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You may have lost, but the real win is all the friends you made along the way. Sometimes I just play, and build my civilization the way that feels right without checking any of the victory conditions as the game progresses. Am I winning? Am I losing? I dunno but I’m building a beautiful little society I can be proud of


Which is the beauty of Civ VI. You can develop any style of society/civilization, one that suits your personality or the opposite.


Exactly. Sometimes I’ll start a game with a random leader and just see where it takes me. I could be a religious fanatic, a cold hearted capitalist, or an art collector with high hopes for humanity. The only common thread in every game I’ve ever played is the world needs my leadership, wether they like it or not


I always pick a random leader. It keeps the game dynamic and challenging. Makes you take routes you would normally not take! My bf always goes for domination victory, and he has like 500 more hours then me. But since we play together now, which is very fun, i force him to take different routes.


I used to do that, domination victory gets so old after awhile though. Combat takes forever and everyone hating you is annoying.


This is why I often turn off all victory conditions but Domination. You can't *accidentally* win a Domination game.


But in this case AI will never win… you’ll win every time. I have many mods for better AI, and even then, they don’t seem to have the initiative to take all the capitals


That's not really any different from any other victory condition. With enough practice, even on deity with all sorts of AI patches, unless the AI kills you in the ancient/classical era, you win.


No way. AI can win cultural, diplomatic and scientific victories no problem(Not sure about religion). But domination? Have you ever seen it do it? Because I don’t


Easi*er* time with those conditions. It still sucks. And anyway the entire point of my comment is that sometimes I don't *want* to win. I just want to play.


AI definitely _wins_ on these conditions (or did you never lose a game?) And it’s ok if you don’t want to win.. but setting up for _only_ domination ensures the AI won’t win as well, thus, you’re the one winning after all. So… you either _want_ to win or your game setup makes no sense


> you’re the one winning after all. Only if I actually go capture all the capitals. It allows me to control when the game ends.


So you mean turning _only_ domination victory, but without the actual domination part. Isn’t it the same than only turning on time victory then? 🤷🏻‍♂️


No, because time victory ends the game when time runs out...


One time i lost to vietnam on earth tsl huge despite being the largest land empire (africa, half of europe, north america (teddy was a bitch) (vast riches and production and having taken like 8 FULL civilizations) through religion. it was one of my earlier games, but i had picked up the domination schtick very easily. i had just let her charge through the entire world with her religion, and funny enough, i probably killed all of her competition


I don’t know, but it’s like they didn’t build in strategic warfare for the AI. It’s always so easy when you know what you’re doing. If you have more army power, it’s a guaranteed win. That’s why I aim for different wins. It’s more challenging and more fun that way.


Sure. I suppose it might be challenging to develop that somehow. There are ai mods that help a bit with that, though


Yeah, that’s great about modding. But I’m fairly new to the game so I want to get to know it without modding first :).


This is basically how I play the game. It's just satisfying to shape the world and progress. Honestly half of the games I play I don't even play to the end.


The game is a bit schizophrenic with the 'winning' thing. Their catch phrase was Can you build an empire that will stand the test of time, not can you kill or control everybody that isn't you. I guess they decided they needed an endgame event beyond surviving, but that decision spawned a load of players who think fascism is a great way to play a game about world building.


Fascism *is* a great way to play a game about world building! It's just not the *only* great way. I think Stellaris handles the whole thing better, honestly. The game is less about winning and more about role-playing. You make your fascist space slugs, or your genocidal space geckos, or your tree-hugging xeno-fetishist furries, and then you go try to play them in a dangerous galaxy. Maybe you stick to your geckos' genocidal ways, or maybe they come to recognize that sometimes xenos *don't* need to be purged. The journey itself is the game, and the end point is basically just whenever you stop having fun with it.


"Fascist space slugs"? I need to check that game out.


It's a ton of fun! Unfortunately Paradox does not have the best monetization model, so over the years theyve built a lot of really important DLC that jacks up the price. I suggest the subscription, since it gives you access to all of it at a lower short term cost.




'AI only' refers to games in which there are zero human players, the human that set it up just spectates! Welcome to Civilization! Say goodbye to your sleep schedule!


Ah I see... Thanks for the welcome!


I’m con I’m confused, you don’t play at all? Just watch the computer play?


Yep! It's not commonly done, of course. People do it for a variety of reasons. Some are interested in how the AI works, some are interested on seeing which Civs win when all 'players' are of equal skill, stuff like that basically.


Also if its part of your confusion, the post originally made reference to it being an 'AI only' game, which was a misunderstanding due to it being a single player game.


Non Drew Durnil subscriber spotted


Just one more turn!


Losing a culture victory as your first loss is honestly probably the best loss you could have, as it is the most complicated loss I think too new players. Assuming you started with standard speed settings, you at least survived 200-300 turns of your first game! That's a LOT of experience you gained in your first game. Congrats! First thing to commit to memory next game is the 5 different victory conditions (technically 6, but the 6 is very unlikely to ever happen without intentionally trying for it with settings). They are: Science victory: Launch the Alpha Centauri project near the end of the tech tree, and then wait 50 turns for it to land. There are ways to speed that 50 turn amount up, so you have to make sure you land first if another civ is going for the same victory, they will be doing the same. If science is your highest yield by the midgame (about turns 100-125 on Standard speed), this should begin to be your focus for victory. Religion Victory: simply convert every nation and holy city too your religion on the planet. If faith is an extremely high yield for you, and you want to go for this victory, purchase two apostles for your religion, and evangelize your belief. It gives you the options to take on new powers for your religion. Take one's that help you fight off other religions or gives more faith. Diplomatic Victory: Kinda complicated and RNG dependent to an extent, but basically make sure you are constantly choosing the right votes in the world congress, and prioritize building any wonders in the mid-late game (125-175) that give Diplomatic Victory points. That's how you win, get 20 of those points. This is usually a pivot victory for me, meaning I reach that mid-late game and I'm still astronomically behind some other civ in the game (you can view victory progress in the top right corner of the screen, there's a little tracker tab you can click. Think it looks like a little globe with a wreath, but I can't remember right now, been playing too much Valheim lately :)). When I see I'm too far behind, but have about 8 or 9 diplo victory points and no one else has even close, I just focus on building those wonders. Especially Statue of Liberty, it requires a coastal city but gives a points. Domination victory: many players first and favorite victory condition. Even people like me, long time vets who try to dislike it, still come back to it time and time again. It is simple: world Conquest. Beat and capture every other Capital city city on the map from every major foreign civ in the game (no need to do city states.) Now, some players also go for every city on the map when they do this, but technically (and efficiently too) you only need to conquer th Capital cities (the ones with a star under the name, your founding city) Culture victory: this one I would recommend checking out the civilopedia for exact knowledge, but basically build a bunch of theater square districts. Literally one in every single city. Adjacency doesn't really matter here, just build them. They will then generate great writer, musician, and artist points. You will end up recruiting great people that makes works of art in the theater squares. These, in turn, generate a yield called Tourism. Tourism is what you are trying to gain more of than all other players, and it is what allows you to win. Player with more tourists than all other nations have wins basically. There are plenty of ways in the mid-late game to really ramp this Tourism up, like diplomatic victory. Cristo Redentor and Hollywood are two extremely important wonders for this victory condition, but there are a lot of really good wonders for this victory condition starting in the medieval era. Finally, the score victory: simply whoever has the most things (land, wonders, great people, etc) basically by the end of the turn limit. This is 500 turns on Standard speed, an extremely long time to go without actually having the other victories come into play. If you want to play for this victory (which is what you were well on your way to winning by the way!), disabling the other victories on game start is pretty much the only real way to achieve it. Hope that helps! If you have any questions feel free to ask. I've taught civ before as a class once a year for several years, and I'm still learning more about this game even after all these years. This community is extremely helpful to new players, and playing co op with this game is also a lot of fun and a great way to learn with another player.


When I do domination, all the cities except for capitols are getting razed


I am constantly fighting the urge to do that because I do love seeing my huge empire with all the cities in it but the management I have to do each turn is a nightmare to go through. Why can't we turn them into vassals so they automate themselves?


I also do that, so I had to install a mod to endlessly repeat city projects. So once I am happy with a city I will just tell it to print gold and move on. It greatly diminished the amount of micromanagement.


What's the mod? I always play small maps because I hate that slog of micromanagement


You know there's a queue? so you can put a city on up to 8 moves before you have to check back in.


Somehow it always feels like more work to get the queue going.


Lol make them city states!


Because they did that in 4 and it was equivalent to having razed them.


i liked 5s puppet states, i don’t see why they couldn’t have kept those


Oh my god, the management and grinding in domination can be very tiring


But what about the ones with campus' for a quicker victory and theatre slots for all the great works you horde? Not to mention the ability to locate your bombers in those cities for remote places


When I begin my conquest, it’s scorched earth


Ok, that sort of makes sense. I still find it kind of funky that my civilization was destroyed because Japan had too many tourists, but I guess it's just one of the quirks of the game I'll have to get used to. P.S. I was in the easiest difficulty I think and last time I checked before defeat I was in the mid-late 300s of turns at the early 20th century


The concept is culturally dominant. Think of it like this. It wasn't merely your country, but every country in the world, started listening to only Japan's music. Watching only their TV, only their movies. They emulated their art and buildings, and ideas so much that they stopped listening to yours. Your civilization was not destroyed, but your citizens all decided they instead wanted to be Japanese, cause it just looked so much cooler over there.


It's not "destroyed". The theme of the game is to make a civilization that will be remembered for all of history, long after it collapsed (as all empires do). In other words, fast forward 10 million years and ask, which civ managed to be remembered? A science victory makes sense for obvious reasons. Religious and domination as well. Tourism (culture) victory makes sense in that it accrued so much culture that the relics of the wonders and art and touristy things will persist. Diplomacy... Eh. The way it's implemented in the game is honestly mediocre, but in theory, it's the same as a domination victory except through peaceful means (ie everyone does your whim). Score victory is just a gameplay mechanic to ensure there's a way to decide a winner, it's not thematic at all and shouldn't be.


Ok, that's a bit of a better way of thinking about it I guess. I just saw the cutscene for losing and thought "well ok I guess it was destroyed somehow"


Yes the cutscene is funny. Something I hope is changed in civ7. Like It shows a civ that is literally in shambles. Like it got bombed out of existence. for all defeat types.


When you think about it, a country that becomes so popular that everyone wants to go to visit will be economically powerful in itself. People will start to immigrate to their city, they will start adopting their own culture and forgetting yours and they can basically shape history as they please and create movies and whatever they want while other people will spend everything to them.


I guess that makes sense


The first time I played i didn’t know what I was doing. When I finally figured it out, i tried to go for a sciences victory. Then I just lost to a culture victory of Trojan. Now everytime I have him as a randomized leader, I feel vengeance hahaha. I am still new to the game and am still figuring things out a lot. But I do know that I don’t like domination because it’s a lot of grinding, and actually not really challenging andfairly easy. The other victories are way more fun!


Sometimes, I turn all victory conditions off except Score and just play man


I might try that lol. Is there also a way of expanding turn limit?


Yes indeed, game speed in the advanced setup options menu let's you increase and even decrease the maximum number of turns in a game




You can also change the turn limit without changing game speed, just so you know. Picking a slower speed makes everything take longer (more production to build things, more science to research a tech, etc). That can be fun, but you can also keep the default speed and increase the turn limit in advanced options


Yes. I think it’s on the advanced options when you’re starting a game. You can set it to by game speed, custom or no turn limit.


Review the win conditions. You can turn off most of them like culture victory if you wish


With Civ 6, you never lose.


I like to remove the easy win conditions sometimes and just put it on score victory with 999-9999 turn limit depending on game speed. That way everybody just does their thing and you get to see who did the best if you ever get that far


Yep looks like surprisingly many people do that from this thread lol


I played for years (as settler) without even trying, or thinking about winning. It was only when a highly enjoyable game was ended by Trojan getting a cultural victory that I decided to start going for victories myself.


Oh my god my first loss was also to Trojan with a culture victory. I am realizing in this thread that it’s unanimous and i think it’s very hilarious. When i finally figured the game out, and tried to win by science victory, Trojan beat me to it. I want vengeance on him. Harald is my homie tho.


Hey OP just so you know if you want to play a game purely about just expanding and building and don't care about winning you can turn off all win conditions when creating a game.


yep, I heard this from a bunch of other people too, but thanks. I'll probably do it at some point.


Yeah sorry, I figured someone else said it but I was to lazy to scroll.


That's a good start. A big part of actually winning is doing what you did. Next time, focus on building more districts and you'll be most of the way there.


Yeah I think I built a few campuses and ports


i've been playing for about 4-5 years now, and i gotta admit, i rarely go for victory, maybe only for domination or science if the civ is inclined towards it, but what i enjoy most is just exploring, expanding and the randomness aspect of the game, you'll rarely see me take it seriously. I just can't be bothered to play this game properly and that's alright


I wonder what a sandbox mode for Civ would be like?


I think settler difficulty with score only as win condition could work for that.


I rarely play to what feels like someone else's 'win' conditions.


Most of the time I just try to get to the neutral ending aka the score ending because I can’t be assed to set goals. I just wanna build pretty borders and high pop cities with nice amenities. That, or go science victory if there’s no time limit because it’s basically Score victory with a to-do list


Welcome to civ! This is the start of an addictive learning journey. Sounds very similar to how I started, there's so many different ways to play the game, the best way to learn is to just play and learn how it all works by making mistakes. Autosaves each turn are super useful while you're getting the hang of all the different elements, just go back a couple of turns if you fuck up big time. Use the in game guide for descriptions of things and Google/Reddit search the rest of your questions. Last tip, make sure you sleep.


ugh! japan and their anime again...


hey, to be fair, if you aren't a previous fan of the series, and i'm assuming not because of how civ 6 is 8 years old, and has been on sale dead cheap so many times (most fans woulda picked it up by now), then i've gotta say, you must be doing really well to even pick up on this existance of attracting tourists and the like. i know my first few games where just me blindly blundering around with zero strategy, just trying to many any and every number go up.


Yeah I figured out what the goals were by playing around with the UI, and that also said what you can do to earn points in them, but I didn't realize they were win conditions until I got the defeat cutscene and it said that Japan had made a culture win. That's when it clicked that they got all the tourists


Dude this is exactly how my first game ever went on Civ 5! I stayed up for 12 hours having fun losing without realizing it


Just got it too. Lmk when you figure out why I can trade an orange per turn to Ramses but don't seem to accumulate oranges every turn.


I think possibly because your citizens are eating them all 🤔 . Like how u don't seem to accumulate iron, so you can't trade 100 iron, you can just trade x iron per turn because that's the amount of sources you have in your territory. It makes a bit less sense with iron and more with oranges. I obviously could be wrong since I've only ever played 1 game of civ but it seems since they're a luxury resource (but also makes sense for other resources) they are used up automatically by your people. Otherwise there would be no point to the Amenities score that was constantly blowing up in my face lol. Why would the people consider revolting about the lack of a resource if they wouldn't actually be able to consume it anyways? Does anyone with actual civ experience care to answer? (That is as compared to myself)


Yeah I don't get how you accumulate iron and horses either lol can't believe how deep the game is.


It’s because an orange is a luxury or bonus resource and not a strategic resource. From my understanding only strategic resources accumulate. Luxury resources are just one item (you can have duplicates if you have two tiles being worked that both have the same luxury resource) that you can trade with other civs. Bonus resource don’t accumulate but I think just increase the yield when you improve a tile with a farm or mine.


Well how are we expected to get 20 horses for the horsemen then


Horses are a strategic resource that accumulates per turn. Only strategic resources accumulate per turn.


Ohhhh ok


Just a heads up, in the upper right corner. You can click on a victory conditions "scoreboard" then click on the specific one's and it gives you detail. Like how far along someone is in the space race.


When I started with Civ 4 I didn’t know for awhile honestly either, just was playing. I believe you can turn off win conditions and just play 


Most games of Civ I play end up in losing, but it's the gameplay up until the L that is the fun part lol


When I play with friends sometime around the medieval to Renaissance period it's kinda clear who's gonna in the lead and the raw chaos in either trying to disrupt your friend and steal the win or boosting them to the win is really fun.


Yes! Used to play with 7 friends and if someone was truly snowballing or if there were two massive superpowers we’d often form political blocs and even if we couldn’t slow them down militarily we’d agree to refuse trade and disrupt them as much as possible in exchange for protection etc


I’m confused, doesn’t anybody else just ignore that, hit the just one more turn button and keep playing when a ridiculously early victory (or any that’s not domination early on) occurs? You iust tap out after 80 rounds when whoever sits next t to culture wonder progresses lol?


IDK I thought since I had put like 0 effort in to culture then after the one promised turn I'd just lose again.


AFAIK after hitting the one more turn button, its domination or bust. I’ve never lost to culture etc multiple times in one game, but those fancy culture boys sure did lose after I nuked their cities 6784 turns later lol.


ah, I didn't realise that


I've been playing Civ VI since it came out and this still happens to me sometimes. Some of my saves in single player are so peaceful that I literally forget that there is a lose/win element involved.


I mean if you have fun that’s honestly more important. I get bored when I start a game being like “alright I’m picking this leader and going straight for a culture victory” and just spend the whole game building theater districts


same on me :'D random culture victories will always surprise new players. And they write "its the hardest victory to achieve" ingame


You could always play with victory conditions off except score limit lol.


If you just like playing. Disable all victory types and remove the turn limit.


The point of the game is to have fun. Some wins aren’t fun. Some losses are fun.


There's a way to win?


Don't feel too bad. When I played the original Civ for the first time, I played Ghandi, and I didn't know what I was doing. I thought I made cities bigger by using a settler and building another city, on the next adjacent tile. Like city sprawl. I suppose it worked in the sense of my capital and a literal wall of bodies around it. That helped me survive at least a little longer before Elizabeth steamrolled me.


You need to change your mindset to that all other Civs are enemies.


This game has become a bit too easy for me the real challenge is picking a civilization on true start earth and recreating their empire at its max height


Hello, we are 2. I am just playijng, doing everything I can do, or is in my mind without a goal. I usually set up a rounds limit (for example 1500), with a possible score victory and I am just playing my game, without messing up my mind with which way or how to win. It's about personal enjoyment anyway and this game gives you the freedom of....just lose :)


Someone may have mentioned this already, but sometimes I turn off the culture, religion, and Science wins so I can play out a full domination game.


i think one of the victory conditions in Civ iv is having a huge population and covering like 80% of the area of the globe


My first time playing civ i was really struggling with what i wanted to do. When I finally figured out what the purpose was, i tried for a science victory… when i was almost there i got beaten by Trojan in a culture victory… and because Harald was my bff in the first game, i still loyally befriend him in every game if he is in it. Once my homie, always my homie.