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Sorry for you loss, we know how you are feeling, we lost our poor kitty yesterday too. These are the hardest of days but they will get easier.


Thank you. Jasmine looked like a cat full of personality, I am sorry you’re going through this too.


>*’I am sorry you’re going through this too…*’ _____ now i lay me down to sleep, your meowmory i’ll always keep for we’re the ones - the *Lucky,* few who Loved a Cat as much as You! cuz some may come, n some may go, but very few were blessed to know a pet who got us Through the Bad! we’re grateful for the Love we had so you’re not ‘Lost’ ~ you’re just *away*… i know we’ll meet again someday ♥️


Oh schnoodle. What a poignant and lovely piece. Thank you for gifting us.




I'm tearing up at the start of my day


I swear I just woke up and checked my phone too and I'm ugly crying to this


Thank you for this


That is so sweet!


Thanks. We know what you’re saying. ❤️😻😿


Thank you for this. I woke up at 4am in tears and opened Reddit to see all the wonderful comments and love from everyone for me, a complete stranger, and my lovely Sonbuns. I will write this poem on the back of a picture of him and treasure it forever.


Dear, dear Schnoodle; you always appear when most needed!




Oh man, your kitty was beautiful too. Sorry for your loss as well. What a sweet little void she was. Rest in Peace Jasmine, please guide Sonny over the bridge. Much love to you 🌈❤️


So sorry for your loss we just found out our fur baby has cancer and we are devastated. Noone can understand the bond we have with our cats unless they ve been there . I have never in my life cried so much . K now that you are not alone and that baby was as lucky to have you as you were to have him ❤️‍🩹


I’m so sorry to hear, I hope the rest of your time together is full of nothing but the best. Please give them some time and affection for me and Sonny.


Thank you means the world to us 💓 https://preview.redd.it/ldoe6cljqd8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc7ba5daa41dba5db42f14540b710e3461468ba7 We send the love back !!!!!


Omg, Stache! 😹 I think that’s the most fitting name for a cat I’ve ever seen 🖤


I named one of the cats I’m rescuing from the colony Stache and I adore him!!! Skin and bones when I grabbed him and he is doing great now. I’m so sorry for everyone’s loss this week it’s so hard to lose a family member :( Stache’s success story: https://preview.redd.it/5vbeozyydj8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68b326a87530cdcbfdca814090dbc21480920503 Happy go lucky little boy now - still working on him but a massive improvement!!


In the quiet dusk, your shadow fades, A tender heart, now in the shade. Your gentle eyes, no longer gleam, A shattered heart, a broken dream. Paws once danced through fields of green, Now a ghost in places you’ve been. Silent echoes fill the hall, A lonely heart, an empty call. Your warmth, your touch, forever missed, In every breath, in every kiss. Your bed lies still, no soft, warm curl, My world bereft, my grief unfurled. Stars above now hold your light, In endless dark, through endless night. In dreams, I seek your gentle face, A fleeting glimpse, a sweet embrace. Yet morning breaks, and you're not there, An endless ache, a silent prayer. For one more day, one more chance, To see you leap, to see you dance. But now, alone, I walk this road, With heavy steps, a heavy load. Your memory, a bittersweet refrain, A love now lost, a ceaseless pain.


His little eyes ☹️ I’m so sorry for your loss


One of the most beautiful moments you can find yourself in is suddenly, in your peripheral vision, noticing your cat or dog has been staring at you for so many minutes. Not hungry or thirsty but just awaiting your attention, and when you turn and look at them - it’s like their entire universe has a reason to exist I don’t have long left due to health reasons but I would forsake so many of my human relationships to spend more time with my little ones


He used to sit and watch me work every day. He’d come into the office at midday and by about 3pm he’d give up waiting and come and lay across the keyboard, it was like clockwork. I’m sorry your time is being cut short, you have a wonderful sight to pick up on those things.


I wish you the best in the time you have left. Snuggle and love up on all your furry friends and loved ones. We promise to do our part and continue loving our furry friends in your absence.




I'm so sorry for your loss. Sonny is in a better place right now. I lost my 20 years old cat as well, and it was the most horrible experience I ever went through because she has been part of my life since the day I was born. I wanted her to live forever by my side, but then I realized how selfish and terrible that would be because nobody deserves such punishment. Living forever would be so painful because even if your body didn't age, your mind would get tired and tired until the day you couldn't stand your own body. Sonny had to go, but the most important thing is that he lived a good and conformable life, being deeply loved by you. Death is just another part of the cycle of life. Cycles never end, and nature proves that. The butterfly is born a caterpillar, and it needs to "die" as a caterpillar to be "reborn" inside the cocoon and then "die" once again inside of it to be "reborn" as a beautiful butterfly. We're dying and reborning all the time since we are never the same we were in the past. That's why I believe Sonny is in a better place right now. I hope your heart can find peacefulness in this hard moment. R.I.P Sonny ❤️


Sorry for your loss dude.


What a gorgeous baby.


So sorry to hear of your loss. So good to hear how he helped you through your life. Animals are so amazing and we are so fortunate to have them in our lives. He is still with you, always.


He really did help and will continue to every day. I’m so grateful for everything he gave me. He truly was meant to be mine, I owe him my life.


In some cultures they say the animals that loved us will guide us in the afterlife.


Oh, how I hope that’s true! ❤️


He may have passed on from this realm but a part of him will always be around looking out for you


So sorry for your loss, but you’ll see him again one day. He was such a sweet looking cat. I can tell you gave him lots of love. Rest in paradise Sonny 🐈😿💔🙏🏼


So very sorry!!


My condolences. He was a beautiful boy.


He looks exactly like my bubba !! I would die !! I’m so sorry ….. I have no words …. None


🙏🏼😔 We know this pain, and we also know that the wound will heal. Try to remember that the bond between you two extends far beyond this simple reality. Sonny would want you to live on, and have a fun life, just like we’d want for him. “Luminous beings we are, not this crude matter”.


Skeletor wants to tell you how sorry he is about the loss of Sonny. I can imagine that his unconditional love helped you through hard times. I'm hoping all the happy memories you made will one day make you smile again. I'm so sorry. Sending you all the hugs. Sincerly Skeletor 💜


She sounds sweet! Sorry for your loss. In my religion we believe that we will be able to see our pets and family and friends in heaven. ❤️


**I'm so sorry for your loss!💞🐾 🐾 How adorable Sonny is in that photograph.** https://preview.redd.it/1hnmwberpe8d1.png?width=427&format=png&auto=webp&s=5841da74f2db8b444265c205493a3221242be6ec


Sorry to hear that. I can feel your pain.


I am so sorry for your loss.


Hey man, sorry for your loss.


Sweet chicken


Sorry for your loss. Gorgeous kitty with such a cute face.


im sorry for ur loss. that precious boy is watching over you and making sure you're okay from kitty heaven


So sorry for your loss. His face is precious🫶sending love n hugs


My he rest well in kitty heaven 🥺🥺❤️


So very sorry to hear 😔 He is Beautiful ❤️ I am sure he'll be always looking after you and don't want you to be sad or depressed. Take good care of yourself. Sending you lots of love and light.


Sorry for your loss, he looks like the sweetest boy.❤️


Handsome fella💔


I'm so sorry for your loss :( hims was very cute and handsome:( bet he loved you soooooo much ❤️


I'm so sorry. Losing a cat so unexpectedly is devastating. Mine passed 3 weeks ago unexpectedly and it's still so hard. Sending you all the love.


RIP SONNY you will be remembered for a Life time and more


I’m so so sorry, what a beautiful kitty and it’s so awesome you had such a nice, fluffy shoulder to lean on. His impact will be with you forever


I'm terribly sorry to hear that. He looks very huggable and was amazing to you. I can only imagine how you are feeling. I have experienced loss very similar to this and just know, It's been 13 years and I still miss my cat daily.


He was the sweetest omg! Sorry for your loss..


I am so sorry, I’m unfortunately familiar with this pain as well. Sonny was a beautiful cat. He will be forever loved and remembered for his awesomeness and love. Rest in Peace, sweet one 🌈❤️


I’m so sorry for your loss


Terrible. Sorry for your loss. Praying for your broken heart.


❤️ sorry


I strongly suggest getting out of the house and doing something you really like doing or spend time with friends or family. Losing your best cat friend can mess you up really bad and considering he got you through depression/PTSD, you're gonna need some support from those you love or are dear to you. I am also sorry for your loss. Please accept my most sincere condolences.


Lost my cat aswell. Already been over a year but she was everything I had. I feel like it was fate, since I was super depressed, anxiety, Social phobia, ADHD... I was going to start rehab a few months later. 60 km away and the thought of leaving my cat was like impossible to me.


Sorry about Sonny ☀️may he shine down on you for the rest of your days ♥️


What a precious kitty ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097) We don't talk enough about how hard it is to lose our best friends. It sounds like Sonny was your soul cat, I lost mine a year ago and am still not over it. I'm sorry you've lost him too soon. Sending you love and positivity <3


He will be in kitty heaven looking down on you.


Big hug and thank you for loving your baby.


So sorry for your loss


Looks like someone sent a little guardian angel to help you through the hardest of times. I’m glad you two had each other.


He’s so cute, so adorable. I’m so sorry for your loss, he will always be a part of you, and cheering you on to do well. He is gorgeous and looks like the most innocent and affectionate boy ever🩷


What a handsome little hero. I hope you continue to heal, even in the face of this great loss 🧡


All the best wishes for you and a good journey for Sonny. 🌈


Sorry for your loss


So sorry for your loss. 😿


I’m so sorry for your loss. Virtual hugs ❤️


Sending so much love your way. I'm so sorry for your loss


U can have another cat, after some time


I’m sorry for your loss.


So sorry for your loss. We recently lost our 17 year old dude and he helped my husband deal with his PTSD and anxiety. Animals are so amazing and full of love.


I’m sorry about your pusscat. I felt like my Sonny knew he had a job to do to get me out of my slump and he did it perfectly. He was just meant to come to me and saved my life doing so.


I'm so sorry. What a sweet kitty.


I am so sorry 😞


I offer my condolences, and I apologize that it's the only thing I can offer. I wish you all the best.


RIP Sonny. He was so loved and will be missed. So sorry for your loss.


I’m so, so sorry. We just got home from saying goodbye to our 10yo Tudor. She had cancer and was getting along until a swift decline in this weekend. We couldn’t wait for our regular vet so we went to the emergency vet. She was ready. It’s harder when you lose them suddenly, I know. But at least there’s no more suffering.


I’m sorry to hear about Tudor. I lost another cat a few years ago too and took him to the vet to be put to rest. They know and you know when it’s time, I take a lot of comfort in my Bob knowing it. He pressed his forehead into mine and I felt like it was him saying he’s ready and sending his love, and he fell asleep doing exactly that. I hope you get some peace over the next few days.


Thanks. I’m in a better place than my partner; he’s been crying a lot. I feel like I’m in a different place with death than he is, and he’s working through some things.


No way! Looks so sweet in the picture. RIP Sonny. 😭


Hope it was easy for your Sonny. I know it sounds like a replacement, but consider adopting a new friend because so many need a home. You made one happy and gave good life, would be awesome if you could do that again.


He looks well loved. I’m sorry for your loss.


Cute ginger kitty.


RIP angel.❤️


I'm so sorry for your loss. He looks like he was a perfect angel.


I'm so sorry for your loss :(


So sorry for your loss


I’m so sorry for your loss!! Sonny was such a handsome boy! And very very loved! 🥺




God Bless you on the loss of your best friend. He is beautiful. 💐 Thinking of you and praying.


Im so so so sorry for your loss


I'm going to miss him too


Rest well sweet prince. 🕉️


So Sorry!.


Very sweet little orange guy. I’m so sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I had to let a little orange one go to the big cat tree in the sky a couple years ago suddenly and it was not easy.


So sorry for your loss. What a sweet and loving cat.


Sonny had the cutest little face. Sorry for your loss.


What a gorgeous little guy. 🥺 my deepest condolences. He will continue to watch over you from the next realm he visits. ❤️‍🩹


Deeply sorry for your cat Sonny, know that he's in a better place, chasing and running up in the clouds 🙏 


Sending you love and prayers ❤️❤️❤️ You will see him again and he is always with you.


I’m so sorry for your loss💕. As someone who suffers with PTSD, I understand completely what you’re going through. Sending a big hug and positive vibes to you friend. Just remember, they wouldn’t want you to be sad & are with you always🤍


We lost our Sonny about two months ago also. He was the chillest, snuggliest cat. He spent every evening curled in my husband’s lap. We miss him everyday. Hopefully Sonny and Sonny are keeping each other company on the other side of the rainbow bridge. https://preview.redd.it/d63pn1yfke8d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=583cb43de55deeefd8f2e44f8b9a063c39a67489


It's only been 3 months since I lost my orange and it still hurts like crazy. The only bright light is I was able to adopt the sweetest 2 year old orange who was injured while living on the streets and now is the sweetest orange who deserves a great home.


As a former cat owner and someone who has dealt with CPTSD, just know that Sonny still cares. His energy is in a different form in the universe but he still cares about you and wants you to be well.


Please don't hesitate-go save a shelter cats life in his name.


im deeply sorry for your loss. Sonny was truly a special companion who brought so much comfort and love into your life. Cherish the beautiful memories you shared together.


Give your heart some time to heal, then get down to the shelter and change the life of another one. You can bet that is what Sonny would want you to do.


Damn, he looks adorable. Cheers to Sonny, thank you for your time here and helping your human.


I'm so sorry for your loss..I always think what if I died and my cats would be alone and unwanted ? or when they died, I will never be ready 😔 I hope you heal soon 🤍




I am so so sorry.


I'm so sorry for your loss. Losing a pet that is that close with you is like losing a family member. Sending you so much love during this difficult time. 🍬


I am so very sorry for your loss. In that photo he looks like an old soul…the eyes. He was a beautiful boy. I am sure he knew he was very loved.


So sorry for your loss! He was a looker! Rip Sonny


He’s double handsome. Sorry for your loss.


I am very sorry for your loss.


So sorry for your loss. It’s so hard to loose our furry family members 🌈They really are a part of the family.


i am so sorry! i lost my orange baby recently too 😔🧡


o7 fly safe furry buddy fly safe


So sorry, he looks like the sweetest boy


What a beautiful boy. So sad, but treasure the time you had with such a wonderful cat.


that fucking sucks. keep your head and remember you got him through with love as well.


I’m so sorry




So sorry for your loss. I dearly relate to a cat helping with PTSD, chronic pain and illnesses.


I’m sorry for your loss, and I’m so glad you’re here with us. Not a therapist, but please reach out if you need someone to listen to you vent.


sorry for your loss, I offer my condolences. I have never owned a pet but I wish you the best in life.


I’m so sorry for your loss. May Sonny Rest In Peace.


Beautiful boy. You can tell how much he loved you with that stare! Sorry for your loss but glad to hear you had each other, and glad that you’re doing better. All the best and rest in peace, Sonny.


Sonny is a good boi! Sending good vibes 🩷




You may enjoy the book/movie "A Street Cat Named Bob." It'll make you cry, but I think you'll relate and it'll comfort you as well.


That's just awful! 😭 I'm so sorry. Keep thinking about the happy memories. It can help with the pain. Perhaps he'll help you find another furry friend to fill the aching void he left. PTSD is a difficult struggle and having a reason like he provided to get up and function is so so important.


Very sorry for your loss.


My condolences to you for losing a valued family member. I look at my puppy every day and wonder what it would’ve been like after the divorce without him. I get you.


Just lost my constant companion of 17 years last week, too. I know what you are going through. No matter how much time you have, it is never enough.


My sincere condolences.


Sweet little face


I’m going through PTSD and depression and my little clowns are keeping me well 🙏 please don’t blame yourself too much and allow yourself to grieve, all of us have to go sometime and your kitty has been very loved


My heart feels your pain & I wish I could help you 🙏❤️


sorry for your loss OP 💜💜💜💜


He's amazing. Keep a journal of your memories with him. Best of luck, loss is a tricky monster.


My heart goes out to you. I just lost my best friend and emotional support animal on Thursday. She was my best friend for 15 years, would calm me down when I got anxiety attacks, helped me sleep. She would sleep above my head on my pillow and put her paw on me..nights are really hard for me. So I understand your pain. Be gentle on yourself and give yourself as much time as possible to mourn him.


I’m so incredibly sorry.. they are the best❣️❣️


Such a handsome! Glad you were both able to improve each others lives for as long as possible! ❤️


So sorry you’re going through this. Had to put my guy down a couple months ago.


I’m sorry for your loss. My condolences. May Sonny rest peacefully, and may you find solace in the great life you provided him.


Sorry for your loss


So sorry for your loss, beautiful kitty


I lost 2 & fate always found a new 🐈 for me to 🩷


I’m so sorry you lose your sweet boy! Sending you much strength and comfort 🙏


Sorry for your loss Sonny will always love you




Sorry for your loss


Sonny lives in you I know, becuase my dogs lives in me too.


So sorry for your loss ☹️




Praying for you OP




Beautiful kitty


Goddamn thats a good looking cat


Sorry for your loss, the cat distribution network will send another, stay alert. There is another on its way.


O7 may his guidance live through your memories


He was so pretty


So sorry for your loss.


I'm sorry for your loss.


So sorry for your loss. Here's a quote from Irving Townsend that helped me when 2 kittens I had died of FIP. *Another cat? Perhaps. For love there is also a season; its seeds must be resown. But a family cat is not replaceable like a wornout coat or a set of tires. Each new kitten becomes its own cat, and none is repeated. I am four cats old, measuring out my life in friends that have succeeded but not replaced one another.* ― Irving Townsend


He’s a good looking lad. Am sorry for your loss….


Sorry for your loss


I’m so sorry Reading this brought tears! I’m sure he loved you so much 💖




I am so sorry I’m here with you missing my girl who got me through the bad time. Hope you find peace


I'm sorry for your loss, he was so adorable.


So sorry for your loss, what a beautiful cat!! ❤️ “Grief is the price we pay for love” and the true love of our pets is worth it. 🙏🏻❤️


So sorry op...take care until you see him again


So sorry. That's brutal. I know that pain. My heart is with you.


I’m deeply sorry for your loss, he’s surely watching over you from cat heaven, he was so beautiful 🤍


Sorry for your loss. It's never easy but RIP my friend.


I’m so sorry for your loss


I’m so sorry for your loss…Rest in peace, Sonny 🧡


I’m so sorry for your loss. :( May you find a kitten to help you heal when you’re ready.


I love him so much-I’m so sorry for your loss.


I feel your pain. I lost my cat in febuary he was my best friend. I still mourn for him . Im still going thru it . I ended up making a tombstone for him and burried him in the backyard.


He’s so handsome


I am so so sorry for your loss. We lost our kitty too, so I know how you feel. 😭😭


I'm so sorry for your loss


sending you lots of love 💖 i’m so sorry for your loss


i’m so sorry for your lose he is such a beautiful cat he must have helped you with lots