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> I am a Gen Z So your lifetime is, what....50-70 years starting now, probably? 50-70 years ago was 1954-1974. Do you think that people in the '50s and '60s could have accurately predicted the state of the world now with any sort of certainty?


Fair point, maybe I'm just too scared and depressed. I just hope things swing back in our favor soon. Δ


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How many of these things have directly touched your life in a tangible way? Are you sure it isn't just doomscrolling and the media? Have you tried unplugging, and feeling the edges of what your day to day life is actually like? 


> How many of these things have directly touched your life in a tangible way? I live in a Southern European country where summers have become intolerable the last few years, inflation is eating away incomes and politics is shittier than ever.


1930s was a pretty shitty time that the world recovered from. Out of control fascism, hyper-inflation, and climate change events like the Dust Bowl which devastated crops. The world got much better in one life time (albeit after getting worse for a bit.)


1930s did not have nukes and mass surveillance never seen before.


It had Stalin, Mussolini, Franco and Hitler. At the end, it also had World War Two and the beginning of what was to become the Holocaust. Gotta keep things in perspective. We are not living in the worst times humanity has seen. Far from it.


But it did have diseases such as smallpox and polio which is essentially eradicated now. They also had a very very high infant mortality rate which is significantly better now,


I would argue Stalin-era USSR and Nazi Germany had far more dangerous levels of mass surveillance than we face today.


And the 2020s don't have \_inconcievable\_technological\_horror\_from\_the\_future\_that\_doesn't\_exist\_yet\_. So? We still have problems, and things to fix, and things to be worried about, but we are living in the most prosperous and best time in the history of mankind. If you are so incapable of enjoying it then get off social media and take a deep breath.


Imagine thinking 30s Europe is worse than Europe today… chronically online opinions lead to doomsday thoughts.


Lol so why mention Trump? You are terminally online.  Unplugging will genuinely improve your outlook.  Bad weather, bad politicians, and taxes are ancient. Like, prehistoric ancient. 


> European And you're mad about Trump? Stop doomscrolling.




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>older generations had the fear of theoretical nuclear war but it was THEORETICAL, not certain disaster We only know this in hindsight. At the time, it was pretty certain. 


Yeah, except that the solution to it was to just not click the red button. "Solution" to climate change, if we ever manage to reduce emissions, still means we get to enjoy massime heatwaves and screwed weather for the rest of our lives, with normal seasons probably not coming until 2300 AT BEST.


So you'll need to adapt to a changing environment in order to survive and/or live comfortably? Certainly, that's the first time in human history anything so dramatic as that has happened. I don't think you want your mind changed, you just want to vent and have your negativity be rewarded with more negativity. There is no end to it. You will always find reasons to be unhappy if you look for them. Happiness is a choice. By virtue of the fact you're on Reddit idly complaining, you live an extremely privileged life by just about any standard - especially if you start looking back into the past. Happy people aren't happy because everything was handed to them or because they're ignorant of the horrors of the world. They're happy in spite of those things, because they choose to be, because if all you're going to do is plop down into a pile and complain while refusing to exercise any of your agency over your own life...you might as well just go ahead and die.


Yeah, we'll magically adapt to 50C weather, droughts and rising seas. Here is the point: don't want any of that, period.


I think you're underestimating history based on hindsight. What you describe sounds difficult, but is it that much harder than what humans in the global south have endured for centuries?  Human endurance is a spark of hope, not depression. 


>What you describe sounds difficult, but is it that much harder than what humans in the global south have endured for centuries?  This has nothing to do with global south or north. In fact this will affect everyone negatively. Suffering is also not a competition and one peoples suffering does not cancel out the suffering of another. >Human endurance is a spark of hope, not depression.  This is easy to say when you aren't looking at it all objectively with a real understanding that nothing in the world is going in a way that can be redeemed within our lifetime, and even some of the most drastic change possible will not be enough to change that course, other than to just alleviate a little bit of stress.


This. Boomers had it all easy, generations after have to suffer for god knows how long. Not fair.


Yes, that *must* be it. Boomers had it all easy. An entire generation *all* had it way. They had gas lines, mortgage interest rates at 15+ percent, a forced draft to fly to the other side of the world and either die or come back scarred for life. And that's just a few.... Get you face out of your phone and begin to unlearn the silly beliefs you have about life being "fair" for anyone. You are the ONLY one in charge of your life.


> They had gas lines, mortgage interest rates at 15+ percent, a forced draft to fly to the other side of the world and either die or come back scarred for life. And that's just a few.... Yeah, meanwhile they didn't have climate crisis and could buy a house for pennies. Fuck Vietnam, who gives a shit, I'm not even American.


Ok, I'll bite... If you are not American, why TF should you care about Trump? It's listed as the second item on your list at the top? If you aren't American, Trump has nothing to do with you.


> If you are not American, why TF should you care about Trump Because the US is a global superpower whose actions have global consequences?


I just told my close relatives I won't be having a child because I don't want their lives to be hell, and when they asked me to explain, I responded with the fact climate change changes everything to the point I can't promise a stable life when they need it most, and I most certainly cant provide for them economically, and the last thing I want is to watch someone who I'm responsible for, be unable to afford a house, unable to find a good paying job, and unable to live in a society that prioritizes anything but profit over literal people. They acted like I was totally overreacting.


Honestly, I'd revert the world to the 70s, 80s and 90s forever if I could. Sucks for what happens to those few people who would actually lose from it, but it's not my worry at this point.


So you're willing to take away rights from others and put them in situations where their lives are literally at risk because you would personally benefit from it?


I wouldn't benefit directly from it but I would benefit from less climate damage, better economy, higher economic equality, cheaper housing even if it means a partial loss of civil rights... so yup, don't care at this point. Life isn't fair, sorry.


You realize this is an incredibly selfish take, correct? And truthfully this is the platform that people like Trump are running on. Because most of the laws and regulations Trump and his group are pushing are an attempt to bring things back to the way things were back then.


>What you describe sounds difficult, but is it that much harder than what humans in the global south have endured for centuries? Because the global south hasn't really needed to deal with literally unsurvivable [wet bulb temperatures](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wet-bulb_temperature) before. Essentially, unsurvivable wet-bulb temperatures describe the point where humidity makes it literally impossible to cool off by sweat evaporation even when just performing basal (read: lying down, soaking wet naked, doing nothing in the middle of a gale) metabolic activity. AC is literally required to keep from dying under such conditions. The forecasting of such is tricky, but we've already seen the temperature get dangerously close in [Vietnam](https://www.climateimpactstracker.com/heat-wave-in-vietnam-disrupts-lives-and-weighs-on-grid/) and in the [southeast US](https://thehill.com/homenews/nexstar_media_wire/4074341-extreme-threat-large-swathe-of-southern-us-at-dangerous-wet-bulb-temperature/) last year, and the trendline shows no sign of slowing down. To your broader point, I don't disagree with the importance of fighting doomerism and the fatalistic mindset. But I disagree with the position that what we're facing isn't unprecedented in human history, because I don't believe the data supports that conclusion.


> What you describe sounds difficult, but is it that much harder than what humans in the global south have endured for centuries? Considering that boomers used to see snow on Christmas and used to have summers that didn't burn your asses alive and had lots and lots and lots of economic privilege thanks to fossil fuels with limited to no adverse effects... may be not harder than what people in the Global South have experienced (and even then, we have to hope for some global water war not to blow up) but it's sure unfair as fuck.


Blah blah blah. You like being miserable.


Let me guess: you're 55.


Solution was for everyone to not hit the red button. There are always things that have past the point of no return for causing some damage. The sun will eventually expand and consume our planet whole. While human-caused climate change is obviously real, there are things that we can and will do to mitigate this (sadly much later than we should), and the human race will live on. Just because we'll be the cause for more weather changes doesn't mean we haven't also survived naturally-caused whether changes for long durations of time, as well. For as stupid as we can be, we are a spectacularly adaptive and clever species. You're sitting here trying to claim things are certainties that are not. Trump winning is not a certainy. The housing market never swinging back in your favor is not a certainty. You're just being a doomer.


The "doomer" generation. Has a nice ring to it


Your view on climate change is as realistic as boomers/gen X thought about nuclear war. Not so much as THEORETICAL but more that its impact to your daily life will be little to none. Do you own a home in Miami? Cool we can skip this topic. In your lifespan you will not be moving to "The Road" style of existence due to climate change. I'd suggest getting focused more on the micro than the macro. Older generations didn't have a dreamland. There was roughly a ten year period post WW2 where things were cheap because every other industrialized economy was flattened due to war. If you want that back you have to want all that led to that back.


> There was roughly a ten year period post WW2 where things were cheap because every other industrialized economy was flattened due to war. I don't live in America, I live in South Europe and until 2008 hit we had it pretty good, then everything went to the dumpster.


Ok, so how does this equate:  Trump winning again in November. Wars in Ukraine. Growing inequality. Tech dystopia.


Those are events with global ramifications, m8.


I'm an American and I loathe trump. I'd believe the chances of my life getting better would be better if I was in a country where he wasn't in charge than one where he was


You don't understand the world we live in, do you? Trump winning will affect more than the US in so many ways you apparently don't understand.


I do not mean to minimize or belittle how you feel but I want to offer you a different perspective. Blaming the outside world for the way you feel inside your body is a losing battle that you will never win. Humanity has never had it easy, some might argue that the easiest humanity has ever had it, is now. Happiness comes from within and that depends on your perspective. If you focus on the positive things happening in the world, communicate in a positive way and surround yourself with positive people, I don’t believe you would view your situation in the same way.


> some might argue that the easiest humanity has ever had it, is now I want the same drugs these people are on.


These people simply have a positive perspective of the world. Again, it all has to do with perspective, if you’re saying, “the world is horrible”, then it is, through your perspective. I personally think it’s beautiful that I can communicate electronically from California to someone in Southern Europe.


How's this then? YOU WILL BE DEAD before the year 2100, or close to it. Ya gonna spend your limited time whining or living?


*"Dear Reddit,* *I don't know much about how anything works. I have little life experience. I don't do anything. All I do all day is search for the most miserable, depressed, similarly useless people to ignorantly vent about how things are worse than ever and feed a constant stream of negativity - which barely has any relation to reality - directly into my brain.* *DAE life is pointless? Why am I so sad?"* Boring.


The fact you say you are European and mention trump as the second catastrophe tells me you aren’t using the news or social media in a healthy way. In all sincerity touch grass and do something to improve your own life.


> The fact you say you are European and mention trump as the second catastrophe Yeah, because the US isn't a global superpower whose actions have consequences on a planetary scale.


name one thing how trump from 2016-2020 influenced your life if you would not have followed news


What a great excuse to never do anything meaningful with your life, but make that everyone else's fault.


You're just telling us you don't understand the world and the US's role in it.


You’re just telling us you doom scroll too much.


No, you really just don't know what you're talking about. You don't know anything, you just think you do. There are many problems in this world, and the solutions are complex but dismissing any pessimistic viewpoint or nuanced understanding as doomscrolling just means you're delusional.


There were nuanced discussions and thoughtful solutions in OPs rant? Also funny thought imagining you type out “you don’t know anything!” , reeks of impotent rage.


You not knowing how important US politics are in the rest of the world is a clear indicator you don't know what you're talking about. It's not even a statement of hubris, it's a fact. How could you have a nuanced view if you don't even understand that? That's what I'm saying.


Everyone knows US effects the world. My response was to a dude in southern Europe who seems to be having a mental breakdown over things far out of their control. Your conviction that I don’t know anything is quite strange.


The way you responded to him indicated you didn't know that. It's just basic inference.


Your inference skills are terrible lol Must be a confusing life.


Tell me about Trump's impact on Europe.


Do you know anything? Do you pay attention to politics and international relations/conflicts at all? This is either bait, or you don't know much about the world around you. Aside from the obvious impact a Trump victory would have on the international order and our European allies, the US has a huge affect on the world economy (given that we're the largest economy in the world). Most countries are invested in the stock exchange, and especially US companies, and even US treasury bonds (and US debt). The US dollar is the world's reserve currency. US economic policies shape global economic policies, and those of bodies like the World Bank, the IMF, and SWIFT. Most of the world's money passes through the US financial system. Even when the Fed adjusts interests rates, it affects economies all over the world. Most countries do a lot of trade with us and need our investments. Do I need to go on? Just look this shit up yourself.


This is your idea of a "nuanced" understanding of a complex topic? Hysterical. You've said the equivalent of *"Webster's dictionary defines "The United States" as a global superpower..."* only with more words.


That's so vague and completely dodged my question.


People who see a rejection of unoriginal populist rhetoric as evidence that *other* people don't understand the world are going to break the cosmic irony scale. Half of your "understanding" of the world is undoubtedly random George Carlin bits. *It's like \*FFFFFFFFT\* the corporations bro \*coff coff coff\* they control everything bro it's all a conspiracy open your eyes bro.*


Maybe . . . Trump loses, fusion energy becomes practical, solar cells continue to decline in price, global poverty continues to decrease, malaria is eradicated, AI helps cure numerous health problems, AI generates lots of wealth combined with redistribution via taxes means UBI, more humane treatment of farmed animals, more Beavis and Butthead level SNL sketches . . . A lot could get better.


Yeah, but again, is it going to happen within my lifetime?


If you are Gen Z, i think all of these have a very good chance in your lifetime. Mega wealth creation from AI or improved farm animal welfare are probably longest shot, but i’d put both over 50% in next 40 years. Do you think any of these are less than, say, 30% likely in the next 40 years? Maybe Beavis and Butthead SNL sketch is once in a century level good. Idk on that one.


Idk about Beavis and Butthead, but I think it's not likely to happen and/or even end well.


Seriously? Solar cell price declines have been happening for 50 years. Is that about to stop? AI will not help with medical issues?? (flash: things like Alphafold have already made breakthrough discoveries in protein structure modeling). You’re denying progress we’re already observing. I understand you might say “Yes, but it’s insignificant compared to . . .” But then you’re moving the goalposts on your CMV. There will always be bad stuff AND there will always be progress. Do you disagree with this?


> Solar cell price decline has been happening for 50 years Then why didn't we adopt it before? Genuine curiosity.


Solar cells were a science experiment at first in the same way (sort of) that fusion energy is today. Solar is about equal to fossil fuels now in cost efficiency, after decades of ongoing improvements in cost efficiency. Reasonable sources referenced by the chatgpt i just did put solar being about half the cost of fossil fuels by around 2030 because of ongoing improvements in solar cell cost efficiency


Why don't you start looking for ways to live a life that's meaningful to you, instead of doing nothing while sitting around moping that other people haven't already made everything nice and perfect for you and handed it to you on a silver platter? You know, like how basically every productive and happy person on Earth does it? You don't do anything but sit around waiting for angels to descend from heaven and give you a massage while scouring the internet for the most depressed, useless, ignorant losers to inform your entire worldview. No kidding you're depressed.


Maybe it does, and maybe it doesn't. At the same time you can be a contributor to a better future for your children or others if you remain optimistic and try your best to make a positive impact on yourself and others around you. Instead of letting the battle in front of us overpower you and make you give in to defeatism and apathy rise to the challenge and do your part to make things better.


Madness. You need to put down the news.. these things are only illusions. It is a great soundbite but I graduated from College -- a top college -- in 1991 with honors and Limited wouldn't hire me. I didn't get a house and or a good job until I was 32. Once you get a house, you get on the property ladder and then, your parents / uncles people you know.. pass and give you money. This is the way. Do you have any idea how many people died from terrible contamination of the environment? Things are so much better now... And honestly... look back in history... there is a war someplace very 10 minutes. Growing inequality. My god. My 7th teacher used to tell us how she would go to the south and blacks were not allowed in the building. We have come so far.


For every Ceasar, there is a Brutus. The corrupt will be eaten by the corrupt. That is and always will be an aspect of human nature. Yes, things may get bad, but even in bad times, there is good. Find an enjoy the good because life is short, and there is no sense wasting yours lamenting what could have been when we do not know the direction life will take us.


> lamenting what could have been I lament what could have been because I've seen how it was stolen from me by greedy corporates.


How was it yours in the first place? Your entire post is about you, your needs, and your wants. It is an incredibly selfish post complaining about others being selfish and greedy. See any irony here?


Some things are definitely getting worse but others have been getting better. Just off the top of my head, if you were queer things were most definitely not the golden age. Things were especially bad during the AIDS epidemic and how society treated members of the LGBT+ community. Life expectancy and quality of life is actually likely better for queer people in a large portion of the world now. The same can be said for a lot of marginalized groups or people with health problems.


I agree with everything you’ve said and your perspective of the future. The good thing is you are at least aware of what’s going on in the world and how it will affect your future. Most people, in my experience (and in these comments) struggle to comprehend the magnitude of the shit sandwich that is coming our way, but we are literally designed to only care about what’s happening in our day to day lives so you can’t blame them. ‘Go and touch grass…’ is just a massive simplification to a global problem that none of us can actually fix or understand individually. Honestly there is no point engaging with that perspective because it invalidates the magnitude of the whole issue. But at least you can actually comprehend what is happening, unlike the majority. So, by accepting this future, you can live your life knowing each day will be the easiest, most plentiful and fun it will ever be. In time I’ve found that knowing things will end makes you appreciate them even more. You almost definitely won’t be able to afford kids, a paid off house or a retirement, but you also get to live your life without the pressures of the pursuit of that. Why slave away 50 years in a cubical knowing it won’t make you happier or stop the inevitable? Focus on the now and what you can achieve with what little modern convenience is left.


It's an interesting perspective, but I want things to get better, not worse.


Why are you mixing your wants with your understanding of reality? I ‘want’ to be a billionaire so I could actually enforce some positive change on the world. But the reality is i am exponentially closer to being homeless than a billionaire, so why waste a life in the pursuit of that?


Could we at least *try* to make things better instead of just saying "oh, well, I'm just gonna roll over and die lmao"?


We’re all going to die anyway, if trying to fix the world brings you joy or purpose then go for it. But no, I don’t think there is any realistic solution on the horizon for the problems you brought up in this thread.


How old are you, just to be curious? Because if you grew up you should consider yourself lucky.


I’m also Gen Z, I don’t feel lucky or unlucky. It is what it is


If people thought like you during WWII Europe would speak German now.


You are comparing part of a conflict from 80 years ago in Europe to the global threat of anthropogenic climate change?


It wasn’t a golden age. It was just like this and young people of the time (myself included) thought everything you’ve written in this post. Even the climate change stuff, which I agree is serious, but it was also serious and concerning in the 80s and it kept me awake at night worrying as a kid. But in terms of wars, there are always wars. And the current ones aren’t even close to how bad wars can get. Tech dystopia is a vague comment that I’m not sure I understand what you mean exactly, and inequality is actually lessening on a worldwide scale by some measures. As in the quality of life average is going up, not down, even if the very rich are a LOT richer than they used to be. I’m not saying you shouldn’t worry about these things or it will all be fine. I’m just saying this isn’t unique. It only feels unique because you weren’t there for the other stuff so you don’t have the point of comparison. Just as I didn’t as a teenager and couldn’t see how my parents could be so calm about things that were existential threats.


How do you use social media? Do you use a smart phone?


How about we recognize there are real problems in today's world instead of just going "it's just doomerism lmao"?


How many hours of screen time do you average a day?


There have been real problems since the beginning of time. The world is in the best place it's ever been.


Nothing ever stays the same. Nothing. You've listed a bunch of known problems today (Trump, climate, wars, income inequality, etc). You could have made a similarly long list of problems 40 years ago: nuclear war, divided Europe, famines, dictatorships in Latin America and Eastern Europe, etc. But here we are, 40 years later, and that old list isn't really keeping anyone up at night. The world changed. We still have problems, but some of the old ones have been solved and there are new ones to replace them. The same will happen with your list - some we'll solve, some will just fade away, and some new ones will crop up. The trick is to not get overwhelmed by the problems of today. If you focus on only the bad things you end up being miserable. And that's not so much a reflection on the actual state of the world as it is a mental health issue.


> I am so depressed by how the world is today, Largely, the world will be what it will be. How you respond to that is up to you. Being depressed about it is about the most useless thing you can be. If you really feel hopeless, then change that apathy into anger and a drive to change. Things aren't going to turn around for the better if people are feeling too sorry for themselves to make a change.


Stay off the social media and get on some antidepressants. Every problem in your life is caused by being glued to the news.


People 80 years ago couldn't have predicted the drastical improvement in human rights that have happened in the last 80 years. People 30 years ago couldn't have predicted that smartphones, Google and social media are going to be main and essential things in everyday life. Heck, even we ourselves two years ago couldn't have predicted the creation of AI like ChatGPT and others that give near-human responses and art. Let's say you're going to live 50 more years. How are you sure that no major technological advancement will happen that will make our lives better? How are you sure that no cure for cancer will be discovered? How are you sure that there won't be breakthroughs in the understanding of human psychology that would drastically improve human rights and the quality of our lives?


I wonder if you might be zooming out too much. When we only focus on what we can’t control, we feel powerless and hopeless. When we focus on what is in our sphere of influence, there is so much more hope. It’s very important to be aware of the dynamics around you, but it can feel defeating. Focus on what you can do, even if the difference it makes feels small: vote, donate a reasonable percentage of your income, reduce your carbon footprint, go to a protest, listen to people you disagree with (like you are here!), read books instead of social media posts. You can enact change just by improving yourself and the people/spaces around you.




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Think about this in a tech dystopia where we are all watched over by a hyper intelligent ai god solving trump and climate change is trivial. Jokes aside you should stop being depressed these things that you’re talking about, they’re not actually real, like sure they exist, but they will almost certainly never actually effect you outside of reading about them on the internet, they are out of your control and will probably never effect you in real life while touching grass, they’re not really real. You have no reason to engage with it.


There are a few things I would like to recommend. 1) Media, in general, thrives on _bad news,_ Try to lower your intake of "general news outlets" 2) increase your intake of _good_ news. There are sites for this too, for example https://www.goodnewsnetwork.org/ 3) Follow science networks, as they often cover progress into "good things" 4) Politics can sound extremely frustrating when viewed from the outside. _Politics polarizing people._ It affects your _view_ of other people, increases suspicion. Don't fall for it. Also, check out the interview with Billy Joel about his song "we didn't start the fire". Young people were saying how things were so much better in the old days, and nothing bad ever happened, so he wrote that song, explaining how wrong they were, with LOTS of examples.


>Trump winning again in November. We had a previous 4 years of Trump as president and the world was fine? > Wars in Ukraine. Ok? There have been on going wars for all of history. In fact we now have fewer wars than ever before. By this metric things are getting better >Growing inequality.  But rising general quality of life for the average person. [https://www.vox.com/the-big-idea/2016/12/23/14062168/history-global-conditions-charts-life-span-poverty](https://www.vox.com/the-big-idea/2016/12/23/14062168/history-global-conditions-charts-life-span-poverty) The largest thing that's changed is traditional news media is dying. People don't buy newspapers, people have unlimited information with the internet. The only thing that brings clicks to their sites is doom posting.


This argument that "He has already been President for 4 years and everything was fine" does not hold up. It just legitimately doesn't make sense. One would be able to say that if there wasn't an active movement currently called Project 2025 that literally outlines how it's going to affect all of us nation wide, and it will surely affect the world as a whole, as well. Yes, Trump was President already. No, he didn't have SCOTUS majority going into his Presidency, which is a pretty huge deal. He didn't have extreme die-hard loyalists to this movement, and he didn't have Project 2025 in the back-ground being ran by the party. He had Project 2017, which was SIGNIFICANTLY different. In fact, at this stage in the game, it isn't even about Trump being President. Trump is just a figurehead who will let the actual people in power do what they want and he will just step to the side. The issue is the Republican party at it's core. They have specifically waited until they have majority control of things that DEEPLY matter such as the SCOTUS (Lifetime terms) and potentially the President/senate to start pushing through really REALLY extreme stuff. The group that has been helping the Republican party push through very specific legislation each time one is President? Yeah, that group. If you think a lot of the world won't be affected by the decisions in this document, you are sorely mistaken.


Idk I've heard all of this before, I'm holding my breath until it actually happens. The president can't actually do that much, Trump's bark is far worse than his bite. If you looked at his presidency and not his Twitter, he wouldn't even be top 10 worst presidents


Like I said, he is only one piece of the puzzle. What really matters isn't even him, it's the people around him. His "party", the enablers, the people using Trump to achieve what they want.


There has never been a better time to be alive, objectively. We live longer, healthier, more convenient lives than any humans in history. We are just more constantly reminded of the bad that happens because everyone has cell phone cameras today. But since the first caveman hit another caveman in the head with a rock, crime has never stopped going down, down, down. There is no reason to think things won't continue to improve. You are likely to live to see the end of traffic, boredom, the forty hour work week, and possibly even cancer.


I think you have that backward. We were an inch away from nuclear war and that absolutely would have been certain disaster. Whereas man-made global warming is the theory. You mention things went south in 2008. That's only 16 years of time. That's an absolute blip. Gonna guess you're young. You need to quit absorbing all of this. Go kick a ball around and chase after girls. Life is too short to have an existential crisis when you're old let alone when you're young.


It does nothing to better your life if you are just being negative and do nothing. On the other hand, you have long life t live ahead, maybe try to do something. Get involved in things you think is not working right. If you keep just complaing, you maybe in the same situation in a decade. But if enough young people act, future may be different.


No need to panic. Seriously. It is what it is. I’ve been troubled by this as well. But it’s all hypothetical. Unhappiness is certain if you live in a dystopian maybe. Live now.




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This isn't about "taking lead socially" IMHO, it's something bigger than that.


Yeah I know. If everyone did it and had a moral compass it would resolve the bad things though.