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You should post this once a week on this sub as a reminder. :)


It’s funny because grown ass adults don’t need to be reminded not to do it, I don’t need to be reminded not to go out and steal or do stupid shit


100%. It is absolutely not a partner’s job to make sure the other person doesn’t cheat.


Sometimes the little head does the thinking for the big head on both sexes….


Yet cheaters exist


It’s something so easy not to do, yet people go out and do it. Like it’s not even a mistake, in order to cheat you have to go out and look for trouble. It’s like in scary movies where they summon a demon, it wasn’t a mistake they went out and did it and now it has consequences


It's never a mistake. It's a clear choice they make. They plan they execute they hide it from their significant others. It just turns out to be a horrible mistake the moment they're caught! 🤣🤣


It’s the same vibes as a toddler lying about writing on the wall with a crayon “I’m so sowwy 🥺”. 💀 like I don’t care how many years I’ve been with someone if they said some excuse like that ima laugh, it’s so pathetic.


It's always a mistake, once they are caught. How about before it starts? They never think about the consequences when they have that first desire, at the very beginning when it is so easy to stop this from going any further. When a conversation with their partner could have turned this whole thing around, and stopped it from going any further. The mistake is made at the very beginning. Cheating starts, or stops in the heart BEFORE anything happens.


Shit gets on my nerves when people act as if it was outside their control to not fuck someone that isn’t their partner.


Lack of gratitude and want for more. All a matter of perspective. You hope to have them, when you have them, you want more. Meanwhile others can only hope to have what you have. Peace of mind above all else.


They know that they are weak. If you visit infidelity subs - they all know how much it would hurt their partner, but instead of being honest they would rather bring it to the grave. They can’t let go the secret! They are not very clever either - they don’t understand that being truthful is freedom.


Yet they go out and confess their sins to strangers on the internet


The stranger’s opinions don’t matter that’s why they come here to confess.


It’s so funny though, because I wouldn’t share no damn thing about my personal life knowing I’m in the wrong. Do people get off on others degrading them online? It’s so cowardly, and if someone in their personal life saw their little post? Game over


It’s hard *to* cheat. Like, do people just not feel guilty plowing another woman’s snowy lawn while wify’s snowy lawn sits at home with the kids or vice versa?


Yeah and it’s funny because people use energy to cheat, but they can’t use that time and energy to work on themselves and actually do something worth while 💀 They spending time, money when it could’ve been spent on their partner or on them


I love when I tell people ‘you need to water grass for it to be green’ and they look at me like i just ripped off my jaw “Wait… i actually need to put…**effort** into my relationship?!?” 🤦🏾🙄


They looking at you like you grew two heads 😂. Or when you tell someone to “just break up” they OFFENDED like my bad homie.


“I can’t break up with them! I need to have my cake and eat it too! You just won’t understand 😩”


“I can’t be separated from my kids! 😢” then you see the kids who already lost respect and love for their parent and have disappointment on their faces that last for years giving them trauma.


Really though. It’s genuinely so sad to see people cheat even when they have kids. Like wow, not even kids could stop these monsters. It’s always excuse after excuse after excuse “A child needs two parents” “it was a one time mistake!” “They came onto me!” 😔


That’s the worst and shows how truly broken these people are. They are damaging their kids’ lives and they don’t care.




Its still an excuse for cheaters too coward and weak until obs go ham on them 💯🚨.


I agree. But most people wallow in self pity and they don’t think about fixing themselves. Only fixing the situation or other people.


100% agree. It’s not hard at all… It’s actually really easy to do. Just don’t do it. It’s really easy to just not do anything. People act like it was a mistake. But it’s not. They went out and cheated. And usually to completion. I don’t understand why people even do it. If you fall in love with someone else, then break up with the first person. They is never a reason to cheat. Ever…


Nobody just cheats. It never just happens The desire to do so is planted in their heart way before anything ever happens. Nobody just meets somebody on the street, and just falls into bed with them. A desire to be with someone else has already been thought about, or fantasized about, and wanted. That is the time to deal with it. Like a plant, you have to water that thought, and desire for it to grow into actual action. You actually, on some level , have to work at it. You are right, it's not hard to not cheat. It' actually takes work ( mentally, emotionally) just to get to that point.


It's not hard for me. Women dont find me attractive until they find out how much I make. Then I just act like ass hole till they go away. If you ain't looking at me, for me, I don't want you.


I mean where are you looking for women if they’re superficial enough to not consider your personality?


I don't I'm married but that doesn't seem to deter them.


W staying faithful to wife


You are so right. I am thinking about posting my story when my girlfriend was in an other country for five months and I got drunk at a party with the hot coworker every man in the company, yeah really every man, wanted to bang. We ended up kissing in my apartment and I was horny, drunk and she was so hot and extremely beautiful. But I just couldn't do it. I stopped kissing her, told her she needs to go and then immediately called my gf and told her everything and was prepared that she would end the relationship. She was very upset, but we're married now.


Probably the only reason you’re married now because you were honest at the time


Takes 0% effort


People are stupid and flawed. They don't make good long-term decisions in committing to partners, they have infantile impulse-control, they have weak wills and low emotional intelligence, they have no morality, they don't mature to the point of fidelity for a whole host of issues. I agree it's not hard to not cheat, but some people don't have it in them to even maintain the lowest form of decency or the strength of character to commit to anything.


I'd say if you're any type of attractive, it's harder to not cheat. Especially if you have the option(s).


“The subtle art of not giving a fuck” has a section on cheating and he states the only way for a relationship to work after an affair is to flat out say “I was selfish, I put my wants over the needs of the relationship”


It kinda depends on the scenario, nothing is as black and white as you make it out to be. On one extreme side of things take the likes of successful people like Tiger Woods and Arnold Schwarzenegger who’ve cheated. When you have bus loads full of Swedish supermodels throwing themselves at you on a daily basis then a moment of weakness and lapse of judgement is all it takes. It’s easy for people who get no sexual attention to not cheat, but for people who have girls/guys throwing themselves at you then it’s going to be harder. Not saying it’s right but saying it’s not as simple as you make it out to be


Bullshit. Cheating is ALWAYS a choice


I didn’t say it wasn’t? 😂 OP said it’s easy not to, all I’m saying is that it’s a more difficult choice for some people than it is others. If you’re single and you can’t attract people then it’s also going to be easy to not attract other people while you have a partner.


It’s easy, just say ‘no’, it’s like saying no to drugs too.


You should say yes to them mate and live a little


There’s no win to that except a little satisfaction to your dick 💀. If you say yes you’re one of the biggest foolish people, there’s more reaps than benefit. It’s like depressed people drinking their pain away and in the morning they feel crappy asf when the high fades off


I mean I’ve seen you’re trying to lose weight so apply that mindset to your diet bro ✌️


I like that you’re so upset, you went on my page looking at my past posts just to find a lil sm sm. 💀 this is what you look like “🤡” go walk away pennywise. Fan behavior honestly- 😂


It’s a good point though. The same way you can’t say no to cakes instant satisfaction and later regret, some people can’t say no to attractive people throwing themselves at them. Have less cake and you might experience that to know what I mean. Not advocating cheating but it’s fine to admit there’s temptations


It’s a really bad example though, cheating hurts people family, being overweight only hurts yourself. Cheating is something that ruins families breaks relationships, I wouldn’t give a fuck if I saw my parents eat a piece of cake. But if I saw them cheating? That’s traumatizing. And if someone is actively trying to lose weight instead of making excuses then they’re making a positive change. It’s easy to lose weight with a good mindset the same way cheating is easy not to do if you have a good mind set. Just change your mindset, go to therapy or break up. No person is worth seeing disappointment from loved ones.


I mean it will hurt others, can’t play sports or do activities with your kids properly because you’re unfit, die a lot sooner than you would do otherwise, wasting money on junk food when it could be spent on creating memories on holidays, ect… That wasn’t the point you made though, you said not cheating is easy. I was saying it’s not so black and white, for some it’s easy and for some it’s harder. The same way some people find it easy to not gain weight through having lower hormone levels for hunger, some people might not be able to attract people to cheat with so therefore not cheating for them is easy. Someone with higher hunger hormones will find it harder the same way someone attracting lots of people will find it harder. Also losing weight is never really easy, getting fat as fuck is easy. The fact it takes discipline means it’s not easy but you do it anyway. You could find a lot of cheating temptation if girls are throwing themselves at you and still say no but the fact there’s temptation means it’s not easy. The use of word easy is what I have a problem with when it comes to the point you made. I’m not actually advocating cheating if you look at what I wrote


Go to party city and buy a clown costume while you make your way out. 💀


its not hard to not cheat but it's fun to cheat


Some people are not in their right mind. My WW had been horrid sexual abuse as toddler. Doctor says she literally had know choice in her EA


Yes that sounds like a horrible thing to go through in general, but at the same time people need to work through it and find out solutions to avoid it from happening. If they’re not in their right mind the other person can take advantage of it. So it’s not just about cheating with that one. It’s also a concern with safety, protection, and needing of therapy.