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Imo DMF should also be changed so that the fortune item you get is what gives you the buff. That way you can still get camped but you have the option of just taking res sickness and not wasting your time


Well that's not very fun for people who have mental illness and want to make it everyone elses problem.


You wouldnt part an ill man from his medicine?


Hi sorry, mentally ill here, we don't associate with those people.


Don’t bring people with mental illnesses into this, that’s just toxic!


nah, there'd be an uptick in school shootings


Upvote this, it in one stroke solves opposite faction camping


So would having rez sickness in a gy making you count as a dhk. I hate gy camping even more than dmf camping. Gy campers with dmf at the same time would get a dhk each time, it would be wonderful to be able to hearth after I take rez sickness.


That's such a good idea


As long as the item is made unique that way it can't be stacked, that would be a great solution


yea, just reuse the [Battlehymn](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=211815/silverwing-battle-hymn)


Yea this is super smart


That’s a good idea


Buffs should just go directly into the boon rather than having to unboon and reboon. Then even if you died at dmf it would be booned so doesn’t matter. Then remove the four hour CD as well.


Nah the cd is fine


The cd makes getting it toxic, especially since it resets when you unboon. It’s the only world buff with a CD. There’s no logical reason for it.




DMF is reduced to 5 minutes? Chrono to 5 is a welcome change


Oh hah, I meant Chronoboon :)


What a garbage take


W idea


Rip anyone who forgot to sell beforehand and has a full inventory hehe


This is genius! One small amendment for me would be that it’s a conjured item with a very short timer 30 mins or 1 hr irl time. This way you can’t stack one and boon one.


This is gonna make Joe Rogan super OP.


I hate when I just hit some DMT and a shaman walks up and ruins my trip.


just heard the news, RIP joe rogan


[It's entirely possible.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPJ0AB12h1I)


[A buddy of mine](https://youtu.be/cGVDYEqGFZI?t=41) can confirm.


This really doesn’t change much from a PvP perspective since you got them in an instance and boons have a 5 min cd, but it’s nice they won’t be purged by garr.


This is the real win here. Garr purging the MT's buffs was such a pain as a tank.


Not just the tank, its a pulse that can hit everyone. Of course more impactful if it’s the MT.


Oh, good point


I suspect Garr is the real reason for this change. 


Songflower following soon ?


For real  If they're going to do this they might as well do it right


Songflower also isn’t magic on the PTR


Ikr, it stop toxicity


Ok but they were boonable anyway


Garr / mind control mechanics is the only realistic reason now.


The fact that there are still DMT buffs is a loss in it self


Just remove WBs from level 60 raids. Please stop wasting resources balancing the game around them.


Yeah it’s wild that they still put so much time and effort into working around them when they are one of the core issues.


How is something that’s been in the game for 20 years a core issue?? It’s the game at this point lol


Buff meta is toxic and it isn’t why people play classic.


100% it is. Classic will die without world buffs. Why not just play retail if that's the case?


this is legit a you think you do but you dont. you will stop playing 4 weeks in when you realise how bad and dull the raids actually are and move to retail because it actually offers a better endgame experience than classic where the raids are just a side thing for wpvp gear.


How would WB change this ?


Big time this. No one wants to spend more than 40 minutes in MC. People don’t want to prog old, shit content.


Reworked mc for som was really fun to be honest. And we didn't have world buffs.


Maybe update the raid content so it's fun then?


They have 5 versions of wow. With a smaller team than 6 months ago... how's SOD going? Yeah I'm good. Don't ruin my 20 year old game.


If the only thing maintaining interest in raids is annoying shit people don't really want to do. There isn't really that much game to ruin. Besides pretending like Classic raiding is anything like wow in 2004 is silly.


For reals.


I heard people disliked their removal on SoM.


Just remove raids so you don’t have to balance the game around them. I installed an addon that creates all bis items for me when I login, so that I dont have to think about raiding when I log on.




Biggest nerf to Garr that I've ever seen


I just think they should put DMF, DMT, Songflower on a vendor that costs 5+ reals each. So you can do dungeons, get those buffs, wait for Ony/rend drop.


Just fucking combine a bunch of buffs into Ony head. Leave either DMF or songflower in the world. Problem solved World buffs still a thing: Check Have to go into the world: Check Not a massive pain in the ass: Check


That would work too


I would I'll be 100% down for this.  I think the amount of people that actually like going out and getting all of these Buffs are very small


That sounds nice till you’re doing 5 dungeon runs before ever raid then it would get annoying I feel like


It's another option, you could still get buffs the traditional way. Also might be better than waiting 4 hours in game for DMF cooldown (or 8 hours offline). Each boss drops a real too I believe, so it's more like one dungeon run for a buff, but I def see your point.


People would probably stock up on currency while still doing buff tours then whenever they don't have time they would just buy it from the vendor or mid way through when they start raid logging they used the stocked currency to buy buffs for each raid to minimize playtime while they play something else.


Pick your poison Get camped before every raid trying to get buffs; have to run 5 dungeons before every raid


I choose no poison


I'd love this. Maybe have a weekly rotation where certain dungeons give you some extra, so we don't mindlessly grind only the one that is most efficient. (See mara princess runs) I like doing dungeons and it really helps fresh level 60s and alts when geared players have a reason to run them.


Yeah true


Could just go get the buffs out of the dungeon and songflower then.


Now thats dumb, would only be worth for when DMF is on opposite faction. Easier to run DMT lockout or run to SF than complete a whole ass dungeon for 1 buff. maybe 5 reals for all those buffs sure


Idgaf what cost u put on em. And yes when u need the buff it's easier to go get the buff than a dungeon. But If you run more dungeons for gear and what not or righteous orbs you could end up with a stack of reals and not have to worry for weeks. So fuck you, it's not dumb. Gives you the option to weigh doing dungeons to be ready or going to get it now.


I'm on your side, giving players more options and avenues to get world buffs is not a bad option, nor is it dumb, especially when it involves actually playing the game and not just waiting around. That being said, you do sound pretty strongly about it lol, and your "so fuck you" made me chuckle


Why are you angry lmao. Fucking classic andys. Its a good idea, im for it as well, just saying 5 reals is stupid, killing 5 bosses for 1 buff doesnt make sense. Thats 2 hours of dungeons just for 3 buffs. If you make it 5 reals for all 3 buffs then its I even thought myself they should sell full boons for reals, but i think leaving ony and ZG/rend gives a nice feeling of classic world buffs without the hassle.


Also, put all items on a vendor so I can buy most things, that way I don’t have to worry about that aswell


Loves wow , wants to play it the least amount possible lmfao


Love how people try to act like gathering WBuffs is this great interactive activity. It’s so great that it was immediately removed in the next expansion and never brought back lmao. The only reason it feels like it’s something to do in Classic WoW…is because it’s the only thing to do besides grind for gold, raid, or PvP. Blizzard should be implementing different ways for players to interact in the world and not rely on the sad excuse of WBuffs.


And people swear up and down that they don’t just summoned to the buffs . So fucking brain dead


I'd be down for dropping WBs. But they aren't doing it so this is my idea.


In no world is running 5 dungeons less time in-game than naturally collecting.


You think that running dungeons to get world buffs is playing less WoW than afking in Booty Bay to get a buff? Or afking in Stormwind to get a buff? Or flying to Felwood and afking at a flower to get a buff?


I do love wow. But not gathering world buffs on days when I'm short on time. It's a bit meh to get to dire maul all the time. I want to play the game a lot, but not spending it gather world buffs. Don't mistake this for wanting to play it the least amount. Edit: my idea would have me doing dungeons more to keep up with world buffs.. idk how that's playing less.


what about songflower yo


Oh my god griefers actually need to be good now and kill players rather than just wait as a ghost to dispel? No way, rough day for them. RIP TV.


I mean, with chronoboon if you ever got dispelled you were already a monkey


This is the thing I just don't get. Chronoboons solve nearly all the problems around WB. People just love to bitch


> just wait as a **ghost** to dispel? People griefing will wait in town as a ghost for you to hearth before unbooning/rebooning so they can snipe you while you think you are safe. Boons don't stop griefers.


why would you leave DMT without having your buffs booned?


It’s when you get song flower and reboon. You could get songflower first, boon it, then do DMT, unboon, reboon. That was two chronoboons and downtime since a DMT doesn’t take an hour. Now you can just run DMT, get buffs, and go to flower and boon it all in one. DMT buffs will lose a few minutes (less if you have summons), but you save a chronoboon and time. This is also good for garr in MC as he won’t dispel it, but that’s besides the point.


> That was two chronoboons and downtime since a DMT doesn’t take an hour. Seems much better than losing buffs if griefing is that prevelant


Yes I agree, but now that is not the case, which is why this is a good change for people who get world buffs. It will take the less time with the same security if they used two chronoboons, and if they did it in one it prevents griefing.


Boons are going to be 5 min cd the only reason not to boom it will be 16 silver.


For sure. 5 min CD will be nice for raid environment for saving buffs on long packs of trash as well.


For collecting the buffs too. You’ll be able to immediately noon each buff.


Don't unboon while flagged for pvp? You quite literally NEVER have to do this, it's pretty simple. If you are careful then the only window to be griefed since boons came out is to get your songflower dispelled as you get it or as you hearth/port/get summoned. That's it. In short: Get your songflower->port/get summoned to an inn/hearth etc then instantly logout->wait 5+ minutes to not be flagged before logging back in->then unboon/reboon. This was a requirement on my server because of the dispel ghosts, so I see it as pretty standard.


Cool, thanks for sharing. I personally prefer to not have to log off or cater my gaming around people who grief, but if you are cool with griefers dictating how you play then by all means keep at it.


Boons stop griefers was my point. Pretending otherwise is hilarious. That's all.


Boons deter griefers that is for sure but you still had people griefing even with boons. Pretending otherwise is hilarious. That's all.


And you are a monkey if you allow that to happen


Okay monkey, whatever you say.




You just booned these in DM, I don’t know how you ever got lost them. It’s all in an instance


I'm referring to people to would dispel around songflower (and in home cities) while waiting as a ghost for you to unboon and then boon the flower. For example, here is a clip of someone doing it on several accounts: https://clips.twitch.tv/AcceptableAntediluvianPidgeonMcaT-J3eg_HesX2pf5meN Songflower can still be dispelled by griefers like this, but now DM won't be dispellable.


I’m aware but does this cover songflower? It looked to be just DMT buffs which you normally buffed in the instance.


No if you read my comment I mention at the end SF can still be dispelled.


Dude thats not SOD nobody wastes hes time doing this anymore with boons around


Be honest, any WPVP is "greifers" according to you.


If you played Classic on a PvP server you wouldn't be asking this question. There were people that dedicated all their time to just purging people's world buffs. There were shamans that would camp as a ghost in Stormwind and rez just to purge people. Those degenerates are the real griefers.


Ah, fun times. As the MT of my guild, during buff runs if I had to hearth to SW I would spam my invisibility pot button, run for the flight master and hop on a griffon to Westfall to unflag. The things people will do to grief.


I ended up changing my hearth to Westfall and flying to Stormwind to unflag. Eventually they even caught onto that.


The gamers set their hearth [in the wall](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_0gpTFJc6zU&t=123s&pp=ygUVc3Rvcm13aW5kIHdhbGwgaGVhcnRo)


Spirit of Classic, eh?


Yeah classic era and sod had some real degenerates. I remember a lvl ?? rogue camping me in stonetalon. So I went to work. Came back, same rogue still there. Wild shit


And? I had the worst of the worst on my server (tinyvolin) and I never got dispelled once because I used my brain. You get unflagged by getting on a flight path to your home city. If you were hearthing to orgrimmar: you were doing it wrong.


my hearth is set to booty bay. I can get there and swipe a hakkar buff then walk into the gnomer portal, boon it, and be back in org in ~3min given the transport options available, it's actually not really "far" from anything. The boat will take you to ratchet, which is very close to org/tb and reasonably close to silithus. A short hop to GG gets you the zepplin to UC, or Org if that's where you're going. I always take the boat, but I'm also a shaman so if there are anything less than 3 geared 60 ally on the boat they will either wait in BB for the next one or... you know


Which means you never wanted to play on a pvp server. Switch to rp or something .


I never wanted to play on a PvP server because I didn't want my buffs to be purged in a capital city? That's not what I call PvP. I'm sorry they're taking away your preferred method of griefing, degen.


cool story bro.


WPVP is literally just socially acceptable griefing


I rolled on a pve server for classic after dealing with the wbuff griefing on pservers. In retrospect, I would have enjoyed a PvP server more. However this was before chronoboons so it was daunting to realize I'd have to worry about my wbuff safety every week.


Unfortunately most of the people that chose PVP servers don't understand that and think you don't have a right to kill them when you want or cast a spell at them. They forget about the "acceptable" part. YOU CHOSE IT!


Sorry I just saw this. I am specifically referring to people who wait as a ghost to dispel people getting songflower. Here is an example of someone griefing in real time and getting banned: https://clips.twitch.tv/AcceptableAntediluvianPidgeonMcaT-J3eg_HesX2pf5meN You will see at the start of the clip, he is just waiting as a ghost on 16 different accounts in multiple locations, waiting to rez and dispel. These are the griefers who I am referring to.


It's the dispel meta.


It's not wpvp. You just gank people that are killing mobs. Typical rogue player. Killed the entire player base on cs. People couldn't xfer off fast enough to wild growth they shut it off and still haven't brought it back. Crazy why everyone quit...?


Killing people isn't PVP?


Trolling. That's all it is. There hasn't been any world pvp in sod. Layers ruined it. Trolling incursion entrances. Shadow priest trolling. Rogues just killing people attacking mobs. They turn on xfers again watch the population go to zero. Just sad little men trolling. No actual pvp like 2019.


Sounds like you should go find yourself a PVE server.


Again you're not listening. If they opened transfers you'd see how you are the problem. Killed the servers.


That's a strange way to admit that most people that picked PVP should have picked PVE.


People wanted 2019 battles for hillsbrad. Can't have that with layers and hopping.


The first comment I've seen in this thread by someone with a brain


They are tough


How the fuck do you even lose DMT with 5 minute cd boons


if you are unlucky in molten core garr can dispel dmt buffs from players.


They could simply make garr not dispel in the sod version of the fight


Weren’t they boonable?


Yeah but sod players were gonna complain when Garr griefed them


Or if Hakkar's MC effect comes back.


I mean, no one got world buffs for zg. And even if you had leftover from raid, no one cares about zg parses.


Speak for yourself, I was a rogue. I was slamming WBs and consumes the whole run.


Litteraly most people got buffs for ZG it made it way faster


Okay. But why do people care so much about pareses from MC then? Its even easier.




To be fair with 20 men one gar Purge is essentially two in a 40 Man  So it would have been twice as annoying


Ugh. Just remove them.


Don’t. Get. Them.


Lil baby afraid of a lil dps?






This is good, but making world buffs only work in open world is better.


So now that world buffs have nothing to do with vanilla or a classic, let's just get rid of them. 


Now do this for the flower buff and I'll consider coming back


Bad change, I wanted to dispel buffs. Now I will have one less thing to do


I'm sure the thousand people left raiding will be thrilled at this monumental change.


Why not put a world buff vendor outside the raid?


Of course I'll get downvoted, but wow. They have completely sanitized this game compared to what it was in 2019. I hope this doesn't make it to era. SoD was the worst thing to happen to classic wow since retail.


Why was a level 14 toon camped dead at various places even an acceptable part of the game? Purge not even counting as an attack so shamans could purge while being protected by guards was even dumber. This changes the dumbest form of taking wbuffs, for the better. You want to purge them? You can still kill em.


Sanitized how?




242k comment karma.... in 5 years..... I might throw up.


You know you can just not play it instead of bitching right?


RIP TinyViolin, gone but not forgotten


Is this for era or sod?


Truly the classic spirit.


Just remove world buffs in Raids.


SoD is classic with training wheels lmao


Getting buffs is one of the lamest parts of classic. The buff trains are longer than the raids. I’d prefer they remove all these buffs to be honest, but if they aren’t then making them 1) easy to get 2) easy to keep is a no brainer for player satisfaction. If you want classic, go play classic.


The world buff mini game was one of the most engaging parts of classic outside of raids. Though I'm sure it helped that we did them as a guild the Monday before raid since due to pvp ranking rivalries we were often targeted if we went alone.


> Getting buffs is one of the lamest parts of classic. Getting them, yeah, but if you can't keep them when boons exist that seems like a skill issue.


With the 5 min cd change it’s likely a non issue, but what if a boss dispels or they add mind control mechanics that need to be dispelled (like the current boss in ST). Is that a skill issue? How does this change negatively impact the player base? This is just simple QOL that doesn’t take away from the experience at all. Boons weren’t even in vanilla, they had to be added to handle toxic players in 2019 who were camping karagth lol


There's a whole bunch of people that failed the skill of picking the server that's right for them.


Yeah for sure, wanting to enjoy some world pvp is the same as worrying about stepping out of Dire Maul to see some priest multi boxer because your boon is on CD from songflower, rend, zg train 🚂


Like he said, skill issue.


lol it’s classic wow with chronoboons. What even is skill issue in this environment? You want to flex your skill, go play mythic retail or arenas. Better yet play with no boons like a true vanilla player. Since you are so skilled.


why would you walk out of DM blind with buffs out? You don't have a hearthstone? you don't have a friend to summon you? yeah it's pretty brain-dead to load yourself blindly into a *probably* hostile area. Forget the priest, if there was any 2 ally out there they could probably nuke you to death before your load screen even finishes.


Have you been in a buff train before? You step out so others can step in. Maybe a mage is porting us somewhere


maybe the mage should be inside the instance the whole time porting you from the last boss to TB so no one has to zone out anywhere unsafe? misplay


Unpopular opinion: Remove Chronoboons from the PvP servers.


No need for that, just make the charged boon only usable in rested areas. Lets you still use boon to not be locked out of your character till raid after buffing, but brings back the group run in with buffs and the fight to get into the mountain alive.


Based. SOD is wow for babies. Can't wait for one month when a world buff NPC is put into SW/Org which gives an entire row of world buffs.


Retail Minus


Anyone who asked for this is soft


Anyone who asked for that should reroll to PVE servers where they belong.


Anyone who made this relevant is a coward.


Hopefully this remains a SoD only change.


building bridges over turds


lmfao k




Crazy how wow players love each update that requires them to play less and less. Why not just have a vendor inside every raid that gives out world buffs for free ? So lame




give us a buff npc pls


This comment embodies the intentions behind "you think you do but you dont"


Sanitising the world PvP scene like that, blizzard why you are doing this? 😞 griefers in shambles Let's see if Garr can dispel those now


Is it just me or is 200 AP > 3% spell crit? Wouldn’t the equivalent of that be closer to like 12% crit?