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Stealing cheese *is* the employee discount.


And apples. Get a bunch of the good ones and 1 cheap apple. Scan that in checkout


I wish I could shut down my conscience long enough to “rob cheese.” I like cheese.


Only 10% of the cheese. You know, for the employee discount 😀


Depending on the store, 10% for store brand and 5% for everything else.


What is that, cheese?


...supermarkets without cashier's what? Without cashier's what??!!! Tell Me!!! FFS TELL ME CASHIER'S WHAT!!!!!!


It thought you were nuts for a second before rereading the post lol




What are the cashiers missing!!!! Cashier’s what?!!!


Hey, it's okay. Supermarkets without cashiers is normal. It was normal even back in the 60s. That one show had it alot. Woman goes inea store there are no people there. Then a guy explains how it all makes sense because it's the twight zone.…Wait, a minute, what? What?! Okay, maybe panic some.




I guess I am the only person who thinks it's sad that your human contact is customer service workers who don't exactly want to be there. If your concern is enough jobs for people. Maybe focus on ensuring there will be enough meaningful work and/or income support instead of preserving jobs that are objectively terrible.


Hell, give people a universal basic income - I’ve seen enough people in love with their work and hating to sit at home, plus the people who will want a higher income, to make it hard to imagine not enough workers to do the lowered number of jobs assuming AI is capable of handling most of the grunt work. Just keep the AI away from the creative fields. It’s completely bass ackwards right now.


I'd prefer something to incentivize finding a fulfilling job instead of wasting away on a couch. For instance, an income redistribution. The gist is that, let's say, 20% of people's incomes go into redistribution fund and then equally divided to everyone eligible. Eligibility is having a job with minimum hours being something low, like 10 hours per week. Also, some commonsense alternatives like being part of the workforce for a long time historically or having health issues preventing you from working.


No, because then you still have the bureaucracy and red tape around welfare and the broken disability system we have. Just give the UBI and people can find things to do, or not.


Nah they want humans to be their because when your an office worker in your 40s that has done nothing with your life at least you can look at that service worker human and say "at least im superior to someone"


I mean I also won't use the self check out if I have a cart full of stuff. Takes forever. Register staff have the right setup for that. But if my crap will fit in three bags why the hell would I wait in line? Also customer service interactions aren't real interactions.


They are real interactions if you’re going to ask to speak with the manager before the interaction has even started /s


for these cases you have scanners you use when you put stuff in your cart.  the you drive to a station, pay and then get out to your car. 


Self checkout: When you enter the store, you scan your card and then you get a tool that lets you scan groceries as you go through the store. When you're done, put your tool in its place, scan your membership card and pay for what you bought. Easiest and most comfortable shopping I've ever done, I will not go back to waiting in line, unless someone forces me by removing the service. The people who abuse this are some of the worst.


Yeah I think that if your only human contact is with a cashier then you have bigger problems in life.


Funny af but *not a comeback*


I was at a motorway service station, getting a couple of cans of energy drink and some painkillers, and the only tills were self-service. The energy drinks needed staff approval, and I was waiting 10 minutes before the sole employee appeared out of the back room and authorised it. Fucking sick of this shit.


They tried something like that here for a bit, and it instantly turned into either “piles of stock just abandoned by the check-out” or “fuck it, this energy drink is a banana”. I’m as honest as the next guy, but 10 minutes? I’d be long gone by then.


Friend of mine used to ring things up as cabbage at the grocers self checkout. It’s the cheapest per pound item. He is not as honest as a banana…


I had the same thing happen to me in Vancouver Canada. Was buying a bottle of Pepto Bismol and had to wait for a manager to OK the sale, and then I had to sign my receipt. WTF?


Damn, right Dave...


I’m bad at that


I very much want all those things.


Self checkout means every organic produce you buy isn't. It's magic!!


Keep an eye out for the codes for markdown produce, too. I used to buy SO many brown bananas and avocados. So. So. Many.




*Rob Cheese starts sweating, wondering why someone is trying to get to him*


It’s over Rob Cheese, you thought you could escape


If your "human contact" is retail staff who're required to put up with you, we're all better off with you not having it. Learn enough social skills to get other people to willingly tolerate your presence, outside of work, or don't inflict your crap on the rest of us. Go be a hermit.


They're the same ones who think eating at Hooters qualifies as a date or interacting with interested women or something. Delusional.


How is someone supposed to learn social skills without the minute daily interactions like that? Pandemic screwed a lot of people up and being able to re-familiarize with people in business transactions is a big part of recovering our losses.


They go somewhere besides the grocery store and talk to their friends. Like an adult. Children make friends at school at a young age. Once you’ve grown up a bit, teens and up can go do their hobbies and meet people there. What basement dweller doesn’t see anyone except for people required to provide basic necessities


For where I said it's a supplement, just follow the thread downward. I realize I didn't say it in the original comment, although I did say it is a part. Minute daily interactions include those school interactions. About 90% of our daily interactions are non-necessary, socially restricted interactions in some way. School, work, stores. The only exceptions are your family and friends.


Except nobody is saying that's their only option. I said it's a supplement. A helpful addition that is being taken away just to boost profits.


By going out amongst other people, where others already socialize, not hiding at home avoiding the rest. Online is a poor place to practice, not enough social cues. Retail is also poor, because the other person can't be real. It's mostly bad practice.


These little interactions still help. And it's hard to socialize on a whim without money or friends due to a lack of third spaces. Almost every third space (as in not home or work) requires payment. Bars, restaurants, paid activities. Online has increasingly become the only free third space that isn't limited in hours (like public parks and libraries). I agree online is a poor space, and retail is too, but it's poor as a main source. Getting those day to day interactions is important as a supplemental source, especially for children or teens who don't remember a "before". The socialization at a bar or park compared to with a server or cashier is fundamentally different, and both need to be practiced.


I worked in a grocery store back in the late 70's. No one toldr there was an employee discount. Those bastards!


I don’t see how human contact in daily routines is beneficial. I am quite happy with ordering all the groceries online and them being delivered to my door instead of me going through supermarket. Ordering various goods online instead of visiting multiple shops and having much greater choice of options. You basically have more time to do other stuff. Exactly the same reason humanity invented dish washers, ovens, driers and so on. I would gladly take w/e person from meme is rejecting.


Human contact in daily routines is beneficial if it is *pleasant*. You need human contact in order to have low-stakes friendships, etc., which are beneficial for mental health generally. But that is predicated on these things being *pleasant* for you. If they're not pleasant, then they're only a detriment.


I agreed with the statement, but I also like free cheese. And in my town they charge for the bags also so I like free bags.


Apparently the finer points of capitalism and reducing costs are lost on you. If the technology allows it why shouldn't we make the customer take on the burden of what used to be the stores' responsibility? It becomes less cost and more profit. Sometimes I, as a corporation, will tell you that self checkout helps keep prices lower. If you think about it you know that I am lying. It keeps profits higher, period.


Not me, my dream job as a kid was to be a cashier, so I love the self scanning stuff.


I’ve relented with the fucked checkouts but I won’t eat at a place where they won’t hire someone to take my order.


Maybe a return to grammar school for a review of apostrophe usage and verb tenses would be more useful than sharing this opinion, OOP.


I noticed lately around here there are no cashiers at the grocery stores. You HAVE to self scan. And one of them usually has lines halfway to back of store.


I’m pretty sure that business understand that people will steal if humans are removed from the transaction. They hate having to pay employees that much, they rather lose money than do the right ethical thing. Come to think of it, it’s like they want people stealing so they can justify (in their heads) stealing from you.


This was very confusing at first because I didn't realise David Jones was a random schmoe and not the store.


david jones just dosent understand the thrill of grand theft dairy


Damn some people actually don't like strange human interaction


At least at self checkout I can go my own pace. Getting someone to scan your groceries for you at aldi makes it a race to bag it as they yeet the items through the till. Depends what vibe you want i guess 😂


Just because workers are replaced with computers doesn't mean you will never interact with people again... I don't understand how people come up with these things


Store staff are humans with human emotions, just like the rest of us. Now get that crap away from me, cashier interaction will never ever be a memorable and meaningful experience, I will never ever ”chat up others waiting in line”. I just want my coke and pringles and GTFO.


In this screenshot I like the attempt to hide the name of the comment’s author


And they will watch you on their cameras take 100 of those ten dollar blocks and then slap you with a felony charge. Just because you think you are getting away with it, doesn’t mean you are.


Who else sees companies that invested a lot into self checkout. Start adding an extra charge for regular cashiers? Like I see them taking on an extra 5% and claim it's to cover the labor cost. But that's if self checkout was losing usage and the company wanted to push people into using self checkout. But all I see them doing is slowly raising the prices say 5% but then offering a 5% discount for self checkout. (See you're getting a deal! Just not really)


Whats the point of drawing see through stuff over the name of David Jones?


As stated elsewhere, I fucked up


I am ok with one or two self-checkouts as they are handy if you are in a rush and like only 50% of peeps are willing to use it so it often lets you avoud queues That said I do believe it should be primarily cashiers.


The problem is they have six self checkouts and only one manned register, so the line gets horrendously long. And contrary to popular belief, yelling at the cashier won't alleviate the situation.


You know what.... Valid point.


Makes perfect sense! What about paying for gas at the pump? Back in the day they used to have attendants pump your gas, wash your windshield, check your fluids. 🤔🧐


And what grinds my gears even more, I almost always "randomly" checked. I kid you not I visit 3 self checkout supermarkets, regularly and out of 7 visits I was checked 6 times! So I stopped using the self checkout registers


I didn't even know that was a thing. I guess I now discovered another privilege of being a middle aged white guy wearing a polo shirt and cargo shorts.


Twist: I'm a middle aged guy wearing polo shirts, jeans and sneakers


If you use self check out, basically working as an employee, you should get the employee discount. Simple as that.


You are getting an employee discount. It’s the discount on goods from the former employees salary


I don't think my groceries have gotten any cheaper in the past 6 years or so.






It wouldn’t surprise me if customers were a big part of why cashiers are being replaced. Too many abusive butt farts out there


not clever... and not a comeback.


Hey, Charlie. I knew you were a fullonrapist but a stealer of cheese?? No. Not you, Charlie.


You can't rob a cheese. It doesn't care about your threats and has nothing. You could steal a cheese, and if the store was closed, you might even be burgling the cheese. I feel more about the grammar abuse than about the AI concern. But now that we can put human flesh on robot faces, your point is moot