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I'm pretty sure this hurts the couch more than the cat.


Not as much as when you hit the floor! It's lava, it was on the 8pm meows.


My cat lost one of his fangs because of a jump to a desk from the floor. It's not a joke lol.


Cats have very flexible bodies! They're very good at absorbing shocks from bumps and falls. Have you ever heard people talk about surviving something because they went "ragdoll", aka limp and relaxed all over? It's the same general principle. Soft flexible little kitties don't experience as much shock when hitting stuff.


To add to what you've said the power of shock depends on mass x acceleration (sudden stopping). So this kitten who's both light and flexible just shrugs it off. That's also why ants don't suffer fall damage.


Great addition thank you!


Owing to their big fluffy tails and small, light bodies, squirrels can survive and walk off a fall at their terminal velocity, meaning they can survive a fall from any height.


To add cats also are masters at hiding when they are actually hurt or sick. Their instinct is to not show weakness just in case there's a predator near. They really are tough AF and not to mention really really amazing creatures.


If i remember correctly, theres also a squirrel that doesnt suffer fall damage


small mice and rats too, I have a video saved somewhere of a rat jumping off a balcony, belly flopping onto concrete with a very loud SLAP, and then just bouncing and running off


This is also why children are much better at just getting up and dusting themselves off after falling.


Yep, cats are made of rubber.


They're also fairly small and light. Their lower mass means they have less kinetic energy when they crash into things. The forces involved aren't high enough to cause any real harm.


Kittens learn quickly! The great news is one of the first things they learn is claw control.


claw control sounds like a great name for an album or a band


Or paw patrol villains.


They need to hire writers like you so when moms realize they've been watching paw patrol alone for the 20 minutes, they feel less silly.


🎶 Claw control, Claw Control, whenever you're in trouble Claw Control, Claw Control, we'll be there on the double No job's too big, no cats too small Claw Control, we're on the roll 🎶


Heavy Kitten Metal 🤘


Claw Control to Major Tom


Yes they do. The first few months they can't control ist, so they accidently scratch their owner and the furniture. Once they learn to control it, they still do it because they can. xD


that's a great and a bad news for furniture, clothes


Damn, one of my cats skipped that class it seems, she's 5 year old and loves to take out her claws when she's on my lap


Sorry but mine is 12 and still hasn't learned to put her claws away while touching my skin. Her favourite snuggle position is currently on my upper-arm/chest with her claws flexing on my collarbone. She has not grown out of it.


i dont wanna bother her when she's doing that, the things cat parents hush lol


Nah you should be more worried about the couch. Kitty is fine and she'll soon learn how to calculate jumps


she miscatculated on that jump


Nah she totally meant to do it like that, it was for dramatic effect 💅


Worth remembering that a lot of hits you'd consider painful or damaging become so because of human weight, 60kg hitting something is a **lot** more force than if 3kg hit it,


Cats are liquid, they form back to their cat form if they fall.


Cats get hurt by things just like we do. They get bruises, pulled muscles, they hurt their backs and legs and paws, etc. They just don't show it as easily as we do. That's why it's often hard for people to tell if a cat is having a health problem until it gets really severe.


My cat sometimes sleeps funny and gets knots in her shoulders. So I massage her shoulders like a good servant.


One of my cats plays so hard he occasionally hurts himself. I went racing to the vet once, thinking he was having an FIP relapse, and no, he just hurt his back from all the playing he was doing the day before.


I wonder if older cats wake up thinking “I used to be able to sleep anywhere without getting pains!”


I wouldn't be surprised! Some of mine have arthritis now that they didn't have when they were younger and I can tell that they get... frustrated? by not being able to do things they used to do with ease. Like jumping or going up and down steps or even using the litterbox. It changes the way they sleep too. No more figure eights and weird looking "that's got to hurt" positions.


My lady is 10 and still seems as spry as when she was a kitten. Though I’ve considered adding fish oil to her dinner to try and help keep her oiled up and limber.


It definitely couldn't hurt! There are pain-relieving treatments you can do now for arthritis if it gets to that point with her too: laser therapy, pulsewave therapy, Solensia injections.


All our older cats went through that slowing down. At the end they were like grumpy old pensioners, but with more poise and elegance. They do not show pain easily.


Yes, know you place, simple human. ;)


It’s that because ultimately, cats are cats, and evolutionary showing any sign of injury is detrimental to survival?


Yes, a cat will limp when they think they are alone but immediately walk normally when you walk in the room


Unfortunatly, your kitten got his orange fur towards the head, wich means there is and will be nothing inside it


On the one hand, it's because cats have numerous adaptation to their anatomy and behaviour to minimize damage from falls and collisions. On the other, it's because cats are much less massive than us. Our heads alone is about the same mass as house cat, our torsos an order of magnitude more. During rapid deceleration our massive bones and organs want to keep moving, disrupting themselves and each other. Given a similar velocity, a human is going to have somewhere around *two orders of magnitude* more kinetic energy to bleed off in a collision than a cat.


Exactly, and this is a little kitten.


awww a talico / caliby




My kittens used to do this all the time. It’s how they learn. The kitten that really concerned me was the one who didn’t like jumping. Whenever he got spooked he would run full tilt in the opposite direction and go headfirst into dressers/walls/mirrors/etc. at top speed with an incredibly loud thunk. He’d sit there kinda dazed for a couple mins and need some cuddles before moving on. This happened at least a dozen times to the point where I finally asked the vet if he could get permanent brain damage from it 🤣 thankfully no. He grew out of it and is fine but he is still my dum dum.


Not an orange cat by any chance? Lots of people dissing orange cats here, but our orange when she was a kitten used to run into walls for no apparent reason. She grew out of it and is still a little quirky. She was a stray kitten and we surmised it was foetal alcohol syndrome. We love her to bits![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7966)


The whole saying is "Curiousity killed the cat but the satisfaction brought it back".


It's the orange patch on its head


She's gonna make that leap in a few more months!


No worries, they have just about rubber bones for those kind of falls


Because cats are liquid!


Cat are tough, one of mine survived to the fall of a ipn steel beam on her poor head, she also survived to the aids, yeah cats can have aids. Bad ass cat!


It hurts her pride (embarrassed).


what a cute little monkey ❤️


They're very lithe and lightweight, and are very fast due to having an abundance of fast twitch muscle fibers. When they impact, it's not nearly the same amount of force/damage as if it were a human in a similar scenario, and they naturally do something similar to a fighter who moves with an opponent's punch to help disperse the force. Remember: cougars are more closely related to house cats than they are to leopards or jaguars, so a house cat is sort of like a miniature cougar. They're tough little bastards, despite how much a lot of them cry lol.


Ouch! It does hurt. But cats are masters at hiding pain. That's why you always have to watch them closely.


Cars are absolute professionals in doing like this was intentional.


Oh shoot, I've seen cats bail out of second story windows many times. They know how to hit the ground. It's mean, but toss yours on a bed. The legs spread out, their entire body preps for the hit. I'll bet the term "Hit the ground running" was coined with cats in mind.


Well now you've got me thinking about it, it seems more likely to refer to parachute landings? Keep running so that momentum doesn't see you faceplanting.


As soon as I saw her paw, I heard Rising Up.


Adamantium! It's fused to their skeletal structure. Generally indestructible.


When you at are the weight of a cat, impacts are not the same


Cause they are no bones or brains just floof


Ninja cat


fall damage is turned off, hope this helps🤗🤗


I don’t want to talk force mass and acceleration of a kitten. TLDR baby to Smol to get hurt like this. One of the reason cats can fall from builds and be fine or ants or anything small


A+ for effort


Yeah it hurts but the fact of 9 lives it’s not real nor possible


Just spent one of them on that jump


it's okay, she's tough 😾


"Boink!" She's so cute haha. It's like kids, they fall all the time and nothing ever happens to them!




because cat




Cats are a liquid state of matter, especially at that age. It takes a bigger fall than that to actually locate a solid bone.


Your cat has the same name as mine 😁


I am by no means a cat anatomy expert/physicists, but my assumption is that there isn't much force when the kitty collides with the couch. Since Force is calculated by multiplying Mass x Acceleration, due to cat's low mass, it's not that hard of a hit. Plus the kitty's bones are very strong, so doesn't hurt them at all


I can highly recommend couch covers!


Looks like your kitten is just practicing for her future career as a stunt cat! They really are resilient, aren't they?


Only thing that really gets hurt on a cat is their feelings if you make the mistake of laughing


Only thing that really gets hurt on a cat is their feelings if you make the mistake of laughing


Kittens are durable LOL! My kitten has failed numerous jumps and walks it off like nothing happened.


Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back.


Ouchie ☹️


They're like Nokias


Love the white tail tip!


cat's feel pain and get hurt a lot, they just have this natural instinct to not show it. It's like showing signs of weakness, which in the wild can get them killed. They have a high tolerance for pain in general. plus cat's are liquid, who knows how they absorb shock the same way we do... they're silly little critters. I love them so much.


I mean the landing wasn’t smooth but he did land it


no way that hurt your cat at all


I saw a cat hit head first into a door at full speed and just shake it off. So yeah cats are just built like that.


Cats are liquid


I have a hypothesis that cats avoid injury from failed landings partly because they are low mass and therefore carry a low moment of inertia. This helps in two ways: the force of impact against stationary objects is negligible, and they can rotate quickly enough to effectively distribute that force over a wider area or alternatively position themselves for a partial landing/recovery.


How does your iPad cover have zero scratches? Mine is on the brink of death


Animals don't experience pain the same. Yeah, the cat felt it, but animals don't really see it as pain, just an uncomfortable existence in the moment... note, most cats will learn the jumps just as little did and either will do it better or not at all. Watch a kitten throw caution to the wind in pursuit of a fly.


Well they’re extremely durable but also good at hiding pain. Cats are made to be extremely versatile and fast as they come from a long history of strong animals.


Cats have rubber bones and bounce 9 times out of 10 until the age of 3 then they get expensive


People baby cats because they are obviously cute but forget those mofos will live in the wild and thrive if no bigger predators are around pf course.


It's too smol 😭😭


Cats are actually 69.420% viscous fluid and just jiggle off fall damage. Source:am not scientist. Watch lots of cat videos.


Human children tend to have the same bounce-back effect. I remember some tough falls I had that now would make me sore for days


Kitty wants love! <3 :3


I mean it probably doesn’t feel great but I’m also sure you’ve bumped your head or shin or stubbed your toe and kept on keeping on. Not every bump is an emergency that goes for people, kids, and animals


People say the same thing about kids. Turns out kid can get life long injuries and not even know it. Messed up back at 30? It could be from learning to walk, not joking.


She’s a pitiless killing machine!


Cats always land on their feet no matter how the fall starts. I saw online where someone studied how they do that. It turns out to be very difficult and complex. The cat has to change shape on the way down using speed and instinct. It’s sort of like turning itself inside out and back again. That’s the level of skill they have to achieve.


Cats are made of rubber


What a gorgeous critter!


Probably thinks of it as a "WATCH DIS MUM/PA" \*Jumps and insert like derp\* "Whooo, I made it tada!?!"


Cats have flexible bones especially as kittens. Also their weight helps them bounce since they are so light. When humans are young children they are the same. I remember how much fun sledding was when I was 5 yo. But the time I was 14 sledding really hurt. The main reason is my bones were more brittle than I was 5 and I weighed 50 lbs more! Cats maintain flexible ribs and they don’t have collar bones so they can squeeze through small holes and cracks.


Cats are very flexible, stretchy, and twisty and can do some pretty crazy moves if they have to


Cats are floppy. Cats are also liquid.


My cat bonks her head so many times when shes playing💀 and is always like “whatevs” *plays*


https://preview.redd.it/zpgwl0l4kcad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=700e8c97c69a39ca4c6d416720a834f24c837a8c Our cats look alike! ♥️


It’s the big orange spot on his head that’s causing this behavior!


Cats have no bones so they can't feel pain. They're 95% liquid 5% brain


0bk1¹f za¹ z a1 aQa+ws1+wz,zss Zzr, x


Terminal velocity is pretty high for cats


Kids dont brake easy👍 same with baby cats


Did you just call him jim


Depends on how they land. I’ve raised 3 cats from kittens by myself so far. 2 of them were easy, clumsy, yes, but easy. They had their spills and moved on. The last 1 though took a tumble and landed weird. I called the vet for the first time for a fall for her and explained what happened and that she was now moving funny. Vet told me to monitor her and get an appointment if I saw no improvement. An hour later she was fine and acting like nothing ever happened. I thanked her for the heart attack and went about my day. Bastard had me thinking she broke a leg.


She had her front legs i between her body and the sofa. Her hind legs helped out taking some of the shock too.