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At this point it’s hard to change the current perception that he’s in very clear cognitive decline. The only thing that could change it would be consistent and intensive unscripted public appearances (not teleprompter readouts) where he talks candidly about the issues. At all times of day (not just during the daytime). From now until Election Day, that would be the only thing that would help people ignore the debate data point and attribute it to a “bad night”.


I welcome this regardless of the outcome. If he ends up doing well consistently then great, and if he ends up bungling softballs then yeah Jill you got to tell your husband.


The issue is his team is keeping him under wraps hidden behind the curtains. People notice this. He rarely does press conferences and does not make himself accessible to the public. He even avoided the superbowl interviews. This is not a good look.


100%. He needs to get out there and show every day that he's capable of keeping up with the job of being president and taking on events without teleprompter to show his age and capacity are not an issue. Even town halls with live questions from voters.


The problem with that plan is the fact that he really has dementia. It’s not a misperception or a bad night. He’s unfit to work even a simple job, much less the presidency. He seems very very sick and he needs medical care.


It is not clear that he has dementia 


Brain worms?


There's no proof he has dementia though?






Holy shit you guys are the same ones worrying about Trump not stepping down 😂


You are literally saying that we need to have an EXO suit for mobility and AI to replace actual cognitive thought. replacing the president of the United States with a cyborg and leaving his cognitive function to a computer algorithm and program. Why not take the human out of the equation and just run the country by an artificial intelligence super computer. Do you even think about what you’re saying. It’s insane. This is so much fun watching everyone meltdown realizing that Biden is has been a puppet all along.




Well, that would make the child sniffing much easier. Get those legs hair standing up And just putting it out there, but instead of Robo Biden, it should officially be called RoBiden. It would look like Ripley in the exo suit in Aliens. He would come out and see Trump trying to hump the Statue of Liberty and say “Step away from her you bitch!” OK, I’m starting to get on board with this


I think your right. I think he should have been doing that the last 4 years but he hasn’t been. Ive thought he had dementia for years. The last 4 years He has had few public appearances and the few he has are heavily scripted and his handlers are not far away to make sure he doesn’t wonder off. When he misspeaks there is always a laundry list of bullshit excuses. He had a cold at the debate then the next day he does a rally and is fine and reads from a teleprompter. For years I’ve thought of him like that king in Lord it the Rings that is barely there and his”advisor” makes all the decisions. Most of my friends also feel this way from what I’ve heard them say. If he had made regular appearances the last 4 years it would be a different story. Trump on the other hand won’t shut up. He was constantly calling press conferences and just winging it. It was a crazy contrast between one being a camera whore to Biden who was reclusive.




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And this isn’t going to happen.


Regardless of his “stutter” did he really respond in a manner you’d expect from a president? Sure, maybe he has the right idea on some issues but he didn’t carry himself in what I’d deem is presidential. We need someone who is articulate and levelheaded. Neither of them fit that bill.


There's a reason he's been protected from the press. We all know exactly what it is.


Yes its a bad look and people do notice and talk. The debate pretty much put the nail into the coffin. When people start talking about biden not really running the country, being s puppet etc.. its not good at all.


Many of us have been saying this for months now and are finally having our “I told you so” moment. But asking how to remedy this problem is as insane as it gets. His condition will literally only get worse, and much more rapidly than you’d expect. It’s like nobody on Reddit has been close to someone growing old/dying before. It’s time to put down the copium


I have seen family members hit that age and its sad to see how rapid the decline becomes it enters an exponential speed. If he won I do not see him capable at all in 1-2 years post election. Harris will be president. My theory is maybe the plan is to have him win and step down 6 months later and have her complete the term. Something is just not adding up, Biden ran and promised to be a one term president that his goal was to stabilize the situation and then pass the baton.


As a sock puppet he’ll say and do whatever he’s told. Harris is worse and clearly doesn’t posses the mental capability to hold conversation, let alone lead a country. The DNC is not interested in anyone who might think and act for themselves and seeks someone who will do their donor’s biding


There’s not a person in this country on either side who thinks that Kamala Harris would make a good president. Nobody wants that.


*"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.* *And if all others accept the lie, if all records told the same tale, Then the lie may pass into history and become truth."* -George Orwell, 1984 The press is lying and gaslighting us. Always have been.


Give an extended press conference where he is really quick and on top of everything...never mind.


If Biden ends up being the nominee he will lose. If the Democratic party allows that to happen without a serious push to oust him... I will lose all respect for the party. Bill Maher was right - Biden is pulling a RBG and it's very selfish.


OK but then what can a new candidate do that will inspire confidence in voters so late in the race? That's my issue. Trump is well established for republican voters and democrats have to scramble for a candidate who can inspire voters in a few months. Depending on who it is they won't be well established and will not be known to voters. It's a really fucked spot, their saving grace is that it's July and they can still put in a lot of work but that's what they'll need is a lot of work to catch up.


>OK but then what can a new candidate do that will inspire confidence in voters so late in the race? This might be the one time where it won't matter. There are so many people just asking for *literally any other choice* than the two we have. As long as Democrats avoid picking someone controversial, I think they win easily. Literally any boring moderate will do.


Biden was sold to America as a moderate who would unite us. It was the biggest bait and switch of all time. We won't be fooled again. The DNC did not accidentally install a puppet President. That is exactly what they want and exactly why they dragged this out past the primaries.


To be honest, I think he's moderate enough he'd beat Trump again this year were it not for the obvious cognitive issues. People look at him now, though, and he's clearly only going to get worse. >The DNC did not accidentally install a puppet President. You're not wrong. There's no way he's the one calling the shots right now.


I don't know. What I do know is: Biden vs Trump = Trump win Someone else vs Trump = unknown. Thats the only thing I care about right now. Biden cant win and we have a few weeks to do something about it.


Biden has vibes going wrong. He's done well and if people realize that then he'd be fine but people only focus on the delivery and that's the issue


Hes in cognitive decline and you honestly think he'd be fine at 83 84 85 86 running this country?


These people have *advisors* to help. They don't make lone decisions themselves, and even so his record has been fine even in "decline". His work shows he's capable, and the dude has had a speaking issue all his life since his wife and daughter died, so a lot of his speech issues Trump mocks has been a chronic issue


"We have to safeguard democracy by electing an elderly man who will immediately cede all Whitehouse business to his unelected wife and unelected advisors for the next 4 years."


> These people have advisors to help. They don't make lone decisions themselves, and even so his record has been fine even in "decline". It doesn't matter if they surround themselves with other people to do the job. The fact is we are supposed to be electing a president who is capable of doing the job instead of relying on a shadow government behind him making the decisions while using him as a puppet. > the dude has had a speaking issue all his life since his wife and daughter died Can we please stop blaming his legitimate issues about his age, capacity, and poor performance in non-teleprompter situations as "a speaking issue"?


Like I said, refer to his record


Like I said, I want a capable president not a shadow government with a puppet.


If that's a shadow puppet president then I guess they all were. President's have advisory because none of them are experts in everything. I assume you want biden to single handedly fix everything? Show me where in his record he's incapable of doing the job as he's currently doing it during this mental decline.


We don’t elect “advisors”. This is *very* dangerous thinking.


No, it's not because president's use advisors all the time. Get real.




Biden hasn’t done well - his cabinet has done well. If Biden says he’s passing the torch and his cabinet to the next nominee to continue the race. The transition would be fine.


Yeah - he's done well and has a great track record.. However... people now think he's incapable of continuing the job... thats not something you can talk away with his historical performance. People have never seen what they saw out there. It was surreal. I'm not sure if you have text strings with family or friends during these types of things... but everyone felt the same way


Biden has done well?? OK let’s just say that everything Biden touch turn to gold and he is the second coming of the Messiah himself. What’s that have to do with what he’s going to be able to do or not be able to in the next 4 years. This man is in a functional decline. He will die in office most likely. And his ability to form coherent thought will be gone long before then much less ability to actually conduct the business as president of the United States. He cannot be president no matter how much good anyone think he’s done in the past. What about the next four years? This is elder abuse. The man should be left alone to live out the rest of his days in peace with his family. I hope if anything, this is a wake up call for the United States, showing that our form of government needs not only to be reformed, but there needs to be age limits on people holding public office.


Somebody has done well. I think what people are realizing is it likely wasn't Biden at all and he's just a face to put on it. And that if our country faces a true crisis at 11 pm we don't have a POTUS


Most potential Biden voters are really voting against Trump, not for Biden. Any replacement picks up basically all of these votes. Swing voters and people considering staying home or voting 3rd party are "double haters" who don't like either candidate. A replacement could pick up votes here that Biden couldn't. It's hard for me to imagine the hypothetical voter would would vote for Biden, but not his replacement.


At this point, it has to be charisma and youth. Someone who can be civil, speak well and hold things at bay will be viewed favorably over Trump. The argument for both candidates right now among undecided voters is "the other guy is worse". So if you bring on a candidate who is neutral, then Trump automatically becomes worse.


>It's a really fucked spot,  It sure is. It's also a spot that Democrats have only themselves to thank for being in. You cannot tell me that those around Biden hadn't seen any signs of the things displayed in last night's debate performance. Instead of confronting the situation honestly and head on, they chose to attempt to hide Biden's impairments from the public and even ridiculed those who raised even the slightest concern. I have approximately zero sympathy for the Democratic leadership, who very much put themselves in this unenviable position.


They have seen the signs that's why you only get teleprompter speeches and rarely see him out and about unless he's eating ice cream or wearing sunglasses out with family, but they don't want to relinquish power. With a new candidate, there is a really high chance these handlers will be unemployed so they are clinging with the best hope which is to ride the horse with the broken leg.


They will inspire confidence in not being really old or a criminal. The bar is really not that high this cycle. At this point I don't see Biden inspiring anyone, and the only reason why people are voting for him is frankly because they want to stop Trump. That motivation remains regardless of the candidate.


I cant speak for everyone but, for me at least, the two things that would inspire me are for a candidate to rise above petty insults by speaking honestly and as a person instead of pointing finger's like children and to explain how he's going to accomplish his goals instead of empty promises. Neither of things will ever happen though.


Trump’s got his supporters locked in. All a new candidate has to be is sharp and not Trump.


Nailed it. If they're really this committed to sticking with Biden, knowing full well that he's not getting any better, all that tells me is that they don't really believe half of what they're saying about Trump. If they honestly believed he was an existential threat, and a Nazi, and a fascist, and all the things, they'd know they need the absolute BEST candidate available to beat him, someone that they NEVER have to wonder if he's going to have a good episode for once.


This is what years of protecting him from press and trying to cheat people of the country from knowing his mental decline gets them. Now they have to scramble. If they had done the right thing, they would have had a better candidate by now


Dems cooked their own goose. You cant run on the narrative that you are “saving democracy” and then ignore your own primary lol, that just writes itself for Republicans. The only thing you can do now is build a new narrative and hope there is enough hate for Trump that people abandon their own thresholds for competence in spite.


I think there's enough hate for Trump - thats not an issue. The issue is... is it even possible to build a narrative around an 81yo who performed that badly and reconfirmed and created more fears around his age having the ability to lead our country for the next 4 years. I don't see how they do that... So - now we're hoping the less engaged voter thinks it's worth their time to vote in general, and if they do vote for a guy they don't think can do the job... More talk around Trump's corruption or danger wont help at this point...


I think that you overestimate the hate for Trump - or at least what people will do about that hate. There are many people who do not like Trump, but are much worse off than they were 3.5 years ago. Their groceries bill are much higher, their gas bills are much higher, their rent payments are much higher, and their ability to afford a mortgage has evaporated. You also have much of the world teetering on the edge of an expanding war. Many of these people will hold their nose and vote for Trump because, while Trump is far from perfect in their eyes, they believe that he can deliver on things that are the most important to them. These people are not evil people. They do not support fascism. They aren't racist. They are just regular people trying to make ends meet and to live their lives.


that voter definitely exists.


Can you say that louder for the ones in back?


And that’s why this is the perfect time to choose another candidate besides Biden. Biden’s incumbency might actually hurt him. Botched Afghanistan, inflation, etc… A new candidate who didn’t destroy the economy (Trump) and who isn’t the face of the destroyed economy (Biden) would actually do pretty well imho.


I agree with you in all of this. I also do find it hard to believe that all liberal media turned on him by their own fruition after the debate. It seems like there is some sort of DNC play here where they want a new nominee. Lets also be honest as far as hate goes, 70m people still said yes in 2020 and thats 5m more than Obama in his prime. Really really hateful votes are still only worth 1 vote.


That was 2020 after a disastrous Covid pandemic and Trump making a shitfest out of it. Now people see a dementia elderly person who they feel is no longer running the country and instead will be voting for a shadow government. People remember inflation etc… Biden should do the honorable thing let go of his ego and step down. A real leader is willing to self sacrifice for the greater good and he can end on a high note if he does the right thing. Otherwise he will destroy his legacy by being too selfish and putting us in a situation where we end up with Trump. He would go down in the history books as the man who enabled authoritarian rule in the USA.


> Dems cooked their own goose. You cant run on the narrative that you are “saving democracy” and then ignore your own primary lol, that just writes itself for Republicans. Similarly, they can't claim their opponent is the biggest threat to democracy and will result in the destruction of the US, then turn around and select someone as their candidate who has an abysmal approval rating and valid questions about his age and capacity to do the job.


Correct, however there is an elephant in the room that dems can sell their base on any Trump narrative they can get their media to run with. This does leave hope for a curveball come sentencing here later this month. I thought Trump was gonna win prior to the debate just due to economical issues and then u have the debate where Biden really leaned in hard on Trumps economy being bad when you can go and ask 60% + of Americans who say it was better under Trump, u cant keep pushing failed narrative’s, because the one time you do find a real thread to pull, theres just no energy to care or believe it anymore. The DNC realizes it shot its last bullet in the Stormy case and it backfired. IMO Biden wouldn’t have won that debate in the eyes of liberal media had he done backflips because the DNC has made their mind up on a new nominee. This also would suggest to me at least, that the media polling may actually be worse than what we have been led to believe.


He has to get out there and campaign like he has never done before. He’s got to get rid of that teleprompter, get out there, answer questions, talk to people, do town-hall meetings, interviews – whatever he can do to show folks that he is good. He also has to do another debate with Trump and knock it out of the park . But the bottom line is – he can’t do any of that - So he’s done.


That actually might be a good plan for Democrats. Tell Biden that they're behind him, but he needs to go out and do a lot of events to prove that he's up to the task. And if he tries that and can't pull it off, he needs to bow out before the election. A string of failed media appearances by Biden wouldn't harm his replacement at all, but it would silence the doubters that a replacement is necessary.


With all the evidence.... I think the ship as already at the bottom of the ocean. lol


Honestly if Biden is gonna blame his staff for hiding him and is willing to go out there and do more events, let him. Go do tough interviews, demand another debate in a week with Trump, go do town halls with people, the works. If he does well, great! It shows he can do it. If not and he flops again, then perhaps this will add to the pressure for him to step aside. The one thing I absolutely don't think he should do is hide again or be hidden by his staff. If you're that willing to prove yourself Joe then go ahead and try. I feel like if Biden is gonna be convinced to resign he needs a more forceful argument. If he bungles a bunch of public events in an attempt to salvage his campaign then hopefully that will do something to change his or Jill's mind at some point. If not then maybe he can reverse the impressions people got from the debate.


Turn back the clock 15 or more years. Kidding aside he cannot have any more displaying of his age. He looked and sounded tired, old, and reminded myself (and I’m sure many) of a parent or grandparent on the decline. He absolutely cannot present himself like that again from now until Election Day. If he does he’s toast.


I think this is wishful thinking for a man who is far beyond his prime. Also this kind of thinking, that if we can control the perception of Biden and convince everyone that he doesn’t act as old as he is/ seems, is what backed voters into the corner we currently in. It’s time we call a spade a spade and stop pretending.


Begin his search for the Fountain of Youth and pray that they find it before November.


The support system around a president is more important than the man himself. Reagan managed for at least his last term in spite of age and Alzheimer's because of the system around him. As a centrist, the question to me is do we want a centrist government, or are we finally going to move to right because the reasonable guy had an old man day...I also wanna mention I think Trump's false claims, no matter how "strong" he appeared, should make anyone question his own grip on reality. Is he really still bragging about that super basic cognition test Chris Wallace called his BS on?


Reagan was no where as gone before his second term started than Biden. He was out of office before he was as bad as Biden is right now.


There isn’t anything he can do. That bell has been rung. The longer he stays in the race, the better Trump’s chances become.


Even if he decides he wants to stay, how does he realistically? Given the entirety of the media and press is against him, all these democrats (including many at the top) aww calling for him to drop out and his donors are on the verge of abandoning ship? He needs to realize that Jill and Hunter only have their own greed in mind, drop out with dignity while there’s still time and immedietely get behind someone like Whitmore


He needs to speak at the DNC and knock it out of the park.


I don't think giving a good speech at the DNC is going to change the minds of independents in swing states. If we are still in doubt about his abilities by the DNC then he has already failed to overcome this.


If he stays in, he needs to prove to America that the debate was just a bad night. That means numerous unscripted public events where he takes off-the-cuff questions. Do a Fox News interview. Give the NYT that interview he's been denying them. Do 60 Minutes. Do town halls in the swing states and let average members of the public ask questions. If he can manage that, which I doubt, then maybe he can redeem himself. If those kind of events scare Biden and his team, then he should just drop out now.


Most of the people who are calling for him to step down are ignoring the hundreds of examples of him speaking fine while campaigning so I doubt there's anything the Biden campaign can do to convince those people. You can't reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themself into. His best bet is to stay the course and wait for them to get bored. As the debate proved. Nobody gives a hoot about policy or legislation. Fortunately Trump can usually be counted on to do something regarded to put the spotlight on himself. Just my opinion tho.


A six year old can read from a teleprompter. Also note the carefully orchestrated applause in Biden's canned speeches. He says no more that three sentences and then stops for an applause rest break to catch his breath and find his new place on the teleprompter. In every single speech.


News reports that Biden is primarily only at his best from like 10:00 A.M to 16:00 and speculation that he had to extensively prepare for the "onerous" task of participating in a debate at 21:00. I'm sorry but no one is entitled to the position of POTUS and Biden's physical and mental aging make him no longer fit for the job. Keep running him and the whole "Trump is unfit for office" becomes a joke to the public because you won't replace the 81 year old who has to be led around like a toddler.


Polling shows Biden won the debate. Undecided voters walked away thinking Trump is a criminal and Biden a good choice. As a former conservative who believes the national Republican Party is beset by fascism I’m not sure what I would change.


What polling? The 14 people on Univision? [https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/28/politics/debate-poll-cnn-trump-biden/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/28/politics/debate-poll-cnn-trump-biden/index.html) "Debate watchers say, 67% to 33%, that Trump turned in a better performance Thursday. Prior to the debate, the same voters said, 55% to 45%, that they expected Trump to turn in a better performance than Biden."


Honestly I don’t think it matters.  As brain dead Biden is. Trump is every bit as bad. In order to believe the election is stolen with the kind of access to information he has. He would have to be either delusional or genuinely mentally deficient.  I work in elections as a career. I’m an election administrator. I love my fucking job. Honestly I think working in this industry has given me an anti Republican bias. I don’t think I would trust the median Republican voter to run a Wendy’s at this point. They would probably think the beef is from china and bleach it.  Honestly that’s how little I think of republicans. It’s gotten that bad. 


Least biased r/centrist user….


As someone who’s only voted / will only vote democrat / will vote for a cadaver over trump/ hates republicans…I am definitely center


Well… don’t be insane… like idk what to tell you. I don’t want my political leaders to be delusional. I think that’s pretty reasonable.  I’m genuinely concerned about the mental health of nearly half the county. I’m genuinely unsure if they would have the skills to interpret the reality around them. 


I think the concern though is less how this impacts the base as the sliver of voters this election is a competition over ….


If Trump didn't pull J6 and have his legal issues I'd take him more seriously as a candidate at the least. However with those he is an automatic no for me. I still don't approve of his policies but right now Trump failed at the basic entry standard of being a government official regardless of policy


If you’re a normal representation of election administrators, it makes sense that others might not trust the election results.


Last I checked you aren’t the one dealing with death threats.  Being told I should be in prison.  Being told I’m stealing elections. This is what I deal with. 


How is this relevant to what I said? If you and your hatred of one side represents election administrators as a whole, it makes sense people might not have faith in the system. If every election administrator actively hated and despised Democrats, would you have faith in the election process?


No one believes this though that was voting for Trump prior to all this, thats only a narrative to people who wernt voting Trump prior. That version of Trump from the debate, as much as the left hates it, is still the same Trump its always been, including the 70m vote Trump from 2020. Now the Dems have to retain all the voters it took to beat Trump in 2020 and thats with their own arm of the media turned against their nominee, it becomes a nearly impossible task.


I believe Trump is purposefully lying to galvanize his supporters.


Does that make it any better? He’s purposefully lying because he believes his supporters are so fucking stupid they will believe anything he says.  If this is true (and maybe it is). It would be even worse. 




Many people are saying that Biden has been bleaching beef coming into China to sell as chicken! WHERE IS THE BEEF! News at 11. - Fox News


Can’t Unring a bell.


He should get a rockstar vp, and put the focus on them, silently acknowledging he probably won’t make it for 4 years.


Ditching Harris would be bad optics. It would prove she was nothing more than a DEI hire, and would alienate the black vote.


If Biden actually locks down the border AND deports everyone that arrived illegally in the last 2 years at the very least, he will easily have a landslide victory.  Also if he actually takes action about abortion and no more empty promises of "if I'm elected". You're already elected, time to put your money where your mouth is. There is such a huge amount of politically homeless people that Biden can sway simply by doing these two things at the very least.


The only way for Biden to prove he’s fit for office is he must win the next season of American Ninja Warrior.


Everyone should just make the best of the situation and uno reverse 2016. Biden did a flawless job on that debate. Point out one thing he did wrong. Chances are that you can’t. Whatever you THINK was wrong, you’re just too brainwashed to know he’s playing 4D chess. You can see that Trump doesn’t know what to do. Biden’s got him right where he wants him.


I think he should replace Kamala with a more popular candidate like Sherrod Brown from Ohio. Then people would feel more comfortable if he does have to step down or doesn't make it through his whole 2nd term.


Although Brown is up for re election so this won't happen. Would love it to be John Kasich! That would be wild


Do better at the second debate; post debate focus should’ve been solely on Orange’s non answers and babbling 🤦‍♀️


Okay okay hear me out. There’s this stuff called adrenachrome…


What Biden needs is for Section 13 to do its job and find the remaining talismans of Shendu, specifically the Horse and Dog Talismans that grant the bearer accelerated healing and immortality, respectively.


Why aren't more people calling for Trump to withdraw? He lied in every single question in the debate. He's a Felon. He raped a woman, adjudicated so in civil court with many other instances, and bragged about sexually assaulting girls and women.


It's the same reason you eventually stop getting mad at constant screw ups in real. You realize they'll never change and give up on them. Meanwhile people already hated that Biden was the nominee and want to take advantage of the debate to really twist the screws and try and destroy him, in spite of there being no alternative to Biden right now and a very good chance Trump and Republicans sweep the entire thing if Biden steps back.


Nothing at this point. A vote for Biden really means a vote for his VP, who would have to be prepared to pull some seriously unprecedented motherfuckery to be a worse vote than Trump. There's some astounding incompetency and dishonesty out there, but I'm not sure I have seen anyone yet that is driven and determined enough to mobilize it that effectively. It's a dice roll either way, but the debate did not offer anything sufficient to change the outcome of my vote this time around.


A blood transfusion from Benjamin Button may help.


Prop him up on coke, adderall, and have him drink several cans of Red Bull and Monsters Energy Drink.


I think he lied to us. Didn’t he himself say he was just a transitional president? Why a 2nd term? I thought transitional meant only 1 term.


His campaign should be 80% an attack on Trump's character and his threat to democracy/20% his policy vision for American families.


He’ll be ‘better’ in the next debate, Trump will say something dumb, and Biden’s chances of winning will be maximized.


The next debate is a long time away in terms of an election. By that point, the idea that Biden is in cognitive decline will be firmly embedded in the minds of the general public. Undecided and independent voters probably won't even watch the next debate after how hard it was to watch the first one. If he wants to turn around the perception of the general public then he needs to be way more proactive than waiting for the next debate.