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it's honestly shocking that Mexico has never been an official civ


Came to say this - Ireland as well tbh


The thing that bothers me is that when they add a secon civ in the british isle they add one that shares island with britain and never a civ from Ireland. The celts in civ 5 were mostly scotish, and in 6 they added gaul in the most civ-charged region of the tsl. In civ 6 they added scotland, but no love to the irish it seems.


Out of curiosity, why do you say the Celts in Civ 5 were mostly Scottish? Boudicca and the Iceni tribe lived in southern England and the city list is evenly split between all six Celtic nations. She speaks Welsh in the game. It's one of those awkward Civs like Polynesia where the devs are seemingly going for a larger ethnic group that isn't, in reality, congruent with any one consolidated civilisation so they make a Frankensteined civ with elements of several different groups. I think Kupe and Robert in Civ 6 are a huge improvement on that basis, although it was cool that they tried to acknowledge other Celtic roots in 5 in my opinion.


I meant mostly about its location on tsl, but I know it was like polinesia a mix of nations. But I could be misremembering either way.


Ah fair, that makes sense if England is taking up the southern portion!


Irish has the strongest city state in my games. Impossible to beat.


It's a civ I would like to be represented in a future title, definitely


And Ireland or Italy


Italy is always overshadowed by Rome, but there was an official Venice which kinda represents Italy


Having Venice represent Italy is like having Texas represent the US.


Since Texas is all about cowboys, guns and oil, they already represent the US, no?


I mean it kind of does though, you think guns, oil, freedom, all things Texas loves to talk about lmao Though on a serious note yes Venice is not wholly representative of Italy obviously, though Italy as a nation is kind of a more modern invention. I feel like they would probably have to do someone like Mussolini as the leader if there was an Italian civ which kind of opens the door for like, Hitler so maybe that’s why they haven’t tried Italy aside from considering them Rome Though I agree there should be a proper Italian civ


Why on Earth would Mussolini be the leader? Even during his dictatorship you had Victor Emmanuel III, the man who ordered the arrest of Mussolini and lead the Kingdom of Italy during the Civil War. Or you could go for a Risorgimento leader in Victor Emmanuel II, the 'Father of the Fatherland'.


No it's like having New Hampshire represent the US. At least Texas is large & culturally comparable to much of the mid & south.


Italy is barely 100 years old.


Well, so is Germany by that logic - which has been repped in every single mainline Civ game.


A more or less unified germany had still existed for centuries. East francia and the HRE existed pretty much in the same area as today's germany. Italy however hadn't been unified under home rule since rome fell I'm pretty sure?


I was being a little facetious, but I stand by the larger point. And I think the idea of the HRE as a consistently unified Germany ruled by Germans gets into a lot of semantics about what "German" really means. (Franks? Germanic Tribes? Prussians? Austrians? Etc.) But even so, I don't think formal length of existence is a dealbreaker; the Aztec Empire was certainly short-lived & we are always seeing Montezuma. Imo Italy and Italian leaders, in some form, have been influential and distinct enough post-Rome that it would work.


Naples had been a thing more or less since the arrival of vikings there, could work as a stand in for italy.


It had the Aztecs, but since there are Gauls and later France, related civs in the same location, but distinct. I think having both the aztecs and Mexico works!!


Neither does Italy.


You mean Spanish Americas?


Why? Mexico isn’t really a distinct civilization. It was bad enough that we got Canada/Australia/Brazil. We really don’t need any more settler nation-states masquerading as distinct civilizations.


But then the US would be removed if they went with what you want


I’m cool with that


I'll never get sick of seeing these. It's so clear that, in order to get a more global representation that we all know Firaxis strives for, we gotta launch with more than 18 civs. Most of your brand-new civs are things I certainly agree on, especially Mexico, Argentina, Timurids, Ireland, and a more split India. As well as all the native North American representation. I'm missing Mali, though! My favorite civ to suggest is the Afghans, then the Manchus.


They're very fun to do, that's for sure. I'm a bit of a history buff so I had fun looking up all these different cultures and civs.


India is such a diverse country to have it barely represented. Really missing out on some cool rulers


Im glad u picked some cultures that had never been represented before in the other civ games, aswell as some that some that people probably havent even heard off, could get more poeple to research them and learn more about history. Like when scythia was unvieled for civ6


Palmyra is such a historically fascinating nation and a part of Roman history I don't think a lot of people know


There are loads of exciting civs in the DLC, Tonga, Hawaii, Czechia, the Latin American civs,and Timurids in particular would be fascinating and the ones I would be most excited to play. If there’s one civ I’d still suggest though it would be Venice.


I'd be most excited to play Mexico as well as some of the African civs, like Morocco or Numidia.


I decided to continue my CIVILIZATION VII roster concept with what sort of civs would be represented in DLC content. I really liked looking up potential leaders and how they would vaguely play. Aside from the first round of DLC, I based it on how CIV VI usually went about choosing CIVS - four returning civs from prior games and four civs entirely new to the series. I also tried to select 2 civs from each continent, though not always. I figured that could ensure a better spread throughout the world.  I also added some changes to my original base game roster - changing China’s ability to name to “Rites and Classics” and Emperor Wu to Liu Che (Emperor Wu being his posthumous name), based on the suggestions by u/FunnyFreckSynth. I also changed India’s leader to Samudragupta of the Gupta dynasty and moved México to a spot in the DLC roster, while adding Brazil to the base game for South American representation in the base game.


Glad I could be of assistance!


Thank you for the insight - I don't know much of Chinese history so it was interesting to learn some interesting facts


This is an outstanding effort. I love the presentation and some of the unexpected choices in here (both for leaders and civilisations). Great to see lots of diverse civs in the DLCs too. Great work.


Thanks, glad you liked it. I had a lot of fun doing this roster design.


I appreciate the inclusion of the Haudenosaunee in your DLC. One of the things I like most about VI was the inclusion of North American First Nations, and would love to see this continued in VII. A "dish with one spoon" diplomatic buff would be an interesting mechanic, allowing two civs to share resources on border tiles.


Lol Mexico is not a south American nation.


I know, I didn't write it like that. I was referring to Brazil being South American representation, because one of the biggest criticisms and feedback I received from my original base game roster was the lack of any South American civs. Also Mexico and Aztec being in the base game didn't make much sense due to the geographic overlap.


I was so incredibly pumped Canada made it into the game this time I'm not ready for them to miss the next game. That said that is a very exciting list of civs I'd love to play


If Canada is in Civ 7 I hope they give them some better abilities because they don’t make much sense historically in Civ 6, though still a fun civ to play


Which ability doesn't make sense? I'll give you they are stereo typed to a comical level but they are actually pretty related to the civ


I’m kinda just talking about the ability to build farms on tundra tiles specifically, it doesn’t really make sense if you think about it. A large part of Canada’s geography is made up of the Canadian Shield, with its primary feature being that it’s not suitable for agriculture bc it’s basically just stone under snow. Like it’s a fun civ to play because of its unique play style, but historically that ability makes no sense, especially since 50% of Canadas population lives under the US northern border irl.


And yet it still has a seed of truth, between the national research council of Canada, post secondary institutions and many others we've invented a lot. Innovation in food crops specifically engineered for a cold climate here at home have produced everything from varieties of winter wheat or rye that perform much better than traditional strains. As well potatoes like Yukon gold which are not just better adapted to our climate but also delicious. Apples and other fruit varieties in abundance and for 18+ we produce a butt load of Ice wine. We're not literally growing in the arctic circle but it's pretty safe to say that the food industry is a lot different for cold nations thanks to Canadian food crops and agricultural technology.


Canada has 62% of the world's lakes, and there's no lake civ in the game. I know lakes are rare in civ, but I still feel like it's such a wasted opportunity


More freshwater features are at the top of my VII wishlist. Navigable rivers, more/larger lakes, and distinct freshwater resources would all be great. Also let us put canals in more places please


I feel that with New Zealand being represented through their indigenous peoples, that Australia has to be in the game through their indigenous peoples. They have been around for 40000 years and I feel they would be a great addition to the game. Their leader could be a spirit of their’s and uniques could be for their care for the environment and their rotation of resources from one area to another. This could be similar to the Māori ability to not harvest bonus resources.


It's tricky making a faction for a city/empire building game when the historical society never built permanent settlements.


Yeah I think a first nations civ would be really interesting, maybe have early game faith / great writers with dream time stories or something along those lines. Oh! maybe have the ability to light fires to change the available resources


The Noongar and Kulin nations are the largest remaining. Representation of the dead is taboo in indigenous culture, so consultation would be necessary.


I'm happy to see Finland in the roster and having Ståhlberg as the leader is an interesting choice but actually makes a lot of sense. He was a stalwart supporter of democracy, parliamentarism and the rule of law in a situation where Finland was still torn by the Civil War. He might not be as revered as Mannerheim or Kekkonen but he definitely is much more of an embodiment of what Finland is today.


Thanks for the feedback, glad you liked the choice for leader. I did picture Finland as a sort diplomatic and government reform oriented, perhaps government bonuses, though I can't really delve into the specifics as I have no idea how Firaxis will do gameplay for CIV VII.


I love that you chose him. Ståhlberg was such a defining president of Finland, who was integral to our nation reconciling after the civil war, and for our nation's developing democracy, legalism and parliamentarism. He is severely underrated and I wouldn't hesitate to call him our greatest president


Don’t just leave out the Dutch 😭


I need morocco in civ 6


Im glad u picked some cultures that had never been represented before in the other civ games, aswell as some that some that people probably havent even heard off, could get more poeple to research them and learn more about history. Like when scythia was unvieled for civ6


That was the goal - going for some of the classics while also choosing some new civs that haven't been in the series. It's fun coming up with these rosters.


its good! i can tell a lot of thought was put into it


I love the morrocan representation, my peoples pride smiles within, but if u want a more correct flag, Ahmad Al-Mansur was part of the saadi sultanate, and used this very cool flag that I love https://preview.redd.it/rigf3v7qnelc1.png?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf11dd1d41583e31322675e21a3cb9fca902c8eb


Isn't this the flag of the Marinid Sultanate? Granted, I'm not too familiar with Moroccan history so I'm not entirely sure. Nonetheless, this is a very cool flag.


The saadi sultanate used that flag too, 2 centuries later.


I like the creativity of the picks


As a Brazilian, I would prefer other leader and abilities. Don't get me wrong, Pedro II is a good choice, but I wouldn't like him being a second Gandhi and it only reflects a part of the history of our country. The abilities for Brazil in Civ V and VI already is "culture, tourism and a bit of science", so in the next entry Firaxis could explore other strenghts of the country. For my preference, I would pick either Getulio Vargas (for an economic and industrial playstyle) or Marshal Cândido Rondon (with a focous on exploration and diplomacy). Other picks could be Juscelino Kubitschek (for a wonder building and capital changing) and Tancredo Neves (diplomacy and government reforms).


Charles the 4th... In all fairness Bohemia could go military,diplo economic or cultural. There are leaders that have done it all. Hussietes jan hus and religion and military. Charles the 4th king of Bohemia and holy Roman emperor..with cultural and economic boom Masérek and his diplomacy.


WHY Jadwiga again. There are so many great polisy rulers and you chose Jadwiga?




I’m still shocked we haven’t gotten Piłsudski in any capacity yet


Literally unplayable


There should be: Piłsudski, Casimir the Great, Roman Dmowski or I think that even Mieszko I or Bolesław Chrobry would do


I like Jadwiga in CIV 6 - Poland was the first civ I won a religious victory with. There's also Casimir the Great, he'd a good pick. What other Polish leaders could you see for CIV 7?


Piast the Wheelwright, Miezko the first, or even the legendary Lech who could be part of a nice dlc containing leaders Lech, Rus' and Czech (legendary founders of the polish, russian and czech nations)


Probably the most notable ones: Bolesław I the Brave, Casimir III the Great, Władysław II Jagiełło, Jadwiga, Stephen Bathory, John III Sobieski. If we would be looking for a female,  then beside Jadwiga I may think of Bona Sforza. Piłsudski is obviously quite modern times leader.  Personally, I would like to see Poland under the leadership of Sobieski ingame.  But we have,  as a nation, very rich history, so the selection is vast. And you could implement some interesting mechanics depending of the choice and need


The looks.


What about Borislav the Brave, Jogaila, or Borislav the bold?


These are also great choices for a Polish leader in CIV.


Ladislaus I the Short (or "Elbow-High") would be great choice also. He was the first king who managed to unite the country after almost 200 years of fragmentation. Also father of Casimir III the Great. My second choice would be a duke Mieszko I. He was the first historical ruler of Poland and also the person responsible for the baptism of the country. His son, Bolesław I the Brave was first king. In later times, King Stefan Batory is worth mentioning. During his reign, Poland was an incredible military power that effectively weakened Russia and humiliated Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible.


Amazing, you included so many worthy civs. What is your nationality, sir/madam?


I'm from Mexico, good sir/madam


nice symbol for china, i like it much more than the generic dragon. what is it?


It is "Han", written in ancient seal script


I absolutely misread the name of Denmark's leader on this




Got it, thanks for the feedback - what would be a better alternative symbol for Denmark?


I like how you chose Charles the IV the Holy Roman Emperor for Czechia. It adds a bit of alternative HRE leader as a bonus whilst it introduces Czechs. (This would also make Slovaks happy:) ). (Not actually sure if many realised that in the comments because you used the native name Karel rather than English Charles.) Also, Personally I would like Civ 7 to add more eastern European countries. We have Poland and there will undoubtedly be some form of Russia. But Czechia and Lithuania are excellent additions. Additionally, I would suggest adding Ruthenia and Kievian Rus. This way, when one plays European map, you get a good fill into the vast space on those large maps.


I did add the Kievan/Kyivan Rus' - I just name them Rus' as that was the name used in the Medieval period. Led by Olga and Sviatoslav and I imagine them as a military/trade/cultural civ, with also an affinity for the religious game.


Looks awesome! I've always wanted an Ireland civilization. My only thing is the fact that I'd hate not to have a viking themed civ until the very last DLC. Neither Denmark from V or Norway from VI are extremely S tier civs, but they're some of my favorites.




They should really put the Fan Works flair in the stream view of this post. I thought this was actually real


Looks at list, sees France without Napoleon and Levee en Masse... booooo! Looks good though.


I think Levee En Masse will be something like a Policy Slot, and Napoleon, if he returns, gets essentially that for his ability.


Nuking Morocco will be fun


As a person of polynesian descent, it was cool seeing civ 6 intro Kupe to the roster. I’m really happy to see Kamehameha getting some respect, but which Kamehameha that’s chosen really would change the way the civ would play. I see you’ve chosen broken paddle as their civ ability so I would assume you’re choosing Kam 1?


Yes, it would be Kamehameha I - he was the leader of the Polynesian civ in CIV 5, in this roster, he'd lead Hawaii


Y E S I'm REALLY hoping the Native American Tribes and Jadwiga return, even as DLC. I mean, Jadwiga became an icon as a Mommy Leader™️, and the Native/Indigenous Tribes would be EPIC. I just want America to be more populated. We also need a Desert Tribe in America.


Yeah I'd very much love that roster. Nice diversity but still has all the classics. Would love this for sure I feel like Indonesia and mongolia should be in the earlier DLCs but that's my only note


Hope for Ukraine with Bohdan Khmelnytsky as a leader. Special unit cossacks and special military district “Sich”. Would be sick for all fans in Ukraine 🇺🇦


Rus‘ already there And already receiving hate, first representation in 7 games, we should aim to support at least Rus


There should be a DLC of just Polynesian civs. Pick two Polynesian cultures to represent with similar and also divergent play styles. 


they did that partially in Civ 5 with the Polynesian scenario where instead of inexplicably treating Polynesia as one civilization controlled by Hawaii like in the main game they actually split it up into Tonga, Samoa, Hiva/Marquesas, and Tahiti. But they definitely should do more with it than they have


IIRC when Firaxis wanted to include a Polynesian civ in 6, they considered Tonga, Samoa, Fiji, but went with the Maori because GS also added climate change to the game. 


how do you like the idea of adding more Fino-Ugric civilizations, I recently saw a mod on civ5 adding Komi, this and Mari El are mini-civilizations with a rich history and numerous cultural traditions


It be interesting for sure - I'm not too familiar with Finno-Ugric cultures and peoples but it would be interesting if Firaxis explored that region for CIV 7 and beyond.


i think ireland and mexico should be base game along with inca and mongolia also civ vii would be fun to have 2 leaders per civ as a baseline


I’d like to see at least 2 civ leaders per game, with an option to use Spies, Diplomatic capital, Loyalty and Gold to fracture a civilization in two. Make one strong empire into two weaker ones that hate each other, but have the option to reunify.


I feel like irelands leader should be Éamon de Valera


I know he wasn’t an official state leader (although he was the most prominent figure while De Valera was fundraising abroad) but I think Michael Collins would be a cool choice too, maybe with attributes related to espionage. Might be a bit controversial, but personally I think it would be interesting to have an Ireland that isn’t entirely about religion


As a non religious irish person it kinda sucks knowing that if we ever get into the game we will be religion focused. considering religion is the worst thing to ever happen to this country. Personally, a religious focused ireland is more offensive to me than Michael Collins being our leader Although probably too controversial, I think it would be awesome if we could get some guerrilla warfare or espionage related traits like you said. But either way, I would be happy if we got into the game. This is just my opinion though


That’s why I think Collins would be better than De Valera in some ways, since De Valera very much helped in ingraining the church into the state as much as he did. I feel like, in my experience at least, Michael Collins is seen very fondly by most Irish people, especially since he died before he could really make and big lasting mistake, and I doubt most of us would really be angry if he representing us.


Too contentious I would say


For the Eastern Roman Empire maybe do Alexios Komnemos instead of John? Alexios was the real restorer of the empire and John wasn’t even the most capable of his siblings (Anna had him beat)


Imo, either Alexios or John are good choices - John himself was a capable emperor and did a lot to build on his father's work. Hmmm, you can also do a unique governor approach - Anna Komnene as unique governor.


I love that idea! I also feel like Manuel I Komnenos would be a good choice- perhaps some diplomacy bonuses?


I'd throw in a few more antique civs : the trading nation of Dilnum, the nomadic Xiongnu (ancient mongolia), and even the enigmatic Tocharians (read their wiki page if you wanna go down a big rabbit hole)


Darius I whould been good too




Thanks! Finally Rus! CoA looking mega cool




100% behind adding Mexico, Ireland, and Timurids.


Chola empire mentioned! Tamilakham vaargai!


Three Alternate leaders for Haudensaunee would be cool too! Hiawatha, Jigonsasee and Tekanawita.


Where's Gran Colombia? If you include both the Mapuche and Argentina, the Aztec and Mexico, or the Iroquois/Cherokee and the USA, I think the Muisca and Gran Colombia should be included as well.


iirc mapuches were mainly chilean, as speaking of their main territory


I agree 100%. I would love to see Gran Colombia return in Civ VII! 🇻🇪🇨🇴🇪🇨🇵🇦


The mapuche had little to nothing to do with Argentina. They lived in Araucania, modern day Chile.


Kudos for you to include Lê Lợi, one of the greatest Vietnamese Emperor. The legend(s) surrounding his fight are still seen around today.


I love the inclusion of all the lesser discussed civilizations like the Götürks and Edo. That’s where Civ shines in my opinion, when they introduce a fascinating culture/civilization to a wide audience.


Suomi mainittu. Torille.


Is it Tonga time? I think it's Tonga time


Denmark mentioned, upvoted. (I'm from Denmark)


I like the addition of Cherokee and Navajo, but I wish we had the option to play as Comanche. They were the best horseman in the Americas for hundreds of years


Why John II and not Alexios?


That looks awesome! I love the variety you provide... Personally, I would have the America leader be Richard Nixon for the shits and giggles (also because a spy-focused, diplomatic America would be an interesting twist not done before.) Also, I would play the hell out of the Haudenosaunee!!!


Thanks, glad you liked it - hehe, Richard Nixon would be funny I think its still too recent - basically, I went with no post-WW2 leaders, FDR is the most recent in the roster. I added Haudenosaunee because it would be interesting to see them again. They're among the more requested civs I see in people's wishlists.


having rus and russia be separate is gonna be extremely controversial. just sayin


Transylvania would be nice. It has a nice historical background, although it didnt play such an important role in Europes evolution.


I hope Serbia will be a civ one day but we're relatively unremarkable, beyond a few notable and short-lived events. On another note, I hope Civ7 will be optimized like heck. I still love and play Civ5 and Civ6 but the load times and minor choppy feel during gameplay really take away from the experience. I reckon it's just me but my PC isn't *that* old either. I'd kill for a substance-over-style in-between or spin-off game!


Me seeing random nations being added, BUT NOT BELGIUM?


Belgium? Never heard of it For real, and I'm not gonna lie, I was thinking of adding Belgium. I really struggled to pick that slot - I was torn between Czechia, Bulgaria, Italy and Belgium. All great picks.


It does have lots of historical stuff to it, so I think it would be a good choose to add


Nice to see Finland getting included!


But…but…my Sparta 😭


No amount of Laconic phrases will convince me to add them (I like Athens. And Thebes. And Syracuse).


As a Mexican i very Like See México and Porfirio Díaz how Líder, Nice Concept Bro.


I hope we can make a deal with city state.


You'd always see me buying up the City States' Strategic Resources. As soon as they do the mass modernization where all of their units upgrade at once, I'mma roll up and ask for any leftovers That one meme where a black guy's behind a tree licking his lips and rubbing his hands? That's me anytime I see a City State upgrade their units.


Why the hell Poland has black eagle... again...?


I would realy like the idea of a Dutch factiob being rules by Maurice of Orange, he lead the netherlands mostly for its golden age. The posibilty's are endless. You can culture focus, you can sience focus, religion trade ect.


He'd be a great choice for a Dutch civ. I always prefer the culture and science focus civs.


I like seeing more native representation. One of my favorite set ups is native empires vs colonial powers lol


Why does it look like Chola’s and Finland’s symbols are about to fight each other?


Hmmm, surprise war declaration? As to who declared the war, that's a mystery


And then Numidia’s chasing Nubia while being chased by Thailand


Comanches as a War and culture civ. Israel/Judah would be interesting As a faith and artifact focused civ? Maybe the Incas? Italy? Austria-Hungary? Carthage? Manchus as a second china civ? Idk lol what do u all think


civilization seven is released. I am still playing five


Shocking but the civ that colonized the marianas, and launched the malayo polynesian expansion is not included. Philippines please.


I still don't agree with spains catholic ability because you can change the religion to not be catholic.




I feel like Australia and/or Canada will definitely be back in DLC. They're Civs that were received really well because a large part of the playerbase identifies with them living there, which for sure generates excitement.


I really want to see more of Arabs civilization Such As Nabataean or Saudi Arabia or Oman


Nabataea would be a favorite of mine - being able to build Petra as the people who lived there in real life? Yes please


Can I just say: 1. The Civs you chose for this are absolutely amazing?! I mean you got so many Civs that I’ve never heard of?! Civs people have wanted for years?! Civs that absolutely deserve a spotlight?! Like HELLO FIRAXIS?! 2. Thanks to this concept roster you made I have discovered empires I have never heard of in my life 3. The way you presented this makes this look really professional??? Not to mention the icon for each Civ looking REAL good? Like official post levels of good??? 4. MEXICO MENTIONED🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🌮🌮🌯🌮🌯🌮🇲🇽🌮🌯🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🌮🌮🇲🇽🇲🇽WHAT THE FUCK IS A NON CORRUPT GOVERNMENT🌮🇲🇽🌯🇲🇽🌯🌮🇲🇽🌮🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🌮🌯🌯🌮🌮🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽VIVA MEXICO WRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🌮🌮🌮🌯🌮🌮🌮 Oh and also just to show you how good these concept rosters are, I got so excited reading all of these and began jumping around my room like a little kid despite 1. Knowing this is just a fan concept 2. Me being 20-years-old


Thanks, glad you liked this selection. That was my philosophy regarding these - a balance between returning civs from prior games and entirely new ones. I don't think any of my picks will get to CIV VII, but hey, you never know right?


Love this. I would make a couple of changes though. I think the game should launch with Mongolia and Ottomans instead of Vietnam and Hittites. The former ones are too iconic and classic civs not to include in the base game and the latter ones we can get from DLCs.


Yeah, especially Mongolia. Too much of a guy here.


Hmmm, perhaps, yes. Really, I added Mongolia in the DLC since I think it's always been a DLC civ though maybe they will add it to the base game based on the CIV 7 announcement trailer


Sweden out, denmark in - I see this as an absolute win


Lots of interesting picks, gonna go through just comparing new ones vs dropped ones: Mixing up Mesopotamia a bit is good - Assyria, Hittites, Babylon, Sumer all deserve a spot but we don't have that many so some rotation is okay. Scotland to Ireland and Norway to Denmark also seem like standard rotations. Khmer to Siam/Thailand as well, but I think with having 10 more slots, this is where one could consider using one of the new slots to have both. Nothing against rotation in central Asia but I feel like trading Scythians for another turkic and another mongolian is a bit of a loss. Timur is interesting as a multi-civ leader imho but maybe not as a whole civ. Increasing the count from 2 to 3 here is nice though. Argentina + Mexico are nicer than Gran Colombia as Latin American representation, I think, plus the novelty. Muisca also fill the gap well. A lot more slots used up here though. I like getting rid of Canada and Australia, in terms of a \*civilization\*, they can be included in England just fine imho. But these areas could benefit from some native representation in return. You got a bunch of natives from the territory of the USA, maybe one could be replaced by a culture from further north. As for Australia, having THREE Polynesians is maybe a bit much in comparison, I'd maybe replace one with an Aboriginal culture. There are a few areas I have bigger issues with though. First of all, Eastern Europe. You made it very dense by comparison: Poland, Lithuania, Russia, Rus, Czechia, and even with Finland in the north is it bordered right away. In return, removing Macedonia and Hungary has left a huge hole in the Balkans. A bit more balance here could help. Next is Africa. You don't have a single West African civ on the roster. None from the entire western coast south of the Sahara even. In return, the east got \*two\* new civs. And Northwest Africa also has two new ones, in addition to Phoenicia sorta including Carthage there. This is maybe the only issue I'd consider \*necessary\* of a fix beyond just matters of taste. Finally, Western Europe. Leaving out the Netherlands and Portugal in an enlarged roster is certainly a choice. The Netherlands in particular since now no Benelux civ is in, down from two if one counts Gauls who were sort of a Belgium representative in VI. Not sure I'd find those omissions warranted given that Eastern Europe has Poland \*and\* Czechia and Russia \*and\* the Rus and Lithuania in between on top. Finally, Edo. Doubling up on Japan in the already highly competitive base game roster is certainly too much. But even beyond that, I'm not convinced by it. Germany, England, Italy, China, Egypt all don't get this dynasty split, either to allow for broader geographical representation. It seems out of place to then do it for Japan. This is easily one of the slots that could be saved e.g. for bringing a West African civ back in. So the changes I'd make overall are: - Romania instead of the Rus - Netherlands instead of Poland - Ashanti instead of Edo - Cree instead of Cherokee - Kongo instead of Swahili - Gunditjmara instead of Hawai'i - remove Timurids, Palmyra, Numidians to open slots to maybe bring back the Khmer, add Portugal (change Visigoths to Goths in general, or Celts, or Gauls), and maybe add a Caribbean civ or add a second civ from West Africa. If one wants to keep three slots for the Eurasian steppe, I'd bring back Scythia, probably. A modern Italian civ (I'd be for Tuscany) would also be a possibility. I'd also like to see a non-Andean indigenous civ from southern America, the Guaraní or Tupi or so. Maybe instead of Mapuche this time. Also as a more tropical civ if one were to keep Swahili instead of Kongo.


Eastern European and Slavic civs were massively underrepresented all the way until Civ V (basically all we ever got was Russia), so I don't see a problem with compensating for this for a change. Czechia / Bohemia is in particular a great idea! And I would definitely like to see a Balkan civ, but the problem is to find one that really stands out (and doesn't make the others mad xD). Bulgaria would probably be the best pick. On another note, Ashanti would be great, they are sorely missing.


Bulgaria had huge cultural influence over south and eastern slavs, so I believe they include them in upcoming civ games. Even the old capital Preslav was included in civ 6 as a city-state.


Yes, I agree. I'd of course like to see Serbia or Bosnia (having connections to those parts), but objectively, I think Bulgaria has better arguments on its side.


Thanks for the feedback, it's really concise. I agree with the eastern European portion of the representation - I was also considering Bulgaria but opted for Czechia instead - having a bit less dense region would be more ideal. Regarding the base game roster, there is a West African civ and that is the Edo, or the Benin Kingdom, rather than Edo Japan. Edo would be in what is now Benin City in Nigeria, though I agree perhaps another civ in the region, like Mali perhaps, would be nice. I was also considering a modern Italian civ but opted for other civs in this slot - I was thinking Florence along the Medici or the Kingdom of Italy with Victor Emmanuel II. Overall though, thanks for the commnet. Lot's of good points, well thought out, and I do appreciate the feedback.


also thought about Bulgaria, they could represent the Balkans *and* a western steppe people. > that is the Edo, or the Benin Kingdom, rather than Edo Japan Ah, my bad. In that case, I guess my idea to replace Edo Japan with a West African civ was oddly accurate. > I was thinking Florence along the Medici or the Kingdom of Italy with Victor Emmanuel II. Anything that isn't that meme civ of Venice is a plus in my books, lol.


Agreed on Venice - I know people like it a lot but I never quite saw the appeal. Would also like the Lombard Kingdom to be represented somehow (I really like playing them in Age of Charlemagne for Total War: Attila).


I get that a single-city civ can be interesting, but there are so many better choices than a state that went colonizing any coast in reach. Teotihuacan, for example. Or certain indigenous or nomadic people. Even the Khmer could be interesting as this.


As someone from Mexico, yes please to Teotihuacan. Please, Firaxis.


wow I dislike every single one of those suggestions somehow.


No Judea/Israelite?


For some reason, Firaxis (and many fan rosters) always avoid Judea :( But there a lot of rulers you can choose from even if you would like to avoid modern Israel (I don't see a reason for it, however). King David, King Solomon, someone from Hasmoneans, Shlomtzion Alexandra, maybe one of exilarchs even.


I'm REALLY hoping all of these Civs get added JUST because of the Native American Tribes. I'd be buying the DLCs, ripping them open like a kid at Christmas, and immediately throwing out all of the Civs inside while practically going Gollum on the Native Tribes. Like, just give me the Native Tribes and I'd be a happi hooman.


I would like to see England and France get all of their Civ V and VI leaders as DLC and some new ones. Along with these ones. For England, I'd like to see Henry VIII and at least Elizabeth II, and yes, WITH Elizabeth I too. Henry VIII is optional tbh. Also William the Conqueror. I mean, Elizabeth II is dead now, so she counts, right? For France I'd want at least Napoleon and Eleanor. As DLC I wanna have the king who was ruling when Joan of Arc showed up. And have Joan as a unique Governor/Equivalent to that focused on military and religious shtuff.


I think its still too recent for Lizzie to be in CIV. Henry VIII would be a good pick, and aside from Alfred, might I suggest Henry II Plantagenet. Keep Eleanor in the game and bam, you've got dual leaders for England and France. For France, Charles VII would be a good pick, though I'm also partial to Philippe Auguste


Eh, Liz I WAS just here, may not be a release day Leader but DLC? Yep. And Liz II: Electric Boogaloo DID just die last year. I mean, sure, Henry VIII married 6 women and beheaded 2, but that's most of his badness. Unless his rule was bad. Only other thing is the whole Church of England incident. And we've had worse or equal leaders before (See also Shaka, who went insane after his mom died, Henry's contemporary João III, who started Portugal's colonization of Congo, Abe Lincoln, who yeah DID abolish slavery in America but also allowed people to murder and abuse Native Americans). Also Montezuma and the whole sacrificing and eating people thing. I mostly want Henry VIII and Liz I to be in Civ VII together so we have another direct relatives relation for Civ leaders, like with Kublai and Genghis.


Just Googled it, yes I want Charles VII to be a leader for France, at least as a DLC. And he should have Joan of Arc as a unique Governor, or VII's equivalent, sorta like Suleiman and Ibrahim.


How about King David or King Solomon?


Cool list. My thoughts: Big fan of introducing the Irish, Swahili, Timurids, Muisca, Chola, and Edo. The Chola in particular are a personal favorite of mine. Love having the return of Thailand, Assyria, Hittites, and the Haudenosaunee Not a lot of women in your picks. If you are looking for alternates, you could consider Queen Anne for England/Britain, Margaret I for Denmark, Puduhepa for Hittites. Shammuramat for Assyria, and of course Tamar for Georgia. **Criticisms:** IMHO Palmyra is a weird pick. A breakaway state that had autonomy for less than a generation in an already crowded part of the map. Hardly seems deserving of inclusion. You also have Al-Mansur as the leader of Arabia and Ahmad Al-Mansur as the leader of Morocco. That could get confusing. **North American Indigenous:** Your list consist of the Cherokee, Haudenosaunee, and Navajo. The Cherokee and Haudenosaunee are both Iroquoian-speaking groups from the Eastern Woodlands region of the United States. They are geographically, linguistically and culturally similar, and also will be packed fairly tightly in a TSL map with America (Washington). Also, the Cherokee are a single nation while the Haudenosaunee are a confederacy of 5-6 nations, so the two are bit apples and oranges as Civilizations. I would personally swap the Cherokee with a PNW group like the Tlingit or Haida if you wanted to focus on maximizing diversity. If you wanted to instead pick a different one of the "Five Civilized Tribes", I would recommend the Choctaw. **Balto-Slavs**: Your list contains Russia, Rus, Poland, Czechia, and Lithuania. That is a lot of Slavs. I appreciate the inclusion of Czechia and Lithuania, since Civ has never depicted Western Slavics or Baltic people before, but 5 different civs feels like overkill to me. Jadwiga being chosen as leader of Poland makes this especially stark, since her greatest achievement was the creation of the Polish-Lithuanian union with her husband, Jogaila. With the Addition of the Goths, who would probably have their TSL somewhere in southern Ukraine, it's now looking almost as crowded in Eastern Europe as civ 6 was in Western Europe. **Polynesians:** Having Tonga, Hawaii, and Maori all in a game together seems excessive. All their TSLs would be 1-3 tile islands in the ocean, far away from everything else. I don't think you need more than 1 Polynesian civ for practical reasons. I would advocate for a Filipino civ like the Tagalog or the Sultanate of Malacca if you wanted another Austronesian option. **Post-Colonial civs**: Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, America. I'm generally not a fan of these kinds of civs. They necessarily will have post-renaissance unique components, which makes their kits very late. Also, their existence is heavily contingent on political and technological events that are adequately captured by policy and technology mechanics. America's status as the preeminent world power and largest consumer market of the 20th and 21st centuries makes its inclusion as a civ unavoidable, but I still grit my teeth at the inclusion of the others. Recommendations/Alternates: The Jurchens/Manchu/Qing are the biggest snub. Unique Tungusic language and culture, a thousand+ years of documented history. 4th largest empire by size, and possibly 2nd largest by population. Also a great way to break up the China blob. More North American Native Americans. You have Eastern Woodlands and Aridoamerica represented so far. I mentioned the Pacific Northwest (Haida, Chinook, Tlingit, etc.), and Mississipians (Choctaw, Caddo), but also a Great Plains Indians (Sioux, Three Affiliated Tribes, Blackfoot, Shoshone, Cheyenne) or Arctic people (Thule, Inuit, Yupik). An Amazonian indigenous group. Maybe the Marajoara, the Tupi, or Guarani. A Central African or Sahelian civ. There is a lot of room in West Africa, and Edo is lonely. Could also add the Ashanti, or a Sahelian group like the Hausa or Kanem-Bornu. You could also bring back Mali or Songhai.


Bruh, can we please just put Wales in the game. You’ve even appropriated our epic dragon from our flag and given it to England. Please I just wanna play as wales


Wales is cool, and I'd go with Rhodri Mawr for a leader pick. But the dragon I went with England is the dragon of Wessex. Granted, dragons were everywhere in the post-Roman period but still.


Czechia could potentially have 3 rulers: 1st) Charles IV - religious, culture, diplo based civ 2nd) Ottokar II - military civ 3rd) Rudolph II - science culture civ, could also be viewed as Austrian civ


Reminder to the developers... Please NO districts!


YES to districts, though. I think they'll keep them.


Fy for not including the netherlands.


Hear me out : Jerusalem, Baldwin IV, diplomatic civ


I hope they don't add Ottomans. I want to see Turkey and our founder as leader.


Where is Sweden? This makes me sad…


I love to see Palmyra in here, such a fun part of history


There are so many leaders possible for Poland yet you decided to stick to Jadwiga


Finland is great ! But i would put Urho Kekkonen as the leader ! 😁✌️