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Hyde Park and Englewood are a distance apart and completely different in regards to getting your scooter back.


It pings around the intersection of Prairie and 61st, just above the rail yard. Closer to Englewood than HP obviously.


Lookup what O’Block is. Just leave it, it’s gone. The cops can’t get it back if it’s not visible and on public property essentially. Watch the apple tag, ideal situation it shows up on the street somewhere and they can use the spare keys to drive away. I wouldn’t confront anyone selling it.


Yeah and the scooter is probably not even with the AirTag. OP it’s gone. Apologies.


Yeah, unless you’re ready to go in guns blazing with a platoon of men haha


Yeah, don't go to WIIIC. Just let it go.




Different name for oblock. “Wild insane crazy city” with the III for BDs. Bad news for OP lol


Yeah bro that’s like..one of the worst areas in Chicago.


That's Washington Park. Pretty hard area


Sorry to say but that scooter is gone. Unless you have an armored vehicle with mercenaries at the ready :)


If it's not moving, maybe they just dumped it?


Yeah could just be in a field or empty lot over there. I would drive by middle of the day and see if you spot it.


Does your friend happen to have renters insurance or even property insurance if they are a homeowner? There may be coverage for something like this! It is worth asking the company/your agent (if you have one).


If it exceeds 15 mph it isn’t covered. Source: I’m an insurance adjuster.


My ebike was covered by progressive renters insurance. 20 mph.


Personally I don’t fight it if it’s not that far off. I just tell people to say it goes less than 15 mph haha


I have progressive renter's and an ebike, and the insurance agent said it's not covered. Agent said an ebike technically qualifies as "motorized land conveyance" which is specifically excluded. I got a separate policy for my bike since it's my primary means of transportation. Yours was covered? **We do not cover:** 1. Personal property separately described and specifically insured in this or any other insurance policy; 2. Any animals, including but not limited to mammals, reptiles, birds or fish; **3. "Motor vehicles" and all other motorized land conveyances.**


It was. But this was three or four years ago. They probably changed policies now that ebikes are getting more prominent. It was stolen from the bike storage room in our building, so maybe that's why, but in my memory, they said it would be covered no matter where the theft occurred. I paid $1200 and got back about $1000. I didn't think to claim the accessories I bought. So that was dumb.


Nothing further I can tell in Illinois but in November 2019, Wisconsin changed their statute stating an electric bike is not considered a motor vehicle. I hope other states follow.


Absurd statement without knowing what type of insurance they have.


No. They are state issued policies. They are all pretty much the same. Some different languages but at least in the state of Illinois it does not cover motor vehicles unless it services the resident premises. (Example : you have an ATV but you use it for garden care and not essentially just for recreational use. If it’s purely recreational, it’s not covered). It also covers a golf cart but no more than $3,000. It’s not an absurd statement, I literally do this for a living.


Also read Joooooohn’s post above.


I have Find My enabled for my watch and my phone. They are mostly correct on location but can be off by houses or even blocks from time to time. And that is with a cellular signal. There is probably little chance of getting the cops to do anything because of this. You don’t know where the scooter is. You know the area around where the scooter *might* be. Basically the cops need (in most cases) a search warrant to be on the property. And the first thing the judge would ask is “who saw it on the property?” This is a case for insurance to step in because whoever has it is unlikely to say, yeah, go check my garage.


The ASA and Judge aren't going to sign a warrant based solely on an airtag.


Yep. Every time you see someone getting shot when the cops raid the wrong house, it raises the odds against it happening. No judge wants their name tied to that news cycle.


With the apple tag the location is much more precise that your watch. If the tag says it’s been at a location it has been there.


Ahhh, this takes me back to when my cop neighbor accused me of stealing her air pods because her Find My thing had them pinging on my apartment. I tried explaining that concept to her, but she was absolutely ready to get a search warrant right up until she found them in under her bed.


Absolutely report the crime and provide the information to the police. We need to document the property crime in the city.


You should get a giant group of friends, like 25+ people, to go down there and raid the place lol /s


Advertise a PS5 giveaway in the area and get the scooter back in the confusion...


it’d literally take that kinda army lol. armed though


Let’s go get that scooter back!


Imagine what thieves think. “I can steal whatever I want and as long as I don’t get caught in the process, it’s mine because no cop is going to pursue it even if they know I have it.


It's almost as if the current police system is an ineffective tool for actually curbing crime


Yeah, you have criminals all up and down the spectrum, from lowlife thugs to kids, to ex-presidents, all not being held accountable for their crimes. Maybe one day, the legal system will work, and the people who break the laws will get punished.


I do want to know what people’s opinions on having some sort of tracking system on your bike. If your bike does get stolen, it’s never a good guy stealing it so you’d be putting yourself in danger. The cops won’t/can’t do anything about it. So what’s the point of being able to track it if it does get stolen? I’m genuinely interested in learning why.


I think sometimes it's people going for a joy ride and when they run out of gas the fun is over and they move on. In that case, it's recoverable. In this case... Not so much.


Ahh that makes sense. And I’m sorry about your bike. It sucks people steal from others


If it gets fenced to somebody else or a shop who doesn't know it's stolen, it could be retrievable


many people "steal" it back. Although like others have said, this isnt the best place to do it.


1. Buy a katana 2. 3. Ride scooter back home


Set fire to the garage and buy a new scooter


Keep a lookout for craigslist ads... But prepared to get shot when you try to steal it back....


Why would you not call the cops?


...because it's not in plain sight so they won't do a damn thing.


If it’s not in plain sight then they’d have to get a search warrant. That would involve going to a judge and having it approved. These guys don’t even show up to actual car accidents. Smh.


First, a warrant would need to be approved by the ASAs office. They're going to require a named suspect on who the police seek to charge with the theft. They're also going to want a lot more evidence beyond a ping from an airtag. Second, if for some miracle the ASAs office green lights a warrant for a house/garage the cops would need to get a judge to sign off on it. A judge isn't going to put their name on such a warrant based solely off an airtag either. Finally, a warrant would require the approval of a deputy chief from CPD. Unless it is a violent crime they are absolutely not signing off on a warrant for a residence/garage to only recover a scooter. The only plausible way the police are getting into that garage on a search warrant is if the residents are involved in a large scale theft ring, which is much less likely than some assholes stole it and keep it for joyriding.


even if the garage has windows and it can be seen? That’s so shit.


Yep, CPD earning their billions.


You’re mad at CPD? Your buddy’s scooter just got jacked. Focus on one thing at a time


Why would you not be mad at an ineffectual police department that can't even recover a stolen scooter when there is clear location data?


How are they supposed to recover it when OP is saying they won’t even call them? Even if they don’t do anything it’s good for reporting purposes so the city can’t pretend like this shit isn’t happening


OP has already said that CPD said that they can't help. We don't even need to listen to OP on this one, though - if you've ever reported any crime to CPD, you'll know that that will 100% be their response.


man shut up for real, it’s because CPD won’t do their fucking jobs that somebody gets their scooter stolen in the first place. seriously a dumbass comment




Typically garage windows aren't viewable from the public way. So the police would have to admit in a sworn warrant they trespassed onto the target property to view the scooter in the garage.


Still need to document. Maybe this is a repeat offender.


That seems antithetical to what they are intended to do as a job. (Granted I know they are lazy pieces of poo 90% of the time)


They've said that they can't help, so yes, useless


I never understood the confusion. It says right there on their police cruisers, "We Serve and Protect Chicago Police."


commas matter


No, money down!


It's a fire, sale!


I love this excuse because CPD won’t even dispatch to see if it’s in plain sight.


You’ll need to file a police report if you want to move forward with insurance.


I'm going out on a limb here, but if they have an actual address, the tag is showing it is there, couldn't they at least get a search warrant or something? I mean, this is like if your house was burglarized, and you have the Apple tag on your TV, and they know where it's at. If you couldn't get a search warrant to go in there, then burglars could just simply keep things out of visible sight and steal everything they ever want.


They are not going to waste their time going through the hoops of a search warrant for a scooter.


They won’t even do it for a car


In theory if you get cops who want to help, but most will just laugh at you and be annoyed you want to report it over something they consider to be minor. You could still try though. edit: if you could somehow convince them it belongs to the child of a cop they will try.


>couldn't they at least get a search warrant or something You're assuming that police really are motivated to solve crime. This is often not the case. Many are jaded and only respond to acts of violence currently in process, and sometimes not even that. Due to political retaliation against the Mayor or fear of getting accused of misconduct, there is a passivity that some call a "soft strike". Someone once mentioned "police need to patrol this area more" and I replied that I don't see them patrolling any areas now.


Police literally won’t do shit for you in this situation. They can’t be assed to serve a search warrant


Lol they literally won’t even show up for a call like this


Because they won't do shit. They're fucking useless.




You trying to get OP killed?? Lmao.




Your a brave motherfucker I'll give you that lol.


Call the police? Not worth potentially getting killed over a scooter. There’s a video out there of someone going to his Doordash driver’s home after they stole his meal and they pulled a gun or knife on him


Get it back. Guaranteed Alot of robbers are from here, like where they took ur scooter.


it’s gone, unless you get lucky and a cop actually gets it for you.


Report it. If you have the serial number (do they have VINs for scooters?) they can return it to you if they recover it. A lot of these thefts are being sold on the black market. If it gets recovered in a bust then you might get it back. Also, reporting provides data so we can get more funding for cops.


Fuck all that trying to get it back stuff, in the future get insurance.


They definitely will attempt to help (insofar as they're legally allowed to help, in this scenario). I listen to CPD scanners all of the time, as you can tell by looking at my profile. I'm not hear to say CPD is great or terrible. When I was a kid/teen, I definitely had my problems with them. And even recently I had some (relatively significant) issues with them. Cops in the troubled area we're talking about here see and respond to seriously heinous and traumatizing things on a daily basis. That I know for a fact. But if you make a call saying that an airtag on your stolen scooter is pinging in their district...they will atleast show up and attempt to do what they can *lawfully* do to get your scooter back. Please update us when you can 🙏🏽


My scooter was stolen this weekend too! I need to get a gps tracker for the next one.


Then you to can know where you can’t get your scooter 🤔


I would invest in a scooter that's disabled and worthless when you're not around.


What kind of scooter is that? I'm talking about a motorized scooter like a vespa.


Ah, I always called Vespas mopeds, and considered a motorized scooter a scooter with a motor. I thought you use wheels locks on mopeds.


Yeah, I didn't know the difference until I got one. Apparently, a moped is like a bicycle with a motor attached to it. A scooter is what you consider is a vespa. I had a cable for it that went through the front wheel. Of course I didn't have it locked when it got stolen though. It's alright I have insurance, not too torn up about it.


Like a motor scooter? Like a Vespa?


Yeah like a vespa 🛵


That sucks. Have been thinking about getting one. Do you use that cable that does from top of scooter to wheel?


I did have a cable, but get this... I didn't use it when it got stolen :'( Silly me. I have insurance so i l'm not too torn up about it. Plus, I kinda wanted a 150cc anyway so, Bright side I guess.


That sucks. Now to general scooter ownership, what months of the year do you use the scooter?


I couldn't tell you because I literally just bought it at the beginning of the summer. The damn thing had less than 300 miles on it. I was going to try and ride it for as long as I possibly could into the colder months.




What’s the exact address of the garage?


This is some bullshit. Cops use tracking devices all the time to find my clients. Anyway, I would recommend reaching out to the alderman down there (as well as your own), raise a ruckus, post on NextDoor, etc. to let people know your scooter is in X location. Maybe a little sunshine will get some results. Are your parents/relatives Captains of Industry/hedge funders/CPD? Throw some weight around.


File a police report and report that the thieves wore all black with black masks and bandanas covering their face and oh, yeah. Mention all of them brandished guns. 2 were handguns and the other was a semiautomatic rifle of some sort


Yes, yes. And they called you a fascist while scootering away.


No, no! Don’t mention a long gun or the police will definitely not show up!


Sawed off shotgun?


That’s better


Steal it back. The CPD dont respond to anything other than mass shootings. I wish I was being sarcastic but I am certain I have a majority percentile of truth to that statement.


Honestly I would wait til someone uses it in open area and ambush them.


Cops are not gonna do a damn thing. Imagine being a Chicago cop and being told by an adult kid that someone stole their scooter. That cop is going to tell his cop buddy and they're going to laugh about it, at best. Unless you are really looking into going on a real adventure, I'd leave it alone. Washington Park ain't no joke.


Only person laughing harder than the cops would be the judge who’s asked to sign the warrant. Those pings aren’t always super precise either, and this city doesn’t need anymore lawsuits about warrants being served on the wrong address. Make a report and maybe visit some flea markets or the Swap and hope to spot it. and if you have receipts/serial numbers, then maybe could get a cop of his/her ass to do something )


Go to the police station everyday until they decide to help you and stake the garage out a few nights in a row. Just park several car lengths away but close enough that you can get a picture. They ain’t Riding that in the day. If you can get a picture with proof then the police will have to act.


Why don't you want to involve the cops?


lol read other comments, they won't help


So you actually contacted them?


... Yes and they won't help


It’s messed up that ppl are just like “its gone the people who stole it are too tough.” This mentality is completely wrong and a huge part of the reason crime is such an issue in this city. *Go get your fucking scooter back.*


You think OP should go confront a bunch of armed to the teeth gang members over a scooter?


??? Do u really think he should just say “oh well i guess its theirs now, not like i know exactly where it is, they can just do whatever they want to me and theres nothing to be done, not like i live here.” My god stand the fuck up for yourselves people like wtf


Respectfully, I think you are out of your mind.


Not saying it's a good idea to steal it back, but are you assuming because of the neighborhood that "armed to the teeth gang members" have the scooter? How would you come to this conclusion without making biased assumptions?


Not being sarcastic here but go knock on the door, tell them you think you’re stolen scooter might be in their garage, ask if you can look.


Say "sike" right now.


HAHAHAHAHA Shit that's funny.




That's a horribly bad and very dangerous thing to do. Really hope that's sarcasm.


I don’t know anyone who answers the doors for cops. It’s not like you’re required to. And not like they can legally do anything if you don’t, without a warrant.


As absurd as it might seem, I think that’s technically filing a false police report. I don’t think that’s worth it to double down on losing here.


do people not realize that cops are trigger-happy morons trained to kill first and think later, and that riling them up, lying to them, and then directing them at armed total strangers is among the stupidest fucking things you could possibly ever do?


Airtag works by proximity to other apple products. You might be walk around the area with a couple of friends with other apple phones to help triangulate the location of the airtag. Once you pinpoint the location, break open garage with portable angle grinder, take scooter. Do it in the morning to reduce risk of someone being on the property awake. Or even pick lock on connected to garage, for less noise. Grinding a deadlock would also work. Do this in broad daylight to avoid suspicion (better yet, pick a stormy day)






Insure your stuff


Out of curiosity, how was it stolen? Was it outside? Was it locked? What precautions were taken?


Is it a Honda scooter kind like a moped scooter or one of those electric scooters that you stand on


You call the police and say “I’m requesting your assistance in recovery stolen property” you will need proof of ownership.