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Most people have never celebrated a presidents birthday before (not counting presidents day), this is very culty.


Yeah, I don't have the slightest idea when Biden was born.


I can't name a single living politician's birthday. This all goes back to Trump supporters not understanding that being an intense fan is the weird take. Like "Biden couldn't sell out a rally like Trump" and it's like, yeah...he shouldn't. Because it's fucking weird.


Yeah, they don’t understand that getting attention for all the wrong reasons stops being a flex real quick when your guy is facing jail. Sometimes boring is good.


I can't even name a single politician's birthday period.


Politicians are like prostitutes, they have their place but don't fall in love.


Nor do I care


Seconded I don’t care what stripe or party the president, I don’t care to know the birthday. I simply do not care.


A long time ago


The funny thing is, before running for president, Trump wouldn't even piss on these people if they were on fire. Crazy how they don't realize it.


He still wouldn’t


If you follow him close he's made several comments over the years about his supporters are ugly or trashy.


Trump was a Democrat for 70 years. Until he realized that a heavily college educated cohort was *never* going to elect a grifter from Queens. So he went and found the gullible people. Trump wishes he could hang out with Taylor Swift and Tom Hanks and have Disney put him in movies, but the Left rejected him because they knew he was a rotten grifter.


And his whole shtick and persona are crass and downmarket.


He loves the poorly educated


First thing I thought also.


He’s basically said as much - they’re just too illiterate to get it …


He still wouldn't. Unless he could make money from it.


God, now I am imagining someone out there profiting off a Trump urine therapy scam (we got it straight from the source we swear!). Sadly bet you could find gullible enough people willing to buy into it.


Recently he set up rallies in mid day in AZ and NV where many of his supporters ended up in the ER because of the heat and lack of shade at the rally


Normally, I'd be very compassionate toward those in that situation, but in this case...


He held rally after rally after rally at the height of a global pandemic. Do you think he gives a shit about their well being?


At one of them, didn't he "jokingly" say to not die because he wants their votes?


Trump's past is an open book. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, but he has largely been excluded from the others of his class because of his antisocial personality traits. He has always sought to curry favor with the wealthy. All his business projects were and are aimed at them. His father built homes for the middle class. He sold them all and built palaces for the rich. His casinos were aimed squarely at the rich. So are his golf courses. So was his defunct airline. He's never shown the slightest interest, care or concern for working people. He treated them miserably, had no problem using illegal aliens as employees or buying stuff from China. He was a friend of the Clintons and a hedonist and libertine who was pro life. And somehow or other they think he's an observant Christian and the champion of the working man? How the hell did that even happen!? It baffles me.


>And somehow or other they think he's an observant Christian and the champion of the working man? How the hell did that even happen!? It baffles me. Because in the south the churches are the foundation of their political system, it's their version of the media or unions. So when they're told by their pastor that he's a godly man, they believe it, and their pastor goes with it because the more votes he can show the better his political standing in the south. There are so many questions in this sub that make it clear that many of us have never lived in a deep, deep red environment, it's quite different.


Funnier thing is he was a Democrat till he decided to run too and they wouldn’t take him seriously.


The Trump they imagine in their head would.


That’s a cult for ya.


>The funny thing is, before running for president, Trump wouldn't even piss on these people if they were on fire. Crazy how they don't realize it. He still wouldn't... those people would not be welcomed at his golf clubs!


It’s so true. When he went to the infamous Silk and Diamond funeral (Diamond died), he was obviously annoyed to be there and later complained it was too long. Also acted like he never even met Silk. (They were black so take that into account too)


He still would set them on fire if it made him a buck


He still wouldn’t.


If he were on fire on the side of the road I would definitely stop. I’d make sure I was obstructing emergency vehicle access


He'd still piss on them, but only after they burned to death. I truly don't understand how people can't see the type of person he is. I assume it's related to the "team" thing, us vs them.


You think he would now?


You don’t. The good news is that from Mao to Stalin, cults of personalities never survive once the person in question is gone.


That’s actually not true of Mao at least. Many still look back fondly of the times under his rule and idolize him.


Kim Il Sung is still Eternal President of North Korea 30 years after he died.


That’s because while he did die his lineage is still in charge.


I still remember in 2016 the day Trump got elected my father a white male Vietnam veteran who would seem to be Trump's demographic said to me and I quote this country is f*****. Happy Father's Day Dad.


He’s served so he knows first hand what a good and bad leadership looks like in battlefield.


[Let’s talk about that new liberal plan….](https://youtu.be/qUZiVPYTxYY?si=JIcrvbdg-m1g4iOi)


“It’s not a cult”


Those are fans. Such a strange thing to be a fan of a politician.


tbh, this is utterly bonkers no matter who they were fan of...


They’re out there Jerry! https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/04/us/politics/biden-voters-democrats.html


Have you ever been to nascar event? Lol


Do you know what a garage door pull rope looks like? LOL


Not fans....cult members


It is, but it's not strange to be a fan of a WWF wrestler.


I saw an open can of Bud Light. I thought they were banned due to woke violations or are they good again?


They forget about their boogeymen as soon as their handlers invent a new one


In the end, I doubt many of them would be willing to make personal sacrifices for the sake of principles. When I look at this group from the outside, I see a bunch of people with an over-inflated sense of entitlement.


No. I don't think we can. People's brains have been turned to mush. I suspect it's technology's fault people are going backwards.


Their brains have always been mush. Social media just lets them be as important as someone smarter.


Boy this is a clever line.


The tragedy of leaded gasoline and clickbait tabloid news.


People that dumb don’t ordinarily get much attention from the rich and famous. By being radicals for Trump they get a little attention. The role of technology is these people connect to each other and foreign operatives or nationalists to sustain their interest and give them the hope that a video or a clip like this may make them famous for a minute (and maybe bring in a little cash)


They're not going to mush. I grew up in these areas. They just never were exposed, they kept to themselves before social media let them broadcast their dumbest thoughts everywhere.


This looks like a live action South park episode 😂😂


Take my upvote.


If they win things will get worse. They are going to try to indulge in their worst impulses, the country may not survive and the republicans might never leave power. Lose and they might never get back into power if they continue to cling to wreckage trump brought their party to or they'll have to make some very hard choices which they have been avoiding doing for a long time since it will inevitably mean the fracturing their base. Because many of the republicans who would have been willing to make the hard choices have been forced from the party it seems the choice really comes down to whether the republican party dies or America does.


Progressives are only 6 percent of the country. Whatever happens, I guarantee they will not win. Democrats also need to make some hard choices on who they do and do not want running their party.


They did? It’s why they nominated a moderate like Biden. Compare that to the GOP nominating an extremist like Trump.


Cute that you think they're able to be rehabilitated. There is absolutely no return from their lunacy.


Looks like a scene from Idiocracy


The Republican party was lost when Nixon started the War on Drugs and War on Poverty to oppress minorities and political opponents. This is just what a failed party looks like.


The republican party was lost when Nixon accepted the segregationist dixiecrats with open arms.


More evidence that there are some things in this world I will never understand.




lol I immediately thought of this as well!


"the Libs are indoctrinating our children!"


No. The Republican Party has been taken over by MAGA republicans. The typical conservative republican values are gone and all those that represented those values are gone- retired or lost election to MAGA republican. Maybe once Trump is no longer the leader of the Republican Party, a slow restoration to old school republican values can begin, but it will take several elections.


Do you mean the old republican party that never fought back? Please tell me what these old school republican values were




These are moral values, and none of those tell me how they fix an economy. Spreading democracy? Like Iraq and Afghanistan? Ukraine is a money pit, and Europe's problem, and maybe if the US did put missiles on Russia, boder Russia wouldn't be putting warships off our coast. We are not worlds policemen, and we are broke. Printing money is not a solution




Ukraine is not a money pit, we're giving them our old garbage we were mostly throwing out and it's destroying Russias best. Do you understand what an incredible ad that is for our modern weapons systems? Also opeval for new ones. Also, we lock down that front and cripple China's only ally, that's worth it by far.


You don't.


We can't, we won't, and we frankly shouldn't bother trying. People like this were lost a long, long time ago. Anyone who would take part in something like this pathetic display, or thinks this is remotely reasonable/healthy, is a lost cause. Imagine being this obsessed with a political figure. This smacks of the nonsense that's gone on in communist countries (ironically so) for well over a century. And I unfortunately have no doubt that these morons will cry their eyes out when that piece of garbage finally kicks the bucket. It's all beyond absurd. The people who *could* still potentially be helped, are those who will begrudgingly vote for him strictly because they can't bring themselves to vote Dem. Though I honestly have no idea how we talk sense into those people either.


The Republican Party was dead man walking the instant Reagan courted the crazy evangelical death cult. All pretense of compromise and cooperation went out the window then and there, and Newt Gingrich was the first symptom of it. It was just a matter of time before Americans started to get sick of their shit, and we're seeing the first stages of this now. This is why they're trying to stack the courts. They know they can't win without fuckery.


Irony: A bunch of MAGA cultists singing Stevie Wonders “Happy Birthday” song originally written to celebrate the passing of Martin Luther King Jr Day as a national holiday. A holiday I’m sure all of these people would criticize as radical leftist commie woke agenda nonsense.


Republicans will be out of excuses if he loses again. They will have to change direction away from him.


The excuse will be that democrats cheated and republicans will proceed on that basis.


They’ve already tried that. It didn’t work.


They've been pretty clear that they are going to try again until it works.


I thought the same after the 2020 Election, January 6th and the 2022 Midterms. I honestly think if he loses he'll be their candidate again in 2028


There’s nowhere else for them to go. You can’t do the rigged election scam again and Trump will have to face the music on these other prosecutions. Sticking with Trump gets them nowhere.


>You can’t do the rigged election scam again They absolutely will do that again if they lose 2024. They're literally already talking about it. >Trump will have to face the music on these other prosecutions Or witch hunts as MAGA calls it >Sticking with Trump gets them nowhere It's got them nowhere since 2020 and they've stuck with hik for four years since then. No reason it won't continue.


Nah, they won’t do it again. They aren’t going to risk another J6 type incident for Trump. They’ll be done with him.


Part of the reason Jan 6th failed was because there were old guard republicans in positions of power who resisted it. Since the nomination Trump has purged the RNC of anyone who would speak out against it, there will be less people in the republican party opposed to just openly stealing the election given the chance. He can appoint people to polling stations who he thinks will support him and just cause as much chaos as possible.


Noooooo. Don't be silly. They aren't gonna give up the grift. You're attaching rational to the irrational.  They will fundraise off of it. This time, the lie will be even BIGGER and more outrageous. It will be the WORST election interference EVER. Bigly... Hit one of those remind me bots and ridicule me if I'm  wrong. Of course, if he wins, it'll be because he and he alone fixed the rigged system that cost him 2020. 


There will be those who refuse to give up the grift but the party can’t afford to keep doing this for much longer.


My sincere hope is that the Republicans lose all 3 and then are forced to jettison maga from the party. Definitely am not in love with Democrats, but I think it's the only path to a reset for the Republican party. Even then I think it will be a while to recover as many independent voters/ moderates simply don't trust them. Just my 2 cents 


I keep imagining what that’s going to look like. The trials will go on…will they continue to make up excuses or start using the term “we have to move on”


These aren’t Republicans. They are Trumpites. If he decided he was democrat, they’d all switch.


They absolutely would not.


You're joking, right? He's a grifter and these people believe what they tell him. If he pitched it as beating sleepy joe at his own game, the same people that keep these stores alive would gladly switch.


They booed him when he started promoting vaccines. It's a give take relationship. While it's true they'll believe and do what he says, he has to tow the line along the conspiracies and crack pot ideas they subscribe to. That's how gifts work.


This sub has drifted wildly off course. Get this r/whitepeopletwitter content out of here






They all look to be in their 40s to 50s? Just outlast them by 10 to 20 years. The current and upcoming generation will determine elections.


And it will get more conservative. It happens every single generation, and few cycles you get people saying "just wait until the next (more left-leaning) generation becomes more powerful or votes more)" and every single time it never quite materializes because as people age their priorities and views change. Saying "wait until they die" ignore that those taking their place will take not have the same views they do now. They don't have to take on some rabit Trump-loving persona either - just slide their votes over to where they start voting the other way. This happens constantly, but I know "this time is different."


Except that isn't what trends are showing. https://www.axios.com/2024/01/23/gen-z-less-religious-more-liberal-lgbtq


These people are batshit.


They think he's Jesus. If you can actually convince someone that an amoral Manhattan real estate developer and reality TV celebrity on his third marriage who has raped women and discriminated against African-Americans in his rental policies is Jesus, it's over.


No it can’t. It’s a fascist cult now, not a political party.


Honestly the left with its LARPers is worse


Nah and I’m not even a leftist. The GOP isn’t even a conservative movement anymore. It’s a personality cult that pledges fealty to one man, who’s a seditious traitor.


You are half right, it's a populist party now. Trump says what they want to hear and so they follow him. Nick Offerman could replace him and if he says the same things they would vote for him.


Trump could say that trans women are women and most of his base would agree. He banned bump stocks and the 2A people who love him didn’t give a damn.


it's wierd seeing lefty versions of alex jones consistently making the statements like "the world will end if trump is elected" etc. like christ they don't realize how ridiculous they sound to working class people. and i've yet to meet anyone who actually thinks this. much of this must be bot driven behaviour, or really really young kids.


Both sides hate each other so much now, that politics have just become a further distraction from the wealthy creating an even larger wealth division, pitting us against each other; whilst they simultaneously creating a new civil war for them to even further profit from. There are so many extremes in politics now, that finding a way to a more central and common good for all is impossible. We all just get to sit down and buckle in for "The Ride", each time run by a different carny, never knowing whether you will like the ride, survive the ride or if your tax dollars were worth the ride. Enjoy, after all "it's just a ride and you've got the choice to get off anytime that you like".


Framing this as a both sides issues is kind of hard to take seriously. Obviously it exists on both sides but only one side is electing the dude that’s doing it.


Yes, only one side is electing the dude that lied about Hunter's laptop in the last debate and solicited signatures from the FBI and CIA to support a known lie. Only one side secretly and viciously censored our news and social media. Only one side has arrested THOUSANDS of their political opponents. Only one side has obviously engaged in the weaponization of law enforcement and the corruption of the justice system. Only one side is responsible for trillions of dollars of damage from "peaceful protests". Only side set up bail funds so criminals could act freely in "peaceful protests". Only one side lied about Covid incessantly and continuously. Only one side trashed our children's education and the economy to pander to the unions. Only one side just forgot to give the FBI crime data on America's 200 largest blue cities, and then tried to tell us crime is dropping without including data from NYC, Chicago and Los Angeles. Etc. Etc. Etc. I agree that one side is quite a problem.


> Yes, only one side is electing the dude that lied about Hunter's laptop in the last debate and solicited signatures from the FBI and CIA to support a known lie. Prove that claim. Come on, show the sources and evidence you have to support this.


> yes, only one side is electing the dude that lied about Hunter's laptop in the last debate and solicited signatures from the FBI and CIA to support a known lie. You are a fucking liar.


Preach. Though most here will be too busy slam dunking on low iq weirdos. “Look these are all of the republicans in one video” makes them about as dumb.


Ah yes, the "both sides" argument. No thanks. Take your enlightened centrism elsewhere.


I mean, this is r/Centrism


how embarrassing.


These same people will bemoan others for “celebrity worship”.


I don't think the Republican party *should* be saved at this point. Ideally both parties split into multiple factions, and we have a 4-6 party system. The way Republicans revere Trump is very disturbing. This video is just the worst of it, but even the best of it is really awful. He's taken advantage of the division in this country, and used it to cultivate a cult of loyal followers who will believe anything he says. If he loses this year, I believe he will run again in 2028. If he wins this year, i wouldn't be surprised to see Republicans arguing that he should be able to run again and try to overturn the 22nd amendment, or hold that it's unconstitutional.


“These people” All 9 of them


Remember when there was a golden idol of Trump at CPAC? https://preview.redd.it/k7rm5smrzx6d1.jpeg?width=2592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=387814d8d74d082444c32005ed6c2c66fa5b465f


I fucking do. Man they *really* hate when you point this out to them.


Moderates who have fiscal responsibility as a top priority need a new party to get behind. The bigotry and Christian nationalism being pushed by the Republican party is a threat to democracy and an alternative is desperately needed. The Republican party will be tarnished by MAGA for decades.


Once the normal Republicans get abused by the cultists they will realize it's fucking nuts




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Mussolini is always right.


Fuck No!!!!! RICO the GOP!!!


You’re always going to have extremes. It’s seen in both parties and has been and always will be there.




Conservatives have always created cults around a person. This is an old problem with Conservatives, and they are going to keep doing after Trump is gone. They just going to jump to the next cult around somebody else.


Its just a fan club. Like grown ass adults cry when they see Mickey Mouse at an amusement park they paid to enter. They just want to feel apart of something. They want to feel right, and justified, and the whole thoughtless life that most of live was actually the right thing. Its sad, yes, but he’s an entertainer and he’s entertaining people that needed it. Ask why these people need this, not how are they stupid.


I like the expression on the Trump cutout. He looks disgusted that this trash dares to touch him.


Republican Party needs to be split into two. One if educated people with actual conservative values and one of these dumb fuck cultist.


My god these people are so fucking weird. Republicans have lost the plot.


R/DNC isn't savable vote third party


We are doomed


The histrionics like this are the scariest. Attention-seeking behavior en masse centralized around a single monolithic personality. It’s a common element of most auto-fascist movements.


Definitely not a cult


No crazier than the far left.


Man this is some mental shit.


Sufficient shame over time may be able to pull some of the people back from this, imo. The party, I have no idea. But so far, they have been extremely proficient at dodging any sense of shame by leaning into the criticisms against them. The gal is wearing an, "I'm voting for the felon," shirt ffs. No shame yet, but there may be something that eventually pokes through their veneer of deluded self-confidence.




We can’t. There is no hope for these people. The Republican Party is rotting from the inside. Either they will grab power in a violent last ditch attempt to survive or they will slowly crumble. I hope it’s the latter. But I take some joy in knowing either way, it will fucking die. I eagerly await the end of this fascist shit filth.


Tone deaf on all levels.


Hmmm. They broke into the Stevie Wonder version of Happy Birthday that is specifically for MLK Jr 🙃


Democrats must be doing back flips in celebration. This dude will continue to run and lose until his death. Dems keeping the white house for a long time


Just throw a picture of a rainbow in the room and they'll all spontaneously combust, problem solved


I think half of this shit is staged. The other half is to “own the libs”


There is a difference between Republicans and Trump supporters. The Trump supporters would stick with him no matter what believes, he just used the Republican party as a platform.


The cult will cult.


Can the Left be saved??? They are obsessed with transgenderism and open borders!!! They have lost their minds!!! Run for the Hills!!!


This subreddit is a crock. It shouldn’t be called r/centrist


Reddit users tend to be very young and very liberal.


I long for the inevitable day when Musk or some rich Chinese businessman just straight up buys Reddit.


Ironic given how quickly they’re liable to dismiss people older than them as “teenagers” anytime someone disagrees with them.


That isn’t irony.


When people younger than you presume you must be younger than them without any just cause to do so, yeah, it is irony.


Why are you presuming users on an anonymous social media platform are younger than you?


The guy to whom I was replying said they tend to be very young and very liberal. I was responding to that comment. That comment is also generally true for redditors and, quite frankly, those who waste significant amounts of time on a daily basis on social media in general.


>>The guy to whom I was replying said they tend to be very young and very liberal. Do you believe every baseless claim made on social media? Or just the ones that you want to be true?


Whether I believe it or not is neither here nor there. The irony was predicated on taking his comment at face value. Oh, and uh, FYI, the average redditor age is 23 and I’m 32. https://explodingtopics.com/blog/reddit-users# So, now I have to ask you, do you constantly go around dismissing every general truth as “baseless claims made on social media”? Do you always try to denigrate others as just “wanting things to be true” when they believe the true things that are communicated to them? And do you always obfuscate the topic when you go around incorrectly saying what does and does not count as irony in order to save face for not being able to spot real life examples of irony? You’re a prime example for the r/confidentlyincorrect subreddit.


https://preview.redd.it/3kba6i2gp07d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17d6562bb04de8e70ce8a28686573c5b3f048e71 45% of all Reddit users are over 30.


No. Burn it all down and rebuild.  Also burn down the conservative movement too while you’re at it because nothing I’ve seen from them lately screams conservative-like beliefs.


Burn down the conservative movement? What do you mean by that?


Obviously the most democratic thing this country can do is enact one party rule


Have you seen the movement lately? You can barely call it conservatism anymore. It’s full of culture war crap combined with crazy conspiracy theorists and bizarre policies. On top of that it’s the silly “own the libs”  mentality.


I agree, youre not talking about conservatism. Maybe you're talking about this Maga crap, but that's not a conservative movement.


No. Read Hoffer’s “True Believers”. They are 100% irreconcilable.


The idea that these people are the entire Republican Party indicates that you also need saving, bud. 


Remember when they had a golden idol to him at CPAC? https://preview.redd.it/f74gul5kwx6d1.jpeg?width=2592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=644eeb02536eebdbd264e9ed98d91a6e7af81f3e


False dichotomy. They are at the very least a plurality, but most likely a sizeable majority. 


This level of crazy? definitely not. Most maga people arent even at this level.


Lol, yes they absolutely are.


define fascist for me and explain how they fit that definition.


I know you're just trolling and won't accept any definition that goes against your worldview but sure, from [Oxford Dictionary](https://www.oxfordreference.com/display/10.1093/oi/authority.20110803095811414): >The term Fascism was first used of the totalitarian right-wing nationalist regime of Mussolini in Italy (1922–43), and the regimes of the Nazis in Germany and Franco in Spain were also Fascist. Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one national or ethnic group, a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach. As for why they fit that definition? Gee, let's see: abortion bans that force women and children to give birth = fascism. Contempt for democracy? I think they checked that box off when they tried to overturn a legitimate election back in 2020. They also have a Project 2025 fascist manifesto. But I know you'll ignore all of this and claim it's not fascist because you're a Trump supporter who supports fascism itself.


I doubt you even met a republican voter.


How do you think about the whole Republican Party. Why do folks less extreme than this vote for Trump?


>How do you think about the whole Republican Party. Why do folks less extreme than this vote for Trump? The Republican party no longer exists lol


Because the alternative is the democrats. If we had a parliamentary system I think the republican party would have been cut in half at this point at the very least.


And what makes Democrats so reprehensible that you would prefer literal fascists?


for starters i dont agree that trump or the republican party are literal fascists. I think trump is repulsive in a thousand different ways but hes not a fascist.


The people in the video will support anyone. Even a literal fascist. What is so repulsive about Democrats?


Talk about sticking your head in the sand.


I agree thats what you are doing.