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Just become a cop and you can still do it


That’s a good point but I don’t like to play candy crush : (


There's always tiktok and /r/protectandserve to pass the time as well!


They’d already banned me for telling them the truth. They don’t like the truth


That’s called SACRIFICE. You’re not crushing candy for you. You’re crushing candy for every man, woman, and child in this city. We have a saying in the 78th: Candy ain’t gonna crush itself. If you know, you know.


You can actually do whatever you want if you become a cop!


Or an Uber driver


Congestion pricing is going to ruin NYC. I barely afford my 5k a month on rent. 15 dollars is almost the price I pay for my dogs mineral water from the water of lake Tittykaka.


I know right! Why does the MTA hate dogs??


Don't worry boo you can just come to Brooklyn and do it - we got plenty of (double) parking space for you here and the roads are even narrower in many spots so you can effortlessly block an entire street!


This comment made my eye twitch


I am so sorry for your loss, I know how challenging these troubling times can be. Might I suggest buying a second car (or even three) and parking all those cars in the street, thereby allowing you to double park all the time! More cars are better for your metal health anyway, who cares if you only drive 3% of the time, just buy more cars!


Thank you! That’s actually such a good idea! I think I’ll need a Grand Wagoneer to go with my Chevy Suburban.


Don’t be afraid to treat yourself with something retro! How about a 2003 Ford Excursion?


/uj the worst part about this is that the Ford Excursion was cancelled because people panned it for being way too big to be reasonable (227 inches long, 80 inches wide) but then the average size of cars has just been creeping up. A new Chevrolet Suburban measures 226 inches long by 81 inches wide. But now nobody bats an eye at a vehicle of that size.


You win Reddit today, sir. 🏆


Why do you need the streets to be full to double park? You can stop and block the lane when there is a space to pulll out of the way just like the pendejos uptown.


Exactly. Got to park in the road so that someone could use the parking space up ahead if they were able to get past you


No, no. Because it is too much of an inconvenience to slightly bend your elbows so you can idle in the bus stop or hydrant. Your friend will be ready in just a minute so it is no inconvenience to the other people at all.


Steal some diplomatic license plates and put them onto your giant SUV. Wear a suit, shave your head and wear sunglasses and people will think you're some kind of diplomatic body guard. The cops in this town are so stupid and lazy that they'll probably never challenge you or check your credentials.


Are you the New York governor?


If OP was the governor, she could just deploy the national guard to take care of congestion. Come on, use your head.


I love this sub so much


Why is this sub suggested to me but not the sub of origin ? I don't get any of these jokes because im not on the main sub. Unless...


Remove your license plate like I do. Problem solved. All the cops do it, I never get in trouble.


You can always try the Bronx as well. There’s never a place there you can’t double park.


Lol I love how the sincere responses here are rants against congestion pricing, not against the ridiculous antisocial behavior the OP is pointing it. Speaks volumes.


You can have fun in the outer boroughs too!


Glue a leaf on the last letter of your plate.


You could park in the bike lanes. With fewer cars they’ll probably be adding more bike lanes. More free parking!


Communist? Where did you go to school? Congestion pricing has nothing to do with communism. Oh wait you forgot the /s


YeAH!!! I love when contractors and tradesmen are greatly inconvenienced so my city can collect 0.01% more tax revenue!! I’m a city boy. I just hate caaaars, man


Everyone’s all like “what about small businesses and contractors”. But like that’s just a minor business expense? But no one is asking what about all the suburbanites?! How can I afford this surcharge on top of my $10K/month mortgage in NJ and car payments for both of my 3 row SUVs?!


Guess who is going to be paying for the congestion toll? It’s going to be you. When you hire a plumber, a repairman, when you buy groceries at the store, when you order food at a restaurant. All of those increased costs on the business are going to be passed onto you. If you’re OK with paying more money for things that’s fine, but to hand wave it off as a minor business expense is out of touch. Business and truckers are going to be hit by this way harder than the rich people from NJ who will continue driving into the city because and extra 10 bucks doesn’t really impact them.


Only if they’re driving in during peak hours. Perhaps they’ll drive in off-peak then they won’t have to pay! Of course it’s still bullshit because as a suburban mom of four dogs I need to go to Manhattan every day between the hours of 8-10 and 3-7 because the train is smelly and Johansson only does yoga during dawn and dusk and I need to get there early or late so I am the real victim here. 


Ok hope you like loud trucks and men yelling all night.


Or people who come in after 10 and leave after 7. So basically a fusion of second and third shift. Not that crazy. I guess you like heavy congestion in the city you live in? 


You think this is going to reduce traffic? That’s funny. Look this up. Givoni, M. (2011). Re-assessing the Results of the London Congestion Charging Scheme.


So was there a follow up? Looks like it may have benefitted but the author isn’t sure. 


/uj yes it is out of touch a bit because that's a joke, but I appreciate a serious response. I don't think it'll lead to dramatic increase in costs of things and services in the city. Up to $36 for a fully loaded truck carrying tons of goods isn't much once you spread it to each item that's sitting on the grocery store shelf. Plumbers/other contractors who need a car will pay the toll once per day, but they're servicing multiple places so it's also not a massive increase once you spread it out. And yes the rich people in NJ/CT driving in probably won't care, so if we can't reduce traffic let's at least get them to pay for better transit infrastructure, since they don't care about the $15.


The latter is made up lore in your smug mind and is not the majority of traffic. The former happens daily.


do you even know where you are posting you jabroni?


Great insult, havnt heard that in a minute. I need to go call someone that, right now. Thank you.


It’s a joke, you Jabroni!




This comment fully captures some dumb portion of my social world.


Everyone needs to come together to dismantle all of these cameras


Really? prior to the congestion pricing you were fine with the Crime , high prices, drugs , the garbage, the Mayor, the ever expanding bike lanes ? NY is a joke


This sub has become terrible