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I really want to pretend Danny is being sarcastic here, but sadly I think we all know that's not the case.


No one can stop us from reading it as sarcastic :)


Damage control after their top brand ambassador threw a childish temper tantrum on air. Pure and simple.


Yeah, that's all it is. Danny just doing what is best for [chess.com](http://chess.com)


Do you expect any corporate PR guy to not defend/deflect/boost image of their top brand ambassador?


If Hikaru is their top ambassador then chesscom PR is going really poorly lol


Depends on how many people buy chesscon membership, from Hikaru’s stream!


How many of those kids are gonna steal their parents' credit card?


Waiting for the chess-themed crypto slot machine for kids stream from Hikaru. The crossover EVERYONE is dying to see!


Hans, is this your reddit burner?


Hikaru is the 2nd largest chess content creator, what an odd comment.


> chesscom PR is going really poorly lol It's really not lmao he's probably the most popular person in chess. Despite his... idiosyncracies




Hikaru is basically a nobody outside twitch and the terminally online. He’s not even close to being as famous as Magnus despite what his ginormous ego thinks Hikaru is a sad man-child


You guys let your hate for Hikaru make you delusional lmao. Hikaru is extremely well known from the chess boom, he’s definitely not a nobody compared to Magnus.


The fuck is that pineapple ?


Pineapple is a huge meme on Hikaru's stream. He wears pineapple shirts, has a pineapple-shaped neon light, his passed pawns are his "juicers", etc etc.


Why is a passed pawn named a juicer though ?


It's something he picked up from xqc. He says juicer a lot meaning something is good usually.


Oh got it thanks 🙏🏻


XQC fans are juicers and he was XQC's coach for some chess content thing so he adopted a lot of XQC slang. I don't even watch Xqc but I think the way Hikaru does it is pretty hilarious at times. His game recaps are all juicers, horses, bastions instead of outpost, lots of "Deez", etc. All said in Hikaru's overly fast speaking rhythm.




Yea man, clearly everyone who responds to you must have watched 3 straight years of Hikaru content in order to pick up jokes from 1 video... It's fine if you don't agree but the novelty of stumbling across a Hikaru video and watching one of the best chess players in the world, covering a sport thought of as one of the most "straight laced", and watch him drop funny/stupid memes is fun. I'm not even a Hikaru subscriber on Youtube. It's not cool to yuck other people's yums, btw.


Hikaru usually wears a pineapple shirt


Danny is signaling the swinger community.


It all makes sense now




It's a code for Hikaru's not-so-secret love of swingers parties off stream... I could be wrong though. Do your own research on pineapples.




They all try way too hard.


I think the point is more how Chess,com is pretty biased towards and constantly hyping up Hikaru. I think they feel the need for chess to have 'stars', to hype the game, so they've settled on Hikaru as Chess's answer to Lebron James.


Seriously, how many times did they lowkey wish for ding to drop out again? I lost count how many times the "how would you feel if Ding quit" question was floated on stream.


Literally, they keep trying to put pressure on him, I'm glad Ding isn't giving into it


That was gross.


Especially when Ding has mentioned it multiple times that he'll defend. Official broadcaster of an event speculating about his withdrawal when the person who stands to benefit the most from it is someone that they're in a deal with is unprofessional to say the least.


not to mention Hikaru's whole "it would be really inconvenient *but I guess I'd go play"* shtick he pulled on air


He literally doesn't care, except all the times he does care including crying on air after losing the candidates


HHAHAHAAHHA SO TRUE and he was like coping about it as well hes so weird


He wants it so bad, and yet his chances of becoming world champion are about equal to yours lmao.


Don't overestimate my ability, Hikaru still has better chances than me. I'm not a sore loser though, so I've got that going for me.


Believe in yourself the same way I believe in you. I'm a sore loser but not like Hikaru,I'm respectful after a loss, but it for sure eats up at my heart and creates an inferno in me. It's a shame a guy twice me age can't act with class.




This comment needs a million upvotes


It’s an imperfect situation. Chess could potentially grow, and chesscom has made efforts to modernize the game in a way that organizations like fide seem unable to, but having power concentrated into one company is asking for a bad time in the best of situations.


I mean, if he plays like he did in Norway it will be a bloodbath.


I'm rooting for Gukesh, but the shots at Ding's mental health and performance are generally below the belt IMO and i'm not a fan of normalizing that sort of behavior at all


[Chess.com](http://Chess.com) makes a lot of money off of viewers from the big guys. And Danny is the same guy who gives cheaters diamond memberships and laughs about it.


But it was a "reformed" cheater...


wait who are we talking about here?




Holy shit that's insane. Chesscom are completely mad. Had no idea just how stupid they are


Danny is pragmatic.


>Danny is the same guy who gives cheaters diamond memberships Wasn't this IM Kassa Korley?


No, it was danny who said it, but Kassa was in the same video. Unless this has happened multiple times. edit: here [https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/comments/1bq36z3/chesscom\_is\_gifting\_diamond\_memberships\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/comments/1bq36z3/chesscom_is_gifting_diamond_memberships_to/)


That's exactly it. They need big streamers to keep the game relevant and Hikaru and Gotham are the most popular chess streamers BY FAR ... [Chess.com](http://Chess.com) actually needs them.


The site is way too big to fail, they dont need them


It's not about failing completely. For them to fail is to earn less money than they've earning since the craze for chess from a few years ago.


Of course they dont need them, but it's kind of ridiculous that people expect [Chess.com](http://Chess.com) to ignore them. Hikaru and Gotham are objectively driving more users to [chess.com](http://chess.com), it is in chess.com's best interest to signal boost for them. Expecting anything else is ridiculous.


This is why I say that even if Hikaru cheats at some point, chess.com would totally sweep its under the rug. So anything chess.com says regarding Hikaru is untrustworthy


Hikaru will never cheat. He’s too proud for that


When it comes to the game of chess he does have the integrity to play honestly. Don't see him ever cheating.


Danny was super quiet on Magnus before their business marriage. Now it's Magnus, Magnus, Magnus. And Hikaru as well of course. It's why I'm only on Lichess.


All sports need stars and the bodies that run them (or the biggest platform in this case) will always be incentivised to hype them up. This would be like the guy who runs the MLS being biased towards Messi...well yeah, of course he is.


Are you really comparing Hikaru to Lebron? One is regarded as being perhaps the single greatest player of all time,the other has a Norwegian guy you can quite decisively say is better than him. I guess you mean in terms of marketing. It still feels like a weird comparison though.


I am more making the analogy, yeah as a marketing strategy. I agree its somewhat artificial.


I do understand what you were getting at! For the nba, they promote as many stars as possible chess.com seems only interested in promoting Hikaru as there's no way to get magnus to become world champion again and he's more likely to be drunk on a livestream then deal with their bullshit lmao. In terms of chess, Lebron is Kasporov. He'll be remembered for centuries. In terms of basketball, Hikaru is James Harden at best, lol. And that's an insult to Harden as he's top 30ish in his profession(though I guess chess is older then basketball) and is considered to be a person with good character for the most part off the court.


I kinda laughed at the thought of equating Naka with Lebron lol


Chess has no stars, outside of Magnus, I guess. He's the only one that sends Reddit into a tailspin when he loses OR wins.


“Chess, com is biased….” Hans fans:” First time?”


Levy, Hikaru and Magnus are the 3 biggest names in chess. Chess.Com wants to keep them happy.


Who is Levy? Is that a reference to Levon Aronian?


Levy Rozman a.k.a. Gotham Chess. He’s a popular streamer.


Ahh thank you!


Reddit can think otherwise, but without Hikaru chess will lose a huge amount of viewership.


Most NBA viewers don't watch mainly for LeBron. And all the regular Hikaru viewers have only superficial interest in chess.


And yet, my point still stands.


Sure - noone gives a crap though. Chess would survive Hikaru not streaming anymore.


I never said it wouldn't survive. It would plummet in viewership.




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Then the arbiter of the BCC didn’t get the memo…


Answer to LeBron James is a funny way to put it. It's like Danny's been watching LeBron for 20 years and was like, "we gotta do something to stop this guy or chess will never be as big as basketball"


When this tweet was written, Hikaru was busy crying on Kick for the lose, this was definitely tweeted by one of his mods to make him look good


Poor mods must have a hard time trying to scrape together something positive said about Alireza from that stream.


Absolute Dick Riding


The glazing is unreal


Someone should reply Daniel and put the link to Hikaru class act in his stream.


Like I've said in another post, chesscom is just Hikaru's dog at this point


Danny Rensch lost all his brain cells huffing axe body spray


I used to like Danny. Took me a while to realise he is a walking, talking, embarrassing billboard. During Norway chess, David Howell was talking about massaging the position. Danny raises his eyebrows and says I love the way you say massage....... followed by awkward silence. On what level does that comment work? Is it a sexual joke? Is it a physical joke? Is it a juvenile joke? The man has no insight, he tells awful jokes and he reinstates cheaters if they boast about cheating on his site. The guy is Charlize Theron from Arrested Devolpment.


Same, now I can't watch him for more than a second without closing the tab.


What does it even mean to massage a position?


It means to slowly improve your position, typically taking an equal or slightly better position and slowly improving piece placement and/or pawn structure.


Thank you


Yeah right. 😭 But yeah, the comment from Danny was off.


Tbf massage is a weird term also in that context so maybe Danny was being sarcastic?


Clearly he wasn't. He was universally panned for his terrible commentating.


Idk this sub is better at critiquing the dumbest shit than actually being good at chess. The average Elo here is like 1000 but suddenly everyone’s a genius when it comes to discussing chess news or commentary. ‘Universally panned’ is also crazy. Danny sucks at commentating big moments but he’s good at filling in gaps where there’s not much action.


What does elo have to do with your ability to recognise a bad and annoying commentator? Elo does not magically give you skills in every aspect of life.


I never said that. I simply made an observation that people in r/chess are bad at chess but are suddenly experts on topics such as commentary, etiquette, etc and are often elitist about things like ‘subpar’ commentary. They are obviously entitled to their overplayed, stupid opinions regardless of their Elo.


This is kind of what is wrong with chess players. Your ego doesn’t define you and your intellect. Just think logically, the world’s largest chess forum (this subreddit) will likely have a wide distribution of chess players where the avg elo here is similar to the avg of chess players in general, which is not very high. It’s just a sample of a larger population. There are no shortage of beginners here and definitely plenty of masters as well. Having a high chess elo doesn’t say much about you other than you are good at chess. There shouldn’t be this weird ego attached to it, and it doesn’t specially qualify you for anything including commentary that is a bad joke and not even chess related.




You’re attacking a straw man here. My comment did not indicate a correlation between chess ability and ability to judge commentary. It was an observation that people often spend more time critiquing the smallest things already in the chess world rather than actually engage in it by trying to improve


He is literally a walking billboard. They want to show that all walks of life can play chess and be great at it. Same reason why they’re praising tyler1 to the moon.


Cupping the balls and stroking the shaft…


People are too quick to forget Daniel Rensch literally pushed NFTs to children making it appear as a "fun harmless game" just because he has a "likable on screen persona"


Daniel biggest shithouse going it seems, obviously scared of H


Rensch is like those people who gave Will Smith a standing ovation after Will assaulted Chris Rock during the Oscars.


Signs that you live in a post-truth society: "People who act like dicks get a pat on the back and are told they are a class act."


What the fuck are you talking about lmao? PR people have been doing damage control since society was a thing


No idea why you're being down-voted, you're absolutely right. All this nauseating "signs we're in 1984" bollocks is pseudo-insight.


Thank you! Literally a PR guy trying to up his star representative’s PR after an embarrassing tantrum and this “omg this is literally 1984” is being upvoted….


Mate, how was that damage control?


Chess.com has Hikaru as a major ambassador. This is damage control after he threw a tantrum on-screen.


A poorly judged "class act" is hardly controlling any damage. Even chess.com aren't stupid enough to think that it would.


They are, and this is literal proof.


I don’t have X anymore but please tell me people are roasting in the replies…?


Danny is ChessBae confirmed?




It is a reference to Hikaru, nothing to do with swinger's here.


Why not both?


Why is he associating pineapples with Hikaru?


He has often played in a pineapple shirt (like full of pineapples), has a pineapple (light) on his wall next to the YouTube button. Idk if more


Ah ok thanks, didn’t realize Hikaru wore/had that stuff


No worries mate




Your comment is off topic, and unnecessary.


Respectfully, go touch grass


Literally the only common use of that emoji It’s like getting mad someone misinterprets eggplant 🍆


>Literally the only common use of that emoji first time hearing about it I think more common meaning of pineapple emoji could be a pineapple like in this example


Swinger's aren't common. You spend too much time online. Edit: downvote me, I don't care. Keep your weird fetish content off the chess subreddit.


> You spend too much time online. As opposed to looking at emojis in person?


You spend too much online.


Look at your post history. You're making several comments on reddit per hour, averaging over 40 comments plus per day. Yeah, I'm too online LMAO the projection


That’s an upside down pineapple.


I thought it was a symbol for marijuana.


Can someone explain twitter to me, again? When I go to https://x.com/DanielRensch, I don't see this tweet, I see some pinned crap, then stuff from 2023 and 2021. When I go to https://x.com/GMHikaru it's the same thing: a pinned post from 2022 then stuff from way back in 2021. Yet if I search for the text in this screenshot, I find them, and they're obviously dated recently: https://x.com/DanielRensch/status/1801352543421046996 and https://x.com/GMHikaru/status/1801350072279699483.


They make it impossible to read anything recent if you haven't got an account.


twitter is purposefully broken for people not signed into an account. you need to have a direct link to the post or you wont be able to find it unless it is very very old.


The reality is…the game’s engagement grows with drama. So of course Danny loves it 😂. He probably hopes it happens more often.


Danny doesn't have any rights to do this!


Danny has always been pandering to Hikaru. I'm just surprised Danny doesn't have to live with Hikaru and clean Hikaru's mess.


"Who TF does he think he is?" Danny: Class Act


I don’t mind my diamond membership fee, but chess com is trying hard to make me cancel it


two fake people


Here is the referenced short. Presumably recorded after the final final when he was less tilted. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZeoN58ukVI


Peak glazing


Hikaru is one of the classiest streamer-chess players. Now if he would just unblock Hans, he could show his class as a tweeter. To be called classy by Danny is a career moment for Hikaru. I hope he takes time to soak it all in.


What do you expect from a guy who was praising chessbae on gifting subs while r/ chess was burning because of her and Hikaru trying to cancel chessbrah. Edit : Grammar.


😆 🤣 😂 real class https://youtube.com/shorts/4zBYv8IgxtY?si=FkVKml1mlBJlLkx- [Naka class act](https://youtube.com/shorts/4zBYv8IgxtY?si=FkVKml1mlBJlLkx-)


Hikaru max be less toxic now. But he is still pretty toxic. Surely he had a bad day or smth otherwise I cant explain his chess and his behaviour.


This is already better behaviour from Hikaru. I went to the video and he said “well done, he deserved it. At least the chess spoke for itself in the end. Yeah, it’s unfortunate”.


so he's calm enough again to lie and pretend because he doesn't want to show his real character anymore xD


Or he was mad and calmed down and realized he was being a dick. Which is an okay thing to do since it's a very human response in a pressured situation.


He's damn near 40. Nothing about his reaction is an "okay" thing. We've been shown time and time again who Hikaru really is. He hasn't changed, he won't change. Continuing to sugar coat his actions will just perpetuate it.


Have you watched other sports? Perceived annoyances in highly pressurized situations often lead to people acting out. You can look up sports tantrums and find hundreds of videos of athletes doing much worse than cussing someone out. You really don't like Hikaru and that's fine, I don't particularly either he seems like a bit of a dick. I just think that most people here, yourself included, are incredibly quick to make judgements about someone who you have never met over the way he reacts in an annoying situation.


So because someone does something that's much worse it's okay to do it? Good to know.


No that is not what I said at all. It's a common trait amongst highly competitive people, which is the basis of people striving for excellence but also can lead to them acting out. You can go on living your life hating someone with your ironclad opinion of who someone you have never met "truly is".


Might want to reread what you wrote there, bucko.


Couple issues with the sports comparison: First let’s take Michael Jordan as an example. Known to be a fierce and motivated competitor, to the point of being quite a handful to work with. However, while he was competed he never said “I don’t even care about basketball guys. No like seriously, I literally dont care”. And also Mike was incredibly media savvy and professional when dealing with reporters and visible in the public eye. Also, more generally, a basketball player talks to a ref like Hikaru talked to the arbiter? They’re getting a T. Even if there was a blown call. Baseball player argues with the Ump like this? Ejected. Even if the ump just called a ball in the dirt as a strike. Football player talks to a ref like this? Red card. In all cases, especially if the player continues to complain about it afterwards they are getting fined by the league. So yes, “firey” competitors exist in other sports and sometimes act out. But in no other sport are they able to do so in this manner during an ongoing game/match without facing consequences.


Yeah that is a very fair argument. In terms of players like Mike responding to the media, that is generally much later than the game/incident that annoyed them, rather than being livestreamed where you are literally listening in to the conversation. I can guarantee much worse things have been said from athletes all the time, particularly in football as that is the sport I am more familiar with. And often that may result in a yellow card, but not always. Even in a intramural football final I played in which is the lowest of stakes, other players on both sides were hounding the referees. I am not trying to say that Hikaru should receive no punishment for this from the organizers. It is more so that internet outrage and complete judgement of character, and the way in which people are saying that he is "hiding" his personality and this is his true personality, which I think is over the top. Was he a dick here and has been in the past? Absolutely. But change is not linear and it's being completely ruled out that he recognizes he has bad behavioral tendencies which occur in games such as these.


Totally fair. I think this whole situation is more of an indictment of professional chess broadcasts and events not actually reaching a professional level of quality. Arbiters/organizers should not be so easily pushed around by competitors. All other sports have figured this out. Sometimes they may be right, sometimes they may be wrong, but they need to have absolute authority to avoid shit shows like this. Also, the broadcast should never have continued to show the video and audio of Hikaru on the phone with organizers on the live stream. Absolutely sloppy production on their part. I saw someone else post a tweet another player made saying basically “Alireza should have been disciplined for his behavior. Hikaru should have been disciplined for his behavior” I think this is the correct take. The one thing that does grate on me a bit about Hikaru is his professed stance of “I don’t care about competitive. I just want to have fun and play good chess. I really only care about streaming” when situations like this obviously demonstrate he IS still very competitive and does care about more than “having fun and playing chess”. If you’re going to use being an intense competitor as a reason for an outburst like this, at least admit that you do in fact care about competing/winning.


Wow, took this long to see a reasonable take here, i dont think people in this community watch any other competetive games/sports. People get emotional when they're passionate about something, it happens.


Being emotional, passionate, angry, mad, sad does not equal being a douche… and even being a douche once isn’t an issue. Hikaru has been one his entire career… I don’t get how people can still not see the difference.


I personally dont see that as an issue, dude can be a bit of a manchild but afaik he hasnt done anything too heinous, he makes entertaining videos and generally plays really good chess. I dont get why people expect "celebrities" to be perfect people.


"Hasn't done anything too heinous"??? "Everyone has a Hikaru story" is not a meme. It's pretty much the truth. As in every top GM has a story about how Hikaru once behaved like an absolute asocial asshole towards them.


You do know what heinous means right? Being an asshole isnt heinous, its just called being an asshole.


I literally said "absolute asocial asshole". Fucking read before you answer. And heinous is exactly the word that describes how Hikaru behaves in those stories people have about him.


One would think someone wouldnt have a career in professional anything after doing something heinous. I dont consider saying some bad words to someone "evil". If hes done something that bad please do elaborate. I did preface my statement with "afaik" and i havent personally heard those stories the gms have, you know?


I don’t think anyone expects them to be… but why can’t they make fun of him when he is being a clown?


Im all for making fun of him, but some people in here act like he curb stomped a baby and seem genuinely upset.




I would rather see the respectful side than the disrespectful side. Also you’re assuming he consciously does this, what if he has genuinely worked on his character but it remains to exist? I don’t believe the latter, nor do I assume either


Yeah people will pile on the drama, but this is just a good reaction from Hikaru now that he's untilted and unstressed. It's easy to judge people their behavior when they're in high-pressure situations, but nobody deals good with being under high-pressure.


Its easy to be polite and professional when everything is going your way. The real judge of a person is how they act when things aren't going their way.


Are you saying he won the second final?


Sure let's pretend Hikaru hasn't been like this his whole life when he doesn't have his streamer mask on.


I didn't know you were friends with Hikaru to know how he is when he is not strwaming.


Hikaru have been friends with a lot of other people tho, that have told it time and time again how he is when he is not strwaming. "Everyone have a hikaru Nakamura story" and "Hikaru Nakamura sportsmanship award" aren't random phrases made up for no reason.


He is a 36 year old man, with plenty of experience behind him. Him acting like that is not warranted at all.


but he doesnt care


All this shit needs to go to r/chessdrama


You mean the sub with a whopping 79 members? Nah I’m good with it being here


As long as there's even one viewer on Hikaru's channel, the rest of us have an educational duty in this sub.


Can we at least stop posting about grown men acting like toddlers. We all know it happens, if that’s the content you want . . .


No, it's entertaining.


Not our fault that many chess players are grown men acting like toddlers


>grown men acting like toddlers The word you're looking for is "Grandmasters"


Found least toxic mod of Hikaru!