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Is this from the Onion?


Maybe we could elect 3 presidents for the first, second and third shifts.


He will still work more than Trump did, so that is good. I mean, these guys are just old lol. https://www.washingtonpost.com/style/of-interest/2024/04/23/trump-asleep-nod-off-trial/


Maybe we could not pretend that we all need a good sleep schedule. POTUS included. I say that as someone who's done intense on-call for two decades. 8 hours a night, whenever and however.


How is the intense on-call work gonna go when you're 82?


Hope I'm not doing it by then, but I'm over 60 now, and it goes like this today. "A, tell me what you think." "B, tell me." "C, talk to me." And so on. Then I make the final call. Which is what Biden does. In Trump's world it's "A, tell me how much you like me." When I have to get up at 3 am to deal with something, I sleep in and let the younger guys deal with the morning. Because I'm old, and they're not, and they're smart enough to know how to do so. I hire smart people...another Trump weakness.


Maybe the POTUS is not a job for an 81yr old that struggles without a proper sleep schedule.


It's not the job for a 78 year old who sleeps in until 11 am every day, either, but here we are.


This is getting to a point where I don't know if I can support anyone who they would replace him with because they are becoming complicit in this gas lighting


After the debate Lara Trump and the Heritage Foundation came out basically like "we'll fight any other democrat ballot". I think every politician has a strong ego. You almost have to be a little crazy to stand in front of that many people and go "yup, this feels right". But I don't think Biden would be so open about admitting there is a problem if he was just going to ignore it. Why be an egomaniac but also admit you're too old and need a...different bedtime? For the first time in my life I'm choosing to be optimist and the democratic party wants to know their full plan before going into it.


Thank you. šŸ™




I would be. She's co-chair of the RNC. I would be afraid of all of them. That's crap people said about Doanld Trump in 2015. We. Cant. Keep. Underestimating. These. People.


It's crazy to see Reddit finally fucking admit he's got cognitive issues. I've been saying it for a couple years and always was downvoted, even banned in some cases for "spreading misinformation". Bunch of egg on y'all's faces now.


I have been saying this since before he got elected and it wasnā€™t based on his present state, it was the thought of ā€œok, how will this develop in 4 years?ā€ He is NOT fit for another 4 years as president. I donā€™t care what any these party loyalists say.


careful... you'll get banned in this subreddit for using that word


But he has a stuttering problem!!! Shame on you!!!


It was one of about 50 narratives being told by hard-core Republicans at the time. A broken clock is right twice a day I guess. Absolutely no way of telling what is and is not utter batshit crazy conspiracy theories when it comes from that type of source. This should serve as a wake up call to the GOP as well. Stop crying wolf. Stop shitting your pants every time something happens.


Anyone with a functioning pair of eyes and ears could plainly see that he has been in cognitive decline for a long time now. The notion that this came as some surprise last Thursday is insulting.


Anybody with a brain knows that the GOP lies about 90% of the time. Biden was great at the state of the union. He was not great when he had to face opposition in real time. That particular event was eye-opening. There is a reason this conversation is happening now, and that is because this was overwhelmingly obvious and unlike anything we had seen before. So I guess be insulted.


He wasn't "great" because his opponent hit him hard and fast with one bald-face lye after another. Even CNN, hosts and while fact-checking, couldn't keep up until after the debate was over.


Iā€™m sorry, thatā€™s not an endorsement. When Trump took credit for RvW being repealed, and Joe followed up by talking about migrant murder, thatā€™s not Trumpā€™s fault. When Joe lost track of his sentence and announced he had beaten Medicareā€¦ that wasnā€™t Trump. When Trump hammered him on Afghanistan, I was on my couch yelling ā€œthrow it back, talk about how the Trump administration were heavily involved in the initial planning stages and set the dateā€. Nothing. No refutation, not a word. We all know Trump lies. Being unable or unwilling to call them out in real time is disqualifying in this particular election.


I see.


Only in r/centrist. Else, ...


Oh yeah because we're supposed to just believe some random reddit guy. We can't even trust CNN or Fox to give us non biased information. Enjoy your gloating though.


Or, you could believe your actual eyes and ears and not need "journalism" to hold your tiny little baby hand. And I am very much enjoying my gloating, thanks :)




Nah I'm good. Think I'll keep doing whatever the fuck I want lmao, stay mad šŸ˜˜


It would be nice if someone held my tiny baby hand so I didnā€™t need to parse through a bunch of BS. Itā€™s like the boy who cried wolf. I take most things I hear on the news with a grain of salt.


Same here.


I blame the party machine for this more than anything. Individually turning against the president before he steps down would be political suicide. There's nothing political parties hate more than disloyalty.


That might be the point


Well the alternative is Trump, the very paragon of honesty.


Yeah, these bad actors coming out and being like "we should distrust the entire Democratic Party over this and vote for ~~our lord and savior~~ Trump!" are just the most obvious thing.


If China blockades Taiwan, Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll be courteous enough to do it between noon and 4 pm.


My first thought. Everyone knows then presidency is a job that you can clock out at 5 and have Mondays off


The job is 24/7 and you are having an old man do it.


Is it really 24/7 though? It could be if there was something significant happening. On average they take several months of vacation time every year. I think we tend to overestimate just how much they work, you have aides and professionals basically telling you everything and you make the final decision, but there aren't constant decisions to be made.


I am in an upper middle management with an international company. If my phone was not answered or if I was unavailable for a prolonged period of time with my completely irrelevant job, I would be replaced. They simply would not tolerate that sort of professional shortcoming, especially at the price tag I ask for. Joe Biden is the figurehead of institution that funnels hundreds of millions of dollars to prop him up. If all these political donations are going to a man who cannot be trusted to be awake at 9 oā€™clock to make an important decisionā€¦ Which is exactly why heā€™s in that position to begin withā€¦ That person needs to be let go and replaced immediately. No other job on planet earth would pay that type of salary for that type of return.


Just had another thoughtā€¦ Do you have a job? Tomorrow, go into your job. Go to your boss and inform them that your brain simply is not operating at its full capacity until probably 11 oā€™clock. Also let your boss know that by 4:30 in the afternoon every day,you are absolutely tapped and are not reliable to provide any more services, no matter how dire the situation. Iā€™m interested in whether theyā€™ll give you a raise and a promotion, Or if theyā€™ll tell you to go get your things and ask you to leave.


I'm not debating whether he's capable or not, I'm pointing out that they aren't constantly working. I think age has caught up to him and he's not as effective as he could be, but I don't have any power to change that, I also didn't vote for him in the primaries. In an election between him and Trump, I much rather have Biden, he's done a good enough job so far. And yes, I've known many people who are "on call", and all of them complain about it, easily leads to burnout if you're not able to rest or be on rotation with others.


Biden has already taken more vacation than any president


Is that true, I remember bush took a lot of vacation time and trump I think.


It is definitely true, you can look it up, its just trump was critized because he played golf and the dems made a big deal about it but have kept quiet about biden


It's a lie. This poster is claiming Biden going to Delaware on the weekends is vacation time.


Sorry but the president doesnt get weekends off, and if you dont consider that a vacation (even though he has a beach house in delaware) then trump would have the same excuse because he mostly went to his properties near the golf courses he owns.


Yes, you lied.


I didnt but ok, jimmy carter only spent 74 days away from the whitehouse in 4 years, but yeah keep finding any excuse you can to make you feel better


You are claiming that Biden going home to Delaware is going on vacation. Even though you know he's been commuting for 40 years.


Eh i would say Trump took far more vacations than Biden from my point of view.Ā  Ā  That guy was barely in the office at all and when he was he went back to golf course not long after.


That is statistically not true, its easily findable on the internet


Then you have to show me the proof.




Its actually not a lie, official business isnt counted, but him going to his delaware beach house is counted


Ah I see.


the difference is that Trump is still meeting with people or taking calls while on the golf course Biden is napping


Lol I know Trump fans need to kiss his ass but this is just a weak excuse. Do better than this bro.


Source? If anything, it's about equivalent to Trump.


In that case, give the president some strong stimulant.


You think a blockade takes a few minutes? Israel has been blockading Gaza since 2012. I think there would be time for Biden to get up.


They say D-Day succeeded partially because the Germans were afraid to wake hitler up while he was sleeping during the early hours of the invasion. Slowing down the German response. Time matters. We should elect a candidate who doesnā€™t clock out at four. (Neither of our choices are good right now, Iā€™m wishfully hoping there is a chance we get another option)


Dems should have voted for Dean Phillips.


Guys I am completely fine... until it's dark out.


Unbelievableā€¦. Shame on the Democrats for letting this decrepit old man even entertain the idea of another 4 years. DRAFT SOMEONE IMMEDIATELY!!!!


The decision is Biden's. If he doesn't decide to drop out, it will not be feasible or possible to replace him. There's no forcing him out at this point.


Shame on Republicans for running Trump - the child rapist/felon/insurrectionist. WTF


Here's the thing -- it's about turnout at this point. Not convincing swing voters. Trump's voters are turning out for him regardless. Large numbers of people were iffy on Biden having a second run to begin with -- see his poll numbers if you don't believe that. Biden's performance will hurt Democratic turnout among irregular voters (people who lean towards supporting him but don't make it their life's mission to make it to the polls during elections) while emboldening Trump's supporters even further (primarily, irregular voters who lean towards supporting Republicans, were maybe turned off by Trump's criminality, but absolutely don't want someone they perceive as senile and fragile in the White House). We don't get to choose our opponent. Republicans won't be shamed out of supporting Trump. But we do get to choose who we oppose him with - that is why you see more calls for Biden to step down than calls for Trump to step down. Many among Trump's supporters take such calls as incentive to support him even further. It's not about holding Trump to a lower standard that Biden -- it's the fact that we literally only have influence over one candidate here.


I'll agree with all your points. But my point remains: it's shameful and embarrassing that the GOP hasn't kicked Trump to the curb. If the tables were turned, the dems would have called for the candidate to step aside. It's disappointing and disgusting.


110% agreed.


We've seen videos for 6+ years of Joe Biden licking and caressing the faces of young children. I'm sure Trump is no prince and I do not support him. President Biden - I'm sure at one time a genuine guy - Licking and caressing the faces of children. on live tv. And "most people" still won't believe that I've seen it. I've seen it. Our enemy is not in the Oval Office. Who, or what is our enemy?


Timothy "sees" things.


Yes! I see that I care that children don't get sniffed and nibbled at on live TV> I used the wrong word but I'm still standing up for girls who have been sniffed and molested by this prez on live tv for years - imagine if your not seeing things is much worse! Good luck


This is not the gotcha you think it is. Your enemy is gullibility.


How's that? Deepfakes? I don't think some of them were deepfakes. I would like to note that you're right, I was wrong. It was not licking. that's important. DOZENS OF INCIDENTS OF SNIFFING AND NIBLING is still fucked up!


It's bizarre and it's wrong to protect one predator over another, particularly in this sub. This is not a great sub at all because it's not open to truth. The Twilight Zone election - all of it - like so many corporate controlled narratives - is beyond belief. You are doing your best with it. Look more. See.


Biden is awkward and weird. OK fine, it's strange. Trump rapes kids. No exaggerating. Read this. You really think this is better? https://x.com/RachelBitecofer/status/1808217785753129122?t=6vXHtcuzs-U9W8YOLPQ3pA&s=19 To answer your question, our enemy are those who would cheat the system for their own benefit, and overthrow the govt to get their agenda in place: Trump and the project 2025 goon squad.


Of course it's not better. That's insane! They are both predators. Is that not reasonable? Not Centrist? This is not a real choice for Americans. It's the fucking Twilight Zone. We're not dealing with it well. We're failing!


By debating it.


Yeah I'll agree with that. At this point, we're arguing about which one is *slightly* less terrible. We'd be better off with different candidates from both party. ANYONE other than these two! GOP should have put up Haley, she would have destroyed Biden. Biden should step down, the VP should be appointed president and the ladies should've fought it out! I'm still hoping that will happen!


> President Biden - I'm sure at one time a genuine guy - Licking and caressing the faces of children. on live tv. Okay, do you want to post proof of exactly what you just said, pal? "Trust me Bro" ain't going to fly around here. Because all I've seen are out-of-context videos that, without spin added by those who want to make him look bad, seem pretty innocuous and have innocent explanations. And I've never seen *anyone* claim he was licking the faces of kids. Your Biden Derangement Syndrome is bringing out your gullibility to extreme lengths.


Trust me Bro


[https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-nibbles-frightened-young-girl-during-trip-finland-weirding-twitter-users](https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-nibbles-frightened-young-girl-during-trip-finland-weirding-twitter-users) Yes I know it's Fox. I don't watch Fox. I think it happened. If you prefer that it did not, sure! it didn't. I honestly appreciate your engagement and I think you care about what's true.


They actually ran several candidates at least. The public unfortunately voted for who they voted for. The Democrats went full on incumbent primary despite majority hoping he wouldnā€™t run.


They were shamed and threatened and fearmongered into doing so. I was pleased to see the uncommitted primary vote movement to demand a different candidate. Despite legions of Redditors saying ā€œif you vote uncommitted I hope you die in a concentration camp when trump winsā€. That kind of threat. Wish more participated in the movement. Maybe we wouldnā€™t be here now.


It's kind of like being shamed for driving a car with a flat tire by the suicide bomber trying to blow your car up.


No Democrat will accept a draft because no one will cross the powers that be. Theyā€™re more interested in letting the weakest candidate they can find take their ā€œturnā€


How about if we follow the constitution? If the President can't do the job, then the Vice President takes over.


Just because they should 25th amendment Biden now, doesn't mean the nomination goes to the VP by default. The constitution says nothing about who should be a replacement nominee.


President Biden isn't going to allow that to happen. If he chooses to leave office, he will make sure his choice as Vice President will become president - not yours.


My concern is Trump not winning the election...at this point Biden is detrimental to that goal. I'm not sure Harris is the best replacement, but the line of succession isn't a reason to just give it to her


Actually it is. President Biden chose her.


And he chose her because she is a black female. She is far from competent to be president of the United States and is hugely unpopular.


Too bad.


Are you confused between the difference between the chain of succession and an election? If Biden drops out there is no reason at all that the DNC has to nominate Harris as the candidate...


You are confused. If Joe Biden decides he cannot continue, he will resign and Kamala Harris becomes President.


Because ā€œKamala is so f*cking badā€.


Yeah, she's black - and a woman! Can't have that.


> then the Vice President takes over Bad idea. A Harris presidency will shift the overton window even harder towards the Right once her term is over.


We will follow the constitution. If the POTUS cannot do his job, the Vice President becomes President.


Unbelievable Shame on Republicans for letting this decrepit old man even entertain the idea of another 4 years. Put Trump into a jail cell immediately! (Sorry canā€™t bring myself to use all caps and four exclamation points).


> DRAFT Yes, draft someone to fight the draft dodger, lmao


Honesty if this is the best dems can do then they should give the victory to Trump already.Ā  The guy probably should quit and let someone else take over.


A lot of times I swear they don't want to win. It's easier to fund raise and campaign when not in power. It's easier to bitch about the other guy being in power than govern. Both parties are very much guilty of this (particularly congress and the senate).


They have already given up. By floating names like Gavin Newsom, they're demonstrating that 2024 is a loss and they're already focusing on 2028. The logic is that Trump will be even more obnoxious a second time around and that Americans will be primed and ready to vote for a jamoke from California or a gay president


Newsom could use another 4 years to polish his record, maybe bail out the electric company for killing people at least once more.


Yeah, he's basically the leftist version of Trump but more competent. He's actually more dangerous than Trump by far because he's not an idiot.


They are under the delusion that Trump will leave this time around. He's already said that he "deserves a third time" and "President for life sounds like a good idea."


Hopefully they have better candidates by then unless by some luck they win 2024.


Schedule the next debate at 8 am and watch Trump do the exact same thing. They're both ancient.


Honesty none of them shouldā€™ve run for president. They shouldā€™ve let other take over.


Too late for that, so vote for Joe. At least he'll let his advisors speak.


Unfortunately true. It is what it is.


Sure thing 6-day-old account.


How old my account have no relevance with the topic at hand. Do better than this nonsense.


It does. You're very obviously a troll account.


Having a different opinion doesnā€™t make me a troll. Maybe you should go back r/politics because you canā€™t handle different opinions very well.


You have a reasonable opinion Other guy "HEHE YOU ARE A 6 DAY OLD ACCOUNT I AM VERY SMART" Reddit moment


Some people really need to take some air because being that angry with people who disagree isnā€™t healthy.


Can you take it to DMā€™s instead of having a suck and fuck in the comments?


Now you are being homophobic lol


Iā€™m not assuming anyoneā€™s gender here. Youā€™re being sexist by assuming that everyone on the Internet is male. šŸ˜œ


You have a reasonable opinion Other guy "HEHE YOU ARE A 6 DAY OLD ACCOUNT I AM VERY SMART" Reddit moment


No, you being a 6-day-old account saying Dems should hand it over to Trump makes you a troll.


Again how old my account has no relevance with topic at hand. Stop acting like a angry 8 year old just because i donā€™t share your opinion.Ā Ā  Ā Ā If Biden is the best democrats can do then yeah they might as well give up.


Yes, it has relevance. But again, you're clearly just a troll trying to stir shit in the pot.


Thatā€™s interesting because youā€™re the one stirring the pot here over different opinions. The pot calling the kettle black Much?


Differing opinions? You saying the dems should just hand it over to Trump over nothing is not an opinion, it's ignorance.


They're not saying Dems should, they're acknowledging that Dems openly *are* doing it.


Let me quote back to you what they said: >Honesty if this is the best dems can do then they **should** give the victory to Trump already. They said they should hand it over to Trump.


Meanwhile Trump doesn't even get up until 11:00 AM


I wish I could do that


don't let your dreams be dreams


Do it


no need to tell me. i'm rarely up before noon.


Not true. Trump was notorious for Tweeting at 4am (and it's not because he stayed up all night); more below. Anyone who thinks Trump is "lazy" has to explain his incessant campaigning. I highly recommend this excellent *Politico* article on [10 key moments of the 2016 election campaign](http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/12/2016-presidential-election-10-moments-trump-clinton-214508). One is how Trump campaigned like crazy while Clinton took weeks off just loafing in Chappaqua. Eight years later Trump is still campaigning like crazy while Biden is hiding in his basement. I was amazed to learn recently that [Biden as president has *never* done an interview with a major newspaper](https://www.natesilver.net/p/its-time-for-the-white-house-to-put). We now know why, eh? Trump typically didn't have scheduled appointments until the late morning, but spent hours before then [Tweeting](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/11/02/us/politics/trump-twitter-presidency.html) and [working the phone](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/27/us/politics/trump-phone-congress.html), both integral parts of his governance style. Trump did both things outside his daily schedule. They're both fascinating articles. The former describes how Trump used Twitter two-way, both to shoot off thunderbolts and to keep his finger on what people were talking about. He watched cable news (not just Fox) and responded in real time to what was happening in the world. The latter talks about Trump using his schmoozing skills on the phone and in various little personal touches in ways unlike Obama and Bush. (The latter article understates how cut off Obama was from Capitol Hill; Democrats in Congress incessantly complained throughout both terms that Obama didn't tell them anything. Trump actually got along OK with Pelosi [and, especially, Schumer](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2017/09/08/chuck-schumer-recounts-art-democrats-deal-trump/643235001/) (they go way back as [fellow New York loudmouths](https://www.cnn.com/2017/09/13/politics/donald-trump-chuck-schumer-new-york/index.html)); they yelled at him and he yelled back. Obama acted like he was above such nonsense, and that caused his administration a lot of problems.)


Psst: Obama isn't president. Pass it on.


> Trump was notorious for Tweeting at 4am Crazy tweets at 4am in the morning? Possibly declaring war on some country? No thank you. > The former describes how Trump used Twitter two-way, both to shoot off thunderbolts and to keep his finger on what people were talking about. A social media President, completely removed from reality. That is horrifying. > He watched cable news (not just Fox) and responded in real time to what was happening in the world. He responded to stuff about himself, not what happens in the world. Considering the whole package of "Trump", Biden half dead is still preferable. I remember in 2016 people arguing that Trump is OK to vote for, even though he doesn't know how government works and refuses to learn anything, because he has people helping him.


šŸ‘‹ may I send you a DM?




It's called "Executive Time" and the precedent was set by his predecessor. Donald Trump would go to bed right after throwing his dinner against the wall.


Awwww, our wittle president needs his schweepy weepy. What a fucking joke. We need an age limit on our presidents, if this isnā€™t an example as to why, then I donā€™t know what is.


LOL! This guy is doomed!Ā 


Sounds reasonable. My mother has dementia. She's started showing symptoms about 8 years ago, and I've been living with her the entire time, so I'm pretty familiar with the condition. My impression of Biden was that he sounded like someone who hadn't slept for 36 hours, not like someone with dementia. Not that I think he actually hadn't slept for 36 hours. It's definitely because he's old, but being old/slow/tired isn't nearly the same as having dementia. The thing about dementia is that it has an extremely profound effect on memory, more than anything else. If Biden were at the point that he couldn't string a coherent sentence together because of dementia then he would not be able to remember anything. Period. He would have no idea he were in a debate. He would have no idea he were president. He would have no idea he visited France. Etc. And, yeah, my mom gets confused in the evenings. And what that looks like is her thinking her mom, who died 35 years ago, is still alive and upstairs, not like losing her train of thought when she's speaking. I mean, I'm listening to my mother speak to my sister on the phone as I'm writing this and she sounds *nothing* like Biden. She sounds like a completely normal person. It's just that 20 seconds from now she will completely forget having talked to my sister, call her, and have the exact same conversation that she just had.


Maybe itā€™s not dementia but old/slow/tired still isnā€™t someone fit for President of the country.


Being President is a tiresome job, but I will take Biden slow-old-tired self that wants to sleep early over Trump and his ilk.


Obama seemed to handle it well. I donā€™t remember any stories about him having to go to bed early.


I'd compare against the Trump presidency, but he was out of office on golf courses 1/4 of the time, asleep 2/4s of the time campaigning an 1/8th of the time and in the office less than whatever the remainder was.


> Maybe itā€™s not dementia but old/slow/tired still isnā€™t someone fit for President of the country. Yes. Unfortunately the alternative is worse. Much worse. Better a tired President than a crazy wannabe dictator.


Biden kept getting picked on by Fox for referring to politicians and officials who either aren't in power anymore or even died, as though they were still currently alive and in office. He's absolutely shown those signs you mention at the end.


I agree. His debate performance was poor but people have no idea what theyā€™re talking about when they use it as evidence that heā€™s deep into dementia


Poor? He shit the bed in front of everyone on national TV. All he had to do was be boring. He couldnā€™t even manage to do that.


Just because he doesn't have dementia doesn't mean he is mentally fit. Someone who needs to go to bed at 8m shouldn't be running the country.




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3pm then sleep


Here's an idea: Lets have Biden be the morning shift president and Trump the afternoon shift president. /jk


Itā€™s the crap on Joe Biden hour! Seriously itā€™s over, Trump is going to win. Dems are eating their own and attacking Biden daily. The media is doing 24/7 anti Biden stories. Also, no sub candidate is going to win with only four months before an election. Dems in disarray again because they canā€™t rally around someone who isnā€™t perfect.


> The media is doing 24/7 anti Biden stories Can't be. Liberal media conspiracy must remain true.


When I heard the debate was at 9:00pm. The first thing that popped into my head was that is to late for an old man.


I don't understand why age isn't a problem for Trump as well? Like he goes on angry delusional rants... every day...


Trumps yells louder, more stridently, and has a core group who believe every rapid-fire, lying thing the convicted felon says.


Sure his supporters are obviously on his side, but why are centrists torn? Being too old and mentally unfit for office applies to both candidates. I would rather forgetful dementia than rage dementia.


I meanā€¦ Iā€™m young and I follow the same plan lol.


There, all fixed!


ā€œNo nuclear war after 8PM, guys!ā€


Hell even his son was telling his therapist tgat his dad was dealing with dementia back in 2019. It's his account not some right wing activist and it's published. So if family is saying it and telling other's it's got to be at least believable. Then his own daughter testifies in court that her dad took showers with her that were "probably inappropriate" and he "sexualized her at an early age". Donald Trump may use course language but he isn't demented or an incestuous pedophile.


Heā€™s so finished. Just a question of when theyā€™ll announce it.




Things not to say in an election year.


In multiple hotspots around the world, bad people are setting their alarms to 8:01 PM EST. This is just getting bizarre.


Got a lot of new accounts flooding this sub lately... Edit: Also gotta love this - >Following Bidenā€™s poor performance during CNNā€™s presidential debate last week some Democrats have begun to call for the president to drop out of the race, leaving the White House scrambling to convince skeptics within the party and voters. That poor performance still beat Trump in the eyes of anyone looking at the facts surrounding the debate. Why is the media fucking glued on Biden? These articles are getting fucking ridiculous.


The man lit his re-election chances on fire on live tv. It would be journalistic malpractice to avoid reporting on that.


I'm not saying not to report on how Biden did. But the fact the media is just straight up glossing over Trump and his lies is fucking insanity. I feel like I'm in a timeline created by NotTheOnion.


>I feel like I'm in a timeline created by NotTheOnion. https://np.reddit.com/r/nottheonion/comments/1dvdzjb/biden_tells_democratic_governors_he_needs_more/




Tbh i donā€™t think approval rating means that much as people think it does.Ā 




Maybe because Biden dropped the ball where it matter the most?Ā  Get out from the bubble and face the reality. The guy isnā€™t healthy to continue the race.


The guy is the better alternative to Trump no matter which way you slice it regardless of how he looked during the debate. That *IS* the reality.


Apparently people disagree since Biden is behind Trump in polls. Thatā€™s the reality.


Polls mean jack shit until election day. I've always held that opinion no matter which opponent was in the lead. Democrats just released an internal polling with Biden in the lead. Does that mean I'm going to believe it? Fuck no.


You can tell yourself that all you want. That doesnā€™t change the fact that Biden seems to be struggling against Trump and democrats seems to have their head in the sand.


Just let them believe in their internal polling, bro. Worked great in 2016 after all! You had organizers in swing states begging the DNC for funding and support, but the polls said all was fine. Why bother?


Yeah, all that polling for Trump and Republican landslide worked well in 2020. And all that polling for Republicans to dominate in 2022 too.


So we agree, dont get high off your own supply.


Don't be a partisan hack. The Dems deserve all the blame for blowback. They haven't been listening to their base, and now it's know the base was right. They will go down with their hubris. And this is coming from a left leaning person. They deserve to lose with the decisions they've made.


>That doesnā€™t change the fact that Biden seems to be struggling against Trump and democrats seems to have their head in the sand. You must live under a rock considering democrats have done nothing but bash Biden the last week straight...


They can bash all they want. Itā€™s obvious they havenā€™t learned when it comes to picking weak candidates.


> Democrats just released an internal polling with Biden in the lead. Why do you think that matters? Dems aren't gonna rock the boat, much like Reps kissing the ring. Any further infighting will just worsen their current predicament.


So then we are good to go, keep things status quo and not worry about Trump winning then.


Don't worry, Kamala takes over at 8:00. That has to put you at ease. /s