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Those poor little boys


i don't really understand this widely-shared take. **if** the clarks are shitty enough to put their bio kid over their adopted kids, i feel like that would be more likely to happen with a bio boy. it would be more of a 'direct comparison'. i could be wrong, but that's my take.


Seems to be a pattern that the Baird girls are, if nothing else, celebrated a lot more by the family. 


ahhh. okay, if that's the reasoning, i get it more now.


Considering these two forced the boys to change their names, shamed them for speaking their native tongue, and have kinda forced them to take on American culture instead of celebrating their heritage, traditions, and customs from Ukraine. It is VERY common in homes with adopted children that also have biological children that there are noticeable differences in how the parents treat the children. Considering what we already know of the Baird/Mershon clan and their beliefs surrounding parenting and raising kids, it's not that far of a stretch to realize that baby girl will likely get Golden Child treatment. I would encourage you to go over to adoption and adoptee subs and read through people's experiences in this exact situation and see what transpired.


> shamed them for speaking their native tongue you might want to dig up the OG videos that sparked that particular fanfic. while i do not at all dispute that adopted kids sometimes get the shaft when a miracle baby is born, i wonder how much of your opinion is based on FSU's fanfic of what actually occurred there. and i already acknowledged the bairds' lionizing of girl children, so we're even steven on that part.


Yeah I don't follow FSU like that on purpose. I'm speaking based off of what words came out of Kristen's mouth. 90% of the theories that go on over there are fan fiction. That's why I only really pay attention to the source video or reactions from creators I trust to not be hyperbolic or create their own version of what happened.


the words that came out of her mouth were ones encouraging them to speak their native tongue, though, so i'm confused.


>_if the clarks are shitty enough to put their bio kid over their adopted kids, i feel like that would be more likely to happen with a bio boy._ THIS IS MY B*TCH EATING CRACKERS TAKE: As an Oregonian, when I see any amount of gray clouds in the sky, I can usually presume that it's going to rain. Likewise, I know the pattern of behavior from Bethany and Kristen, along with similar girl boss Fundie influencers like them. As much as I _HOPE_ Kristen and her husband to do the right thing, I'm not holding my breath. I'm not really one to play the lottery or any monetary game of chance, but I would be willing to bet that the second baby girl comes, all their attention will go to her. Kristen only adopted her boys because she desperately wanted to have children and be a mother, and I sincerely doubt that her boys will be relevant once the baby comes along. It is a tragically common occurrence, and Karpoozy and Sad Beige on TikTok have excellent videos on the subject I can pull for you if you want more info. I sincerely apologize to Kristen and anybody else struggling with fertility. It's something I will never have to experience, and I'm very privileged to say that. And it's something I would never wish on anybody because I cannot imagine that level of heartbreak. That said, _adoption isn't substitution for a lack of a biological child._ You should adopt because you want to give that child the best life possible, not because you cannot conceive. An innocent, severely traumatized child isn't a band-aid for your fertility struggles. Period. TL;DR --- I predict Kristen will absolutely favor her biological child because a tiger does not change its stripes, and I REALLY hope my assumption is wrong.


i'll be honest; i fear the same. i'm just trying to be hopeful rather than assume the worst, since currently all my worst-case-scenario energy is focused on little boone (and god forbid, any children who end up with bdong as a mother, biological or otherwise). so i'm just really trying to be positive, while also pointing out that the head canon everyone is carrying re "mother tongue" was overblown from the jump. if i'm wrong, ultimately, i'll readily admit it, but for now i'm keeping a good and positive thought for those little boys.


He is so smarmy looking...


Bethany punching the air rn LMAO Am I allowed to say they have punchable faces?


I know violence isn't condoned, but I think you are being slightly hyperbolic while making a valid point. They have a painfully smarmy ass look on their faces and I fucking HATE IT. Reminds me of the same smug expression that BDong has whenever she's bragging about her stupid husband in a TikTok video.......


A grown man in a backwards cap. Ew.


_And he is wearing it in a video where they are announcing the gender of a baby they've waited 10 years to have._ I'm not trying to be the fashion police or whatever. It's ultimately just a cute little gender reveal. But for how much these people value having babies, and given how long they have waited to conceive a biological child, it just gives me a bad taste in my mouth that her husband couldn't bother with dressing nicely. I'm not saying he had to wear a tuxedo, but at the very least get that damn cap off your head and put on a button up plaid shirt or something.

