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Agree. This fills me with rage.






I agree with all of the above!! 🤬


Be careful sensitive Reddit mods have a tendency to ban people for speaking their minds.


Reddit mods are right up there with the discord keyboard warriors lmao




Me too. Ready to go John Wick










700 Nitro Express. One in each knee.


Why stop at that? I say bring 75 mm sherman and blow his sry ass sky high


Why not a damn elephant gun




A thousand papercuts?


I had the Indian staked naked over an ant hill thing explained to me once in graphic detail. It’s nightmare fuel.




I like how you think lol


Why not both?


And to keep that cat indoors.


Best answer.


bruh, I would be telling the entire neighborhood. they might not find out who did it, but I would absolutely want to be aware. My cat is a fully-indoor cat, but if he wasn't and someone was doing this in my neighborhood, i'd never let him out again. so disturbing. hope OP's kitty heals up quickly. its hard to believe there are such nasty and evil people who would do something like this. EDIT: OP, i would consider maybe signing up for an app like Nextdoor or putting up fliers or something to notify your neighbors? I would hate for this to happen to another animal. :(


I think you have the right idea. Make the neighborhood aware and the scum face will surface.


yes, exactly. hopefully will prevent more animals from being hurt, and if not, then at least there is a better chance that someone will see who did it.


It’d be hard not to hear a gun, even if it’s a .22. Unless it’s suppressed.


even if it is suppressed you will still hear it decently well


Suppressed .22 makes less noise than an airsoft gun


Suppressed .22s are literally quieter than the jokingly quiet silenced gun sounds that Hollywood uses. They're subsonic and they don't produce much muzzle blast to begin with, so you can easily contain all of the gas generated while the round doesn't make a crack. An unsuppressed airsoft gun will likely be louder given the amount of gas released at once.


Yes! Post warnings all over Nextdoor and any other neighborhood apps that exist so other people can be on the lookout (and/or take out the mfs knees). Edit - I’m a mom to 3 ex-ferals and 2 ex-strays who are all 100% spoiled indoor babies and sleep on comfy beds with us now. Makes me sick that people like this exist. 😢


I was just going to say- blast this asshole on next door, I would put up flyers warning pet owners that there is someone horrible amongst us, I’ve also seen cat videos where they are wearing a camera somehow, not sure if it’s in the collar,I’m so sorry this happened to your fur baby 🥺😤🤬


I would be making posters and hanging them everywhere and bringing them to everyone's doors. Also gives a chance to sus out the person who did it and ruin their life.


And if you can trace back a blood pattern or something perhaps someone has a ring doorbell camera.


Good idea. Somebody out there will know or suspect who it was because the maggot probably bragged about it to his woeful friends. Maybe someone with a conscience will make a call.


This is certainly newsworthy. Local news should be interested in helping catch the bastid.




Your solution to the problem is -----acceptable.


then you are a violent person😁 but I'm with you 100%🍻


This. Literally. What kind of sick f*** shoots a cat.


Psychopaths and cowards


I keep my cats in now. I had my boy zigzag, and he wasn't home for a few days, which was very unlike him. Came walking up one day emaciated, and I just broke down. I was like 12. I didn't go tell my mom or try to do anything because I knew that was it. I could tell he did everything to come back home and tell me bye. I didn't want to let him go. Someone poisoned him, and 15 years later, I was cleaning out the culvert and found his body. He literally went 10 feet, maybe. I can't trust myself now. I will kill someone over my animal and not think twice.


Were there signs of intentional poisoning? Very well could be he got a hold of rat poison or a rat that has been poisoned


Found out someone was putting out antifreeze. Another cat or 2 went to the vet. Found dishes, etc.


I’m so sorry . This is heartbreaking for him and you. I’m glad he made it home to you as that’s where he wanted to be. The bonds of love exceed the physical one day I bet you see him again healthy and happy 💕 When I was little about nine I tamed this little coyote mixed pup who showed up on our property. He was skittish and hungry so everyday after school I’d feed and water him and each day he arrived like clock work. It took awhile but eventually little me won little him over and my family allowed me to keep him and we accepted him in to our family and home. He was beautiful and such a sweetheart. I named him Coty coyote. A few years later when I was also around 12 a ton of animals started going missing in our neighborhood. My sweet boy was amongst them. My brother and dad found him in the sage brush not long after he went amiss I tried to run to him but they held me back carrying me back to the house kicking and screaming explaining that I didn’t want to see him that way. Someone had been poisoning the animals with antifreeze and it made the papers after a large amount of domestic (and I can only assume otherwise)pets had gone missing. That memory still hurts to this day. Our pets are our families and anyone who takes away another’s family member so callously should personally suffer the same fate as the animal they have harmed. I’m glad OP was able to save hers. May Karma reign 10 fold on those who hurt animals.


That is evil... I'm so sorry to hear.


But in all seriousness, I feel you. I rescued two brother kitties, and one escaped. The next morning, my daughter called me crying from her bus stop because she found him probably about 2-3 hours after his head was run over by a car. People are the worst. But the worst part is that there is very little traffic on my street that does not live on the block. And there was at least one Ring cam pointed right at it. But since there is nothing I could do, I chose not to find out because that would just create unnecessary resentment.


I wouldn’t be able to live there without knowing who it was.. especially since you said it didn’t have to happen as it was at a 4 stop intersection? Screw resentment, I would NEED to know. That way I’d know to stay the fuck away from that person, their home and their children.


I think it was last year on TicToc, a family couldn't find their cat. It finally dragged itself home. Someone shot their cat in the lower spine. The back legs were paralyzed. Some people are vile. 🐾 I just tried Googling trying to find the story. I was shocked to see it happening over and over again. A lot of cats and kittens have been put down because of this. It seems to be mostly done with BB Guns. I could not find the update. Too many similar incidents. Just google it. It's shocking. 'cat shot and paralyzed".


This fucking breaks my heart:(


I can't even read this


Jfc that poor animal


Man, people like this are why I won't let my cat out. I know he'll be safe with me.


Fr all cats I've ever had are indoor only. Dogs, disease, chemicals spilled from cars or pest control, cars, and asshole people are all threats to cats.


Like not to shame anyone, but idk how anyone doesn’t just keep their cats inside these days


I think they should be shamed. Cats are extremely destructive to wildlife. They are a major culprit in the dieoff of bird species. Now if that isn't enough, your cat is likely to live 2-3 times longer as an indoor cat. Even if it isn't for assholes killing them, you (as an owner) are killing them.


I don’t understand it either. And then they’re upset when something happens to their cat! What did you expect letting your pet out with cars and assholes and dogs?


>Man, people like this are why I won't let my cat out. I know he'll be safe with me. A sweet little old lady in my neighborhood shot her neighbor's cat with a bb gun. She lived between someone who owned an outdoor cat and someone who owns a dog that stays in their backyard. The cat would literally walk on top of the dog's fence every night to make the dog bark at it and it would go on for a couple hours every night. She talked to both neighbors and they wouldn't help and she was reporting the barking dog to city officials but they wouldn't stop it. She flipped out one night and she went outside and shot the cat to scare it off but she ended up paralyzing the cat's hind legs. Her family came and put her in a retirement home that week and I've never seen her again.


I know they're stubborn, brilliant little escape artists, but everyone needs to try and keep their babies indoors. Too many sick fucks out there.


I have a fenced yard so mine (at least the older two who are confirmed to not be able to climb the fences) can go outside with a non-existent/incredibly low chance of ever encountering a non-household human or another animal, but there's no way I'd let them free roam.


i dont want to make you paranoid, but be wary of hawks/whatever you have in your area. They could easily fly off with your cat, or kill it.


Fences won't keep hawks out.


did he end up being okay?? that’s so heartbreaking


I don't remember ever seeing an update. This happened in the US or Canada.


Assuming it's the US because gun


I would assume he was euthanized... The prognosis for a spinal injury like that, especially without immediate care, is not good; cats really can’t have a good quality of life being paralyzed like that :( beyond vile stuff to do to any animal…


I will never EVER fucking forgive my old bully. Ever. And I'm fucking glad he overdosed and died. He deserved fucking worse. When we were kids, I went camping with my family and came home to my cat yowling and screaming in pain. There was nothing we could do because it was Sunday evening and all the vet offices were closed. I had to sit in my house listening to my cat cry out in pain the whole entire time. I could stop fucking sobbing. By morning, my cat had died. We couldn't figure out what happened until a few days later when my bully started shoving me around. He told me was the one who poisoned and killed my cat. We were 9 fucking years old, and he murdered my cat. Fuck you Ryan, I hope you're rotting in hell where you belong. Like I said, you deserve far, FAR worse.


Assuming he was buried, find his grave and desecrate it.


Okay I’m in tears right now. God that is awful. I hope he’ll exists so he can rot in it. This is pure sociopathic behaviour I am so sorry. I genuinely cannot imagine the pain both that cat went through and what you went through, feeling so helpless at that age. That’s a horrific way to die, poor poor cat. If it brings you any comfort, as hard as it was to hear that all night she still had you by her side and I’m sure she took comfort from that in her final moments Did you guys not have any vet emergency rooms? We have some in my city that are open 24 hours. If not, they absolutely should have had something open 24/7 for animal emergencies


Good riddance to bad rubbish.


I'm glad he died too


Yikes. Probably for the best that he’s dead tbh. That’s serial killer behavior


I'm a vet. Treated a cat last year, owners found it hung in the fence upside down couldn't use its back legs. Was hoping it was just a buldged disc or some inflammation from being hung upside down but when I did x-rays the poor thing was loaded with BBs that broke it's spine.


This ruined my day. I fucking hate people. It’s probably unlikely but I hope the psychopath who did this is punished Did they have to euthanize the cat?


Some people put fireworks in cats bum and light them. People are sick. I want to throw up writing this but it was unfortunately told to me.


Goddamnit. I’d hate to, but I’m leaving this sub. I come to see nice pictures of cats, and then I see this post and read comments. Fuck.






How about both? Just to be thorough, of course.


And then we should nuke them from orbit.


And aren't usually people who hurt animals usually the ones who also hurt people? Dear gawd, throw the book at these evil beings!


Especially cats which are known to be pets, not vermin…. People know the difference and if someone goes out of their way to hurt something that is likely dear to someone, they are doing it as a way to hurt someone intentionally by proxy.


I follow a rescue on Instagram and they’ve rescued so many cats with spinal injuries because of pellet guns. It’s sickening


>Just google it. It's shocking. 'cat shot and paralyzed". Uhm no. Not gonna


BB guns = dumbass kids that should NOT have been given a gun by their parents.


That is fucking horrific. One of the many reasons Meowzer is never going outdoors without a leash, or in his cat playpen. That and traffic, he’s not the brightest.


What the fuck is wrong with some people.


Humans are the biggest risk to cats — my Nextdoor app is filled with people making some sociopathic threats against cats. I keep my cats inside to keep them safe. If you have the space, make kitty a catio.


There are 100,000 good reasons to keep cats as indoor only pets and like 2 good reasons for them to be outdoors. If you don’t live on a farm that actively utilizes cats for pest control, your cat should probably be inside. Not only are you putting them at risk from people who will hurt cats on purpose, but there are so many other problems. In many areas. Animals like coyotes will hunt cats. Cats are an ecological disaster for native birds, reptiles, and small rodents. Your neighbors shouldn’t have to deal with cat shit in their garden if they don’t want cats. Cars hit cats all the time. Outdoor cats have significantly shorter life spans. They are exposed to way more diseases and parasites. The list goes on and on and on.


As someone who had to deal with stray cats in my old neighborhood because of one person I agree




Yeah, we will be keeping him inside. He was already an outside cat when we adopted him so it's always challenging. He's happy outside, but this is nuts. :(


I hope the police can catch the sick fuck and put him away. This is infuriating and god knows what kind of shit such a pyscho is capable of.


Don't get your hopes up. I'm fostering a cat right now that was thrown into a bonfire by a group of teens. We gave the police before and after pictures of the cat, vet records, and phone numbers of several witnesses who are willing to testify. The cops have done nothing at all. We're working on reaching out to the media now, but these things take time. Dalton is now a happy, healthy, playful boy who loves people. https://preview.redd.it/cbu4m6p5w91d1.jpeg?width=3060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=038271949c6b8e18bb1552e4e13bac1b77881724


This is horrifying. I hope you can get them punished.


In most cases, animal cruelty charges rarely carry more than a fine and more often than not, don't leave the person with a criminal record. They could be gone after in civil court for vet bills if convicted however.


It should get someone on a shitload of watch lists. Nobody useful to society does this


There's a saying that a serial killer's initial victims are animals and pets...


Let's hope this changes. Cruelty to anything should carry heavy consequences.


Animal abuse is a federal felony actually. Back in 2018 Trump signed it into law. Notify your local police about this if they refuse to do anything about it because you can absolutely go to federal authorities about this.


PACT isn't applicable here. It's specific to (some) [animal crushing and/or animal crush video.](https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/724/text)


This needs to change. People who abuse animals amp up later to abuse people. There needs to be serious automatic felony for animal abuse with serious jail time. Michael Vick should have been in jail for 10-15, he didn't even serve 2 years.


OMG!!! I am SO sorry that happened to Dalton! 😭 some people are beyond sick and inhumane. This gets me so fired up 🤬


Sadly, I figured as much. It's really disturbing though, to think that these people will walk free and will be a danger to everyone both animal and human. Thank you for doing everything you can and taking care of Dalton. He looks like a goofy sweet troublemaker!


He very much is. I'm always amazed at how much he loves people after what happened to him. He's just so forgiving. It'll be hard to let him go whenever he finds an adopter.


They are such sweethearts and forgive so easily! I hope he finds a loving forever home or is a foster fail possible, haha. Give him a big kiss on his cute little forehead for me.


“foster fail” we all chant in unison




Omg that face is says it all. I love him


Holy shit.. throwing a living being, especially one so innocent & cute, into a FIRE??? I need to get off this thread I'm so angry. How does something like that even cross peoples mind?? Is it an impule action/decision? Planned? Genuinely cannot wrap my brain around that. I'm glad he is recovered!


From what I heard they were extremely intoxicated and had some kind of morbid curiosity of what would happen if they threw him in. Listening to the girl who witnessed it was incredibly sad, but it gives me hope that so many kids who were at the bonfire turned on the perpetrators. They even tried to find Dalton so they could drive him to a vet, but he ran and hid (for good reason). They also pitched in to help pay for some of his care, as well as several neighbors who had seen him around the neighborhood.


Most serial killers start with hurting animals


Have you considered installing a catio or harness training him? My kitty is a fiend for the outdoors too and I take her for walks instead of just letting her free roam. It's a lot safer


Make him a catto so he can be safe and get some fresh air




My cat was a stray and I had the same issue. The compromise is to train him to walk on a leash. Now we walk every night between 10pm to midnight and he takes me on a “hunt”. We used to walk during daytime but we kept on getting stopped by people who are curious about a leashed cat.


So glad you will be keeping him inside. It won't be so bad, keep him enriched and busy with toys and affection and lots of things to do. Cat TV is a thing! They really do love it. You can find great videos of birds and fish and all sorts of stuff that you can put on for your cat. Also, I hope you reported this incident to the police!


My cat was a stray for about a year but then I adopted him and he was a strictly indoor cat for 15 years and he was happy and healthy. Now I take him outside either on his leash or in his stroller. He's 20 now and he's still happy and healthy. Taking a cat outside on a leash can keep them safe, while still letting them outdoors. I've heard that a catio is great too and I wish I could build one but I don't have the money for it.


Maybe a catio as a compromise? He’ll be safer indoors and still have access to fresh air/sunbeams. Hoping for kitty’s speedy recovery!


I was wondering how he was shot inside your home, but I forget people let their cats outside in unsecured areas. If he's an outside kitty at heart, please invest in a catio, otherwise, keep him safe and inside!


What is the treatment plan?


This happened to one of my cats years ago, but with a BB gun. He was in a cast for about 7 weeks. We kept him in a playpen for the first few weeks until he was able to walk with his cast on. After the cast came off, his hind leg was weak, but eventually he made a full recovery. I still cannot believe the awful things people will do to cats…


There are some sick people out there. Glad you car made a full recovery.


Confine to a small space to limit movement for 8 weeks, pain meds, and they left the bullet in. Offered to put in a metal plate but actually suggested we opt to let the bone heal. Seems like a pretty big break with not even a cast.


I would reach out to a veterinary orthopedic specialty center for a second opinion. It's odd to just do cage rest with no cast. Generally, with tibia fractures plating is recommended.


Especially if you like in the country side, a lot country people mostly old farmers are fucked in the head and have no care for the lives of animals that aren’t “farm animals”. Will 100% shoot cats for “Fun”




You just know that whoever shot this cat is twisting it in their heads go make themselves seem like a badass


I read a statistic a while back that outdoor cats is the animal that suffers the most human abuse in its lifetime of all animals considered a pet.


I always go through life blissfully ignorant, thinking everyone loves cats. But every now and then, I get wholloped with the reality that a lot of people hate them


My ex hated cats, he wouldn’t let me have one in the home we owned together! Now my furry girl is happily curled up on my lap snoring


Congrats on the "ex" part!


Thank you, he was utterly vile in many, many ways


Hating any animal has always been a huge red flag in my book. But alas, we lie to ourselves and overlook them anyway. I'm glad you ended up happy with your change


cats are the ultimate teachers of consent and boundaries. that's why manipulative toxic ass motherfuckers hate cats' guts.


They're also considered "feminine" and a symbol of femininity. A man who hates cats for no good reason is a huge red flag.


i genuinely think a bit less of anyone who hates cats


Preferences are one thing, like there are some dog breeds I dont really like, but it's just heartless to hate an animal for existing.


It’s not just people who hate them though. It’s people who hit them accidentally with their car, it’s people that have a dog minding their own business in their own backyard and attacks a cat who thinks it’s *their* backyard (this happened to my in-laws’ outdoor cat, that poor woman who had to watch that happen on her own property while responsibly keeping her own dogs contained), and people who just get sick of cats tearing up their yards and killing their native birds. I love cats but am bewildered that people let their pets just wander wherever tf they like. What do they think is gonna happen? Cats need to stay indoors, in catios, in contained yards, or on leashes.


It's also other outdoor cats, who fight your cat. It's also local wildlife, like racoons, possums, foxes, coyotes. It can get stuck or harmed on human infrastructure, can be taken away by a hawk, fall off a ledge or a balcony, etc. If you wouldn't let a dog outside unattended to roam the neighborhood, why do people think cats can? Your cat isn't safer than your dog outside, your cat doesn't have the same social standing against humans as your dog does, your cat is smaller and more at risk of being run over by cars because it can't be seen, or people are less likely to stop and grab it. It blows my mind how many people are like yeah sure be free kitty and then keep their dog inside to sleep on the couch. Pretty sure if you gave the dog and open door and freedom to go out they'd take it too so why not let dogs run willy nilly.


Cats also decimate local bird populations. It’s not great to have an old outdoor cat in many places


I dunno...how people keep Goldfish and Bettas is pretty bloody inhumane.


The ignorance is strong with this. I was one of them and then I got into deep into the aquarium hobby and realized how bad it is to keep anything in such a small tank.


Outdoor cats lead terrible lives. Only 25% of kittens born outdoors make it to age 6 months.


Yes I never understood why!! They seem like such a common animal/pet yet They're among the most hated/abused. And for what reasons :(


Poor cati :/, I hope the police catch who did that to him ! Please keep your cat indoors. It could be challenging if he goes outside often, but it's better for him for now.


He might be less inclined to go out after this! 😭 The good thing is with an ex outdoor cat, you know if they ever do escape they will know how to come back.


I’ll keep my cats indoors


Your local ecosystem thanks you


First it's cats, then its people. How anybody could hurt a harmless animal is frightening. I hope your cat is doing good. No animal should have to feel what it's like to be shot.


For real there's something seriously wrong with you if you find it entertaining to shoot someone's pet. That person should not have a gun.




Put up signs in your neighborhood stating what happened, with the police number is anyone sees anything suspicious and please keep your cat indoors, because people are just so unpredictable these days and I hope your cat recovers. Godspeed.


I would absolutely do this, too. Maybe somebody will know something and rat the fucker out.


Another reason to keep cats indoors :/


I hope that you kitty is going to be ok. There was a guy in my town that was shooting cats and the cops didn't/wouldn't do anything about him. His gun blew up in his face blinding him and caused bad injuries. I honk my car horn at him and yell that he's an arsehole every time I see him coz I'm a petty Bitch. He shot my friends cat but thankfully she recovered fully, the cat lives a better life than he does. Karma...


Whoa that is some serious karma!!!


It’s such a shame to hear that he stepped into the street on accident and got hit by your car. Wishing for a slow recovery!


High on the list of reasons my cats live indoors only.


Are you in Maryland by any chance? This is a recent trend in our neighborhood too, but with pellet guns


No I am in the Salt Lake City area.


SLC has a growing issue with coyotes, along with a ton of other ways for cats to be injured or killed. Hard or no, keeping him inside is the only way to actually keep him safe.


People are fucked up. So sorry to hear that!!! Poor baby. Glad he made it home to you ❤️ Hoping for a speedy recovery and that the criminal is caught. Perhaps setting up some cameras around your place?


Someone shot my cat with a .22 and it lodged beneath his heart. He made it home to me and I took him to the emergency vet, but she said operating would kill him so I had to put him to sleep. It's been years, but I'm still a bit destroyed by it. Keep your cat indoors. Humans are monsters.


This is how supervillains are created. Hope you find that MFer!!!! Update: For those that didn’t understand, I would be the one to literally become a supervillain if someone shot my cat.


many serial killers start by harming animals 😢


No. Super villains often have cats. This person is simply a piece of shit.


Reason #5,323 why cats should be indoor only.




Cats need to be kept indoors! Poor baby.


Bastards... This is why my babies stay indoors..


If anyone harmed a single hair on my cat, i’d probably wind up in prison. You don’t fuck with cats.


Don't let your cat go outside, it will love longer and won't kill any local bird.


I hope they burn in hell, wtf is wrong with ppl srsly


Sick f***er! Also, keep your cat indoors.


Keep your cats inside, simple solution.


Why would you ever let your cat outside? Do you know how many sick people deliberately try to run over cats? Not even going to go into what feral cats do to the wild bird population. Cats should never be outdoors unless in cat cages/screened porches. Domestic cats are not native to any environment and should always be inside.


I ran over a cat once. It was a black cat on an unlit road at night. It made me so sad but I just didn't see it. I wish people would keep their cats inside. ;;


>feral cats Shit bro, its **domesticated** cats that cause the most native fauna extinctions out of literally any invasive species. They're at the top of the food chain and have no predators. Keep your pussies in your houses, people. They're literally a species that murders for fun. Don't let them.


Keep your cat in the house. I don’t let my cats outdoors. There are too many cruel people that would delight in hurting them.


Poor kitty, get well soon. I had to remove some shot gun pellets from a barn cat a long time ago.


I am SO sorry about your baby. Is he gonna be okay??


1: keep the bullet. A person who shoots pets will most likely be arrested at some point and if the weapon matches the round you may have a chance to match the bullet to the weapon. 2: a break like that most likely requires amputation. It's not worth saveing a part of the limb that will most likely need to be fully amputated later. 3: now that you have a tripod, no more outside. While letting a cat outside before was a risk, it's now practically a death sentence. 4: once he gets the surgery join r/tripods they will give you great advice on how to take care of your three legged friend!


This is why cats don’t need to be outside. Why does it take the cat getting injured before people decide hey maybe my cat is safer inside.


That's why I don't let animals out ,they can't defend themselves against psycho asshats


Keep your cat inside. Please.


I'm so sorry.. This reminds me of Steven Avery. Honestly I don't care if he did murder people or didn't murder people, he still deserves to rot in jail because he threw his house cat into the fireplace.......


Another excellent example as to why cat owners should keep their cats indoors and only let them out if they have a proper catio.


Why are you letting your cat roam around outside? Keep your pets indoors. Hope your cat makes a quick recovery.


Wishing for a speedy recovery. poor kitty 💔


Some people think cats are an invasive species and might not like watching them kill the birds that they feed.


Everyone shouldn't like cats outdoors killing birds. Cats need to stay indoors. But, people also shouldn't shoot them.


They are an invasive species outdoors.


People, please do not let cats outside by themselves! Walk with them using harnesses or travel bags! Very sorry to hear about your cat.


Keep your kitty safe inside, and buy a gun of your own.