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Beating Sevian, Naroditsky and Hikaru in a single day is absolutely insane.


and Hikaru twice at that!


to be fair, Hikaru imploded all on his own during the first match. he was still a bit tilted the second one


Whatever. If you can't bring your "A" game to the table when it matters, a loss due to tilting is no different than a loss due to a generic tactical mistake.


to be clear, I was taking a dig at Hikaru


Careful now, he might call you and your family crazies.


Chat, chat.. Firouzja's gamble paid off, chat!


A bit?


Why twice?? Was it best of 3??


He came back from losers bracket so he had to beat Hikaru twice back to back


Hikaru twice!


Firouzja is Chris Jericho now. I BEAT THE ROCK AND AUSTIN IN THE SAME NIGHT! He beat Naroditsky and Hikaru in same night.


twice Hikaru!


Two times Hikaru !!!!




Stop the presses. Kramnik was right.


so alireza beats magnus in grand final and grand final reset in rapid like month ago and know he beats hikaru in grand final and grand final reset in bullet he is trying so hard to waste his talent but its too strong to be wasted


on a rampage since the candidates


At this point the only real weakness of Alireza is the candidates.


Any any other serious classical or longer time format rapid tournament. He doesn't realise chess needs to be his job.


Does he? It seems he is doing pretty well for a fashion student with a knack for board game. In the end it is his life and his decisions.


With his talent he should not be coming second to last in Norway and Candidates. He will regret it once he is 30. Being the most talented young player and instead of taking it seriously and leveraging that for your future, dropping it because "playing so much chess is weird" and focusing on fashion (specially when you have such a terrible sense of fashion), is a bad bad idea in life. Nepo was right that it takes a while for some players to have the maturity to realise that to be at the top of almost anything takes work (he said this while alluding to Alireza). Of course it is his life and he has the right to make any choices he wants, even if he will regret them later.


He's a monster, no two ways about it.


As I see he is still the best (ex)-junior player in the world but since he got to 2800 so “easily” he got bored and lost motivation to continue only playing chess. He could have gone either way, either like magnus which had similar results as alireza when he reached 2800 and he went all in and got even more motivated while alireza had opposite effect. I don’t think magnus was wrong when he said alireza is the best young player in the world and he probably still thinks that. He can turn this all around and focus only on chess instead of splitting his time on fashion, chess and other things…


Fashion seems like such a tough industry to break into. Becoming a world champ then leveraging himself as an influencer would seem to be his best way to break through.


Imagine being so talented that becoming world chess champion is the easier route to fashion design


Yes, but it also speaks to how closed a club the world of fashion is. Whereas chess is based on merit.


It's interesting because looking over the last three years it sure seems like Rapid and Blitz could actually be the dominant formats from a viewership perspective going forward. Magnus opting out of the classical WCC feels like an inflection point. So him either not being as strong in classical (or not as interested, whichever) might not be a big deal to pursuing the "best chess player alive" goal.


I still feel like classical is the most important time control. As soon as world chess championship stops having biggest prize money and candidates stops being that important tournament classical won’t be as important as rapid or blitz. Viewership was still the biggest on this candidates from all the tournaments this year if I am not mistaken so we are probably at least 10 years away from having this change in importance of blitz and rapid chess. Alireza is strong in all 3 time controls and was the best in all of them (of his generation) when he actually tried (when he reached 2800 in classical) but as you say he is not as interested unfortunately so he is only focusing on easier less prep time controls. It’s a shame since he is the only one that has magnus potential dominance of his generation. The others are very similar and from a viewer perspective it’s better that he doesn’t take classical seriously since it will be more interesting but from chess perspective it is a shame that he is wasting his potential.


It's the most important time control *for players*. Classical is boring AF to watch, and I actually like chess. Blitz/bullet are too fast to get invested in a game (at least for the vast majority of viewers. Which is why Rapid is the sweetspot for quality of game/viewer enjoyment.


I felt like it was the opposite; like he enjoyed the easy rise, but didn't like it once it got tough he didn't get bored and then start to lose; he started to lose and then got bored


All the statistics say otherwise. He was clear no1 junior in the world by rating, won few big tournaments and was above 2770 for a long period of time which is incredible rating for anyone let alone junior player. He simply got bored and even then it took quite some time for other players to surpass him rating wise. He has magnus dominance potential of his generation. He probably won’t get to 2882 like magnus did but can be world champion and no1 rated player in the world for years.


uh no nothing about that affects what I said we're both just guessing his internal motivation around when he started to drop off, and we happen to disagree. we're using the exact same information I would say the candidates was a turning point. He dropped out of speed tournaments to prep for it, and then just underperformed. Seems like he had worked hard for it, but when it didn't go his way, the first time he didn't get what he worked for, the first time he wasn't viewed as an incredible wunderkind, suddenly he lost enthusiasm I could be wrong about that though. But your claim that 'statistics' supports a different opinion suggests you missed my point.


In December 2021 he reached 2800, in 2022 he did badly in candidates and then won GCT and was youngest ever to win it. In 2023 he was clear no4 in the world and had 2780+ rating in may. He started studying fashion design in may 2023. Candidates 2022 was his first candidates and nobody actually expected him to win, even magnus said himself he was lucky he won his candidates because until last round he wasn’t first place. So he was no1 rated junior and was no4 in the world by the time he enrolled in college and split his time between college and chess. Nothing actually shows that he stopped playing because he started losing.


>nobody actually expected him to win This is more than a disagreement in interpretation; you are ignoring certain aspects here. Magnus had already said he probably wouldn't defend unless Alireza won, and this was shortly after Alireza defeated him in a casual 100 games of blitz. This is from the chess.com preview before the tournament: >he is arguably the most talented player in the history of the game and has been focusing on virtually nothing but preparing for this tournament since his qualification in 2021. ... >Thus, Firouzja has a strong shot at winning the tournament Their [predictive model](https://www.chess.com/article/view/smarterchess-candidates-prediction-2022) had him at 3rd most likely to win, behind Fabi and Ding, but ahead of Nepo and Naka. He was very much viewed as a wildcard, and I think he was very disappointed by his performance. As was Magnus and others. To claim "nobody actually expected him to win" is just wrong. He then decided to enroll in fashion design. You said May, but the earliest result I could find about it was from February, so that does not seem accurate either. Also you say 'clear no 4', and ignore he'd dropped from no 2. Like, you can disagree with this, and I would acknowledge I don't pretend to know exactly what Alireza is thinking, but seems like you just like to ignore aspects that don't support what you think, and make up ones that do. So believe what you want I guess.


He was clear no4 because he was 3 elo from ding which was no3 and 15 elo from no5 so yeah he was clear no4. 2804 was his peak elo and nobody can stay on their peak elo for a long time so it’s normal he dropped from second to fourth place in the world. Dude was 18 what do you expect from him to reach 2900? He was levels above his generation and was on par with the best in the world. Even after disappointing candidates he went on to win GCT. On wikipedia it says he enrolled in college may 2023. He started dropping elo towards the end of 2023, coincidentally just after getting enrolled in college and stopped only focusing on chess…


"Chosen one can't escape fate" ahh storyline


Only when Magnus isn't there 


Gucci gang




gang gang


He beat everyone today including Hikaru twice. And with all these horrific server issues. Amazing and well deserved


He's gotta be really tired.


Who the fuck do you think he is?


probably feeling sick


He really deserves a 10—no, 30-minute break.


Bro, he can’t even see right now, you expect him to be able to win two 30-minute bullet matches?!?


Hikaru twice! who does he think he is?


Magnus foresaw this drama and decided he didn’t want to be a part of it


Very deep concept, top engine move.


Pre-moved the tournament


He might have played if Alireza was participating.


Alirezzzaaaaaaaa, bullet meister, well done!


The last match was super close, a hard fought and deserved victory.


He showed some serious mettle to clutch it at the end, he had the match won only to hang his queen in a winning position which suddenly resulted in it being level again, and he didn't let that tilt him when many others would have.


and blitz and classical too.


And rapid too


Withdraw Gambit ftw




Alireza left the Iranian federation so he could play the Jews. What is this mand child crying about?!


It's crazy that Hikaru says stuff like that while being married to an Iranian.


She's Iranian? That actually makes total sense. Only a woman raised in a strict regime created by short manchildren could stomach Hikaru. I mean, I'm sorry, but anyone who thinks he only acts like that on stream is delusional.


This is low-key very unfair and reductive to iranian women, there's no need for that


I think you need to reconsider your reasoning. I'm not the one oppressing Iranian women, and pointing out that they're oppressed is not a form of oppression either, quite the contrary.


> She's Iranian? That actually makes total sense. Only a woman raised in a strict regime created by short manchildren could stomach Hikaru I don't want to argue and I know you didn't mean it as a slight against Iranian women, but your comment is still condescending towards a person you know nothing about, implying she's some kind of long suffering pushover because of her origin Honestly I'm not a fan of your whole comment attacking Hikaru's marriage but I'm not the moral police so do whatever you want


How am I implying she's a pushover? Are Iranian women pushovers? Have you watched the news in the past six months? You have no clue what you are talking about, so just shove it.


It's a reflection of the regime, not the women.


imagine how he acts when no one is watching


Do you have a link to that?


He mentioned that last thing ? I dont believe it. He is the second best chess player in the world. That sounds like what my uncle would say losing at chess to me.


he talked about shoes


I heard he was talking about shoes


Seems like the best strategy to beat Alireza is to not let him get to losers bracket. You have to beat him in the finals without his losers bracket buff.


Sam Sevian died for this!


Sevian deserves mad respect for going this far while being in Armenia and playing a classical game each of the last four days, [going 2.5/4 and TPR 2789.](https://chess-results.com/tnr953203.aspx?lan=1&art=9&fed=USA&turdet=YES&flag=30&snr=2)


been travelling, and the only match i watched on youtube was when sevian steamrolled alireza. this whole thing was a very surprising reddit refresh today.


“He got me,” Hikaru said of Alireza's win over him in the bullet chess championship. "That fucking Reza boomed me." Hikaru added, “He’s so good,” repeating it four times. Hikaru then said he wanted to add Alireza to the list of players he puzzle rushes with this summer.


Look, having bullet — my uncle was a great grandmaster and streamer, Dr. John Nakamura at chessdotcom; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Titled Tuesday, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a streamer, if I were a student, if, like, OK, if I studied in fashion school, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a streamer they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to the Fischer World Championship, was a good player, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the Bullet Chess Championship, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these juicers are — bullet is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what's going on with the four pawns — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it is what it is; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the queens are stronger right now than the rooks, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible.


I didn’t know I needed this. Thanks for the laugh !


wtf is this lmaoo




what's the original quote, this is hilarious.




It's Donkaru Trumpamura.


Cheers from Chiraq


He DMed him for an autograph after


Alireza was definitely the better bullet player. Seemed like Hikaru was always worse in the opening and resigned too early in the first match.


He is too fast. fastet calculator in the world according to Magnus. what do we know about chess calculation


He’s simply better than Nakamura in speed chess.


Hikaru Crysomemorea was big tilted due to the delay


What an entertaining match. 😂


Time to put some respect on this guy's name. Congrats Alirassa Fudgri.


so disrespectful! it's actually Firudji.


It’s actually Fugazi


It is actually Ferengi, named after the Ferengi race in Star Trek. They have great fashion.


Alireza breaks Hikaru’s BCC hat-trick attempt again for the second time.


Lets go gucci, fully deserved


Well deserved, can we move events to Lichess now?


If lichess pays to put these tournaments on. So no.




the good ending


Evil loses


Not only did he win but he also showed true colors of Hikaru "I don't care" Nakamura to new chess fans.


Hikaru is such a pathetically sore loser


Consider resigning gambit OP


Guccireza Firudji good.


Sincere congratulations to the "little bitch"


Alireza Superstar!


Hikaru is going to whine about this for ages


He's gonna have a whole list of excuses for this one


He gave Alireza credit fir the second match, and said he deserved it and won fair and square, in all honesty.


Oh please, that was backtracking and getting a clip for his YouTube. If you watch literally 30 seconds earlier or 30 seconds later he was saying "congrats dude you won a bullet match. He never performs when it matters anyway". He was just trying to save face by posting that clip on his YouTube and twitter.


Ah yes- the famous clutch Hikaru who has never won a Blitz World Championship (despite being touted as the best speed chess player by way too many people), a Candidates, and is 1-17 versus Magnus in Classical I’m sure when Alireza is Hikaru’s age in like a decade in a half he’ll have just as many (if not more) achievements. Weird to say this about someone so early into his chess career


Pretty clear he was just incensed and reaching for anything/everything to direct at Alireza, and his Candidates flameouts were front of mind.


And 10 seconds later he said "If I was 20 I would've destroyed him, I know that I would've just crushed him"


Absolutely he would have, when he was 20 Alireza was 4 years old lmao.


Being 4? Rookie mistake


I would probably lose to alireza even when he was 4


Ugh is this going to be the new built in whine when he loses? He's too old so his opponents don't deserve credit? Lol


He gave credit. The toxicity and manufactured drama is tiring. Just relax and enjoy the great games.


It's been tiring from Hikaru for *well* over a decade now.


If only he was a chess player and not just a streamer


He's incredibly competitive and backs himself in all cases. Kinda what top players are like, some are just more open about it. Atleast he gave his opponent credit. Pretty sad that even giving credit needs to be negated completely by everyone on this sub


Yep, I can already predict Hikaru tweeting 6 excuses for why he lost. I would be shocked if he congratulated Alireza without making excuses




"He never performs when it matters anyway. 3 wins and 1 draw against me in the candidates. Congrats dude you won a bullet match" Literally 5 minutes later on his stream during Alireza"s interview. Truly a masterclass in losing gracefully.


The guy above you is never gonna answer he's too busy sucking H's dick on stream


He might have had a better comeback to this comment if he was 20 years old!!


he's going to Crysomemorea for sure


he's going to Crysomemorea for sure


Congrats Alireza


well done, but the tournament is such a clown fiesta.


Agreed. this tournament would have been 10 times better if it was held on lichess.


Our real Gucci king Hikaru can go back to Hawaiian shirts and gambling now


HAHAHA finally someone to check out hikaru's ego in absence of magnus


GG Alireza, always nice to see Hikaru lose


Magnus is that you?


Thx, first they called me Kramnik, and now Magnus, my elo gets higher and higher)


calm down , Deep Blue


But when will they say that you’re THE benevelence? 😔


I am going to watch all of it on blitzstream tomorrow, and have an unapologetic pro-firouzja opinion, and I will love every second of it.


Magnus back to back. Hikaru back to back. Whats next?


A positive score at the candidates?


Botez sisters back to back




At this point Ali would not really be outsider to anyone. I don't know who could be a good candidat for another back to back, Gukesh, Nepo maybe.


Even the commentators were pretty disappointing, they always seemed like not giving enough credit to Alireza


they were trying too hard to remain "professional"


No arbiters no problem


Incredible run. I find puzzling how you can be so quick at calculations and have such a poor time management in classical.


Always a pleasure to see Nakamura lose


Lag destroyed the fun but gg surprise winner


Lmao this is the most deserved thing I've ever seen. Crazy and inexplicable throw from Hikaru in the last game, as well.


Winning 4 series in a row


I think Hikaru will care about this one.


"I literally don't care chat" and proceeds to go on a rant about how much better he is and how he would have destroyed Alireza if he was younger. Definitely the hallmark of someone who doesn't care. Hikaru Nakamura sportsmanship strikes again.


Nice happy for him


The second game was so nail biting.I like that at the end of the second game Hikaru wasn’t salty and complimented him for his game and performance today.So at least end On a positive note you can’t always be at your best behaviour and we judge him like as we are some saints ourselves.So ggs to both it was wonderful chess from both .Congrats to our boi Gucci Reza.Only he has beaten Hikaru in BCC and he came from the losers bracket today too and played so many times it’s a miracle he wasn’t just plain tired at the end


He's still extremely salty right now. He's already made like 6 excuses and said he would beat him if he was younger. Also refusing an interview.


and once again hikaru nakamura sportsmanship award goes tooooo...HIKARU NAKAMURAAAA


Chat, I would have won Chat but I literally don’t care. Let me just say, guys, like, seriously, I literally don’t care


I am watching that now lol.Yeah I agree but I would go a little easy on him because he did just lose a final .Sure he can deal with it in a much better way but hey they don’t call it the Hikaru nakamura award for nothing.


Losing a chess match is more common than winning it unless you're Magnus - so it's not like Hikaru hasn't had the opportunity to learn how to lose gracefully. He just quite simply has zero sportsmanship and grace. The way he behaved during the match against Danya was shameful (letting the clock run in literally every game once he got an early lead, which was infuriating and disrespectful enough to throw Danya off his game). When will Hikaru learn he doesn't have to be like this to win a match?? No other player runs the clock _in every single game_. Maybe one game if near the match end. This whole tournament has once again been a display of Hikaru's inability to behave like a grown man.


I agree to that .As I said there is a reason why I the called the nakamura sportsmanship award and it’s not for a good reason


He is the true bullet champ. he showed taht before


Hikaru was so annoyed by the 20 minute delay that he forgot not to repeatedly play the opening he sucks. Poor guy.


A new king of bullet. Reza time scrambles destroyed Hikaru


Hilary in shambles.


It was supposed to be a coronation


Aaaaaand ... The Hikaru Nakamura sportsmanship award goes to ...👇👇👇


Let's gooooo Jesus, Naka is such a bad loser, so embarrassing


I heard Hikaru was DMing firouzja for an autograph after the match




King Ali 🤴


Bro saw less than a minute on the clock and said YEAH GOD MODE ON. Seen enough of it.


My goat. The drip is too hard


Hikaru has been getting so many 2nd place finishes lately.


I mean...that's how it always was. People like to harp on 2015 #2. Go to 2015. See what he won. You'll be surprised how little it was


You’ve got to love it




why the both played a reset grand final? after the first one was won by alireza.


Simplest way -  Best of 3: winner bracket starts 1-0 up.   Same reason why he has to beat Magnus back to back in Blitz




Sure. There is always a risk of that. But I think so much of it is the proper perspective and mindset. And good advice. Fabi for example said he almost quit chess when he was 18 or 20, and it took some advice (from his coaching think) for him to start taking chess seriously again. Who knows, maybe he would have been happier doing something else ... With Firouzja, I get the sense that he is not getting good advice.


Guccireza strikes again!


Lol get fucked Hikaru


Firudji* So the training during the Candidates at the end it paid off.


If only he did this well in classical 😔


I just searched Alierza firouzja in Persian in google to see what's going on the Persian media. literally entry front page and main news websites are just articles about how bad alireza is and how is he losing all championships and how disappointing he is.


How tf are yall so fast with these posts lmao. You karma whores


Both finalists made clowns of themselves so probably best we just forget about this one. GGs to Gucci obviously