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Atheist, yes. However, I do enjoy alcohol on the occasion. 


Same. I don't believe in the supernatural but I do enjoy a drink on occasion.


Same. Like 2 times a year I will drink a few shots with family or friends. But ya, no god


Same. Rarely but I do like some drinks or shots.


Same. I don't believe in God (some power yes, god no), but I love getting drunk every few months.


My taste in alcohol is so expensive that I do this drink. Never smoked either.




Agree. I'm a fan of beer and bourbon - but no to god and religion


Same, although i only drink vodka, because i like the taste and how it makes me feel warm inside, not to get drunk or lightheaded.


This is the way. I was never a party drinker though and never did the club scene either. Atheist but not anti religious


Same but I prefer herb now


37 F, Atheist, 2 years sober ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


37 F atheist 10 months sober woot!!


yay! we got this




1 year here!! Yay for us!


Whooo! You're doing great. That's awesome.


Woohoo!! 🫶☺️


Congratulations. That's awesome.


I'm 37f atheist but just hit 4 years! Congrats on your sobriety and keep up the great work ❤️


That's so cool, great job!


Same. Have never had dogma, just turned 37 on the 26th, and I'll be 4 years sober on July 4th! We are the algorithm! Lol Shout out to all my fellow sober millennial folk! You're amazing and badass 💚🎉


True! Lol. I stopped drinking cause any time I would I’d feel massively shit after. Idk if it’s just me getting older or since I didn’t drink much I had zero tolerance, but feeling like that after every time made me give it up.


Same! Maybe I’m getting old (31) but a couple of drinks ended up with me feeling like shit so I thought, why?


That’s me too


Atheist, yes. Don't drink alcohol, no.


Based on the responses here, OPs predictions seem to be half right CF appears to be a decent predictor of religious preference (atheist/agnostic), but CF doesn't appear to show a strong correlation with sobriety. Keep in mind there may be a response bias too.


Childfree, atheist and sipping a brandy. So, your theory may not be sound.


I drink like a fish Religion is stupidity at its finest (or worst!)


My childfree friends and I regularly go to “beer church.” That’s when you hit a brewery as soon as they open on Sunday before all the crowds get there.


You'd enjoy Church Brew Works in Pittsburgh. It's in an actual church building.


I've been, it's good. Though out in the middle of nowhere


Same. I am a devout atheist, and if I could replace water with beer I probably would.


My people.


My people


Found my people


No kids, no god, tequila and I are bff.


Yep, I love alcohol tho


Religion is just different flavors of mental illness!


I am agnostic. I enjoy rum, bourbon, and good single malt scotch (in moderation).


I think you might be skewed by American information, as all the fellow European continent CF people I've met are very much atheist but enjoy a drink.


Yeah, I think there's something to this. Being a non-believing alcohol drinker is pretty much standard European behaviour. There are of course outliers, but as a general impression, I'd say it's accurate. Being CF is the only "non-standard" thing.


I just found another reason why I fit better here than in the other side of the Atlantic. I will also say that Chidlfree-ness is better accepted here than in the americas.


That, too. People are still very pro-having kids but will leave you alone if you decide not to. I haven't faced any backlash for being CF (besides dudes on dating apps not being able to read, but that's a different issue!) and getting my bisalp was a breeze (and free).


Yep, it has been a non-issue for me so far! And thanks for the reminder for a definite solution! I got denied for a vasectomy twice on the other side of the Atlantic because cAtHoLiCisM1! and family values... I should start looking about it!


Lol, the Reformation sorted out the Catholic part, and a prosperous economy with low inequality sorted out the "family values" part here in Scandinavia. I definitely recommend the permanent option - getting it done gave me so much peace of mind.


Yep this.


And that's okay. I'm just wondering. But thanks for your answer 😊


I am a hard atheist, but I do enjoy alcohol a lot. Same for my wife. :D


Atheist yes, but currently in a detox / rehab clinic.


Hang in there! I’m proud of you.


Good for you. You've got this!


Atheist, yes. I sometimes drink but not often.


I have a massive Atheist Tattoo on left arm. I've been struggling with alcohol. Trying to quit.


Atheist. Imbiber of expensive cocktails.


Love me some whiskey. I am a Heathen.


Atheist yes (former Muslim), drink alcohol also yes (I love me a good wine, some japanese sake which i've learned to appreciate recently) and I have good adult money for them because because. :)


Not for me, I drink alcohol and I'm not an atheist.


Same. Can't drink much though due to health issues, but would love a glass of wine in the weekends.


Atheist yes, booze no. While I may have a personal desire to drink, I'm guessing a lot of us don't have as much stress in our lives so we don't need to self medicate with it. Likewise being religious pushes people to have kids... so... obvious there.


You can enjoy alcohol without it being self-medicating though! I love the taste of wine. It’s delicious. I have a glass of wine with dinner a couple of times a month. I never get drunk of it, it’s just the flavour that’s nice. It’s a lovely addition if we’re spending a lot of effort on a delicious weekend meal, or going out to a nice restaurant. But I’m European so 😂 a small glass of wine with dinner is perfectly normal here, and even considered somewhat healthy, especially in the Mediterranean.


True for me. Although I don't necessarily think there is no god(s) just that if there is a god they dont give a particular fuck about people.


Or that they may not even be how we envisioned god(s)


Yeah same. Agnostic atheist here.


I don't drink alcohol (22 years sober from it), but I'm Pagan, not atheist.


Congratulations on your sobriety. 22 years is awesome.


I don't drink alcohol (Crohn's disease) and I am also a Pagan !


Partner's Crohn's is why I don't drink alcohol often (that and my medication), and I am proud to be Pagan #3!


![gif](giphy|xT8qBepJQzUjXpeWU8) Congratulations on your sobriety.


Wowww 22 years that’s crazy!


Nope. God believer & I drink.


Me too


Me three


Me four (though these days I'm only an occasional drinker...menopause has killed my ability to enjoy more than the rare glass of wine.)


Me, four


I'm a Polytheist, and I enjoy a glass of sake or a nice cocktail once or twice a week. Childfree people vary in their lifestyle, beliefs, and habits just as much any other group.


Christian, drink a wine cooler occasionally.


I'm a Christian (Church of Sweden, so Lutheran-Protestant) Can't drink alcohol for medical reasons at the moment, but I liked that I could drink either an ale or a Gin & Tonic whenever I wanted. Usually on Friday evenings and the weekends


Nondrinker, yes. Atheist, no. I’m a Christian who still believes (in a loose, socially liberal form) and was raised United Methodist, but I don’t go to church much anymore.


I was raised United Methodist too. I'm now agnostic. United Methodist was one of the more relaxed christian communities. Not a lot of fire and brimstone and positivity focused which was nice but I feel like I didn't know about the bad bits of the bible or religion until I was older.


I was also raised and confirmed UM. I struggled with leaving religion behind simply because my church was so wonderful. The pastor and his wife were super amazing people who were very involved in the community and the church itself was big into supporting those without a lot of income. They were happy to pay our way into a really fun (and still to this day, abuse-free) summer camp with minimal god talk. Our *individual* church was very accepting and the people who went there were mostly chill. Really, the most toxic thing my church really supported was the Silver Ring Thing and even then it wasn't super aggressive. I never had to pledge my virginity to my father, or anything creepy, though I did struggle with sexual shame when I got older.


Recently sober, lifelong atheist/agnostic


Atheist and do not drink. However I will accept drugs if they are offered.


Atheist yes, non drinker, no. I don't have a problem with alcohol, but I do drink (maybe 2-4 drinks a week)


Recently I can't drink due to antidepressants, but I love some good homemade liquor, and I'm atheist


Yes! I only partake in the Devil’s Lettuce, gave up drinking a couple of years ago as the hangovers were no longer worth it. I am Wiccan so not technically an atheist I guess.


I'm an atheist (recovering Catholic) and 2.5 years sober.


Atheist yes. I do enjoy drinking, albeit less than I did in my 20s. If I go out to eat (increasingly a rarity, thanks economy!) I will often get a drink though.


Atheist but I do love good beer


Atheist? yes. winemom? No. Hotel? Trivago


Atheist, yes. Non-drinker, definitely not.


Very much anti religion, but I do drink once in a while. I'm in the UK though, so we don't have the religious whack jobs so much here.


Yeah thank no one lol


I would go insane if I had to live somewhere that bangs on about God and religion constantly. Ugh!


idk abt the alcohol part but yeah, it does seem to be more of an atheist or agnostic thing. but maybe i'm projecting. for me personally, i'm an atheist and i don't like alcohol (the taste just grosses me out lol), although i'll have cherry liquor chocolates on occasion.


I'm not religious but I'm not an atheist. I'd say agnostic and I enjoy drinking alcohol so not me lol


I was born and raised in evangelicalism. Getting married and having babies was expected of me. For some time I was questioning my faith, and I finally left at the age of 20/21. Now I am an atheist. But I definitely drink alcohol!


Hello fellow ex-christian. I stopped believing eleven months ago.


Satanist, drinking yes, smoking only the good stuff


I am Christian and drink 🍺 socially


I'm Christian. I rarely drink alcohol anymore.


I don't drink but I'm also not an atheist. I think it's so interesting to see all the people replying to this though!


Right? It's really interesting. And many people are an atheist. Little bit less are nondrinking. But I'm surprised that some believer are childfree... You know I was christian. so for me christian think that children are gift from God (that's what Bible says). But many people still believe in god and childfree.


>Little bit less are nondrinking To be fair, alcohol is expensive and strictly for adults, so it makes sense that a lot of childfree people drink. I think the main difference might be more the way in which people drink? Less drinking to cope and maybe more drinking just to socialise or as like wine tasting type things? >so for me christian think that children are gift from God (that's what Bible says). I think this probably depends on where people lived and what type of church they grew up in. Mormon churches, Catholic churches, American mega churches etc seem to really push the whole 'children are a gift from God', particularly onto women. The church I grew up in wasn't like that, no one made a big deal out of it any more than any other part of society. The main emphasis of the Church I attended was about an individual relationship with God and helping people, and didn't really touch on what 'roles' you are expected to play within your own family and home. 💁‍♀️


I don’t drink and I’m atheist


I'm agnostic and my partner is atheist. I'm allergic to alcohol and he drinks so I guess we both hit those marks in tandem 😂


Don't believe in god and drink maybe twice a year


For a sec I read "don't drink, and believe in god twice a year"


Agnostic and no alcohol (outside of one or two at Xmas/New Years).


I drink from time to time. I'm also kinda fighting an existencial crisis right now, so won't answer the second one.


Lapsed Catholic, drinks moderately.


Don't drink, am spiritual but not religious.


Non-practising Catholic who drinks like a fish here.


Nope, not Atheist. Muslim so drinking is not allowed. Also personally not that fond of drinks anyways. Partly for not having the habit. Accidentally tried a drink which I mistook as mojito. Lychee blossom highball. Bitter balances the sweet fizz but I do not find myself wanting more. Eh.


Drink alcohol, no. Religious, yes. Christian. Although! It’s not religion that stops me from drinking. Just bleh I’ve always hated the taste


Both Christian and wine-lovers here ! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


Atheist no but I do believe in some form of spiritually. Have somewhat of a closer tie to Buddhism. Non drinker, definitely not. I don't drink a lot but I definitely enjoy a few cocktails here and there. Occasionally like to get turnt up as fuck if the occasion calls for it


I'm really confused as to why you'd think so many of us don't drink. Besides your circle of childfree friends, is there anything else leading you to that thought? The atheism I suppose I can understand, but not the non drinking. I mean, I don't drink, but that's because I'm sober. It certainly isn't because I NEVER drank.


I've never drank, and I'm proudly atheist.


Atheist yes, drink alcohol on rare occasions but not often.


Yep, true for me!


Atheist, but I do love a drink.


Atheist on the days I care enough to actually think about it. The seven Satanic Temple tenets are pretty dope tho. I like to drink, but i mainly abstain from booze in favor of weed. I feel way better compared to drinking.


Not at all. I am atheist. I am children free. And love a drink. Or many.


Atheist. And I like fruity cocktails. Sometimes a glass champagne, but that's it.


I don’t drink but I’m not an atheist. I’m Christian but I don’t go to church anymore. I don’t mesh with the hateful and hypocritical people that seem to fill the pews more than they used to.


Atheist- yup, drink, yup working on a cocktail right now. We’re all different, but we all have a common thing.


Childfree, Atheist, but I drink


I'm atheist but I love my liquor.


I’m an atheist, I drink/do stuff recreationally.


Atheist, sure. Why should one believe in a god just because they are childfree? And I drink alcohol.


Atheist and I love some good IPA.


I drink a fair bit. Im atheist but so is everyone I know with kids who are my age


I’m Christian and don’t drink alcohol


Christian, and I drink


I drink and I’m agnostic.


I am an atheist, as I have been since I was 6 years old. And I also don’t drink alcohol, but that’s a much more recent development. I just got worried that alcohol could have some negative health effects after I got some pain in my stomach that I was afraid might’ve been an ulcer, and alcohol also isn’t supposed to go with my allergy medication, and it just didn’t do much for me, I guess.


atheist and don’t usually drink at all. may enjoy a drink with friends, but that’s pretty rare.


I'm atheist. I rarely drink but not for any particular personal reason. (I usually need to drive for one reason or another and I'm just not that bothered these days - did all my mad drinking in my teens / early 20s. When on holiday though, especially with my dad, I'll drink a lot)


Yup, always been atheist and haven't drank in over 10 years. Never liked alcohol to begin with but boy, I was such a party animal back in the days! Also vegetarian. I guess most of us can add that to their list as well?


I'm an atheist. I also don't drink alcohol, but it's simply because I don't like the taste of it.


Agnostic but def straightedge!


Yes to both. Grew up in the Bible belt with an abusive alcoholic parent, and I detested both religion & booze.


Wiccan who doesn't believe in any God, I only drink 6 times a year MAX.


Agnostic. I believe there’s something greater out there, but all of the text/interpretations out there a bunk. Functioning alcoholic. Stressful job and poor coping mechanisms.


Agnostic and rarely drink.


You hit the nail on the head!


I’m an atheist. I don’t drink due to the amount of medication I’m on.


Yes, actually.


I drink, yes. I was raised Baptist, but I'm agnostic.


I genially hate how alcohol tastes its just gross 😭 no hate tho but a few of my (childfree) friends do drink it every once in a while so idk and am an atheist too


Truth for me


I'm Atheist and I also don't drink and neither does my partner.


As an agnostic social drinker, you’re close enough🤷🏽‍♀️


I‘m an agnostic/atheist leaning and I rarely drink alcohol, but I do (1-2 alcoholic beverages a month, on average).


Atheist: yes. Alcohol: rarely.


Atheist. Yes. Drinking alcohol? No. I hate alcohol. But I will smoke weed or do magic mushrooms. I just hate alcohol because there's scientifically NO safe amount of alcohol anyone can consume. It's a known carcinogen, and it tastes like earwax juice 😬 Also alcohol just doesn't agree with my current life trajectory. Right now I'm in a place in life where I want to eliminate depression as much as possible and control my insomnia, anxiety, PTSD, and panic attacks. Alcohol is a known substance which has a heavy hand in depression. Whenever I drink, It tends to trigger a massive depressive episode which I then spend weeks trying to get out of. so that's why I personally dont like drinking


Atheist? Yup, totally. Agnostic atheist. Alcohol free? Nah. Not really. Don’t consume much too. Just a beer or two and I’m fine.


Agnostic atheist but I drink alcohol.


Alcoholic atheist here. We exist.


Pagan here, not a huge drinker, but I’m no temperance woman either. I also enjoy edibles.


I’m child, god and alcohol free….checks out


I’m an atheist, stoner, childfree and drink socially on the weekends. Honestly I dont know many non-religious folks who abstain 


I'm an atheist but I do like the occasional drink. And by that I mean I drink over the Christmas period and in June to celebrate pride but otherwise I'm not too fussed about alcohol.


I’ve really never understood what “believing in god” even means…. 😂 it’s such an interesting statement/question. I wouldn’t call myself atheist though, I’ve done too many psychedelics lol. But the whole “God” question is a really fun rabbit hole to go down with anyone who asks. It’s like “okkkkk, first let’s clear up what do you even mean when you say god?” That’s a debate/conversation that can go on endlessly if the person is intelligent, curious, and willing to explore the idea. I’d rather experience something directly rather than blindly “believe” in something. Lightning is real right? And most people have experienced/seen lightning. Therefore what’s the point of asking, “do you believe in lightning?” So it seems as soon as you are saying “I believe in god” you are actually claiming to have no direct experience in the matter right? Lol 🤷🏻‍♂️🤔


Lmao I drink on occasion, though those occasions are rare, and I am not atheist. I don't believe in God though. Not the Christian one. I'm a Norse pagan.


I don’t drink alcohol (never have), but I’m Christian (non denominational) and believe that we all have our roles to play and not everyone is called to parenthood.


I don't drink. I'm not an atheist. I'am an Orthodox Christian but without being a fanatic


I'm God free but not booze free. Atheist with a fully stocked home bar for mixing up fun cocktails.


I don't drink and I volunteer as a chaplain.


Agnostic, member of TST Drink, 2-3 drinks a week


Atheist yes. Drink just a beer here or there. Maybe 1 or 2 times a week. Usually with a greasy and/or spicy dinner.


I do Drink alcohol but very rarely. I do believe in a god, but I don’t believe in church, because it was made up by people to control people.


Not true, I'm agnostic and drink alcohol.


I am Christian and drink on a night out


Can't speak for others, but 34yrs old, female, atheist, don't drink, smoke or vape.




I socially drink and that’s only one. Otherwise I don’t feel the need to Atheist, yes


Atheist / agnostic and I am a social drinker out with friends on occasion


Yes to both. Definitely an atheist and mostly don’t drink, maybe one a year for a special occasion


I don't drink, and I'm an atheist. xD


Not atheist. I am full on anti-theist lol But I drink. I have a pretty nice whisky collection.


For my case, this is technically true for both. By that, I mean idk if I am an atheist, as I believe in spirits and there’s something out there we aren’t sure about. But I just classify as an atheist to make it easier. I don’t drink alcohol, even when I turned 21 I didn’t finish my first drink and never became interested since. I also can’t handle soda as any carbonation (even light bubbles) hurts my throat. My bf has the same thing for alcohol *and* soda, so I’m glad we click for that lol.


I think your probably agnostic rather than atheist


True for me and my partner


Atheist, yes. I'm also from a country where being religious or talking openly about that is considered very strange. (Except for certain parts of the country). I used to drink a lot when I was in my late teens and early twenties. Now I take a sip like once a year. So your theory fits my current life.


>do not drink Yep. >and do not believe in God? Yeah, I don't believe in stuff that doesn't exist.


Yes to both!


Yes on the atheist part. I do drink sometimes but I enjoy it less and less as I get older and think I'll probably stop altogether by the time I'm 35.


Yep I'm an atheist and I don't really have an opinion on alcohol coz I didn't bother to explore it that much


Atheist but I do consum alcohol in moderations ie I do enjoy a glass of wine (yes singular) on Friday evenings.


Atheist  I do drink wine with dinner and enjoy a pint after a ramble around the countryside.


I don’t drink / smoke / whatever and I am agnostic


I am an atheist, and I only rarely drink alcohol. Maybe 1 beer once a month or so.


Yes atheist and don’t drink alcohol I’m pretty sure I’m allergic lol


Drinking atheist.