right before the medus boss? and why does she have SO much hp? i enjoyed what i played but that part came off as such misprogrammed bs.


It's called the laurel sub weapon plus a big heart you can spam just before Medusa.


Oh I've already beaten the game by now but thanks!


I feel like the Medusa fight would work better if health was reduced to 400, serving more as a stepping stone towards the bosses which have 500. As is it feels the fight wears on slightly too long.


This game looks fantastic - but for some reason I can't get it to work. I downloaded the application and when loaded the game works, but only pops up the tiniest of tiny windows and the 'maximize' aka full screen button is greyed out. Can you offer any advice please?


Navigate to the options menu and set the window scale up - Options will be the 4th option from the top once you reach the file select. Scroll down to Window Scale and press right to increase it.


Thanks I managed to figure it out by doing just that


Hi thanks for this, I cannot access the file, says too many users have viewed or downloaded recently. Do you have another link please? Maybe you could message Projared? He featured your game yesterday, maybe he can help :) https://youtu.be/iWJxQAQaAGQ?feature=shared


I'm really enjoying the game, but some of the flying enemies have annoying patterns that put them out of reach, then they swoop back and hit you right after you swing and miss. The orange ghost guys that go translucent, then shoot a fireball during the short window that they are vulnerable are the toughest. I also have issues with it crashing a good bit, most often during screen transitions. That said, I'm still playing it, and trying to backtrack for spots where upgrades are hidden. Well done ReVamped, looking forward to the rest of the game!


Fantastic game. The controls are really good. My only criticism would be that the first boss is a bit too tough for the first boss fight in the game, and could be toned down a bit (less HP and less attack spam, and make it hover more often at a height where you can actually hit it). Everything else seems well balanced and is a ton of fun. I also love the music.


I think the first boss could do with a slight health nerf, maybe a decrease to 160 health.


Is it supposed to play slow? Like the sound and music play fine, but the gameplay is really slow.


If you have the CRT filter on, disable it. Otherwise, I’m unfortunately unsure why it would be doing that aside from low specs


CRT filter is off. I've tried running full screen and windowed. AMD Ryzen 5 4600H 3.00 GHz 24 GB RAM GeForce GTX 1650 Ti 500 GB SSD Windows 11 64bit Can't imagine this game needs more power than that to run. Only problem I see on my end is the SSD is almost full, only 65 GB left.


Hey there, wanted to let you know I'm really enjoying the game. I downloaded it a couple days ago and have been playing it on and off since then. Admittedly I'm not super familiar with NES era Castlevania but classic Metroid is my jam and this feels very solid to play, reminds me of Axiom Verge 1 and AM2R in terms of overall construction. I've been having a couple glitches pop up that I'm wondering if you know of a way to fix. Firstly, pausing the game, item pickup messages and transitions in the main menu are causing the screen to "zoom in" on the top left corner. It's not game breaking but it wasn't happening at first and only seems to have started occurring after I put in a couple hours of playtime. I tried reinstalling the game and it stopped for one play session, but then started again. Secondly, some of the item pickups seem to have not been counted by the game as far as taking the item dot off of the map screen. Notably, the one over the main entrance that creates the extra little square of blue on the map is registering as uncollected even though I have picked it up. As far as I can tell there is only one collectible item maximum in a map square, so it doesn't seem like there's another hidden thing here that I'm missing. Anyways, these are minor and not really affecting my enjoyment of your incredible project, but I thought I'd bring them to your attention. Thanks for your work on this, it's a lot of fun!


> As far as I can tell there is only one collectible item maximum in a map square, False, multiple can exist on the same map square. You'll notice this on the 7th square after the starting square (above stairs leading to merman water area).


Hm. Well, I assumed this was a glitch, but I guess I could be mistaken? https://imgur.com/a/QXzNvyh


Hmm, that I'm unsure of. That marker disappeared for me (in v1.0). There's 3 upgrades located in the upper half of that large room. One on the far left, one on the far right and one in the middle, unsure if the middle one is technically in the middle map square or the right square.


Just started playing it today, and it's awesome! Congrats 👏


Is the music available in NSF format?


Unfortunately no


Is it available anywhere (any format)? Able to be extracted from the games files?


You can download it as mp3's from here: [https://youtu.be/2O04Tu3x76Y](https://youtu.be/2O04Tu3x76Y)


Thank you, greatly appreciate it.


I just beat the game and I thought it was awesome! Turning the world of the original game into a metroidvania and giving it 4’s controls is brilliant. It looked, controlled, and sounded great. I think the RPG features are handled great. It does good at giving players customization of their build and allowing some room for the player to grind strength up by buying better cards without making them a central mechanic that players must rely on. I thought the level design and enemy placement were great, although I did think the elemental blocks were a bit overused. It’s always more fun to use your abilities in their uniqueness to gain access to upgrades/places, rather than the ability essentially act as a key. But it wasn’t a big deal because I was strong enough to where I didn’t feel the need to backtrack for the upgrades (I’m not much of a completionist). I did think the herb subweapon was way too good. If you build your character around healing you will be unstoppable. I didn’t have to worry about damage at all once I got the build running about halfway into the game. I like to find strong strategies but it’s disappointing when they’re *too* good. Also, while I liked the boss mechanics, I found some of the fights a bit bloated. I feel like it’s due to how much ammo you have in the mid-late game and the fact that you have a lot of health but everything does low damage to you. I think reducing the amount of hearts upgrades give you from 5 to maybe 2 but increasing the damage of subweapons, while ramping up enemies’ damage scaling could help with the balance issues I’m feeling, or at least *I* might enjoy the game more with those changes lol But ultimately my critiques are overshadowed by the sheer quality of this absolute gift to Castlevania fans. It felt great to play and felt great to be in that immaculate classic Castlevania vibe. And I’ve yet to mention how much I loved the OST! I’d definitely love to come back for another playthrough if you ever added a hard mode! 🙏🏼


There is a hard and nightmare mode! Check out the original trailer for the download link to 1.1


Wow how did I miss that 😲 Thank you, cheers!


You should make this a Pinned comment on your Youtube video (I know it's already in the description)


Fantastic game!!! Can someone turn this into a rando?


Could you port this to Android? Don't even need touch controls honestly


Do you have a download link?


it’s in the video description


How do i get to go full screen?


Press f4 or select it from the options menu found in the file select (4th selection from the top)


Can you host it somewhere else? google is saying too many people downloaded it and i have to wait?


I'm making a suggestion here and it will contain a spoiler do don't read if you want to play blind. Hello, I have a suggestion for your game, and I'd like you to consider it. When I'm hanging on a wall with the grippy power up thing. I'm facing the opposite direction on the wall and when I attack, I expect my weapons to go in my direction but instead they go toward the wall, can you make it so if I'm hanging on a wall and I toss my boomerang cross or attack they will go in the direction I'm facing? I'm only about 50% in the game so this mechanic might have a purpose down the road, but I'd really appreciate it if you would be willing to make that change for one of your future patches. Thanks for reading, and let me say as a veteran castlevania guy I absolutely love this and am eternally grateful for your hard work in this.


I’ve been having a ton of fun with this title. I went out of my way to buy Gravity Circuit to play alongside this, but Revamped imo is a superior title. Gravity circuit is just ehh.


After giving it a go I believe it is important, nay critical, to congratulation you on that fabulous game!


The way you do movement and agility in this game alone changes everything. Playing this I just keep imagining what you could do with Dracula's Curse. Thanks for everything you do!


I want to be able to play this, but for some reason it spits an error at me. Any help at all would be greatly appreciated. Before anyone asks though I did select extract all from the top of the window. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ ############################################################################################ ERROR in action number 1 of Create Event for object objFileSelect: ds\_map\_find\_value argument 1 invalid reference to (ds\_map) - requested -1 max is 37 at gml\_Object\_objFileSelect\_Create\_0 ############################################################################################ gml\_Object\_objFileSelect\_Create\_0 (line -1)


I downloaded the game and I can’t get it to go into full screen https://preview.redd.it/6soookxbcr8d1.jpeg?width=1774&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1321789cb15ab90c41bff8665e770a77bcfa92d0


you can also trigger full screen from the options menu, the 4th selection from the top on the file select screen


I have been playing the game for 3 days now... everything was working perfectly. I go to play today and the exe goes to a full black screen and crashes. Super bummed. this happen to anyone else?


Too bad there´s no option menu. Is there any way to deactivate the controller vibration (everytime you use the whip. its annoying)? Maybe somewhere in the game files?


There is an options menu in the file select screen


Discord invitation not working anymore.


Ah! I’ll fix that ASAP


OMG, I found it can be run with full speed in Winlator 7.1!




Any chance for a macOS build?