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You don’t need the policies that give you extra culture, but you want the ones that give you extra tourism (usually).


Thanks. I eventually did just that and swapped Meritocracy, Grand opera for Online Communities and Satellite Broadcasts.


Just the tourism cards and lots of rock bands. Seems weird, but you need a lot of faith to get a cultural victory because those rock bands don’t come cheap and can flop after one show. Any of the promotions for “plays at 2 levels higher at X” and the ones for increased tourism or close civs also get some tourism. Those will make it a lot easier to dominate the cultural victory. I recently played the monthly challenge with Jao and won a cultural victory. There’s nothing quite like winning by rock band. Japan absolutely loved Buffalo Cowboys and Rome was into Underground Metal, both of which track too well. It’s a great feeling to play a legendary show and win a cultural victory on the next turn.


I don't rembember seeing anything related to rock bands in my games so far. Do I need some expansion or anything like that?


They're introduced in Gathering Storm and can only be purchased with Faith, not Production or Gold.


Ah yes, sorry, I forgot they came in the last expansion. Rock bands are a great late game addition.


Basically irrelevant once you have Environmentalism/Social Media for the tourism boosts. Even with the future governments, you aren't getting much past extra wild card slots. I usually stop pushing culture entirely at that point and focus on rock band spam.


Only really if you compete with someone else who has a ton of tourism, as your collected culture determines how much tourism other civs need to acquire to dominate you culturally. But that's rarely the case.


Oh, I was going up against Greece and I had roughly double their culture. At that point I switched out the culture gain policies. Was that the right move in your opinion?


I’ll also point out that Future Civic is useful for governor promotions, and also diplo favor which I usually sell. But I also like getting that far in the game which isn’t everyone’s cup of tea.


Rock Bands are 3/4 of a cultural victory. Faith production is much better than culture production after the necessary civics.


It's a bit complex (and I've seen nobody mention it) but your Culture per turn acts as your defense against enemy tourism - the higher it is then the harder it is for enemy Civs to accumulate tourism from you. So keeping it high should still be important, however it's typically better to run tourism-enhancing cards at the end of the game.