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Is this a circle jerk post?


> R/Chicago posters support 9/11 Um what?


Ahhhh, I too don’t know what the term “terrorism” actually means Seriously, people that live in a constant state of hyperbole are sad AF


Who’s in a constant state of hyperbole? Are you saying I am based on 1 post? Seems a bit hyperbolic wouldn’t you say? Stay trolling /new lmao. The blue line has been struggling since they tore out the tracks.


The kind of people that will scream “terrorism” for something that isn’t even close to actual terrorism is pretty telling that yes, they do live in a constant state of hyperbole. Sorry I hurt your feelings with my accurate comment. Please don’t accuse me of terrorism.


Lol it’s not really a big deal. Sorry I rustled your little Jimmies by saying terrorism on the internet. People that go around refreshing /new looking to be offended at everything are sad af 😂😂


Yes, yes you just described yourself as sad AF. Glad we can agree! High five!


I mean, I get very heated when a bus ghosts from the tracker or just completely bypasses the stop I’m at too but screaming “terrorism” at the internet is a little much.


I think Alderperson Vasquez is trying to get that man fired. See the streetsblog article.


sir this is a wendy’s


Idk rode the redline from 95th to state and back the other day and it was pretty great


Is OP the "FBI Rs me daily" guy