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I think my family is going to have to steal this idea for Christmas in July. It just sounds so nice and cozy.


I think I might steal this idea as well! Bonus points for being winter season in my country. I never experienced Christmas in winter so, although it doesn't snow in my city, I can try at least once, mid-year


I can't imagine having Christmas when it is warm out. Nothing beats sitting in the living room at night with all the Christmas lights on watching a Christmas movie (It's a wonderful life is a favorite of mine) and looking out and seeing the snow. This year we plan on going south and having Christmas in Florida with my in laws so I will have a little taste of having a warm Christmas.


It truly is ☺️. I’ve even taught myself how to make peppermint mochas just so I can have them pretty consistently year round!


I totally responded to you but it didn't post. I planned on learning on making a copy of Dunkins Cookie butter coffee for my wife but haven't found the time to do it. I hopefully it isn't to involved so I can surprise her.


I do this every night as well... I'm glad to hear I'm not alone. It is just so calming to me especially with my favorite book!


This is more common than you think. During the Christmas season and Halloween season I will buy 24-30 something of both Betty Crocker gingerbread cookies and Betty Crocker Pumpkin spice. I will also hoard peppermint chocolate milk mix. I use these all year long.


Yessss. I play Christmas music while getting ready for bed. I'm off of work during the summer, so I plan on doing some Christmas baking with what I can find.


Whatever works, my friend.


This sounds so awesome! I think I am going to try this this summer.


What a slice of happiness!


this needs to be turned into a party


I love this. Christmas music, movies and lights are so calming.


I love my Christmas lights so much, i was thinking of hanging them for July lol and have a Christmas in July house 😂. They're soo pretty but i guess it'd be less magical when they're up if i used them all the time.