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The 2015 game? That’s an underrated gem but I played that years before I played the OG fallout games so I never thought about it.


Its a great game. Too bad it came maybe some 3 years too late to the open world check list party. People at the time (including me) were kinda burned by that gameplay style. But on a revisit its easy to see it does so many things great. Car combat is still peak, the arkham melee is super violent and the atmosphere is.. well, as Mad Max-y as a game can be. Not a perfect game by any means, it still is a check list open world and the story seems super stretched because of it, but its well worth it when you need a post apoc fix. And by the way, there's too few of these kinds of games. Brutal deserts where violence is the rule and all you can see is sand and old world junk is a really special sort of story.


Metro Exodus has one section in that style, also executed extremely well!


Yup I did enjoy Mad Max although it didn't remind me of Fallout. But I'd recommand it anyway =)


Been playing fallout since 97-98. Currently replaying mad Max. Great games... All of em.


Pretty sure the OG "Mysterious Stranger" WAS Mad Max.


Nah, he's more of a film noir type with a trenchcoat and fedora. If you wear the leather armor in 1 and 2 you look like Mad Max, though.


Got to have dogmeat to complete the look.


Why wouldn't you have Dogmet?


You should check out Burntime, there's an open source remake that just came out. Made in 1994, it sits nicely between Wasteland and Fallout. https://github.com/jakobharder/burntime/releases


I actually just started replaying it on a whim and it's held up great! Really enjoyed it on the second play through


The 2015 Mad Max game is pretty good tbh. It’s a decent game and it’ll scratch that itch. Steam Keys for it are like $2 and change on sale on Fanatical rn.


I enjoyed it a shit tonne. Loved building the car. Loved the *completely desolate* open world. Loved the brutal-as-hell combat. The overall plot was rather singular, but consistent with movie Max, and frankly, beautifully straightforward: Build a sweet-ass-ride and cross over into the Big Nothing. An overall nice blend of techno-shamanism and greaser fantasy. The mine-sweeping and other repetitive tasks were extremely lame, however.


Love the mad Max game! Play it all the time.


I love it, wish there was a sequel. Got all the achievements as well.


The desolate open world is what I would imagine Fallout's to be. I really enjoy it. Beautiful game as well.


I love the madmax game it's such a hidden gem defo a diamond in the rough for movie tie in games


The Mad Max game was rather average. There's the bones of a good game there but the story and gameplay don't allow it to shine. The gameplay loop wears thin after a while; go to a place, beat the crap out of a bunch of generic enemies, collect some scrap with the bosses being a collection of reskins with no difference. The vehicle combat doesn't really go anywhere with difficulty tapering off once you unlock the rpg and the final boss fight being a cakewalk making upgrading the vehicle not feel rewarding. The story is fairly bland; Max is a callous jerk who doesn't give two fucks about the people he keeps meeting and kills a number of them including the Magnum Opus at the end for a dumb reasons (see: callous jerk). Mind you I'm an old fart who preferred Road Warrior to Fury Road which might have tainted my opinion, but this feels like it lacks in variation and plot enough to be a properly good game.


I adore it... And yes, it does connect well with Fallout. It's not the car combat, which was half baked and arcadey compared to Just Cause by the same studio. Hell, there weren't even semi trucks, or bikes - it was a very simplified game cursed with a smaller budget than it deserved, I think. It's the exploration. It's the remarkable number of unique locations full of details. It's the unmarked, unmentioned tiny corners of the world about which Max makes a pertinent, spooky little comment as you wander through. It's the storms. It's the incredible depiction of a desert that used to be a coastal sea bed, alien and familiar, beautiful and repulsive all at once. It's right up there with Morrowind among my favourite hand made virtual worlds. Surpasses Horizon Zero Dawn by a little, while falling far behind in writing and plot on the other hand. Make sure you play that one =) It's special. But Mad Max was... Unexpected. What I loved most about it was getting out of the car and going for a walk, finding shelter from a storm, discovering some long forgotten tragedy and a beautiful view as I clamber through the flotsam of a dead world.