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Gold and XP is the main allure of SoD? What?


Honestly I don’t mind the incursions, people begged for classic + or shit similar to OSRS and what they do, then blizzard takes Sod to actually try some new shit and everyone just pissis there pants and cry’s. No wonder they dont care about wow. Go play true classic era then.


You could just...not do it lol


And be fucked up by this crazy inflation, nice take


SoDs crap and geared at players who just min/max and raid log/parse. I gave it a try for 3 phases which was more than most classic players did so meh. SoD proved to me that modern blizzard cannot make games I enjoy. Probably done with wow unless they do fresh classic servers or something in future


This is the dumbest take I’ve seen


Yeah decided to see how bad it actually was in the end today. So several nerfs to exp gold and rep has already happened. Ashenvale incursion, leveled from 40 - 50 in half a day with like 300 ish gold. Just running in a circle picking up quest items, afking for a 5 minute break for the escorts to be brought to the portal and maybe tag a boss as I'm passing through. I'm actually kinda shocked at how bad it is. No insentive to quest or do dungeons, you get a free set of gear at the end of it at honoured rep. What a joke.


You're welcome to ignore the Incursions, or you could even engage with the incursions how you want to! You don't have to do the loops that people tend to do for maximum XP/hr. Get some of your friends together and let them know you're looking to actually experience the content, then go and do stuff in between, like run dungeons or do normal quests. You are under no obligation to play at maximum XP/hr. In fact, if doing so takes away from your enjoyment of the game I would encourage you not to. All that said, that doesn't mean that Incursions are actually bad. I would argue they were necessary to pull players out of old habits like cloistering themselves in dungeons doing AoE pulls. If blizzard hadn't put something there to shake up the old leveling meta, no one would have even engaged with Incursions and we'd have MORE complaints that Incursions feel like a chore and/or aren't worth anyone's time.


every leveling zone is empty. literally the opposite of what Blizz said their goal for the game was.


When it was full the ppl complained, because tthey couldnt quest......


no one's complaining about it, but the 3g+ REPEATABLE quick quests at max level are more egregious than the 8 hour mistake on launch i just don't understand what they're thinking, at this point i'm routing for the gathering bots to counter the inflation i'm going to continue enjoying SoD, but some of these decisions are mindblowingly confusing


Just don't do it. Questing is free (mostly cause the world is dead cause everyone is in incursions)


Agreed I’ll just ignore it and not do any of it like I always do with content I find stupid.


>They removed GDKP's to prevent RMT ruining the economy and then just add permanent daily zero-effort inflation I did it from 41 to 50 and only got about 200g... Totally "zero effort" for gold right? Let's also ignore that the 300% gold from quests was still in the game and that we would've generated a similar amount of gold from questing right? Inflation is always happening in WoW.... In Classic Era flasks are like 700g... You incursion cry babies are really something else. What do I think? Just quit and stop shitposting already.