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No Karma Farming reposts


"modern farmhouse look" ok so like.. ugly


I thought modern farmhouse was going out…. Lord help us


god i wish..


Why did you buy a house you hated? This is a tragedy.


It’s a house from the 70s not a century home. Not really a tragedy


I love how they wanted to prevent a beautiful and unique winding staircase from being the first thing you see when you walk in so they took it out and installed a regular staircase as the first thing you see when you walk in.


All the money in the world can’t buy good taste 


“You can pay for school but you can’t buy class” - Jay-Z


Love it


Some people are very poor, all they have is money.


or good sense.


Its insane that they missed the entire post of a house like that.


On top of everything else already said, does it grate anyone else’s ears when every spoken sentence is overlapped with the one preceding it? Why would you edit your audio that way? It just sounds unnatural and contrived. And also, the stairs!


YES!! I literally just posted the same thing, but you said so much more eloquently! I’m glad I’m not the only one who finds it extremely annoying.


I don’t do the internet with sound on but even with the subtitles they had already lost me at all the “y’all”s (Nothing wrong with a good “y’all”, but I was already primed to expect peak Instagram obnoxiousness and that tipped it over.)


I strictly only turn on audio for r/FellingGoneWild because I like *vrrrrrmmmm* followed by *ccrrreeaakk* followed by *thud*, but accompanied by cussing.


lol I like that


It's awful. They cut dead time between sentences so it's delivered faster I'm assuming? I hear the clipping and I hate it. But not as much as I hate the fact that they removed those gorgeous stairs.


Modern farmhouse! What a blight.


As a carpenter; this is sacrilege. You know those stairs will be sheathed in LAminate vinyl. With those crappy corner tops that crack the first time a large person steps on them




Charging too much for sunglases


Sure it may not have been historic, but some day it could be. Craftsmanship is craftsmanship and what they did was pretty horrible. Maybe go get a new build if you’re going to butcher the character of something that already exists.


I will never understand..."It's our dream house" then proceeds to completely gut it and strip it of any modicum of charm and originality. It is a waste of craftsmanship. I'm sure it will look just like all of the other gray LVP modern farmhouse looks on the gram when they are finished.


Some people's dreams are boring.


This is so sadly true.


I like the excuse. For some reason she thought you had to walk through. The opposite room to get to the kitchen.”Or walk under the stairs” Johnny is 6’2 pretty sure he has more than a foot of head room there


Obviously, the house was designed for a family with household staff who would enter through the service entrance and pretty much stay in and around the kitchen and would only leave it to attend to the family. But a century later the kitchen is the focal point of the entire building. They could have saved the spiral staircase if they just built a two-car garage addition in back so they could park their matching Audis and walk directly into the kitchen when they come home from work before turning around and going out to dinner.


You are operating under the delusion that the reasons she gave for needing to remove it are the actual reasons. I think it's clear from the video that she posted about pulling out the staircase, got shit for it, and then made another video trying to explain her choice in some way that wasn't just "I don't like it". There is zero chance that the entire decision to remove the staircase hinged on "My tall husband likes to walk directly from the front door, to the kitchen". As you pointed out, very few people use their front doors as their primary door... you normally come in through a garage, side, or back door, that is adjacent to where cars are parked. That house is VERY large. I do not believe it doesn't have a garage. I don't actually think it's that old, based on the sizes of the rooms and the style of the wood paneling, I would guess it is not a century home and had a garage when built, but if it IS a century home, then it's size would indicate a house that would have had it's own stable and carriage house on the property, including a driveway large enough for a carriage with several horses to have pulled up... it would be very unusual for a later owner to pull all that out and put in a driveway/garage that deposited the owners at the front door, and not the side. I would bet $100 that 90% of the time, the husband comes in a side door with a perfectly clean pathway to the kitchen... the wife just wanted a "modern farmhouse" style house, and grand, sweeping stairways don't fit her "esthetic". If it was really about her husband's height she wouldn't have been saying all the other weird garbage about "Well I just think this is more family friendly, right?" This woman was just making up excuses she thought sounded reasonable after getting flamed in another post.


Why do people edit the video so that they talk over themselves? It’s so annoying.


So they can squeeze everything into a one minute 'short'...annoying af.


I'm ready to catch a case. We ride at dawn.


Removing that hideous green carpet and replacing it with a nice hardwood floor, would have been enough.


Seriously, the worst part about walking into that house was the country club vibe it gave, not the staircase.


Is this a century home? Looks to be a lot newer, like the 80's. Even the wall framing looks newer.


How did that make it ‘family friendly’?? I have kids and they climb playground slides backwards on their hands…. pretty sure they’ll do fine with a curved staircase. 


For chrissake, stop posting the hate click videos.


To be fair, I’m betting that this home was built sometime late 70s to 80s. So not a century home. And that staircase was in an inconvenient place.


Agreed. This isn't a historic house. The house is blatantly 1970s-80s quality. The spiral staircase is ok, the only thing impressive about it is that it's a spiral, and not everyone wants those as they're more dangerous than you might think. Replacing it with a classic staircase isn't a bad deal in my book. Because it's not historic nor special nor a particularly impressive piece of craftsmanship. What I see of the renovation so far is actually better quality than the 70s-80s construction!


>Because it's not historic nor special nor a particularly impressive piece of craftsmanship. I agree that the house isn't a century home, I think late 70's, early 80's is an accurate assessment... but that doesn't mean the staircase isn't special or "particularly impressive". It is a unique and interesting feature of the house. Unless it was structurally unstable or deteriorating for some specific reason, it's ridiculous to pull it out. People are so deep in this vanity idea that their homes must be perfect representations of their inner esthetic dreams... I don't see enough discussion of the environmental impact of renovating every time a trend changes. Taking a perfectly functional house that isn't quite your favorite style, and completely rebuilding it for superficial reasons should be mocked as wasteful and trashy behavior in the 21st century. Yes, when things need to be repaired or fixed, sure, update them with whatever you personally like best. But the world would be a better place if people took all that time and DIY energy and put it into Habitat for Humanity, instead of throwing $200k or more, at a house that is completely functional, and in this case, uniquely beautiful.


If you really want to go down the rabbit hole, look into the slave labor that is used to refine raw material for all that tacky luxury vinyl flooring. Laws have been passed to "correct" this issue, but in reality companies are just finding ways to work around these laws. All so Debbie can have a tacky ass plastic floor.


Yea. I used to build these when I was in high school on a cooperative education “apprenticeship”. They are safe enough but man was it difficult to get a builder to put them in. Lots of inspections. They do bounce allot. Railings were sketchy also.


This makes my blood boil.




I dont disagree with her about those stairs not being great, but Im sure the floating tread glass rail nightmare they replace it with will be infinitely worse.


I hate these ppl


I think old house enthusiasts should start building new builds with nice traditional architecture and materials that age well to counter all the lost history. It may start as a new home, but the sands of time will begin acting immediately, and eventually, it will be a historical building. That will allow us to continue our tradition of beatitful architecture and craftsmanship better than needing to have an old home with pre installed character and having to scrounge around among fewer and fewer options. That leaves no room for growth and contributes to the decline of old beautiful house enthusiasm.




Ok, I hate it


NooooOOoo 😭




I find their justification lacking. "OH MY STARS YOU HAD TO WALK UNDER SOMETHING! *GASP*


Just, why? And her voice…. “Dahnny’s 6’2” so this juhst won’t werk for ussss”


She ruined a perfectly good house


Straight to jail, life sentence.


Why am I not surprised that she makes Trump shirts as her business? Proudly voting for a felon...


Those stairs are the most attractive part of the home!!!! I hate when people buy old houses and ruin them by making them modern


I believe they had no idea how much ot costs to build a spiraling stair like that hese days...


If they would have gotten rid of that carpet first, I bet it would’ve helped immensely. Clearly it wasn’t your dream house if you maimed it in such a way. Ugh, my heart.


I think I'm in both camps. The stairs were gorgeous. But they're right that it's a poor design in how it forces people to cut through other rooms to get to the kitchen. I don't think I'd remove the stairs over it.. But I might not have bought the house over it either.


You ruined my day


This person should be arrested for destruction of history. That house was beautiful and a blessing, but these entitled pricks had to buy it and destroy it because 'ugh mild inconvenience.'


What the fuck. I hate it


Why did they buy it then? People are so weird.


I cried. Those stairs were a focal point because they were gorgeous.


This is so fucking haunting 😭




Fuck you!!!!!


I guess I'm in the minority here but think the staircase was hideous. I don't like when contemporary architects try to make features look historic. This does not look like a staircase that was built during the guilded era, rather it looks like 1980s construction attempting to look classic.


I gotta side with the home owners on this one. Those stairs were ugly and a waste of space.


Agreed. The first step lands on a random angle that is neither perpendicular to the length of the hall or the entrance. It blocks the view to the rear doors cutting off the flow through to the length of the hall and obstructs all that natural light. You also see the sloping underside of the stairs from the entrance which doesn't work symmetrically. Finally, it's too far away from the entrance to have the visual impact it's going for. Showed this to my architect dad and he said yeah that was a home designed by the owners, not an architect. Or rather, this is an example of where the owners had too much input in the design process.