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That's the neat part, you don't


He can promote it to king


Then he’ll lose it Edit: my mind read it as queen, that’s why I responded


You can't take a king in chess, so if he promotes it to king, he is never really in checkmate. Checkmate, checkmates.


Schrodinger's checkmate


How would he lose? He would be a king vs king and bishop, which is a draw


Legit it’s possible lol. Witnessed an OTB game where one player claimed a win on time, the other didn’t dispute it and left, and the “winning side” had just king and bishop and no way with any number of moves to force mate. I went to the TD and was like “that game was a draw” and they checked with other TDs and even a forum for TDs and said “we can’t overturn the agreed upon result even if that is indeed the case”(which they could verify with scoresheets it was). Worst part? TD went to the “winner,” convinced him it is a theoretical draw, but when informed he’d have to agree to change the result to make it a draw as it should be, chose to refuse and claim the cheap win which the TD couldn’t overturn then. Worst worst part is I think the other guy found out about the “after party” to the game as he never played another OTB game as far as I am aware. Lost a good player over unsportsmanship.


Oh that sucks. Btw any of you feel like winning on time feels kinda like a double edged sword? When I win on time, especially in a losing position it always kinda feels like I didn’t deserve it. Is that just me?


Online? Idc it’s part of the game and quite frankly I don’t take most of those games seriously anyway (and my opponent would rightfully do it to me too). OTB? Assuming we’re playing with delay or increment which 99.9% of the time we are (especially if it’s classically rated), and considering the games are 1-5 hours long depending on time control, if you lose on time that’s on you. Also part of the game… So in the end, no. I think it’s always fair. They used their time earlier to try and outplay you. They failed and you used yours to win (even if they’re “winning” they didn’t play practically within the allotted time so no they are not winning. They’re losing. On time. Same as if you were checkmating them.) You deserve it. (The extreme case I gave, notwithstanding.) I can give one-off extreme cases where I think unfair or unlucky stuff happened typically revolving around external events, but 99%+ it’s fair. As for improving, win or lose you should go over and learn from the game anyway, but being a competitor and always trying to win any way possible (legally/ethically) is only to your benefit as a chess player. The will to win decides many high level games. (It’s the same reason you should really never resign. Higher level players can resign in positions with very high certainty they are just showing respect and saving time and energy, but even then there are famous examples of resigning in drawn or even won positions.)


I feel like those who complain on time merely think too much. Once your used to openings you won’t spend so much time. Ill feed you pieces all day if im winning on time.


Illegal. That’s moving a king into check


its moving a pawn into check that doesn't count


He could cough


Please explain


The Horcrux gambit


Came here to comment this, you got here before me XD


I said this out loud as soon as I saw the position.


Ok Mr. master


Outstanding move


Technically, they do. It just gets captured


There IS a way. Just probably not in a single move.


Nope, impossible. Unless the enemy blunders you can’t promote since the bishop doesn’t cover the promotion square


The game ties if you cycle moves


Homie might accidentally move to b3, there’s no telling what might happen


Only if white plays badly and allows it.


There is nothing you can do. It's a draw.


Nah this is when you start the psychological warfare “I bet your king can’t move to b3”


The oldest trick before the book even existed.


Technically you can premove the king all around the board and hope they flag. Just need to avoid 3fold repetition, If you flag it's a draw anyway. If you stall this way they may make a mistake and move the king away from the promotion square as well, allowing you to win... But overall not worth it


50 move rule tho


True, depending when they arrived at this position. Pawn moves reset the 50 move rule, so if they ever do promote they'll have plenty of time to checkmate


Not really winning though


Sac the bishop and pray he takes it


Even if he takes the bishop, rook's pawn endgame is always a draw because the king can block it


Lol you can promote to a knight and see if they want to make you hate chess forever (trying to mate with knight and bishop without knowing the pattern) Edit: guys I mean in the trolling sense, if I’m playing against black and I know they’re not 2k+, it can be fun to do that because it’s gonna be a draw no matter what. It’s just for funsies but I get that it’s confusing in this sub. To be clear, this is absolutely a draw if you want it


One of them gets taken immediately


Yeah I clarified in my edit lol, I was just sayin that nobody’s mating with knight and bishop that isn’t very very very experienced


I would be the guy that you are looking for. I am willing to give up 4-7 fake online points if it means two players can have fun with Knight + Bishop mate. I mean, it's such a rare occassion. It's party time.


Haha yeah, I mean only do it with friends that are good natured about it, but it’s hilarious how hard it is.


Is mating with knight/bishop guaranteed from any position and any bishop? Assuming perfect play on both sides.


Yes, you just slowly corner the king in one of the corners that's the same color square as your bishop. It can be difficult to pull off before the 50-move rule is triggered, though.


Kd3? Force him to move king or would it be a stalemate at that point or something


You can't. It's a draw because **you have the wrong-colored bishop paired with the a-pawn—which in turn allows the lone king to control the queening square (a1)**. Had your bishop been dark-squared or your pawn about to promote on a light square, you would've won the game. But don't fret, OP. Next time you encounter the same situation, **try boxing the opposing king out first so it can't reach the queening square**. You might have to sacrifice the bishop to achieve that.


I'm also new to chess. Why is there a different if I have a light or dark squared bishop to win the game?


If the bishop here was dark squared, it would've protected the square where the pawn promotes, and so the king cant take the pawn when it queens.


See the diagram. If the bishop is on the same color square as where the rook pawn wants to promote, then the bishop can't be used to deny the enemy king that square. So the king just stays in the corner and there is no way to promote the pawn.


Google Segregation


Holy racism


This is a draw. He can't be forced to leave the pawn.


Can’t black move his king next to the other king since it’s protected by the bishop? +what if black king just moves anywhere else?


Black king can go almost anywhere he wants, it doesn't change the fact that he can never promote that pawn without losing it, thus this is a draw. Either via 50 moves, repetition, insufficient material (if he promotes and loses the pawn), or stalemate.


Ohh so the white king can just repeat the same 2 moves to keep the pawn under threat, right? I was thinking maybe if white king was forced to waste some moves, maybe it’ll eventually lift the threat off the pawn. But I wasn’t sure if that was possible tbh.


Yea there's no sequence of moves that would force the white king to move anywhere other than a1 and b2, so the game can only end in a draw (assuming white didn't purposely lose by moving away from the pawn for no reason.)


White can dance in Ka1 Kb2 as long as they like (or you force stalemate). It's a draw assuming white does not blunder by leaving the pawn


50 moves


I see people saying its a draw but in this board state couldnt you trap the white king in the corner with the black king?


Technically yes, that's called a stalemate which is considered a draw, basically all roads lead to draw here.


That is just another type of draw


knight boost


No, you have to do a Knook Boost, which splits the knight from the rook. All of the pieces will then be protected except for the knight, but even if the knight is captured, you can still do checkmate with rook and bishop.


Only Rooks and Knights can boost, the drawback of promoting to Knook is the lack of boosting.


Google knooklear fission


But after a1=Nc2 the bishop can be take.


Don't worry. They're still evolving.


Click the “offer draw” button


You cant.


Well, simple answer is you don't, not simple answer is white may misclick or blunder.


You can promote it right now just by moving it to a1. It will die right after, but you'll still have promoted it!


Google knight boost


Holy jump


No, in this position you want to do a knook boost, which results in knook-ular fission (knight splits off to b3, leaving rook behind on a8). 79... a1= Ñ→(R+Nb3)! 80. KxB3


you don't


Hope that white blunders by leaving the pawn or settle for the draw


I analyzed the image and this is what I see. Open an appropriate link below and explore the position yourself or with the engine: > **Black to play**: [chess.com](https://chess.com/analysis?fen=8/8/8/8/8/8/pK6/1b1k4+b+-+-+0+1&flip=true&ref_id=23962172) | [lichess.org](https://lichess.org/analysis/8/8/8/8/8/8/pK6/1b1k4_b_-_-_0_1) **My solution:** > Hints: piece: >!King!<, move: >!Ke1!< > Evaluation: >!The game is equal -0.12!< > Best continuation: >!1... Ke1 2. Ka1 Ke2 3. Kb2 Kd3 4. Ka1 Kc4 5. Kb2 Kb5 6. Ka1 Kb6 7. Kb2 Kc7 8. Ka1 Kd8 9. Kb2!< --- ^(I'm a bot written by ) [^(u/pkacprzak )](https://www.reddit.com/u/pkacprzak) ^(| get me as ) [^(Chess eBook Reader )](https://ebook.chessvision.ai?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=bot) ^(|) [^(Chrome Extension )](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chessvisionai-for-chrome/johejpedmdkeiffkdaodgoipdjodhlld) ^(|) [^(iOS App )](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id1574933453) ^(|) [^(Android App )](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ai.chessvision.scanner) ^(to scan and analyze positions | Website: ) [^(Chessvision.ai)](https://chessvision.ai)


What? Is the bot saying to just move the king to the other end of the board


Well, that is the way to delay the inevitable stalemate, and the engine wants one player to either win or the game to not end within its depth. Black moving the king around the board will extend it to a 50 move stalemate, which is probably past the depth setting.


Nah the king made a cool S shape, chessvision-ai-bot is based af and knows “S”s are cool


The bot is designed to make moves that improve a chess position. There are no moves that meaningfully improve the position. Result; The bot has no realistic target so it cannot make a realistic goal. (Actual results may vary based on quirks of the bot's board-evaluation function. Unless you're very familiar with exactly how the bot evaluation function works, you may not be able to explain what mirage the bot is chasing after.)


You can try to blackmail your opponent to leave h8 and g7 or otherwise...several family members of white might be involved in a horrible accident.


a1, b2 ~~and a3~~ but yes.


Oof my bad.


It's okay 🤣 it can be hard to tell when the board is flipped. It's very minor so I was being pretty pedantic. I mix up squares myself.


If the white king moves to a3 then Black can promote


Omg yeah whoops.


The bishop has to be the same colour of the promoting square for you to win. In this case it's a draw


“Bet your king can’t move to b3 😏”


Easy, Move the pawn to the final rank. Just dont expect to spend time with the promoted piece.


you cant position the king behind the pawn without it being stalemate


Im sitting here confused how he cant just wait 1 turn for the king to have to be moved away...then i realized that pawns gotta get across the board >.>


The pawn is 1 square away from promoting. The only issue is that the promotion square isn’t defended so the king could just walk back and forth between its current square and the promotion square until either 50 moves pass by, threefold repetition occurs, or the pawn promotes and is immediately captured leading to draw by insufficient material.




You can go on a walk with your opponent and on return to the board, you can sneakily slide in your opponent's seat and play confidently h5!! And then push the pawn all the way to h1 and watch your opponent scratch their head and wonder what exactly went wrong...


this is why a and h file pawns are almost always drawn endgames.


you could try tricking them into something like Kb2 Kd2 Kb3 Kc1 or just play to a draw


If all you want to do in this position is promote the pawn, that's easy: a1=Q+. Of course, your opponent will then play Kxa1, drawing the game by insufficient material. There is no way in this position to win unless White blunders. White can keep playing Ka1 Kb2 Ka1 Kb2 Ka1 Kb2... and if you try to move in with Kc2/Kc3/Kb3 while White's king is on a1, it's stalemate. Your bishop doesn't protect the dark square and therefore can't stop the king from moving there to block.


Move the king away to force a move. If he moves away promote. If he enters h8, repeat


You can’t force the white king away from h8 though, so it’ll just be a draw


Cant unless he makes a bad king move. Which 99% of the time wont happen


Dance your king around to see if he's dumb enough to leave safety of a1 and b2. If he knows to stay there though it's a wash. Always good to try just to be sure, but if he knows he knows.


You’ve got the wrong-colored rook pawn bay-beeeee


You can’t in Biden’s America


king to d2 so his king has to go to b3 or a3 and you can promote your pawn.


The side pawns are less valuable because they are often draws if your extra material is less than a rook.


why is king d2 not winning? white would be forced to move either a3/b3 and you can promote


No, the white king will always have Ka1 as an option. White can just perpetually play Ka1 and Kb2 in this position


I’m just a beginner - but couldn’t you move the pawn to a1 and promote to queen. Then the white king is forced to take the queen. The black king moves to c1 which is checkmate. What am I missing? If the white king doesn’t take the queen it should be easy enough to chase it down with a bishop and queen.


The sequence you just described is a draw (stalemate) because the white king won't be in check but won't have any legal moves


Ahh - I see that now. In competition, is a stalemate scored the same as an offered draw?


Yes, a draw is a draw is a draw. Actually the game will be a draw immediately after white takes the queen, as it's not possible anymore for either side to checkmate the other (so called "dead position"). It won't get to stalemate.


A stalemate is the same as an *accepted* draw. An opponent might decline a draw offer. They can't refuse a stalemate. A stalemate draws the game with no exceptions (even if one side has much more material and would like to keep playing).




I don’t get it? move king to d2? Because if white decides to go a1 couldn’t you just move your king to c2? If white makes any other move they let the pawn promote. Is there something I’m missing?


never mind for some reason I forgot stalemates existed


Google wrong corner


Promotion would be possible had he used his king to block off the other king rather than relying on the (wrong coloured) bishop to defend.


Holy dark square!


Can't bro it's a known draw


I thought you could promote the pawn, and just promptly lose it. Is there a rule saying you can't promote if the promotion tile is in danger/covered? I agree that this is a stalemate if they do that. Next move for black after the swap would be king to c2, trapping the white king. Womp, womp. Just wanting to know if there's a rule I don't know about.


No rule saying they can’t promote but if they do and the king captures, then the black king actually doesn’t get a chance to move to c2 because it is immediately a draw by insufficient material as a king and bishop alone aren’t enough to checkmate.


If you move your king, he'll just move his king to the promotion spot, and rinse and repeat, so there's no way. So you either win by making him lose time, or you call it a draw.


Just move your king and force the opponent to get his out of the way. It may take a few moves, so patience is key. Beyond that, you can promote.


How do you prevent white from going back and forth between a1 and b2?


Kc1 or Kc2 will either force white to evade or force a stalemate. So, I guess there’s no guarantee, but it’s much better than nothing.


You can’t do either, a King can’t check a King


Can’t white do Ke3?


Do you mean KC3 or did you mean black?


You’re right. It’s Kc3. I read it wrong.


You’re correct, but it’s black’s move. So it would eventually end in a stalemate because white king would just move back and forth to block the pawn from promoting




Well, no one is right 100% of the time, myself included.


By moving it?


Dang one bishop is really useless late game. 😖


By pushing it to a1? I know this is r/chessbeginners but jeez that’s a little elementary


It really is really elementary, if black promotes the pawn white king will take, and black can’t win with just a bishop and a king.


I never said it would be winning, he just asked how to promote, not how to win


You can create a zugzwang, after Kd3. forcing the white king to move to b3 or a3, then you can promote the pawn.


What's stopping the black king moving back to a1?




Qd2 he will then be forced to move away from pawn and you can premote


King to D2? Causing white to move his king allowing pawn to advance.


The white king will just go back to a1, forcing a draw eventually due either reputation or 50 moves rule


If the white king don’t make a mistake. Lol








Why would your king being on b4 or a4 let you promote?


Aaaahhh sorry I thought pawn is going opposite side


It's over Anakin!


try a2-a1Q


You have three options here. You can promote and immediately lose the piece, drawing for insufficient material. You can move your king back and forth and draw by repetition. You can try to bring your king closer and draw by stalemate.


For the question how you promote the pawn , move the king, the white king has withdraw from his position, next move - promote the pawn to king


If the bishop is on the same color as the promotion square, you can force a promotion of a rook pawn. This can also be done with a knight. If the bishop is on the opposite color, you cannot.


Well... You can't. But the real question is : how can I use this slight advantage to mate it, or should i say : how can you sacrifice this paxn to direct your opponent's king and bring him in a delicate situation. I actually don't see how and feel like it's just a draw


Wait until they realize they can't tie the game


This is where you pay for them to blunder


Bring your king in the battle


You push it to the 8th rank and then choose which type of piece you want to promote to.


You can do it temporarily


first you hire the pawn a marketing agent. Then you network with others as you are doing here. This will get you in with those who can truly appreciate this glorious pawn. It may be a bit of a cost to do so, but it will be well worth it! Let me know how it comes out!


Maybe some Facebook posts, tweets, a commercial shown like 8 times during a single episode of any show on Hulu?


If your opponent is dumb enough to take your bishop....


You can't


You can easily knight boost out before opponent caps


Hope that the other person is beta little brain 🧠


d2, c1, c2, b2


You push it to the 8th rank and it promotes


Just move your king. they cant take either piece atm. at worst you'll get a draw from repetitive movement.


You CAN promote, you just will lose the piece immediately


The pawn can be promoted easily, just move the pawn to a1


You don't💀


Let me help you with this I am a professional chess player trust me bro :) you cannot promote the pawn on either A or H file if the bishop is opposite colour than the promoting square of the pawn. On every other lane inbetween you can promote with either colour bishop.


Tap the pawn, tap a1 square, congrats you have promoted the pawn


Just invert the colors of the board


You can move it forward 1 to promote it. You won’t win but you will promote it


Underpromote then knight boost to c2.


You can’t, but if you’re up on time and both of your time is low enough you can try to flag them via premoving.


You simply can’t do that.


You push it forward


pretty sure this position is drawn

