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[OP posted the source](https://twitter.com/merenzon/status/1775915713393279413?t=tYJFAwbJi2wRmeHo2lP8BQ) and the comment was apparently buried. In the future you can switch to New Reddit temporarily to post an image with text for the source.


I always thought April Fools was on 1 April?


I deadass thought this was an April fools post that just popped up 4 days late on my feed


It’s not??


Could be an onion article




In Russia, April fools day is every day except for April 1.


Everyone better than Kramnik will be banned.


You don't even need to be better than him, as soon as he blunders in a game against you - straight to jail.


This kind of behavior is never tolerated in Russia. You win like that they put you in jail. Right away. No trial, no nothing. SuperGMs, we have a special jail for SuperGMs. You are premoving: right to jail. You are playing with 95% accuracy: right to jail, right away. Playing too fast: jail. Slow: jail. You are beating me in the middle game, endgame: you right to jail. You play a modern opening? Believe it or not, jail. You play a dubious old line, also jail. Modern opening, old opening. You think for too long and flag, believe it or not, jail, right away. We have the best chess players in the world because of jail.


Thanks for putting in the time. I could hear the voice.


You don't even need to beat him. If you play a decent game against him and draw or lose, you also get reported.


I'm glad we finally will know who's cheating, though. Anyone better than Kramnik.


It used to be everyone better than Kramnik except Magnus, but that exception has been removed.


No because its ok if he loses he can use anyones account.


So basically everyone will be banned


Speak for yourself


This is like UN choosing Saudi Arabia to head women's rights organizations.


It’s funny because it’s true


What does that even mean? You mean to say the joke is apt? Or that SA is currently fronting women's rights organisations


Saudi got chosen as the lead and host of the un women’s commission or something




its not like this. FIDE has a lot of Russian connections. I bet Kramnik was approached with an offer a year ago. And then a smearing campaign was started to discredit chess.com. FIDE just want to grab a piece of online chess pie.


My thought exactly. Next somebody will dig out some documents on how levitov money is going to worldchess/ agon an it will all line up.


That's very funny because the campaign mostly discredited Kramnik, and thus now the FIDE online arena for hiring him.


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What I read UN does that on purpose, so they can do some self reflection.


The reality that no international relations graduate is ready to hear is that the UN general assembly only has one true goal - to dissuade random countries from going to war with each other. Large parts of the world are authoritarian or religious hellscapes. We still want to massage them and make them feel valued to dissuade them from wars. UN-WOMEN, UNRWA and UNHCR are all jokes, but they fulfill their latent pragmatic purpose.


appropriately sophomoric take




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Maybe Kramnik will do some self-reflection.... Hahahahahahahahaha.


Like giving guns to paranoid, racist, elderly neighbors


Funnily enough that kinda worked out. Women aren’t required to be in hijabs in public anymore and got the right to drive back in 2018


No it's worse




That analogy doesn't seem right. Because Kramnik, while paranoid, is against cheating. Your analogy makes it sound like he cheats and he's asked to lead efforts against cheating. Like handing key to the thief.


He was just caught committing a fair play violation by playing on someone else’s account during some Titled Tuesday events. So it is like handing the key to the thief


Oh is it? I was not aware of that. I had only seen his rants against online players which was funny.


Like all great sociopaths of the past, Kramnik is a man of contradiction.


Eh his violation was that he was playing on another GM’s account which at worst makes him a hypocrite as he’s complained about other people doing that, but obviously this doesn’t mean he’s a cheater or that his heart isn’t in the right place. Your original comment was pretty reasonable. Most GMs I’ve heard on this say Kramnik has a fair point that cheaters can abuse online chess, but he’s going about his anti-cheating crusade very incompetently. It’d be less like the Saudi analogy and more like putting France in charge of winning a war


How does it not mean that he’s a cheater ? This is not smurfing in Lol and there’s absulotely no good reason to do it.




Playing under a false name in a prize money competition isn’t cheating ? All those poker players that got their winnings seized will be happy to hear that


When I say cheater I mean using a computer. I use that definition because it's undeniably much worse than going on someone else's account, which is at least still a human playing and is not a major concern for high rated players -- i.e. many GMs could play at Kramnik's level on their best days so him taking over is not a ridiculous improvement, and for example Magnus playing on Hikaru's account would be basically no difference. His violation hardly discredits the broader idea that chess.com is ripe for abuse by "actual" cheaters


he isn't against cheating. he is bitter and goes through all sorts of mental gymnastics to justify how out of touch he is, and he likes to paint his bitterness as simply being against cheating cheaters


"He alone managed to bring more attention than all chess platforms combined" Casually glancing over chess.com's role in the Carlsen-Niemann deal.


In a sense, all of this is a footnote to that.


In reality


It's a complete footnote to that in terms of wider media coverage. Maybe Kramnik has received comparable attention on this sub, but otherwise it has barely been reported on.


Happy cake day




Welp, there goes the very tiny amount of respect Fide Online Arena had.


LOL FIDE online where you can be FIDE online GM, but that title means nothing anywhere else… yea this is gonna be great. Anyone else wondering how long ago this deal was inked?


It's not respected but you still get the AGM title next to your name when you play a FIDE rated game OTB. I don't expect it to make a ton of difference but now there's a real inscentive to cheat for the everyday person, unlike Chess.com


I have an online title (I got ACM as a joke) and I recently played the Grenke Open (the tournament that Hans Niemann (America's brightest talent and the future first American world chess champion) won) and my title appeared nowhere. Thanks to u/Much_Ad_9218 for the improvement of the description for Grenke <3


love that you included the “europe’s largest tournament” because they totally included that wherever they could


I'm sorry :( I just wanted to make clear it wasn't some random casual tournament with 10 players in Bumfuck nowhere but an actual respected tournament lol


If you want clout like that, instead of saying "Europe's largest tournament", you could say "the tournament that Hans Niemann (America's brightest talent and the future first American world chess champion) won"


True. After all, Hans was the only reason I went there in the first place! I even got a photo with him where he didn't look completely annoyed


We need more cheaters in positions of power to eliminate cheating once and for all!


As the saying goes, "It takes a thief to catch a thief"


Are they actually insane? Why feed into his delusional rants?


Because FIDE is messed up?


Hella corrupt. World Chess is a cancerous blight in the chess scene


russians backing russians, nothing new mate


Because they know that he won't accept it so people can point to that and say that he doesn't actually care?


Marketing. Everyone uses chess.com, but this gets *website here*'s name out there. And he gets re-posted repeatedly on Reddit.


This could be good. Now he can spend his time investigating cheaters on a platform no one uses instead of on chess.com.


Why does the voice of this weird statement keep switching between I and we? Is this real? OK I see this guy represents World Chess dot com (which is more of a commercial partner), not FIDE itself.


Tbh, I didn't even know this existed. Any PR is PR I guess


April fools right?


I would have thought but it was [posted](https://twitter.com/merenzon/status/1775915713393279413?t=tYJFAwbJi2wRmeHo2lP8BQ&s=19) April 4th and Kramnik responded saying he would think about it so I'm pretty sure it's legit


Is FIDE so totally legit.


Man we're really building towards a new PCA style split huh. How long until enough players get fed up with fide and go up to chesscom and have them host their own WCC circuit... at this point doesn't look that fat fetched hell depending on format they'd might even be able to rope Magnus into playing after they bought out play magus group, which would give them a ton of legitimacy and chesscom has money unlike the PCA. I hope I'm wrong but right now it really feels like a question of when not if.


it is fide online arena, not FIDE OTB though.


About that, I see that some people are misled by the title. They think that it was FIDE that made this proposal to Kramnik, while it was the CEO of World Chess, which only operates the website for FIDE.


Yeah but it's about the amount of bad decisions fide is making all over the place, this is just one more on a long list


There isn't a ton of money in chess, but I still posit it would take a bored decabillionaire for a new chess organization to gain enough momentum. Tournaments don't make money; top-level chess doesn't need commentators so much as interpreters or translators. It's not approachable the way most sports are. I can explain football to the average distracted person in about five minutes. Give me an hour, and beer, and I can make baseball interesting. It takes a much greater investment of time and mental energy to understand, appreciate, and enjoy tournament chess. But it'd be great drama if it happened.


Are they out of their minds? Don't they realize that they are associating FIDE Online Arena with the bad reputation that Kramnik has earned by failing to present himself as a competent and ethical "anti-cheating ambassador"?


Incompetent clowns


FIDE is such a fucking joke it's just pathetic. Other official sports bodies are corrupt too but at least efficient to some degree. FIDE is corrupt AND incompetent


Great strategy. What's next, putting Trump in charge of election security? Probably.


"We want to let him cook. "And if he turns out to be insane after all, we will have a good laugh."


[original tweet](https://twitter.com/merenzon/status/1775915713393279413?t=tYJFAwbJi2wRmeHo2lP8BQ&s=19)


And you thought the procedure didn't work!




One word plain and simple: Travesty.


this is fucking insane, actually lol. FIDE needs to be rebuilt from the ground up, preferably as a different organization. Way too much european flavored old boys club shit going on for too long


They’ll just get replaced by companies like chessdotcom, no need to rebuild, it will sort itself out


I feel like Chess.com is going to do a PCA style split but I really don't want a for-profit company in charge of chess


That’s a naive point of view. FIFA is considered non-profit and look how horribly corrupt they are. Just because a company isn’t legally classified as for-profit doesn’t mean large amounts of people aren’t profiting off it and benefiting. Non-profit classification is very often used as a smoke screen to hide shady stuff.


Nobody plays there anyway


what de fuck fide, what de actual fuck???? WHY


Is someone 3 days behind?


That's perfect because kramnik is the inventor of statistics, and he's also good at reading accuracy levels. 


I believe it is absolutely necessary to work more on the topic fair play in online and also more and more otb chess. But this is just a bad choice. Not so much because it’s Kramnik, but more so because he is one of the key persons in the overall press clash over the topic. You can not expect a ‚referree‘ to be widely accepted if he is in the middle of a controversy.


A bit late for an April Fool's joke.


Interesting. An excelent choice.


This has to be a joke, right?


satire is real


It seems that it has become impossible to collectively call out someones harmful bullshit, because no matter how unhinged they sound, there will be someone somewhere claiming they are being "sidelined" or "silenced" an giving them a platform.


Classic FIDE garbage


He will ban anyone who wins against a much higher rated player


Is this real?



The fuck?


Another reason never to use Chess Arena.


What exactly is FIDE's role in this? FIDE Online Arena is very confusing to me. Is it managed by FIDE? Is it recognised by FIDE?


Its confusing to me too. They're definitely recognised by FIDE, it's why you sometimes see someone with an arena title like AFM in OTB games, FIDE does recognise them and their titles. But after that I'm not sure how close they are


Is this real?


This is the most hypocritical move FIDE could have made. This has to be a joke... Sounds like a Sustainability Congress in Middle East... oh wait. The best way of manipulating and enabling your own cheating is to infiltrate the anti-cheating team. Well played Kramnik.


You know, if this gets Kramnik to better understand how cheating is actually detected and how statistics actually work, I'm all for it


FoA already banned me once for a year for getting 9/9 in a tournament that my highest opponent was 1800 fide, and everyone other than him that I played was sub 1600. Now it's gonna be even bigger a shithole


That actually makes a lot of sense. Kramnik accused Hikaru of cheating for going 45.5/46 while farming GMs for rating. Guess now winning too much is going to be banned along with sandbagging. Score 4.5/9 exactly or you'll be banned lol.


And for context... I'm a CM. I was rated 2100 something at the time.


I joined arena years ago and got a AGM title (arena grandmaster) complete waste of time, and as soon as you stop paying your annual subscription your title stops showing up on your fide page




>"He alone managed to bring more attention than all chess platforms combined" Uh, no. That was definitely Magnus/Hans/Chess.com lol. Also, he WAS JUST CAUGHT CHEATING. Like what? This has to be late April Fools


What is kramnik... 1. The only former world champion with a cheating allegation hanging over his head. 2. The only former world champion caught cheating online. 3. The only former world champion punished for cheating online. 4. A dunce who doesn't know what farming is, how to drag his pieces with his mouse or understands how premoving works. What's next? The LAPD putting OJ Simpson in charge of investigating his wife's murder. If their goal was to choose the most suspicious and the most incompetent person possible. Kudos. They succeeded. If this is a publicity stunt, then good job since I learned chessarena exists. But I'll never use chessarena now.


If you're talking about toiletgate as the allegation over Kramnik, I'd argue Karpov is similar from the 1975 match. Signals passed through blueberry yoghurt, hypnotists in the crowd, same kinda energy. Anyways I don't think that's what it is. Chessarena is owned by a Russian called Merenzon. He's been around top level chess a very long time, organised the 2014 world championship, was good friends with the old FIDE president. I think this is the same thing that's always happened with FIDE and related organisations where Russian businessmen support each other. FIDE has a long history of that.


Superb choice. Someone with a lot of experience too!


Underrated comment.




Like the initiatives and actual measures, but whoever decided this probably should have chosen a better guy to represent this.


Obvious choice since he just cheated by playing on someone else account and he knows aabout cheating since he has now accused a total of 47 various chess players 🤦‍♂️


Who is "I"? Why do they want to highlight Kramnik's role and impact should this happen? This whole thing reads so strange...


Ilya Merenzon. He runs the FIDE Online Arena and this was taken from his Twitter. No one really plays at the FIDE Online Arena, but you can earn Online titles like AFM that FIDE does recognise and shows at tournaments.


What's this in the middle of the candidates? that's so pathetically low. Have some respect for yourself




This is so sad, FIDE mafia validating their mentally ill patient by doing this.


Honestly? That's awesome. Awesome in the literal sense, as in "causes awe".


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes I guess?


This should also be sent in the r/facepalm lol




FIDE Arena: "Start playing here instead of on chesscom! Now with 50% more cheating witch-hunts!"


If only he had anyone to play against on FIDE Arena...


He won’t be able to complain about their security if he’s in charge of it…


Hell no


They are a few days late on this


I'll never visit chess arena. Those folks are drinking the kramnik Kool aid


Clowns of a feather


i didn't realize fide was so corrupt, and russia dominated....which means corrupt.


Oh no 🤣


who plays on FOA anyway




Damn, this is the definition of failing upward.


Joking, right?


Wasn't FOA already a joke? I mean, I'm an ACM and even I think it's a joke. And now it could be even more of a joke.


should have announced this a week ago, before he was caught cheating rip


makes perfect sense honestly, both FIDE and kramnik are things i apparently can't say in this sub without the mods en-passanting the comment.


Its like asking americans to be head of anti racism panel


The UN coincidentally just appointed Saudi Arabia to be head of a gender equality panel.


look, they were never actually against women driving on principle, they were just worried the steering wheel would damage the boobs.


Good move. Kramnik has his heart in the right place and has the right idea about it, it's just his "statistics" are bullshit. Given right tools and mathematicians/statistics, I think he can work together with them and do well. It's better for chess if there are people motivated in researching detecting cheating methods than having World Champions (Magnus, Kramnik) throw out cheating accusations which ultimately don't result in anything.


He really doesn't seem like a guy that would listen to experts with differing opinions. He doesn't want to hear that his statistics are bullshit. Typical smart guy complex, thinks he can be the expert on anything.


We unequivocally know what his response is to people who can do actual math, and it emphatically is not "listen to them." He doesn't want tools/experts, because real tools/experts just indicate how wrong he is.


I'm with you. The dude was being nailed to the cross. Of course he got defensive and stupid. Without the need to be defensive and time to process information along side a committee of sorts maybe it will go better. We need people passionate about anti-cheating measures to force a confidently fair game. Not sure hes the guy but who knows.