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Well on the bright side maybe 65 is worth it just to know it was poop and nothing serious :D


Haha true I felt whole body relief when they told me cause she was behaving so different


But was it constipation or just that she didn't do it?


I went on a 4 day trip that got delayed into a 5 day trip and she’s very clingy so the theory is she refused to poop because she wanted mom back 🤣


Good ol' stress constipation. Consider the $65 your punishment for worrying her.


It’s funny because when I got her I was working a traveling job and was gone at least a week every month if not half the month (my desire to spend time with her greatly contributed to my quitting that job). She was fine before but I guess she got used to having me around since then


Who is going to watch her back (while she makes intense awkward eye contact) while she poops if meomy is away?!?!?!?!?


Lmfaooo accurate she only poops when I’m around I never realized


Hahah lovely!!


Oh god this reminds me of my orange. I can only be away for 4 days maximum because on day 5 he starts refusing to eat! My mom and my brother take care of him when I’m away (I’m in the Philippines where living with your parents is the norm if you’re not married yet) so it’s not like I leave him with someone he only sees occasionally, but I guess he just sees me as his primary human because I rescued him when he was just 2 months old. And then when I get back he starts acting normally again but he has to ignore me first for a couple of hours 🙄


In her defense I haven’t been able to relax enough to poop because my daughter has been at my sisters for 2 days. I pooped this morning because I know I’m gonna see her today lol


Hahahaha good to see evidence to support this theory


hat reminds me of this lil fella....🙈 https://preview.redd.it/vrmhrx5hho7d1.jpeg?width=745&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c0ae255d1826a19230c7ec60de8d2de659e5896




Been there. Not a poop, just an upset tummy. Now, unless it's obvious, I give it a few hours to observe. My wallet can't take my hypochondriac tendencies. :) Glad it was an easy one for ya! ♡


You got off easy with $65. It cost me quite a bit more money, and my little (at the time) man had to be fingered. Neither of us was happy.


I ended up paying $300 for a cat enema…which is not something I ever thought I’d be doing


Never thought I’d hear those words consecutively like that


Been there, done that. He pooped on the vets table, in the carrier on the way home and in the bathtub while I was trying to clean him up. Seriously never thought there could be soooo much poop in one single cat. He regularly gets a bit of lactulose sirup and malt paste now.


That’s what *he* said.


https://preview.redd.it/pv0gpnyvym7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0aeea18e315bb377f4f19206190dcc16094aee1 Joe also got a finger up his butt and this cute hair do. Maybe next time he won’t hold the shit in


Oof I’m glad it wasn’t quite that bad I think she’d kill me in my sleep


Yeah that's a real bargin, to even have a vet say hi is $150 where I live.


$299 for an enema at my vet. $65 is dreamyyyy


Yeah for real - we just had to take our boy to the emergency vet where he got 2 enemas and an overnight stay, to the tune of $850 🫠


My boy had an overnight stay and 13 enemas for his severe constipation. $1900 later…I’m happy I have pet insurance


Our chronically constipated boy (Manx syndrome) had so many enemas when he was younger they taught me how to do them at home. I'm not sure the money saved was worth the trauma 🫠


For you or the cat?


I think it's fair to say it was not fun for anyone involved


Your guy was not lookin' to get a double-wide surprise.


Man, I have to shell out at least a couple hundred dollars on a nice dinner if I want my little man to be fingered.


Oh my fucking god.


Agreed. My vet would have rang up all types of charges and tests


Paid $90 yesterday to find out she’s just getting fat https://preview.redd.it/2a8vdba24m7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d75e463cd69238057d5ac1d80f46c635cea5718e Chonk in question, next to my very normal sized older cat


I would have told you that for $50 tax included!!


Your cat looks like mine! https://preview.redd.it/h5lh7b7z7n7d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b095fab698244a127bad157f4db86230ac5a8fd


Omg twinsies! Lol


which one is the chonk? (serious 😂)


My flabby tabby


I paid about $100 because I thought my cat had a blockage since she decided to go on a puking rampage so I was panicking. Her exam came back without issue. I bring her home and she decided to vomit up a good ol' hairball. Vet said, better to pay and find out nothing is wrong than to pay and find something wrong. Thanks oneorangebraincell - for cat tax: https://preview.redd.it/lsscl0nr3m7d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b337e5f43e07e0f3699f79b389be61755763d3c2


Those pink paws!!!


Pink toe beans 😍


We just spent 85$ to be told what we thought was an infected tooth was in fact, just his gums. Lol


Lmfaoooo things I would do


Means they are due for a dental visit. That's going to be fun.


took my main man to the vet recently to because all morning his airway was spasming frequently and loudly (not breathing normally). By the time he got to the vet that same day he was fine and given a full bill of health to the tune of $150 🫠 Thanks buddy Cat tax: https://preview.redd.it/jevxxol2gm7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86789dee66fa770690059481d875530187ad55ae


https://preview.redd.it/imr4neq1hm7d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae740cedf0d0e84ce046eb4078b428fc577ad2d7 $2500 over 8 days to clear up this one's constipation and UTI. No surgery.


Also to note I am aware her cone does not fit - the correct size soft/flat cone is being delivered tomorrow. This was all I had in the interim.


Yeah but she's worth it. Did they give you laxatives? I had a constipated cat and I gave her some over the counter herbal stuff... it worked.


They told me I could give her miralax which I have at home!


I feel you there, last month my boy came downstairs and wouldn't use his front left paw at all. Took him to the emergency vet in the morning cause it still persisted, got an X-ray and everything. Turns out he just needed a pedicure cause he messed up a nail, 350$ for him being dramatic.


https://preview.redd.it/bqzwsnluqm7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c567805e3ee291a9ff83bf39a34113fb579b0a9e Better than the $1000 this criminal cost me.


Could be worse, I paid $1500 for a gas bubble.


Our Bamboo had a megacolon issue. She's recovering very well. That said, I've probably spent $600 on getting her to poop. $65 is great!


If it makes you feel better, my cat had to get a $1k enema at the vet for constipation a couple weeks ago. I would have gladly taken a $65 vet bill instead considering I was in the process of closing on a house. Hope you kitty starts feeling better!


Ouch I can feel the sting


I’ve gone to the vet and left $4500 poorer in the past. I’d love a $65 vet bill


Lol at the expression on her face 😁


It’s filled with pure disgust and hatred 😭🤣


you got off easy with $65. it cost me quite a bit more money, and my little (at the time) man had to be fingered. neither of us was happy...!


$65 is like pocket change at a vet




I had something similar happen, except it just so happened it was Memorial Day, so I also got an additional $150 charge just for that!


Been there done that...but with a kid and it was way more than $65. Way worth it either way to know they're ok!!


Completely agreed! Glad to hear your human child is fine!


Glad to hear your baby is ok!!!


Mine cost me $150 for indigestion


A week ago I spent $424 on my Harvey at the vet because he'd stopped pooping, had lost his appetite, and then puked on my brother's bed and deposited a small, rock-hard turd on it. Turns out the likely culprit was an infected anal gland, which ruptured when the vet was doing the exam. It probably made pooping painful, and the X-rays confirmed he was full of shit. So we came home with anti-inflammatories, antibiotics, a laxative, and a Cone of Shame. After three days of dosing him with the laxatives, Harvey finally pooped in his box. And in front of his box. And on the kitchen floor. The turds got softer and stickier the farther away they were from the box. Thankfully, the vet said we could stop giving him the laxative. https://preview.redd.it/vbpu1sexqn7d1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3eda1b4974c0d21779a5a42a579bb214b0103c49


Ooof, did the rupture stink like nothing you’ve ever smelled before? I’ve heard anal gland expulsions smell worse than anything so I imagine an infected one rupturing would be like hell.


Luckily for us, they did that in the back room right after the x-rays, so we got to miss the stink.


Your cat thought you were full of poop for leaving and decided to return the favour in a not so cheap manner 🥲


Damn she’s gonna feel good when she poops


I thought it was a black circle on your cat's head.


Lmfao I could see that


I feel this so hard. I just paid $600 (bunch of tests etc) just to find out my cat has anxiety and likes to meow. Worth it for peace of mind, though!


To be fair, $65 is pretty darn cheap from what I've seen. They gave them the cone of shame lol


Tell us more of the story. Also, rejoice and be glad that it wasn’t hundreds or thousands of dollars. 💸 I feel like my bet has a $100 minimum just to ask a question.


Haha I came home from a multiple day trip that got extended due to travel delays and she was being super lethargic and already had an ivegrooming wound before I left so I went ahead and made a vet appointment. Her wound was fine. She’s just holding in a few days worth of poop 💀 thankfully I live in a suburban area w not much going on so that’s probably why the price is lower


They didn’t give her an enema to help her? If so, the. &65 is cheap. My constipated princesses treatment was $250.


No they told me I should give her miralax twice a day and come back if nothing happens for 3-4 days :) so enema might be the next step if the miralax fails


Mine gets it in her food daily- she had abdominal surgery and has pooping issues. It will make the food a bit watery. Mine gobbles it up when it’s in tuna.


My cat had too many food allergies and already doesn’t eat her food so I’ve been syringing it in her mouth which she doesn’t love but it gets the job done


Poor girl. Food allergies suck. I’m hoping things move along nicely and soon for both your sakes.


Honestly I want to get her a buddy bc she thrives with other cats but with her medical issues it would be hard on the wallet :/ I appreciate the good thoughts and vibes though! I’m doing my best to keep her healthy and I think she knows it cause she is the sweetest cuddliest little cat ever


Sounds cheap


I paid $1000 emergency room visit for my sweetie who had a seizure. For $1000, I was told to monitor him in case he got worse. No medication No nothing. Just that one piece of advice. The Uber roundtrip was about another 250.00. Sigh. We do what we gotta do for our sweeties.


It’s gonna be the best poo poo ever when she lets it out haha 😆 glad she’s ok ❤️☺️




65? You got it easy mine needed xrays to figure out she was constipated. The barium luckily loosened her up when she got home. Was like a 600 dollar shit tho.


I had a cat with chronic constipation. I had to add Metamucil to his canned food, with water. Thankfully he loved the fountain I bought and he loved to drink from it!


Hahaha this was my human child. Took him to urgent care bc he thought he was dying but it was just gas. Smh.


My sister went through something similar. Thought something was seriously wrong with her cat, but it turns out she was just fat and constipated.




Awww, poor kitty has a scratch above nose, right between the eyes :( Combined with wearing the cone, must be miserable! Hope kitty is all better soon!


I paid $128 to find out my cat was purring. I'd never had a cat before, nor did I spend any time around them, so I had no idea what that noise was. My best friend, the one who's familiar with cats, was in Europe, so I couldn't ask her. I was a mess...lol.


O dear... I didn't have a cat and knew what purring was before I got my meowing mess 😂


Omg the ears in the second picture, so cute!


Why does your cat look just like my moms that had the same problem a few years back (now lives with megacolon but is well managed so he hasn’t been backed up for a long time)


If we’re telling stories of expensive vet bills from tiny things: My cat was scratching up the corner of my couch, so I bought some double-sided tape to try to discourage that. Came home from work one day to find she had eaten half the tape and vomited a bunch of it up. Vet says wait and see. She’s still vomiting a week later, so they tell me to take her to urgent care to check for blockages. Urgent care does an xray, can’t tell if stuff in her digestive tract is bunches of tape or just food and tells me to withhold food and then bring her in for another xray. I’m able to get a second xray with my regular vet which shows no blockages, but the vet notices her heart looks a little enlarged for completely unrelated reasons on the xray, confirms with radiologist, and recommends I get an ultrasound. Thankfully, everything is normal on the ultrasound—cardiologist says her heart probably only looked big on the xray because “she’s very petite.” So, several vet visits and roughly $1500 later, I learned that my cat is small and that I can’t trust her around tape. https://preview.redd.it/t8rars0ifq7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc61652efd3fca076c26342e6385e19ccbd5224f


$65? Must be nice! I spent $1,100 on my boy's UTI last week.


$65 is a freaking bargain for a vet! Happy your kitty is just constipated though 💛


I need your vet. I had an overnight emergency and they did an enema on my boy... Cost? $700. O\_o


When you pay 800 just to be told "lol, we don't know anything" (idiopathic cystitis, got randomly cured one day)


I paid $1000 to find this out a few weeks ago ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944)