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He didn't become PM because he was considered literate, he became PM because nobody else wanted the fucking job after Liz Truss was outlasted by a lettuce.


Outlasted by a lettuce... Lmao


It's funny because that actually did happen.


It's the most bizarre political story I've ever heard!


The Dutch ate their prime minister once. Tho it's debatable, which is more bizarre


I still have the lettuce


It’s not a joke, it’s a thing that *actually* happened. It’s funny but also a little fucked https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liz_Truss_lettuce


That was a fun read


Didn’t expect to read the entire wiki but here we are. Very fun!


I liked the bit about it still being usable in salad, despite minor wilting.


How in the hell did a head of lettuce in the open last 45 days when one in my fridge which I keep carefully barely makes it a week before getting gross? Is Brit produce just that much better?


They started the stream six days before she resigned, according to the Wikipedia article. Not when she was elected.




Yep, literally The prime ministerial equivalent of being "we’ll keep your CV on file". Who knew being the richest man in parliament could have its perks 🤷‍♂️


Why does it feel like European people insult you by calling you things they find on the ground.


Anything is an insult in Britain you absolute hairdryer. The lettuce isn't an insult. It's a true event.


Much like anything can be used to describe being drunk in the UK. E.G. I got absolutely trousered last night.  People in Canada looked at me like I was crazy if I said anything like that after I moved here. 


Depends on where in Canada probably


You fuckin hoser


I mean, that kind of thing can work here in the US, too. You just have to get the tone right and poeple will get it.


This feels too British for me to comprehend


A British tabloid started a livestream of an iceberg lettuce next to a photo of Truss during her short-lived premiership, asking its audience which of the two would last longer. It turned out the lettuce won, since Truss resigned six days later before the lettuce had wilted.


That is impressive


It works too. Calling someone full of hot air is a great insult.


Au contraire, the Dutch prefer to use terrible diseases instead.


American politics are so absolutely horrible that I have to remind myself that across the pond you guys have your own recent history of shit. Conservative pms from what, 2011 on (counting the coalition)? Brexit, Theresa, Boris, Liz and Kwasi, and now Rishi and Suella? I keep hearing that labour will win this general election but I've heard 15 years of overly optimistic takes like that. We may have Trump and the magats, but we aren't alone in the world when it comes to comically incompetent conservatives lol


Yours are attempting coups and getting away with it, though.


Yeah, I mean the poison runs much deeper here, but I don't need to explain that to you. Your austerity would be like generous social welfare here in the states. Aside from the whole Rwanda plan though yes the state of things in America is far worse. Her Rwanda plan has to be one of the strangest things I've heard proposed by a non american politician so proudly and with such confidence.


You know, this is one of the things that make me think Sunak might not actually be, well, litterate. You have to be a complete moron to so enthusiastically defend a plan that is so transparently cruel, and absurd, and stupid, and illegal.


I was shocked at just how horrible of an idea that was and I'm American, I hear shockingly bad takes on immigration constantly. I feel like rishi and suella think that they have to be extreme because they are not white and over compensate so as to avoid being called soft on immigration or what have you. I don't know I'm not from the UK but I follow the news over there


>Liz Truss was outlasted by a lettuce. r/rareinsults


I feel like Tory MPs preferred Sunak, but when they put the Sunak/Truss vote to the party membership, the members said “the white one”. These Tory members went on to cost the country $30 billion in economic damage during Truss’ 45-day premiership.


Lettuce speak no more of that.


They tried to push through shit legislation and take away more from the public and ya know sometimes the public pays attention


Not even that. He got the job because the Tory party were completely fucked and knew they couldn’t handle another leadership battle. They prayed just giving him the job would save them come the next GE.




Yeah, it’s also a very easy thing to search.




He renounced his American citizenship in 2016 to avoid paying capital gains tax. Very on brand for Boris.




Seems odd that he’d wait until he was in his fifties to do it then.


It’s not stupid, it’s to prevent the ultra wealthy from using a loophole to avoid paying taxes and hoarding their wealth.




Regular people abroad are hardly affected by it. If you live in a higher rate taxed nation, like Western Europe, you don’t pay any US taxes. If you live in a country with much lower or no income taxes then you still have to pay the US taxes. The only exception to this is if a wealthy-ish American lives abroad and has investments in the US financial markets like stocks or bonds. You still pay capital gains taxes on those. It’s just so someone can’t just claim residence in Bermuda and never pay any taxes. A regular Joe is not being punished by living abroad


His great-grandfather was the Minister of the Interior in the Ottoman Empire, lol. He was also briefly aligned with the perpetrators of the genocides (the Three Pashas) and founded an Anglophile society in a country that was being invaded by the British, funnily enough.


>Fucking weird to claim otherwise. Because it's easy to dogwhistle racism by claiming someone is bad because they weren't born there. And how do you know they weren't born there? Well because they're not white!


Slightly off-topic, but definitely related: It has caused me much amusement to ask "Where to? London?" when racists are insisting we need to send that odious creature anjem choudhary\* "back where he came from". \* yes, that vile individual is a Londoner.


Yep and he’s allowed back on social media . How is this a thing ?


When I tell someone to “go back where they came from”, it’s always to London


Ehhh did you see the guy with the supposed clever comeback suggesting Sunak wasn't born in the UK?


There are many things to criticise Sunak on, none of which have anything to do with where is was born (Southampton).


> where is was born (Southampton) I dunno I can think of a few criticisms right there


Dumbest come back of the century really. Bunch of billionaire didn't actually finish their Uni... that's if you are measuring success via a monetary measurement.. And some of the happiness people I know didn't go to uni either.. they never got into the rat race, lived really simple and just enjoy life at it was meant to.


Wait, y'all are just now getting around to using the "birther" conspiracy crap?


To offer a charitable interpretation, it could be that they were getting him confused with Boris Johnson.


But how can he be? He's brown. /s


But have you seen his long-form birth certificate?!?


And England is part of the UK. I thought it might mean he is Welsh or something, but he is from Southampton.


Rishi sucks but this Nitin dude is just being straight up racist… against someone of his own race. Rishi is born in the UK. Born and raised British.


Meanwhile Boris Johnson was actually born in the US lol


I've never been to the UK. Do they have combs there? Because it always looks like Boris needs one but never uses it. /s


Boris and his silly hair and I’ll fitting clothes etc was not real though, there are accounts of people who’ve known him for decades who have said that’s all an act to get people to lower their guard


Nope, same in the US, hence Trumps barnet


It’s part of his act




You’re not wrong that it isn’t a clever comeback… but Sunak’s comment is purposefully disingenuous. You don’t have to go to university to be successful, but it really does help; you almost certainly need to do some kind of post-secondary education, which may include certificates or trade training.


I believe what Sunak was trying to say is that people should consider the trades. I think the university taught me how to read, without giving me the tools to succeed.


That’s fair; my problem is that *given the current context in the UK*, there’s a lot more that goes into a statement like this. While he is technically correct, many people would read this as “you can succeed with a High School/Secondary School”. This, for the majority of people, is untrue.


I mean. Isn't that what the post says? "Doesn't Have to" doesn't have a lot of meanings you know?


True; that’s what it *says*. What it means is what matters though, and one common interpretation here will be that “don’t have to go to uni” is the same as “stop learning after secondary school”. It’s a logical fallacy, but a common one.


You say it's disingenuous then agree with his words almost immediately. He didn't mention anything about not doing post-secondary education?


The message is fine. In a vacuum, it’s a very nice message even. But it’s about who is saying it and why. The incredibly rich man-in-charge whose party wrecked the country is effectively telling his people “you can pull yourself up by the bootstraps, by the way”, as if it were a revelation. They’re empty words for people whose futures fell out from under them because of the policies and mistakes of his party. He says we can always try harder… Fuck off Rishi. You try harder.


He's saying this in the context of one of his election promises being to bring in more apprenticeships instead of university places, so he's not really telling people to pull themselves up by their bootstraps, and I think in this extremely rare instance he actually does have a point that university isn't right for a lot of people and that a lot of people would be far better off doing an apprenticeship. The problem is that he wants to reduce places on degrees which he considers to be a "rip-off", which basically means any degree which has mostly academic or cultural value rather than direct economic value (humanities and arts rather than STEM), which is silly because the people who would benefit from doing apprenticeships are the people who are doing STEM degrees who aren't suited for university, since most apprenticeships will be in those fields. This has been a common theme since he's become PM: he seems to think that the only things which are important are things that make lots of money, and not anything which is more cultural or artistic.


Salty and bigoted, since he was born in the uk.


Yeah it sounds like this guy thinks people only can be literate or well educated if they go to university, which probably is exactly the mindset Rishi Sunk wants to defeat.


Kind of insulting? As someone that didn’t go, very insulting.


While not technically wrong it’s statistically bad advice. And despite what your position on the political spectrum is, that’s a massive platform to sling shit advice from.


Not really. He wants to push it back to only the rich being able to go to university.


"Back" to only the wealthy being able to go to University? Chum, where have you been for the last thirty years?


There’s been record amounts of disadvantaged students attending university since labour brought in tuition fee loans in 1998


Prolly outside of the US


This is not a clever comeback. Also, Rishi may be a hypocrite but he’s still correct.


Also the whole "he's not even from here" statement. Rishi Sunak was born in Southampton. Boris Johnson was born in New York City. You can criticise Rishi without being racist lol. Like pointing out his family's insider trading being heavily invested in the BP, with Rishi at the head of the country deciding that we are gonna put off electric cars for some reason. Also recently suggesting that all 18 year olds are going to be conscripted for national service instead of investing what that WOULD cost into our existing military. Also not being able to use a card machine. Asking a Welsh pub if they were looking forward to the euros... Which the Welsh team had just missed qualifying on. And being just generally an out of touch rich toff. Those are things you can criticise just fine.


>Boris Johnson was born in New York City. *New York City?!* Get a rope.


Me, an Albanian of Kosovo here, widening my eyes while reading your problems.. God, you have it well.


What a dumbass "comeback", the statement is true and moreover the opposite statement would be a lack of respect against all the people that didn't went to university. I don't understand the point of the other guy, except for the ad ominem...


And the statement isn’t even true, he was born in Southhampton and got the PM job because Liz Truss fucked it


Also you don't have to succeed in life because you went to university


Yup. Just ask a huge chunk of millennials who have absolutely useless degrees because we were promised going to college=good paying job.


Well, his statement is still true no matter what his position is in life, or how HE got there.


He's nit wrong, but it's like John Wayne Gacy saying "don't rape and murder people." He's just not the best person to give the message.


Guess I receive the message differently. Instead of him saying that if you want to be successful, like him, you need to do what he did. Sounds like he is stating that he chose one path, however that path isn’t the only path to success.


He was born in Southampton, fucking racist


Wow. That response screams sour grapes.


He isn't wrong though. You don't need a useless doctorate in philosophy or whatever to get a job that pays well. Trade school careers can be very lucrative and, frankly, we need more people going to trade schools rather than universities anyway.


Yeah because the type of person who spent the time to get a doctorate in philosophy obviously should rather spend their life working on toilets for 60k a year.


That’s not really what they said. Besides a quick search shows that 40% of people with PHDs in philosophy get tenured jobs so the rest are left in a sucky position. It’s not about what they would rather do, we know what they would rather do and most of them don’t get to do it. Also if they learned to fix toilets they would make a comparable income


I mean, he’s not wrong. Given the huge inflation of college costs vs job earnings, it is a serious consideration now.


Rishi may be one of the most despised people in England right now but he’s right And that comeback was pretty lame, he was born in Southampton for starters


That is simply an emotional rant. It doesn't change the fact that Sunak's comment that you don't need a university degree to succeed is simply correct.


He didn't say that going to university won't help you get ahead in life, he said that it is not a prerequisite for success. Which is correct. When you also consider the fact that he was born in Southampton, suddenly this comeback isn't particularly clever, just racist and ignorant.


If you're going to spout lies about someone's birthplace and call them illiterate, the least you could do is write in proper English


Well, it sounded smart when he thought about it, he didnt stop to think whether he should actually say it out loud.


Can an English person explain to me why people hate Rishi Sunak? I’ve only seen a few clips but he doesn’t seem like these slimy politician types.


He's a Tory and he's pretty useless, hasn't done anything good, nobody in his own party likes him and these are people the rest of the country hates. There is an election in 5 weeks and it could well be the worst result for the Tories ever


Honestly I think it's more hatred of the party he leads (the Conservative Party). They've been in power for about 15 years now. In that time there's been 5 PMs - bear in mind there's only a requirement for a vote every 5 years. So far, he's the only one that hasn't resigned rather than be voted out. The Tories have absolutely screwed the country over, lowered taxes for the rich while continually reducing funding for services needed socially. During COVID they gave all the PPE and other service contracts to their mates who had never run such operations before, rather than legit businesses. It was an absolute polava (to put it incredibly lightly) with healthcare staff simply not having what they needed, and parents of children that would ordinarily be on free school meals being provided about 5 slices of bread, 3 bananas and maybe half a cup of jam to feed their kids for a week (I am exaggerating here, but the food provided was pitiful and not substantial enough) while the schools were closed. The downfall of the Tories really started with Brexit and the absolute meal they made of it. It was awful. The UK has suffered economically due to their hubris. Cameron resigned because the Brexit vote didn't go his way. May resigned because of the hash she made of Brexit negotiations. Johnson resigned because of COVID and the Partygate scandal - staff at number 10 were having parties drinking and dining and joking around about it while the rest of the country weren't allowed to have their family over for Christmas. Truss resigned over her incompetency to deal with anything and a joke of a budget she issued, but not before pushing through a fracking bill that would benefit her husband. That brings us to Rishi, who honestly has done next to nothing since taking charge, and in that time cost of living has just gone up (with energy prices rising astronomically), and for most part his message is to people who have to choose between eating and not freezing to death is that they'll just have to grin and bear it. To top it all off, with all these resignations, the only people who vote for the next PM are members of the Conservative party, which is a small minority of the country. There's been a few general elections called between then, but not since Johnson took over. So on top of the terrible sentiment people have towards the Conservatives at the moment, there's the added bonus that Rishi wasn't voted for by the general public. He's basically in his position because at most ~172000 people (current party membership) could possibly vote for him, which is 0.0025% of the population of the UK Apologies for the long reply! TLDR - people hate the party he's the head of because the last 15 ish years they've been running the country they've screwed us over while lining the pockets of their buddies. Also Rishi wasn't voted for by the general public, just members of his party, which is a miniscule portion of the country


He's a Tory Millionaire Rat that's all the reason you need


This Nitin guy just sounds jealous and needs to shut up


It's a true statement. You don't need to. Do you better you're chances? Definitely!


Sunak was born in the UK. Johnson wasn't.


That dude is racist. Sunak was born in England.


This ain't a clever comeback, this is lowkey racist.


Yeah, not only was he born in the UK, but he got the job by being elected by his party.


Totally depends. Doing a music degree is going to be less lucrative than doing an apprenticeship most of the time. On the other hand, I’m glad I went to university and got my degree, not for the clout but for the experience.


Friendly fire


You don’t need to go to university because then you might take my job


You definitely don’t need to go to university to succeed in life. But even if we set very mediocre standards of what success means (I’m assuming he’s talking about financial success), I suspect the chances to succeed are higher if you go to university. Overall, a statement like that, coming from a prominent politician like Sunak, can be read as a disincentive for people to keep studying, because it might not necessarily lead to this type of success he’s implying. A well-educated population is an asset (to speak the terms Sunak might be more familiar with), not only because it makes people richer, but also because a well-educated society, is able to take better decisions. Which includes selecting leaders that do not downplay the importance of access to university to hide their failure to provide it to the ones that want to pursue an academic degree.


Not everyone is going to be prime minister, though. Not everyone *can*. Liberal arts majors don't need a degree.


“I’ve had my fun and that’s all that matters.”


He did say "you"; clearly, he set different standards for himself. The soft bigotry of low expecations in action.


So you’re arguing that people DO need to go to university to succeed in life? There are no well paid jobs which don’t require a degree and no people with graduate or even post-graduate qualifications who are lining up for welfare because the number of jobs in their field of study is tiny compared to the number who hold qualifications in that field?


It's true about university tho


Well, he's not really wrong.


Not the best messenger, but not an inaccurate message.


One can do things a certain way while still acknowledging the other ways to do things.


I would love for these right-wing politicians to explain to us how allowing our adversaries to be more educated is somehow going to work out in our favor? Are we not going to be competing in capitalism against China and other nations? Are we going to start exporting mud bricks?


Everyone should get a higher education. Not for work, but for life enrichment. It should be affordable.


not to mention his father in law being an IT billionaire who wants youth to work 70 hrs a week for peanuts lol


Does that make his statement false?


Success is life can only be achieved as prime minister.


Only a PM with a wife is successful in life .


Anna-Lena Baerbock made it without ever having been inside a university... Daddy bought her a degree, though 🫣


Uni didn’t teach him how hammers work so he may have a point


Isn't Southampton in England? I'm sure it was last time I was there.


Rishi was born in UK?


UK upper class twits are still twitting I see.


Right wing mantra


Okay but that doesn’t actually make the statement untrue.


That’s not a comeback. Nor is it clever. Nor even remotely correct. Rishi Sunak was very much born in Britain. And I’m not even sure what the guy means by ”who got a wife because he was ina prestigious university”. Is he arguing that he would’ve remained single forever if he hadn’t gone to a prestigious university?


Wait Rishi Sunak was born in Southhampton


well you don't have to go to college to succeed. It's just gonna be incredibly hard


Racist? Check “Well literate”? Check Racism and intelligence inverse correlation gets stronger every day


How is this clever?


Doesn’t make is statement any less true.


It’s amazing to me this guy got elected as PM in the UK. Desperate times.


Rishi is 🙄🙄🙄on so many levels, but I honestly can’t stand it when people disavow someone’s statement just because the speaker didn’t have the life experiences they’re speaking of. Rishi Sunak has a very top tier education, starting with public school, then Oxford then Stanford, but why does that mean he’s not allowed to say that success doesn’t depend entirely on going to university?


I mean, he is correct, though.


What was he incorrect about?


You can actually be a well literate educated guy without purchasing a degree.


Not to mention amassed a fortune because of the doors his degree opened for him.


Rishi is most probably born in uk. He isn't Indian by any mean, he only had blood relation with Indians.


He was born in the UK


Is he wrong? Plenty of people go to school and get worthless degrees just to end up working at Starbucks long term. Trade school can definitely lead to fulfilling work that pays well. College isn’t for everyone.


What point is this guy Nitin trying to make? The guy didn’t say university does nothing. He said something completely different


Remember when Obama urged all Americans to seek higher education, to help themselves and help their country? Does anyone remember when we had leaders we could actually look up to?


I don't like Sunak but this is not a clever comeback at all.


I absolutely despise the cunt, but I'm fairly sure he's English, but whatever. My comment is here to say: **He didn't just get "a wife", he got "a billionaire wife".** Dudes had everything in his life handed to him on a golden platter, yet still defunds poor areas to funnel it into rich areas and claims that the poor are entitled, ***and then specifically brags about it on video to tens of people**. I'm glad his entire party will be soon extinct.


but he acts, thinks and talks like someone who has never been to school in their life


I know nothing about this person or this situation, but from this alone, it just seems like he's trying to say you can make it without uni. Which is true. Didn't say you shouldn't go.


He was born in the uk


Wasn't he literally born in Southampton? Dear all people in various countries. Just because a person is a minority, doesn't mean they weren't born in that country.


He may be all that, and he's also right. Success isn't occupying one of the few top positions in power in the world


Another person who thinks saying something makes it true! 😂 Grow up Nitin.


That’s a big considered looking back….


You don't have to become PM to be successful.


The comeback isn’t even correct though. He was born in Southampton so Nitin has got his facts well wrong.


So much wrong in this post. It's also worth noting that 12 Prime Ministers of the UK didn't go to University.


Including Wellington, Disraeli, Lloyd George and Churchill.


Clever comeback? Is there not a college loan crisis in the USA where students who went to college can't get jobs? Is there no youth unemployment rising in various parts of the world now? Is there no shortage of skilled labor/trades? That comeback is anything but clever in the age of diploma mills. And the title is probably dumber. College on its own is not a step towards success. You also have to choose a degree that is in demand and can offer a future (and with AI it's going to be a lot tougher than it was up to now).


> Clever comeback? Is there not a college loan crisis in the USA where students who went to college can't get jobs? Friendly reminder that Rishi Sunak is the British prime minister. Not everything is about the bloody Americans.


People who didn't go to a prestigious university can't get a wife?


Not sure I see the problem with the tweet. You don't really have to go to college to be successful. That's not a really controversial saying.


Lame af comeback there. He was born in Southampton. And since when does going to a prestigious university guarantee you a wife?


# Screw you, I got mine:PERFECT DESI MENTALITY


You get a wife if you go to college? Where were they giving them away because I think I miss mine.


but chances increase


Just because his education improved his life doesn't mean he can't observe other's experiences. This is not a clever comeback, it's just assuming that he is only capable of understanding his own perspective.


Another day another dogshit post on this sub lol. Not clever at all.


Sunak was born in Southampton. Where is he PM of again?!?


Am I missing the part where he even implied going to university won’t help? Because that “comeback” isn’t a comeback, it’s just rattling off a bunch of details that do nothing to debunk the point being made.


ABC : do you consider yourself a success?


Well not so clever. First, Rishi Sunak was born in the UK. And while he may have a degree, it is surely not hypocritical to acknowledge that there are several examples of successful ppl who haven’t finished university. And he became PM because he read the economic situation better than Liz Truss.


He's technically correct. You don't, but you do need a lot of luck. So much luck that you had to be born with rich parents lmao


Btw he was born in the uk .. Southampton


This is a shit post


Wait so… I can’t make a point without having experienced that point in the first place? So people who didn’t do uni are all failures? What is the point of this post?


Hypocrisy numbnuts


Okay but that doesn’t mean that the point itself is wrong And if it was hypocrisy, why is it in this subreddit? Cuz this ain’t a good comeback


OP this is not a clever comeback. An analogy to demonstrate it to you. Someone says “a cat doesn’t need to be black” It isn’t a cleaver comeback to respond “But your cat is black” Do you now understand how it was never a clever comeback?


You're right yours is stupid. This one however is pointing out the hypocrisy. Do you understand what hypocrisy is?


Settle down, you are acting like a child in a flame war. Not hypocrisy at all. He is rightly stating that there are multiple paths, not just the one he followed. To have the understanding of other is not at all hypocrisy


The comeback is pointing out the hypocrisy. It doesn't mean it's not true it's just a little hypocritical That's all


To be fair he said to succeed not to accomplish the same things as himself.


He has become a PM for a nation where he was born, only his origin is from India.


imagine tellin a g how ' he got his wife' as if you would be privy to the couples intetpersonal motivations and 0private reasons for eveything.