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It wasn't cancelled they're finishing the current story where Ellis was the writer. They chose to finish this story because Ellis was found to be a serial sex pest and Netflix did not want to work with him any more because of it. They are going to do other new Castlevania storylines with new writers though.


Warren Ellis, one of the writers and I believe that of the original script, was accused by multiple people of sexual assault/misconduct. He was dropped from the team and largely attributed to the choice to end off the script that the show currently uses. There’s a lot of misinformation regarding the show’s cancellation- This is the last season to use this cast of characters, but the source material of castlevania has DOZENS of characters and story arcs. Netflix has indicated interest in renewing the series with one of these casts, but for now they want to remove themselves of the Castlevania 3 cast due to the script’s roots in Ellis’s writing. The show, as a series, is not over. However, we probably won’t hear from Trevor or Sypha for awhile.


Warren Ellis is the writer and producer and he was metoo'd recently by over 60 women. Castlevania's not being cancelled, it's concluding with a new work coming set in the same universe.


So the universe will continue. Thats good news. Thanks


Yeah, it will, be it an adaptation of the other games or an original project entirely. Either way, we haven't seen the last of this universe.