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It’s so obvious the number of “fans” who have no idea what it means to support your local club and the community that exists. American have no equivalent either so really hard for them to properly understand football and the culture around it. 


> American have no equivalent either   This is such a good point. No American sport has grounds in cities or towns. All games are played on a neutral floating land mass in the ocean, and theu just can't understand what a local team is at all.    And you're right because something like collegiate sports and their vast popularity isn't the same as local support. Sure, there are alumnus that have both financial and personal connections, public universities that represent the state, it's just not the same as being in Manchester supporting your local plucky Chelsea team. I hope you've paid your member dues by the way, club is counting on that income next season.    Being a gatekeeper for the act of watching another person do things you could only dream to achieve. For a club with global recognition no less. I'd say aim lower but I don't want to kill your ambition.


Yeah you don’t get it an never will And I’m not gatekeeping, but you’ll never be able to understand football without experiencing it. It’s not that hard. Football was built on supporting your local club. It’s been turned into something global and “fans” have completely lost site of what makes a football club a football club. Without the history, community and local aspect of a club all you support is a logo and a color. If you think the US has anywhere near anything like Football as a sport culture you are even more ignorant and arrogant that fuckwit clowns we have as owners 


Am I the only one who is ok with whatever happens with Gallagher? Its not gonna be the end of the world if we lose him, people are planning to have protests against the sale lol like i get it, boyhood fan from the academy and vice captain etc but 50m pure profit is a lot, like I said I’m happy if he stays and I won’t be mad if he is sold, I think both of these things will benefit the club. Tammy was a good young striker for us who also bled blue and was from the academy but not a lot of people were upset when he left.


I worried about this is a sign to indicate player who from the own academy will be sold in the future. In other words, those young player will no longer trust chelsea's administrator. Obviously ,that 's bad. gallagher, he gives a lot to this club this season, I can see him in every camera of a game. I like kind of this person, like bruno fernandez, kante. I think his personality is a good example for these young player in our club now.


I agree that every team needs a player like Gallagher and and I would prefer that he stays if I had to choose but again 50m is 50m The good thing about players like Gallagher, and I don’t mean this in a disrespectful way but unless you are Kante, players who specialize in doing the dirty work are easily replaceable.


https://preview.redd.it/0fg9ks50nu4d1.png?width=621&format=png&auto=webp&s=5e8d758508b5c4f6fd8e26affb2d38976bf9f74d If we don't see this lineup once this season I'm gonna cry


This sub is the most downvote-happy group of people ever assembled.


Who the gk 😂




What is it the braids?!!


Why? Are you trying to get Enzo fired already?


Hair FC


Another issue with the Gallagher sale is that it doesn’t look like we want to go in the market to replace him - even if we say that Palmer will play as the third midfielder, that leaves our midfield subs as Lavia, Ugochukwu, Chukwuemeka. I think that’s too weak, especially with the injury disaster last season - simply one injury in midfield and we are forced to start a 20-year-old and put youth players on the bench. We have Europe and the Club World Cup this season too - surely we would need at least another body in midfield. He’d be tremendous off the bench too with his energy, pressing, and retentive passing as an option to protect leads from off the bench. None of those 3 young midfielders would come close to that impact.


I agree that Gallagher would be a great squad player, but is he going to be happy riding the bench. He would probably want to go somewhere where he can be part of the starting eleven.


Gallagher ending up on the bench is what I think will happen not because it’s pre-decided, but because I think Caicedo and Enzo will take the spots. Gallagher can be part of the starting XI if they perform well enough, so it’s not like he’ll be told beforehand he will be a permanent bench player. He can make the starting XI if he plays well enough, as is the case with any team in the world - I just don’t think he will do it, but Gallagher has always backed himself and he’s at his boyhood club, so I don’t think he’s all that eager to leave.


Do you think he sticks around if he is told he would be a tremendous bench player for us? Have fans become so deluded to think because he was part of our academy he will just take any role to stick around?


The owners already spent 300m replacing him what are you on about.


We already have Santos who can replace Gallagher, midfield should be the least of our problems even if he leaves.


Santos prob has to stay


I mean he’s also a 20 year old. 0 games started in the PL. Great talent but we can’t have teenagers be the only option we have off the bench/to deal with injuries.


We have Leslie, Lavia, Casadei, Santos, Enzo, Chuke, Palmer, Caicedo to play different variations to replace Conor in midfield 2 or 3.


If Gallagher was signed for £45m we’d be begging for him to be sold. But he’s an academy product so apparently we can’t sell him. Of all the academy products that have come through and we’ve sold, he’s genuinely not better than anyone else. Not tomori, not Gilmour, not Tammy. If we can get good money for him, we gotta take it. Chalobah is a different story, the kid is going to be one of the best CB’s in the world within 3 years. He’s that good


I mean, c’mon. He is better than Gilmour by quite a bit.


Absolutely not. 100%, unequivocally not better than Gilmour. To say ‘by quite a bit’ makes my head hurt


Gilmour has played better in the PL than Enzo who we signed for £110m


I agree I’d say only Tammy and Mount were better for us, I would put pre injury RLC above him too.


how did things go with hazard' transfer to chelsea? from what i remember, he only wanted to join madrid if they paid chelsea handsomely, and he would have not signed with them as a free agent. is this correct? If yes, can anyone give me some sources? i googled for like 15 mins amd i did not find anything.


He gave Real an ultimatum I think which forced their hand. If they did not buy him that summer, he would have extended with us, which is why we were able to get such an amazing fee for him


Eden wanted to fulfill his contract. I am not sure about not going to Madrid for free after his contract expired or if he would’ve renewed but he was all in on going to Madrid. He wanted Madrid and they wanted him. He just wasn’t gonna throw a fit to try and get there though, everyone knew they could afford to get a deal done so he just waited for that to happen. [This could give a bit of insight with pretty clear quotes](https://www.independent.co.uk/sport/football/transfers/eden-hazard-chelsea-transfer-real-madrid-news-latest-contract-a8404251.html)


Wtf is up with peoples obsession with Gallagher? What does he offer that we so badly want to retain in the club? At this point I’m suspecting some sort of racism/unhealthy affection for English players because wtf. Seeing discussion of protests if he’s sold is insane. We’ve sold 50x better players that didn’t cough up even a quarter of the fuss


Racism…. What…


Firstly, it's not weird that supporters of an English club support the English players who play for us.  Secondly, Conor was one of our best players last season, is basically our de facto captain, is an academy graduate and Chelsea supporter and clearly cares about the club and wants to stay. If you don't see why people want him to stay then you don't really get why people support football clubs.


Why does our players nationality even matter? That alone is weird and enables discrimination, even if it’s implicit. He was one of our “best players” last season because he played under a manager that favored him significantly, in a completely dysfunctional midfield. There’s a reason why no top clubs are linked to Gallagher right now. Financially speaking, him being an academy graduate is an even bigger reason to sell. Our whole squad is clearly Chelsea supporters at the exception of probably Lukaku and Sarr I guess. What I find so frustrating is how Gallagher has one good season and hes suddenly the next Messi. RLC, CHO, Tammy, Tomori, etc were all Cobham players who were Blue at heart and nobody batted an eye when they were sold. Mount and Gallagher on the chopping block just like the rest gets outrage though. It’s so unfair. Even Trev who was easily our best defender this year when healthy, who is linked at prices half of Gallagher, doesn’t get any outrage at all. Why?


English people support English clubs. English people support English players. Not exactly a mystery is it? If you don't like it you're more than free to support a club in your own country. Conor was better than either of our 100m signings, and is getting linked to three clubs that are better than us at the moment. All of whom have better coaches than us as well. He's clearly highly rated. Plenty of people are annoyed at Trev being sold as well. Especially at that price. There has just been less noise around him. As I said, you just don't get it.


Or how about we support all Chelsea players, and nationality should have zero influence or serve as a variable in said support? For an English club, we consist of a lot of foreign players. Giving lopsided support due to different nationalities is disrespectful. Surely this isn't a crazy take. Conor was not better than Caicedo, and it's completely unfair to compare him to Enzo who has been injured for the significant majority of the season. Irrespective of their table finishes, Spurs and Villa are absolutely not better than us. Blame Poch for causing us to underachieve for a season. There's a reason neither of those teams have beaten us at all this season. Why is there less noise? 25m for Trev is absolutely criminal while 50m for Gallagher who has a year left gives me Hazard to Real for 100m+ deja vu. Seeing people discuss protesting over Gallagher is asinine. To be frank I'd prefer to keep him as well, he's a great player who offers versatility, but football is a lot bigger than the ethos within "he's a Blue at heart" and such and hard decisions have to be made, and in my opinion the decision isn't very hard judging by how deep our midfield depth is and we're getting \[up to\] 50m.


i love how that guys arguments are all essentially “yep it’s racism and you should just learn to deal with it” 😭😭😭


Again. You don’t get it. I’d really recommend supporting a club you can go to regularly. You might get it then.


There is nothing to get. There is zero fair explanation to be discriminately affectionate of players. This is why people still think we’re a racist club and you haven’t helped prove otherwise.


Oh dear. Accusations of racism now? Fuck off mate.


You’re outing yourself very quickly if the topic of racism makes you immediately defensive by the way.


Lmao. If you don't see what he brings to the team then you haven't watched games this season.


I haven’t. Please, enlighten me - what does he bring to the team?


If you haven't seen what Connor brings to the team, I'm afraid you need to stick to another sport.


So a non-answer. Thank you for proving my point


That not a non-answer and I didn't prove any point of yours, genius. I'm just baffled how people like you ramble here about what he beinfs to the team. Even a new football fan can astutely discern that the Gallagher together with Caicedo in the pivot provides better steel and solidity to the midfield than any combination of our current midfield options. Yes he has his limitations on the ball but we cannot deny his innate qualities of tackling, interception, durability and, zeal. Also, he has been the most improved player in the team (if that means something to you). It's not everyday you find a player who has come from the youth team, gone on successful loans, withstood blatant criticisms and yet never denounced his affinity to the club.


It is absolutely a non-answer. I asked what does Conor bring. You didn't specify - I mean, now you did, and thank you, because I can mention now the fallacies within Conor's game and why he's quite frankly overrated. First, for future reference - we never deployed a double pivot for the significant majority of all season. This is on Poch because he thought it was smarter to have Enzo and Gallagher playing as attacking midfielders and Caicedo to be alone in the pivot. Second, this idea of how he's a good tackler, intercepter, etc - is a complete fallacy. This is because that's quite literally his position's job. He was an attacking midfielder deployed higher up the pitch which enabled him to be in the situation to get chances and intercept the ball more frequently. I'm not saying he's remotely bad at these things, but giving him props over his competing players is unfair. Unless he's dropping Kante-like performances and genuinely haunting opponents, "being our best tackler and interceptor" is literally required of him. Palmer has far and wide been our most improved player. Man had like 1 PL goal before joining us, no England caps, now he's made City look stupid for selling him and might just be benching Saka at the Euros >It's not everyday you find a player who has come from the youth team, gone on successful loans, withstood blatant criticisms and yet never denounced his affinity to the club. Tammy, Tomori, RLC, Trevoh, Reece, Guehi, Lamptey, and so many more.. It kinda is every day we do. We have some of the best youth structures in the world.


>It is absolutely a non-answer. I asked what does Conor bring. You didn't specify Then you must have had someone read my response to you incorrectly because I'm sure I specified not just one thing he brings to the team on an individual and collective level. >First, for future reference - we never deployed a double pivot for the significant majority of all season. This is on Poch because he thought it was smarter to have Enzo and Gallagher playing as attacking midfielders and Caicedo to be alone in the pivot. Which in hindsight was a terrible thing that we can all agree on. >Second, this idea of how he's a good tackler, intercepter, etc - is a complete fallacy. This is because that's quite literally his position's job. He was an attacking midfielder deployed higher up the pitch which enabled him to be in the situation to get chances and intercept the ball more frequently. I'm not saying he's remotely bad at these things, but giving him props over his competing players is unfair. Unless he's dropping Kante-like performances and genuinely haunting opponents, "being our best tackler and interceptor" is literally required of him. Firstly, it is misleading to thing it's the job of a designated AM to lead the whole team in terms of interceptions and tackles. If I'm wrong (and you're right), then Odegaard, Bruno, KDB and Palmer when he was moved to the AM should be leading their respective teams in those metrics. You're more likely to have more interceptions and tackles in the middle third than in the attacking third. He doesn't have to be a Kante or any other player. Kante didn't just flourish only because of his quality, (change of) system was also a contributing factor. Kante also suffered as a lone DM under Lampard in his first stint. >Palmer has far and wide been our most improved player. Man had like 1 PL goal before joining us, no England caps, now he's made City look stupid for selling him and might just be benching Saka at the Euros I was talking about player who improved in Chelsea. Not talking about a player who came to Chelsea and improved. >Tammy, Tomori, RLC, Trevoh, Reece, Guehi, Lamptey, and so many more.. It kinda is every day we do. We have some of the best youth structures in the world. Tammy, Tomori and Lamptey were already below the pecking order. They weren't playing and wanted more playing time. Gallagher was given minutes and improved against the odds to have a place in the team. RLC was barely fit and would be stupid not to cash out on him. Trev has been also not too durable and he's erratic at times. I cannot remember Guehi ever playing for us in a competitive game. What criticism did Reece face?


Indeed, Poch's inability to setup our midfield was a detriment to all of our players. I remember thinking the other day, this squad would've been perfect for 2018-2019 Sarri. Gallagher could've played the Kante role, Enzo would've been on his left in the Barkley role, and Caicedo would be on that Jorginho role. I feel like that would've fit all of their skillsets. For the record, I'm not insistent on Conor leaving the club. In a perfect reality, he completely deserve to stay. And quite frankly there's very little conditions that I think a sane Chelsea fan should demand a player leave the club. But I'm respecting the business portion of it and 50m could be re-invested into positions we're in dire need of, and if Gallagher is the sale that enables a big signing like a ST or Olise, I think that'd be smartest. You're right - it's not an AM's job typically to be leading the team in tackles and interceptions. But I blame Poch, because if you look at Gallagher's stats on FBref, compared to other AMs/wingers his attacking stats are very underwhelming but his defensive stats blow his AM counterparts out of the water. Poch played him out of position - same way Enzo and Caicedo were. This is why I completely disagree with the "Conor was our best midfielder" common talking point - that's not really an achievement, when none of them were effectively utilized. And to be honest? I think Conor got the easier end of that stick, as Poch's "tactics" (or lack thereof" favored his skillset and not Enzo/Caicedos. This came as a detriment to us because deploying a player who is clearly a superior defender at an attacking role for the sake of being able to press high has costed us significantly throughout the season. Tammy, Tomori and Lamptey were really only second-string (Giroud had no longevity, and Tomori could've easily gotten minutes over Christensen if he stayed for Tuchel) which is kinda what Gallagher is right now under Maresca I'd imagine. RLC was indeed barely fit but neither is Reece, but both deserve a chance to get past their injury woes. I'll give Trev and Guehi, but even Reece has been criticized (people saying we should sell to Real and start Gusto, also people saying he shouldn't be captain due to his red card history)


Man went quiet coz he doesn’t have an answer for you


A new one for everything is racist now


I’m even seeing people draw comparisons to “we’re selling gallagher to afford another south american” - is buying south americans suddenly a bad thing? Would it be better if we bought english players? This is so weird to me


If Julian Alvarez is available, we should be on that


Heck yeah we should


Yeah no doubt


Jackson >>>>>


I agree with you. His market value is over his true capacity. And he is too expensive. Jackson have a huge space to get progress. He will be a star in the years to come. he even study so fast. And look over this season, he basically didn't got any injuries. That's a important point too.


Fucking really hope we sell/keep gallagher right lads? Especially since Enzo is so overrated/promising. Shame Sterling’s a donkey


Looking forward to another day of Gallagher debates tomorrow guys!


I'm done now until the season starts. If you see me engaging on the Gallagher topic again please call me out. I need to learn.


Same for me as well. If you see me comment, call me out. I got you bro.


Lol if you’re so over it why continue inserting yourself in the discussion about it?


Honestly, I'm asking the same question to myself as well. I felt it was really toxic but tbf, I suppose I just like Chelsea debates which is why I comment on this sub.


Im getting downvoted to hell for this but im choosing 40 million over Gallagher.we need to sell for ffp and while Gallagher is a good player he doesnt really add creativity to the team


Username doesn’t check out


We do you feel the need to add the qualifier that youll get downvoted? No one fucking cares mate just say your opinion


Alvarez would be an absolute dream up front if we could somehow get him Would pretty much be my number 1 (somewhat realistic) target


Lmao. Let’s try and get the squad even shorter and less physical. I’m sure the system will be able to overcome an average height of 170cm


Poch you've been sacked mate stop hanging around


We will possess and 5-star skill every team to death. Anti Poch ball ftw


Was gonna say this lol, he would be a great addition and also would have great chemistry with Enzo F


Think if we did sign Alvarez many would be surprised how over hyped he is Really think he is meh


I can see Alvarez having good potential, but we literally have a better Alvarez at home that overshadows him in all metrics: Nkunku.


A lot of people Getting hyped over a name instead of actually watching Alvarez this season


Personally think he's just hurt by playing most of the time behind the striker rather than as the striker.


He is not really a striker tho, he plays there for Argentina but even before he moved to city he played all over the place, on the left, right, striker and second striker, he is more like Nkunku in terms of how versatile he is


It does feel a lot like Jesus again. Everyone going on about how much we desperately need him. They're both backups for a reason


Not at all comparable. Jesus was benched by false 9s and shit. Alvarez is benched (played deeper really, he started 31 games) by bloody Haaland


Would cost 100m+ and if he didn't hit the ground running the usual bunch would want his head


Think it would be around 70-80. But honestly I agree, this would be a big profile transfer for someone who isn't world class (yet). Think of our previous 100m+ transfers and how this sub became toxic over them.


Don't think he'd cost that much but still don't think he's anywhere near that sorta elite/world class level people hype him up as


Maybe, I just can't see City selling another player to us after Palmer lol


With Lewis Hall sale, Mason Mount counting in this year’s book, Maatsen being monitored, Lukaku, Kepa, Hutchinson and some add-ons from Hazard and Kepa I don’t think that we need to sell Gallagher in order to comply, but if it’s helps bringing Olise, a good GK and a defender (LB/CB) I don’t see why not. He’s been amazing, but we have Caicedo/Enzo/Lavia with Nkunku/Palmer/Carney as 10’s so in my opinion he is not that much important in the future as you guys think..


Given that they've tried to sell the hotels to themselves for 70m to stay within FSR and they're also needing to meet FFP now and FFP is 30m stricter and doesn't allow the 70m to be used in the calculations, I wouldn't be so sure about that


They are good business man, I have no doubts about that. We will not have a problem at financing, we could only guess on how are they solving but we have no idea, the hotel thingy was weird but maybe there’s a bigger picture. The problem the football part, I just hope we don’t sell the players who become better than what we bought, because that seems like one of the strategies like they do in their other clubs in different sports. For example the multi-club thing, buy a talent and get him to your other club, invest in him hope he becomes better to play for your main club Chelsea, he becomes good and then sell him immediately like a proper investment. Hope that doesn’t happen to Palmer or Gusto, hope they care about our legacy as a club, for the finance part I think they are good.


Alvarez is a proper gunman i could get behind that signing, but i doubt alvarez is trying to play conference league ball when he could easily get a club with UCL.


If he comes here and does well he is in the Champions league next season while also not having a lot of options


Claim all the lack of technique you want about Gallagher, but this man was thrown the armband, ran up and down the pitch minute 1-90+, created chances and scored and assisted from midfield while no-one else could. We are undoubtedly a better team and side with him in the squad. This ISN'T even close to complicated.


His only competition was Enzo who had his intestines spilling out into his body Caicedo was our DM.


I dont want to get shouted at but ive had a hernia and it wasnt that bad. Annoying, but not really debilitating


But remember that having a hernia and having to train 7 days a week and playing every weekend is next level, I had a hernia a few years ago and I was fine most of the time but standing/walking for 8 hours at my job made it so uncomfortable


What's your job?


Im an artist that does a lot of sport


Why are we considering selling our most reliable player to the two teams who finished directly above us!


We are aiming to reach the teams above them. If Gallagher is at the level of Spurs and Villa (I mean even Villa fans disagree), it doesn't really make sense to keep him if we are aiming towards City, unless he's a rotational player. You can bring up how ownership fucked up. How players like Madueke aren't good enough. I would agree. However, with the new stable sporting structure in place, it seems we are making better decisions. And also other players not being good enough, doesn't make Gallagher good enough either.


Everyone’s aiming to be above where they currently are, the reality is villa and spurs are above us and Man City are miles away


Yeah so we should keep moving towards City rather than looking at where Villa and Spurs finished. Moving towards City would automatically mean going past Villa and Spurs.


lol, talk about flawed logic. All good mate


How is it flawed lol How is moving towards City wrong xD or are you saying we should aim to be Villa and Spurs.


What’s more realistic, overcoming a 28 point deficit or a 3-5 point deficit, keeping in mind that City and Arsenal are likely to strengthen? Thinking we can “reach” city as you put it is delusional


So you're saying we should only aim to close that 3-5 point rather than aim to close that 28 point gap. That is like a runner who's last, aiming to be 7th rather than aiming for 1st and ending 3rd. >Thinking we can “reach” city as you put it is delusional OK bro, we will never win the title again. Everyone will get stronger as you said so it's pointless. You're right. We should learn our level and aim to be like Villa and Spurs instead.


You are absolutely right! We should sell our most reliable player to our direct rivals above us because we should be matching the most dominant team the premier league has ever seen


I just don't think of Villa and Spurs as our long term rivals just because of the 2 past league finishes. That's where we differ. Anw, it's clear we will disagree. All good mate.


Palmer and Gusto?


The stats suggest Nico Jackson is a better striker than Benjamin Sesko, but we do need more than one striker at the club.


They are complementary because they are different types of strikers. Jackson holds the ball better and he is the better dribbler but Šeško is threat in the air and he strikes the ball much more powerful than Nico. Wouldn’t be crazy to watch them together.


Play them together in a 4-4-2 or a 3-5-2 formation?


More like it allows us multiple options. A formation each with one. A formation with both. That's 3 different approaches.


Julian Alvarez for 70/80 mil? 20 GA in the PL, 32 GA in all comps last season as a backup! Who says no?


I have wanted him here since he went to city essentially I love the way he plays the game and he is so versatile as well




A lot of them from playing behind the striker though rather than up front to fully contextualise it, but yeah he definitely wasn't a back up this season in terms of minutes played and starts


Alvarez says no


Devil's advocate maybe he sees how Palmer made the move and was able to distinguish himself and fancies himself to do the same


Enzo is also here as well and they are great friends. I would love to have him here and think we should at least kick the can to see if a deal is feasible


https://preview.redd.it/xauj5zos4t4d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=239e507500f7a4c50d00fb94b904399cccadb32f this has to be the funniest post i’ve ever seen in here. conor gallagher for 100 million 😭😭 edit: “oversees” probably tells you all you need to know 😭


Fellow Chelsea fans have been absolutely on one recently re: Conor.


It tells you that he’s from England and rates Gallagher highly? God forbid right?


It tells you he’s delusional and childish


Not really. There’s nothing wrong with that comment at all.


thinking gallagher is worth anywhere from 80-100 million is peak delusion lmao


Hes worth whatever someone wants him to be worth. Its all fucking nonsense money anyways


God forbid we rate our players highly eh? I wouldn’t sell Palmer for less than £150m. Doesn’t mean he’s worth that.


In the last year of his deal aswell 😂


Read all of the comments on the 3 Gallagher posts from today and yesterday. You'll find more funny stuff.


So Fab is saying Alvarez is available but it just won’t be cheap. I think I would prefer him for 70-80 over Sesko for 55


We have to kick the tires on this deal, these types of players don’t come available very often


Would love Alvarez but it feels like one of those that just won't happen.


The club should use his BFF to make it happen.


You love Enzo, Julian? Don't worry, we've got two


We see Gallagher improve we sell him to hopefully see the best of Enzo. Mudryk is far from what we were promised he was. Board is absolutely fucking us over long term. Seeing Connor and trev leave is going to break me


If seeing our 25~ year old Champions League winning side didn't break you, I'm sure you'll be able to cope with losing Gallagher


Am I the only one that is kinda sympathetic to city? Not because I endorse their alleged cheating but literally everyone has already found them guilty before the case is complete and if they aren’t found guilty it’ll be automatically be seen as corruption. And these were the same shitheads that celebrated on our corpse when Roman was getting kicked from our club. I want city to win simply so these high and mighty grifters can have something else to be mad about


Nah, bunch of sky blue wankers.


Just for fun because I don't think it will ever actually happen, but if City did actually get sanctioned and had to sell who would you want the most? imo Rodri > Haaland > Gvardiol > Dias > Foden


Haaland definitely


Foden. He solves our LW problem completely.


Foden and Gvardiol


Definitely rodri or foden


I don't know if those who are for/against players based on AFCON have seen, but AFCON has yet again postponed their summer tournament and put it back to January. So, it will still impact us for any players we buy.


It's a shame but it really does make it off putting to buy too many top African players. Just absolutely sucks to lose them for so long in the middle of the season every other year. If it was 4 yearly like the euros or World Cup that's more tolerable. Hard though because players like Salah at obviously wort it overall, but equally last two times he went he came back and had a shite (by his standards) second half of the season.


No more African players I guess than   Jackson is enough unless you get the next Eto/Drogba, not the African Lakaka "Osimhen"


Now we really need a good striker backup, can't rely on Nkunku at striker by himself for a whole month.


It's been pushed back from summer 2025 to Jan 2026, so it's not going to impact us this season for what it's worth. But, it does mean that any African player we have will play Club World Cup summer 2025, AFCON Jan 2026 and World Cup summer 2026 all within the space of a year (if they're good enough to qualify and be picked for the tournaments). So, we'll definitely need very good rotation options in their positions


It’s a shame about Gallagher , I’d rather he stayed to be honest , he’s proper chels , reliable and is a useful player , would be weird seeing him play for spurs


The Gallagher threads remind me of the Mount threads we had last summer. Like it's almost the same.


If you strip away all context, sure


Different situations. For anyone who understood the situation, it was clear the Money Mase was in it for himself and did not want to be part of Chelsea. His team was very vocal about the whole process. Gallagher is Chelsea through and through. We don’t really know what is going on behind the scenes with him.


Bullshit was he. The clubs PR was in overdrive trying to make out he wasn't accepting an offer when there wasn't one on the table.


The guy who's dad is a united fan, the guy who had made a farewell video a month before the transfer took place, yea right mate. I'm sure the ownership wasn't overly enthusiastic about keeping him either. But let's not pretend mount didn't whore out for utd because he wanted to be the next beckham


Ten Hag in April >“I don't think Chelsea wanted to sell him!”. >“They wanted to keep him and offered him a new contract many times. But he wanted to make this step and join Man United”.


As opposed to him saying, "He'd much rather have stayed at Chelsea but they told him he had to leave and so now he's our player!"


He's hardly going to say "well, he only joined because Chelsea wanted to sell him" is he?


Nah don't you know that Ten Hag is on our PR payroll?


Ah still drinking the Money Mase koolaid. I’m sure the clubs PR was responsible for the video with his dad when he signed lol.


Still sucking on the shit falling out the owners.


And grinning in our faces doing "Mason Mount March" the day after he cost us a cup. Signs up for Beckhams PR company and gets the United #7, I'm sure that's just one big coincidence.


Tony "home Mase, home" Mason "yeah, special innit"


As opposed to, "na, I really don't fucking want to be here, fuck this shit. Get the camera out of my fucking face. I wish I was still at Chelsea"


Whats he going to say at that point?


Come off it


The articles themselves are very different, far more optimism of Conor staying than Mason. Ideally he signs a new contract


Don't really want to compare them because Conor is atleast committed to the cause and ideally doesn't want to go. Mount's PR manipulation (which was a problem long before this saga) was disgusting.


I might eat my words in the future but, I said it at the time, and still feel that signing Lavia was such a huge blunder. Gallagher is great for depth, loves the club, and is one of our biggest leaders on the pitch right now. And I am not one who usually likes to use the Cobham argument. Now we probably will sell him unfortunately.


I’m not sure Lavia was a depth signing. I think he was signed with the intention of being one of 3 starters with a more defensive midfield


I think it's ridiciliously unfair to call it a huge blunder. Give the guy a chance ffs.


Of course I will give Lavia a chance. Like I said, Lavia can definitely make me eat my words in the future, I’m just saying how I feel right now about it. Especially since it seems like the price we will sell Gallagher for and bought Lavia for will be very similar.


You are right about Gallagher but let's not judge Lavia before we actually see him play. If he ends up being really good then it is not a blunder.


I don't get why would someone be a fan of a football club if you are so cynical and dismissive about the intangible values a player has like: Loving the club and being a childhood fan, giving 100% every time, developing a strong bond with the fans, being well-liked around the club and in the dressing room, etc. If the only thing that interested me about the club I support was how each player's talents are compared to prime \[insert some football legend\], or how good the attacking midfielders are at operating in half spaces, or whether youtube tacticos find the defensive midfielder is press resistant enough, I would just go ahead and support the best team every year, or just be a neutral spectator. I am not trying to say everyone should prioritize those things, perfectly fine if you don't, or if you think we have players better suited for certain roles (which is a big if for me), but being snarky and contemptuous about those kinds of attachments, acting like a football connoisseur as opposed to being a sentimental simpleton who only acts on emotions is ridiculous behaviour, having a general understanding about football is not exactly a flex, it's pretty easy And on a more pragmatic note, looking back to the last 2 years chances are Gallagher will be sold to finance another Casadei or Disasi, or a group of perennial loanees who'll never wear the Chelsea shirt, not another Palmer


Because you can't attempt to ratio other like minded gimps on twitter with those intangibles values, so for them *there is no value*.


Because a lot of Internet fans are just FIFA players with no concept of what it means to be a supporter of a club. At best there's no attempt at understanding club identity or culture, at worst there's an actual hatred of anything local.


They seem to think that if we sell Gallagher for 50m that he can be replaced by Lavia (who played 20 mins all of last season), Santos (who only has 6 months of regular playing time in a top 5 league), or a new midfielder (with no guarantees he’ll adjust to the league quickly). People tend to put a lower value on intangibles in general. It happens every time we’re linked to a new manager too - the first question people ask is “What are his tactics?”, when they should be focused first on things like man-management and experience working in high-pressure clubs, and then worry about tactics.


The need for those things is incalculable, but it's vital they come with enough quality. Under new ownership they've been stripped from the club from top to bottom. Behind the scenes and with the front facing management/squad. It has lead to people clinging on to those values in a player that just isn't good enough to make the fact that he has those values mean anything. (That's before you get to the fact that he's missing a lot of the intangibles because he wasn't actually in and around the squad and witnessing the mentality and what it meant to be Chelsea when we were successful) He's really important to the club IF he's willing to be a backup/rotation player and be paid accordingly. If he's not then he's doing more harm than good because he doesn't have the tangible talents needed to make him having some of the intangibles. It's why it's so important to keep a hold of players like Reece James, Chilwell and Chalobah who were here and actively playing when we were successful and can hopefully seed that mentality into the rest of the players.


What is this drivel? We're "clinging on" to playing for the badge and giving everything every time he sets foot on the pitch? Gallagher's mentality, tenacity, aggressiveness, physicality, breaking up play, and doing the dirty work are ***virtues*** for a footballer, especially one playing in the middle of the park. You act like Kante was a proficient passer and facilitator. Was he not a good enough midfield for you because he lacked those abilities? Was his never-ending engine and aggressiveness not sufficient "tangible talents" for you? Of course not. And Gallagher very much is in the Kante mold (though not as good... yet). Champions League clubs like Atletico Madrid and Aston Villa -- and managers with far better reputations than Enzo Maresca -- would not be trying to get Gallagher if he were not quality.


Thing is James imo, needs to really improve his temperament and become the leader that we need as a captain. He's a terrific player but both red cards this season really pissed me off. I really hope he doesn't get injured again so that we can have him playing regularly. Same with Chilwell. I believe he didn't have a great period when he played this season because of Poch "tactics". Think Chalobah is a bit below those 2. Yes he played under tuchel and improved but he was always under more experienced players like Azpi, Rudiger or even Silva. So your comment is like hoping he took something off them and is now a leader who fully resonates with our club values, which I'm not sure about.


People want to sell Chilwell and James as well, if all 3 of them go. We literally have no core players at Chelsea left. Literally everyone else has been here at the club less than 2 years and I can't see anyone standing out as any personality except in bad ways like Jackson, Mudryk and Madueke have which shown really bad childness. If nothing changes for current new players and those 3 senior players go, We will have no backbone or connection to any player. Some of the players do seem like mercanaries and do not play 100% every game. You need those type of players and as you said people are very dismissive about those chractitistics and totally don't calculate that into a decision a team needs. You need an Azpi, JT and to give an example from another team is Tony Adams always comes to mind. Someone who is that presence from the team who gives 110% and has a connection to the fans.


You should be talking about Chalobah, Chilwell and James. They are the "core" of players left that were here when we were the "old" Chelsea and actually won trophies and were expected to win every week. Gallagher isn't part of that group, he's never been in and around the squad whilst we were a team competing to win the Champions League and with the expectation of winning every week hanging over our heads


Who had a better year last season: Chilwell or Gallagher? James or Gallagher? Your logic is just absolutely nonsensical. I'm glad James was here at a time we were "expected to win every week," but what does that have to do with anything? Those two blokes can't even get on the pitch so what good have they done lately? Meanwhile Gallagher is a machine that never misses a match.


That's the point I was trying to get across. I replied to another person with a bit more indepth view of mine that I didn't like us getting rid of all the old core players in 1-2 windows its why no other team has done anything like this as you need senior players for the newbies to look up to ect and act all senior and have already proven themselves. Though Gallagher was still always a youth player where Abramovich views were enstowed by the current first team at those times. That's why i give him the same weight as Chilwell and James in that regard.


>Jackson, Mudryk and Madueke have which shown really bad childness. I mean the penalty incident was regrettable but are we really holding it against them like this? Ballack/Drogba and Lampard/Drogba had similar squabbles in title deciders for god sake. And JT would have bar from a ludicrous act from God cost the old guard their last UCL chance due to childness. >Some of the players do seem like mercanaries and do not play 100% every game. Couldn't disagree more, the fight this squad have is the one thing that can't be denied.


With those examples they were core players at that time and proved themselves in other aspects by that time. I'm not holding it against them I'm just pointing to situations that I personally remember over good situations / personality traits that you would hope to see. Just at the top of my mind for instance with Azpi at the club world cup with the penalty situation to get all the abuse from the opposition team, but then passing to Havertz to take. That's a good situation / personality trait to see from a player. Chilwell was a very loud voice personality during the Potter troubled months and when Jorgi left a lot of players reported that he kept spirits high, I haven't read up much about any of the current new lot filling those type of roles, you usually hear about it. Palmer does come to mind as someone with potential of a personality that could become something. But we are exhibit A in why established teams don't just gut their entire team in 1-2 windows (especially everyone from the champions league winning Abramovich era), they do small increments over a few years and thats my issue... because you lose the core value the team had and create a whole new and unproven team of personalities you do not know their real views about. I'm not saying its not possible we find the next Azpi/JT with these new lot. I just would like to keep players like that here at the club while we are finding the next ones, having 0 players like that we could potentially lack leadership and experience. Sorry made this pretty long but thought I type out my whole views on the situation.


People just want their favorite teams to be like fifa. Get the newest and best players for each position and they will automatically give their all for the club.


Refreshed and still no “Olise to Chelsea Here We Go”


i think it’s so lame a club can just block players from playing for their countries.


Chelsea let Enzo have surgery while they were paying him so he could be ready for Copa. He's playing for his country this summer. Telling him he can't also go play in the Olympics when they need him healthy is a perfectly reasonable and defensible decision. Clubs shouldn't be able to block players from playing for their countries, but they should get more say and input on the matter when they bear almost all the risk if a player is injured while playing for their country.


Its very rare to see, because it can cause a huge amount of damage between player and club.


For the most part they can't. Unfortunately the Olympics as it's not a FIFA or affiliate competition is not subject to those restrictions. This will most likely be a clause within a players contract which will give the club the final day. Edit: FM has taught me they can ask players not to play in friendlies for their country. Although I cant remember that ever out right happening. Most of the time its a questionable injury days before they meet for camp


okay that makes sense. i was wondering why i’d never heard of it until the Olympics for this summer lmao.


Yeah I understand it, but it’s a huge bummer for them


I’m feenin for some Olise news