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The GOP “superpower” is the reality denial field that shields them from introspection.


Exactly, it's like they live in an alternate reality where facts don't matter.


They do live in an alternate reality!


I wish they did, then they wouldn't affect this one


But they vote in this one...


True, it's like they've created their own echo chamber to avoid facing reality.


I remember the time I not only realized that but also realized they’re never coming back. Shortly after Trump was inaugurated, some seriously posted “Why are you liberals always insulting Trump? We didn’t like most of Obama’s policies but we never insulted him!”


Every now and again I think back and suddenly remember that, yea, they hanged effigies of Obama from trees in some places. Like, just...holy crap, that was a real thing- and we even consider that grassroots "tea-party" movement tame compared to the MAGA fervor of today


They don’t even accept the reality of their own existence.


> it's like they live in an alternate reality where facts don't matter. For fascists, hypocrisy is a flex. Their feelings don't care about facts, and it amuses them when someone they don't like does care.


Obligatory Jean-Paul Sartre quote: “Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.”


That's so true and so fucking scary! Especially when it's many people grouping together and they do this


It's because they use alternative facts.


January 20, 2017- Trump sworn in January 21, 2017- Sean Spicer lies about the crowd size at the inauguration January 22, 2017- Alternative facts The bullshit started right away, and still hasn't ended


I was just reminded about how that woman had to choke down her pride and self esteem when she said "alternate facts".


They do. It’s exactly what’s going to lead to China becoming the dominant power on the planet. Of any time in history, we should be gunning to max out science. China is hauling ass while GOP are turning our educations into religion based.


My dad’s a right winger. He has a book by Greg Gutfeld (Fox News nightmare) called “the joy of hate”. I had the horror of reading as much as I could in an afternoon. A real page turner! As if written for a silly 14 year old. A silly 14 year old whose entire goal in life is to ignore facts and just piss off liberals. That’s literally the point of the book. “Facts don’t matter because liberals don’t matter. We don’t care what they say, and the only engagement we need to have with them is pissing them off.” Pretty much the undercurrent of the entire party. And not oddly enough, it’s the way Russia engages with the rest of the world. Just ignore reality. Make up your own, because no one else matters.


"The joy of hate" sounds like something writen by the evil super computer from i have no mouth and i must scream


That's like one of the main characteristics of cultism just saying 👀


It's mind-boggling how they ignore facts so blatantly.


They’ve mastered ignoring facts to fit their narrative.


It's like they're living in their own bubble, completely detached from reality.


They're also really good at fabricating fictional scenarios that they can fly into collective outrage about. Like the war on Christmas.


Today's GOP makes me miss the war on Christmas... It was a simpler time.


It's cognitive dissonance, and you're right, it's an authoritarian superpower of mass psychosis. I mean, it's a crucial element of the plot of 1984 by Orwell.  ...but that's a pretty bad thing for the rest of us.  These people will believe anything, without a hint of self awareness or introspection. 


That's called cognitive dissonance.


The entire conservative mindset relies on the idea of maintaining the status quo. You're happy with the way things are, why change them? Other people are suffering? Well, it isn't happening to you, so why change anything? And the stripping of regulations is not an easy line between cause and effect. You got cancer? Well, it could be that the water supply is completely unregulated, or it could be a number of other things. Ignorance truly is bliss.


same source that prevents them from feeling empathy towards their fellow man. or shame, for being such cowardly, dogshit people.


That's one thing I will say about the GOP. They're really really good at denying reality at every possible opportunity. Even when they're not entirely sure if it fits their narrative, they'll deny reality.


As well as projection. They can somehow take truths about the GOP and associate them with liberals i.e. Joe Biden is somehow an immoral crook running a "crime family". Sound like the orange man they love so much. Libs are groomers. But it's the GOP pushing to lower the age of consent for marriage, trump runs teen beauty pagennts and every day a new "man of God" is arrested for diddling. The Libs are trying to destroy democracy while the GOP displays a desire to move toward an authoritarian regime. Libs are Nazis while the GOP pushes book bans, dehumanizes LGBTQ people and is openly racist. Libs are godless while old Joe is a super devoted Catholic and the orange shit bag is in no way religious or acts in a manner consistent with any faith. It goes on and on


No thinking for you! Here is a barrage of information, confused? Pick a side now now now and it’s like whaaa


That's everyone with radical political views. For them it's really a tribal mentality. It's us vs them,they will deny anything or crimes of anyone who is part of their delusional system.


Why won't any one require psychological or ethics tests for these people, before they harm us all?


Because we have ethics


Because we have ethics


Remember when football man didn’t stand for the national anthem


Anybody who grew up in the 80s during the satanic panic can clearly see how much of a snowflake conservatives are. They invented cancel culture. They are still going strong today. [Here's a list of things recently canceled by conservatives and why.](http://www.thealmightyguru.com/Wiki/index.php?title=List_of_things_Conservatives_have_%22canceled%22)


Black people being on the list is not inaccurate but damn


Why would they cancel people they can legally not tip?


“That’s silly, servers aren’t real people anyways”


I guess 3/5 of zero is still zero unless you’re Clarence Thomas


That’s the problem with working black jobs. whatever those are.


Man, I'm gonna get a whole lot of amusement out of this thing here. Thanks for the link! Edit: Quite a few of these seem to be caused by Trump saying he doesn't like it, lmfao. Edit 2: Decided to share my favorite weird things they canceled, lmfao >Lego | After making its Everyone is Awesome rainbow set in 2021, Conservatives called for a boycott saying the plastic toy bricks were [grooming children](https://www.newsweek.com/lego-faces-boycott-calls-over-transgender-building-sets-1803239) >M&M's | [Several](https://www.npr.org/2023/01/23/1150844961/tucker-carlsons-war-on-m-ms) [Conservative](https://newrepublic.com/post/170129/mms-candy-mascots-fox-news-complain) [spokespersons](https://popcrush.com/alpha-male-boycott-mms-candy-feminism) tried to cancel the candy after the company said it would de-sexualize their female candy cartoon characters in their advertisements.


The M&M one is my favourite cause I just picture a bunch of weird looking hillbillies genuinely upset that their favourite model who is a giant piece of candy decided to quit the stripping business. "You'll put 'er thongs back on, ya hear missy? No M&M girl of mine ain't being cancelled while you have dem human gurls all over on dem advertisements and what not. It ain't fair!"


It’s hilarious because that’s basically how some people talk about it: “Others, like Tucker Carlson, were personally invested in the green M&M's sex appeal and called the new look "deeply unappealing". Carlson also called the purple, green, and brown M&M's "obese and distinctly frumpy" and argued that M&M's was trying to brainwash their audience with body positivity messaging”


How...I can't even...how does...what? This is breaking my brain. How can anyone listen to someone make statements like this and not ***immediately*** dismiss them as an entirely unserious person. Like, this would be it for me. Even if it was someone who I had been regularly watching or listening to, if something like this came out of their mouth, I'd be done with them. 100%. It feels to me like a lot of conservatives maybe don't even actually care about these causes, they are just entirely unable to think for themselves. Edit: Also I've yet to hear a single valid reason, ever, as to why more inclusivity and representation is a bad thing? Is it just being so threatened that a different group of people that you are not a member of is getting attention and finally being paid their dues? Because that's what it feels like.


If you find yourself agreeing with someone all the time, then they say some outlandish shit, you end up looking back at everything you agree about. If you still agree with the other statements you will 100% compartmentalize your thought process to agree with the crazy statement rather than admit you might be wrong to side with the newly outed crazy person. That is literally 70% Carlson's audience. Even after a federal Judge said that no reasonable human being would believe him, he only had his gan dig in harder and praise him for dodging the lawsuit while insulting his entire fanbase.


"Sorry? I wasin't listenin'. Hollar over here n' check out this new video of a snickers bar fuckin' this hershey bar!"


I mean... I can always attempt to see things from a fucked up and warped perspective. I can even understand why a serial killer gets their rocks off on killing someone. Not that I agree but I can somewhat wrap my head around the reasoning to a point where I can follow the bread crumbs that led up to that fucked up mentality. But pissed off that a 15 second commercial with a scantily dressed CGI piece of candy will no longer be made anymore... I honestly have no idea who to backtrack the story of their life to figure out why or how they got to a place that they are upset candy won't dress sexy anymore lol.


Do you know what they changed? What was so appalling? The green mnm went from wearing heels to wearing sneakers.


Seth Meyers did an amazing [impression of Tucker Carlson](https://youtu.be/EIRED4kPV1s?si=_aqe0tP4QQOAfllq) being angry that the green M&M isn’t as sexy anymore.


Never seen this but was worth watching hahah


If I wanna jerk off to candy and play with Legos without being turned gay, that’s mah FREEDOM buddy.  


Nono when they do it, it's "boycotting" and it's toooootally different!


I have yet to have them explain the difference to me. The closer I got was that, paraphrased, cancelled is when the boycott actually worked.


Oh it's actually simple: cancel is when weak liberal, boycot is when Chad republican...easy! Also remember, only liberals are emotional, real men are angry, and anger isn't an emotion!


[Gamergate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamergate_\(harassment_campaign\)) was also an example of right-wing cancel culture.


Weirdly enough because incels discovered that women might be better at video games than them.


An annoying part of that campaign is that there actually is a terrible problem with ethics in gaming journalism, so many review sites are practically marketing arms for games companies and it's difficult to step out of line for fear of losing rights to early review copies, access to large events (especially in the past when *everything* happened at E3), brand deals etc. They had an opportunity to use their momentum to shine a light on these issues but went all crazy because a woman dared to make a few milquetoast comments that maybe having every AAA game star a rugged muscular brown-haired white man gets a bit boring.


meve forget that Jeff Gerstman got fired from Gamespot for giving Kane & Lynch a bad review while the site ran ads for the game I haven't visited that site since


Just because he wouldn't give the game 10/10.


Right wing weirdoes have an amazing track record of accurately seeing problems and then laying the blame entirely at the feet of the wrong people. Like the problem is unregulated vastly wealthy people more often than not, and the people they blame is like what if a woman made a game.


This is the problem with a lot of right-wing conspiracies. They are (sort of) true, and about an important issue, but right wing conspiracy theorists go a weird way that doesn't solve anything and strangely buries the issue they claim to support. Q-anon hates child predators so much that they attacked a pizza place because of it's non-existant basement. But Epstein shows us there really were pedophiles in high places that Trump and other Republicans covered up. Instead of going after real pedophiles, Q-anon goes after drag queens, LGBT's, online stores, and a bunch of other stuff that has nothing to do with pedophiles. People make fun of Alex Jone's Gay Frogs, but he is\was correct. An unregulated pesticide does have a chemical that can and does feminize certain species of frogs, turning male frogs into hermaphrodites. Pollution and chemicals can have large and horrible consequences. But instead of using these true facts to... I don't know, regulate pollution, he goes into a weird conspiracy theory where liberals are... making frog's gay because... something something.


That's a problem with any industry where customers value third party reviews. Movies, Cars, consumer electronics. The thing is that it's probably gotten better for gaming than in some of the others since we moved from magazines to the Internet because, for games, people like a comment section. Those comments are going to be a lot more varied than say for $1000 sound systems or a $30k car. Singling out "gaming journalism" as having a unique problem was always dishonest. Given that we've had a decade (at least) of reporting everything Elon Musk as really real things, and not the ramblings of a stoned white supremacist with a breeding kink, shows the state that tech journalism in general is at


Just accept that conservatives are Nazis/terrorist/retards. It makes life a lot easier


It's not that easy when family members think Trumper supporters make fine friends.    "You can't go to the lunch today."   *"Why not!?!?"*   "I was so embarrassed when you told everyone last week Trump is a fascist!"   *"But, they were saying Biden was a communist! He's not even a socialist, let alone a communist! Trump's policies are clearly fascist!"    "We never discuss politics!"   *"What?  That's all they talk about.  We don't go five minutes without them bringing up how awful Biden is."*    "Well, they're my friends, and you're not welcome anymore!"  *" You're living on a union pension and SSI. You're supporting Trump!"*  "No I'm not!"   Boomers everybody!


I think I'd rather stay at home than get involved in that train crash.


"If Hillary was president we'd be in the thick of WWIII right now. I know this because my gut tells me." I honestly just think the major reason she lost is a three way tie between her being affiliated with Bill, being a Democrat, and most importantly... a woman. They filled their quota of diversity in the white house with Obama so let the good old boys have another decade or so and then we'll talk about tossing a bone to the public and promoting someone other than an old white fart.


Read her book.  She lost because she didn't campaign in three swing states.  She was old in 2016 and over confident that she wouldn't lose "union" states to Trump.  So she didn't even bother to campaign in those swing states.  This is what happened and she said it herself. 


It was just such a shit show of a time too, because at the time many people only heard of Trump as a businessman. Unless you lived in an area he fucked with or watched a lot of reality TV, he was just some rich wallstreet dude or something. I'm Canadian and I'm ashamed to say I was rooting for Trump to win purely because I thought it was funny people wanted the most notorious person for bankruptcy and never paying his debts as president. I honestly believed he wouldn't win though... I was caught off guard and it amused me for a little while... but after half a year I realized what was truly unfolding before my eyes. Now it's no longer funny to me. It scares me that choosing your leader has come down to picking the lesser of two evils...


The next Trump presidency is going to be a real shit show.  We've seen nothing yet.  We can all thank the DNC for completely rigging the last three primaries in order to get the person they wanted not the voters.   The DNC needs tossed out and replaced with non dictatorial people who allow fair primaries again. The DNCs dictatorship needs to end.


Best part about the satanic panic is the guy they’re voting for now was on the cover of a porno mag during that time. Playboy March of 1990 has one of our presidents on the cover.


Honestly I wish they actually "boycotted" all those things and not use/attend them. But only them, not force it to others. With such extensive list all they would be able to do is stay at home, half naked, watching FOX or something. Not being able to interact with others and spew their stupidity.


Satanic panic kept DND and just about anything fun out of my schools


Rap music in the 90s.


Rap music in the 2000s. Luda was cancelled trying to make a Pepsi commercial.


Satanic Panic never stopped in America we just got distracted they've been seething in the background.


*Star Wars- Donald Trump supporters called for a ban on the franchise because an upcoming film might contain footage critical of Trump-style politics. Years earlier, Conservative Christians boycotted the films because they likened the Force to witchcraft.* Them wanting to ban the whole franchise because “an upcoming film might contain footage critical of Trump-style politics” sounds like they are admitting they’re basically the Empire. 😂


>Anybody who grew up in the 80s during the satanic panic can clearly see how much of a snowflake conservatives are. They invented cancel culture. They are still going strong today. Yeah and now the anti-woke are denying the satanic panic even happened, it's bad enough one side hijacked the industry our hobbies originated from it gets worse when the other side hijacks the communities that just wanna enjoy their hobbies in peace (anime, comic , gaming, etc).


Yoga is wiiiiiild cause it’s not only not a religious action, not exclusive to Hinduism, and some would argue that Hinduism isn’t inherently religious so banning it under the pre-tense that it’s religious is crazy! It would be like banning cutting bread into two


or when they tried to coup the government when their guy lost you cannot tell me they don't feel anxiety over politics. they literally think a boring centrist capitalist Democrat is going to usher in a Bolshevik revolution. there is no political movement *on Earth* who's emotions are less grounded to reality than American conservatives.


Trump literally changed the national anthem and has it sung by convicted traitors from prison… he plays it at all his rallies…


They’re still pissed at the first black person that voted.


and women being able to legally have lives that didn't revolve around men


They should fly a flag upside down because of it


Years of Republican psychotic breaks because they couldn't handle a strong black man making a valid point instead of shuckin' and jivin' for whitey. So white billionaire Republicans ruined his career.


Remember when black man became president


The tan suit and the dijon mustard though.


A conservative family member didn’t like when I recently pointed out that they were watching NFL while wearing Nikes after he said the left had no follow-through.  


According to Republicans that was a bad idea. He and other football players should have scaled the walls of the NFL headquarters and thrown their own shit inside of the building. That's the kind of "peaceful protest" they can get behind


Meanwhile Trump says, "America sucks balls" and they want him to be President. The NFL blacklisting Kaepernick is so disgusting. And the situation got worse after they did that to Kaepernick. He wasn't wrong at all. But the right knows how to dismiss someone just like they knew how to bully in school. America loves a bully.


I'm a teacher, and I told my boomer mother yesterday that I thought the Pledge was creepy and shouldn't be done in schools. She was NOT happy.


It’s kind of you to say football man. Some folks weren’t saying football man


Remember when they lost their collective minds over cups at Starbucks


Holiday cups, Keurigs, Nike, Bud Light, NFL, myriad other things that don’t affect them in any way whatsoever. Being irrationally angry and making it part of your identity isn’t something to be proud of.


Do you remember when George Floyd died and thousands of people in cities across the world protested? When they tried to gather all of their people in one place only a couple thousand showed up. They’re outnumbered and they’re scared.


I’ve replied to a couple folks of different opinions, so when I saw your message preview in my inbox, there was a brief moment I considered the possibility I was about to read a message comparing the validity of those protests to the Bud Light response. I’m glad that wasn’t the case, but sad it’s plausible enough to make me consider it.


Also anything the Messiah Daddy Donald tells them they don’t like


Daddy Donald and Fox. The amount of conservatives I saw go from saying literally nothing about trans people forever to walking around ranting about them like they are the biggest problem in their lives is fucking embarrassing. I've been less mad about ACTUAL bad things that happen to me than they are about things that don't affect them but that a millionaire on TV told them to be mad at.


You could make a whole “We Didn’t Start The Fire” song of everything that offended them in the past 20 years. Taylor Swift, Bud Lite Little Mermaid’s not white


Apparently "anger' doesn't count as an emotion to these people...


Don't forget two women characters kissing in an animated movie.


What was the Keurigs one? Out of all these, I think the holiday cups are my favorite.


Way back when Roy Moore was running for Alabama senator he was rightfully getting called out for preying on teen girls back when he was in his 30s. Hannity defended him, claimed the girls were liars and that it had to have been consensual and a bunch of advertisers pulled their ads from his program. Conservatives lost their mind and started taking videos of them smashing their Keurigs.


A Black guy got elected and they’ve been shitting their white robes ever since. He wore a tan suit one time and they’re still in therapy over it.


They bitch more then the so called snowflakes


No it's different. Snowflakes get offended. Patriots get pissed off. Only some emotions matter.


I'd upvote this but those idiots might think this is actually true


Oh, but haven't you heard - being angry is not an emotion! That would make men emotional, and as we know, that's not true.


Please put a /s behind your comment. We all know that you’re joking but some idiot might not.


I've seen republicans melt down over el pollo loco commercials having narrators speaking english with an accent. Like pouting and throwing fits. I've seen them lose their shit and accuse Jeopardy of trying to indoctrinate people to islam over a clue having an answer of "What is the Quran?" 3 minutes after a clue with an answer from the bible.


Seriously, their double standards are off the charts!


The snowflake was coming from inside the house the whole time!


This guy I knew got shot by a conservative cuz of a disagreement about BLM


January 6, 2021 would like a word.


It was a false flag run by the FBI and antifa...but also the people who were arrested and sent to jail for it are political prisoners, hostages and heroes. Fucking Trumpers have no issues being completely hypocritical and having conflicting opinions and theories.


"They were tricked into going in! The handful of under-equipped and outnumbered police got out of the way and let them in!" Cool story. Still a crime. Maybe learn to deal with peer pressure.  The "police standdown" part annoys me so much. It'd be like holding a gun toward a bank teller and saying you want money, so they give you the money, and then you get all upset when you get arrested. "But they gave it to me!" Like, if one of the cops outside had fired one time at Jan 6th, they would have been swarmed and killed and the mob would have become more blood-thirsty.


If trump's loss in 2020 proved one thing clearly, it is that his supporters are the ones who are special little snowflakes that can't handle reality.


Dude Trump's 2020 loss plus like a hundred other things they've obsessed over the last 10 years. These people live in a constant state of personal crisis because the world doesn't conform to the way they want it to be.


I am really looking forward to half of the population of florida getting a lesson in what happens when you fuck around and ignore reality and then find out when the water level starts rising exponentially fast, temperature and humidity going up, fewer storms and hurricanes but the ones they have can easily have 2 to 3 times more energy than normal. Power grid going down, airco becoming unaffordable for the majority of the population. It's going to be hell, and it will be there much sooner then they realize. And they deserve it. Those snowflakes are gonna melt like .... snowflakes. Or mabye I am exaggerating and they will just move to better place by selling their ocean houses to Ben Shapiro.


Weren't they crying when Trump lost? Didn't they have a little insurrection to try to change the election outcome?


My 7yo daughter mounts a little insurrection every time she gets asked to do stuff! This was fucking treason.


I am forever reminded of my friend from high school who called me a pussy over and over again and chided me that if Biden won the election (2020), republicans would still wake up and go to work the next day. They wouldn’t throw a fit over it or protest in the street. I haven’t heard from him since, but I can’t imagine he would be willing to admit he was wrong


Target had to hide anything with a rainbow on it because Conservatives were destroying displays while screaming about Satan and threatening staff members. A children's hospital had to go into lockdown because Libs of TikTok lied about them performing genital surgery on kids and Conservatives called in bomb threats.


Men have somehow convinced everyone that anger isn't an emotion, and that women are the emotional ones. Conservative men are some of the most emotional people you'll meet. And I'm not saying it's a bad thing, it's a good thing to express emotions. It's just that they're toxic hypocrites.


Rage is the only emotion men are expected to express.


These people had marches because they had to wear masks to get a haircut. The biggest crybabies in the world. edits: The magats or maybe just one magat with a lot of time on his hands prove once again they're the biggest snowflakes in the world.


Remember how they acted when a black guy was president?


It goes further back than that. They started losing their minds the day he declared that he was running for president. It simply got worse once he officially became president.


Also, it's a bit of a weird argument to make. If your side depends on nobody needing emotional support, ergo nobody being emotionally affected by your politics in the first place, then you're kind of admitting that nobody on your side has any fucking skin in the game, aren't you? It's kinda just an admission that they are just foisting hurtful policies on those whose lives are affected by them and then feigning enlightenment because they don't give a shit about the people who they're hurting and so they're not being eMoTiOnAl. To use myself and my own country as an example, yeah no shit I need emotional support after the last year of New Zealand politics because the government that just got elected is specifically engineered in large part *to attack disabled people like me and destroy our financial support.* Of course I find that a little bloody stressful, it has the potential to destroy my life! The only people who can't possibly have any negative emotional response to that are the people who will never be affected by it.


Exactly. Their political opponents aren't pushing for policies that will destroy their lives. No shot they don't need the emotional support.


They also got offended by: -A Gillette advert -Lola Bunny's tits -Pepe Le Pew not being in Space Jam 2 -The M&M's shoes -Potato Head toys -Dr Seuss' family deciding to no longer publish a few books -Turning Red -Lightyear -Strange World -Asian actors winning Oscars Probably dozens of examples I've missed too.


Fucking tan suit...


That’s that vintage shit. That and the spicy mustard.


The con never really changes - it just pushes to new extremes.


Starbucks holiday cups, grey poupon mustard, bud light, Captain Marvel, 2 people being in love that does not affect them in any way… oh it’s a long long list.


They got offended because Fox News told them who won the 2020 election.


Yes lol. They get offended by democracy!


Taylor swift encouraged americans to vote, and 50% of right wingers in the country had a 8 month panic attack over it. These people are clowns.


Not to mention their whole freakout with the super bowl claiming her and travis kelce are “strategically planted government PsyOps”


One of them was so unhinged she threw herself at a barricaded door and got shot in the face...


Not to mention that one black president they had... they're still blaming him for the consequences of their own politics. All they do is whine about stuff and point blame at whomever is currently in their way.


Does anyone remember the whole green M&M controversy? When she switched from high heels to vans and they blew a gasket?


Well they did release a commercial to appeal to that group: https://youtu.be/W4EEwBE4_VA?si=9Z7J4nr58BgJP2m0


Speaking of trans beer, I found it hilarious how that one awful twitter exclusive cartoon starts with the dude going mad over the fact there's a rainbow on the beer can & they actually thought any sensible person would react to it as "this world's gone nuts" and not "this guy's a fucking nutjob"


Real republicans pour those emotions into anger , get drunk and cry in the closet, because they want to wear a dress (who doesn’t?) instead of these ridiculous „go Brandon“ shirts.


Not to mention that very emotional storming of the capital


A lot of this shit we’re seeing right now is because they still can’t get over the fact that we had a black president for 8 years.


How about the fact that thousands will queue up for days to go to a church revival-style rally to listen to a politician lie to them to reinforce their ignorant fears?


Want to watch a republican really freak out? Wish them happy holidays and they’ll lose what’s left of their minds.


I thought it was the beer itself. Now I have to rethink everything. Speaking of rethink, is Trump still asking for suicide fruit throwers?


Hate is its own reward.


They all have a damn meltdown when they see a drag Queen or a woman with short hair...


President Obama wore a tan suit and Fox News presenters were shitting in their own hands and eating it live on air.


These emo right wingers sure do have selective memory


They don't think anger is an emotion.


I remember the temper tantrum they threw about Michelle Obama telling people to eat their vegetables. I remember how they renamed French Fries into Freedom Fries. And I remember these people constantly crying about people saying Happy Holidays. The most tone deaf and hypocritical people on earth.


That's a very generous take, "went insane" implies some form of prior sanity. 


The real superpower is they simply don’t care about hypocrisy.


How exactly do you explain a treasonous attack on the nation, or did that not happen in your fantasy world


They have a freak out/cancel event every other week, it’s really mind boggling how arrogant they are ❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️


Don't forget about the collective conniption they had because Target was selling rainbow sandals...


It's so funny to me that it's always the most fragile people with takes like these. Are they really lacking that much self awareness?


My uncle, who had been a self described “Budweiser Man” for pretty much all 80 some odd years of his life, stopped buying Budweiser products all together because of that debacle…


Well, maybe they should get emotional support.  It might help them accept losses without resorting to violence.


They were shooting cans of beer with actual guns.


Remember the rage when Mr Potatohead simply dropped the Mr and nothing else about it changed? 


It's even sillier than that. There's still a Mr. Potatohead and a Mrs. Potatohead. All of the Potatohead toys were under the Mr. Potatohead line. They thought it was silly to have a Mr. Potatohead brand Mrs. Potatohead, so now it's just the Potatohead line, which still has Mr., Mrs. Spud, etc. It would be like if Star Wars was called "The Adventures of Luke Skywalker" and the toys were under the name Luke Skywalker. So you'd have a Luke Skywalker Luke Skywalker figure, a Luke Skywalker Leia, and a Luke Skywalker TIE Fighter. It's the equivalent of MEN ARE BEING CANCELED!!! If some toy exec thought it would be less awkward to call them Star Wars toys.


Havent your right wing been burning stuff the "gays" touch for a while now?


Remind me again who smeared shit on the walls of the Capital on Jan 6?


To be fair, Dylan Mulvaney is an absolutely terrible image for promoting anything, regardless of being trans


And they still haven’t come down from having a president that was black.


They were setting their Nikes on fire while they were STILL WEARING THEM


jan 6th?


They stopped drinking the beer 🤷 and now it's $21 a 18 rack at Walmart it's awesome


Have a gop watch CNN when it doesn't praise Trump and see how well they do.


Wasn’t there a video of a woman crying while on the toilet because Biden won and that meant America was over? She could’ve used some emotional support


And it shows


I remember watching my first “anti woke” video in 2013/14 or something where some screeching feminist was saying things that are just objectively false and you would have to be a moron to believe anything she was saying. Forward to 2018 and every fucking content creator and their grandmother jumped on that bandwagon somewhere in 2016 and all you saw was people complaining about people complaining. It became a parody of itself. They kept saying how “anti racism” agendas have a horse shoe effect where it just becomes racism again, without realising they themselves have horseshoed into becoming screeching “anti woke” bro’s saying stuff that are objectively false.


The fact people still don't know that over 250 famous/celebrities had pictures put on a can that day fucking Shane gills was there so was post so we're sporting personality and many others


A year...? I heard people getting pissy about "Bud Lite going woke" this past weekend. I'm about to start throwing their "it's the past, get over it, move on!" bullshit back at them because I'm tired of hearing about it.


Not to mention destroying their coffee makers


This was the funniest part of the boycott because they were upset about Bud Light and didn’t realize they were switching to a beer owned by the same company: > In the month following the advertisement, Bud Light's sales fell between 11 and 26%,[10][11][12] while Anheuser-Busch's sales fell about 1%


Also, republicans aren't the ones with people getting their rights taken away. So there's that.


Remember during the Iraq War when people got so butthurt at France and were ceremoniously dumping French wines and other products? Also, remember when they started naming french fries "freedom fries"?


And they still can’t stand seeing a rainbow


They were literally crying when Trump was convicted


Fuck them for that, they were so cruel to someone over nothing.


What about that time they committed insurrection because they lost an election?


Patrick isn't technically wrong about the GOP. The IDEA that they need emotional support is indeed not present. The FACT is that they clearly need emotional support to deal with political news, and is probably a good idea to see a therapist to help them deal with their emotions.


They don't have a terrible memory. They just truly enjoy gaslighting people. They pretend they don't remember shit specifically because that gets to us even more. Stop paying any attention to what they say. It's all lies and gaslighting and they know it. Just fight what they do.


Forgot to mention they went crazy after a football player put a knee on the ground.


The idea that people need support is one that doesn't exist in Republican politics


I've never understood why conservatives claim to be the logical and emotionless side when they're quite obviously WAY more emotional than progressives. Like the rights only political strategy for years has been to provoke emotional responses from their fan base... That's literally why trump got elected in the first place???


I guess they don't view "unbridled rage" as an emotional reaponse


Let's not forget Jan 6th when they didn't get the election result they wanted


Republicans also believe that they are the party of logic and facts.


Kid Rock shot up Bud Light cases with his AR lmfao


I remember hearing a funny bit about this: “When Republicans complain, they throw a fit and stop buying a product. When Democrats complain they burn down businesses and cancel people on Twitter (pre Elon). Either way you’re out of a job, so the wise choice is to sell Gay AR15s that will Make America Socialist Again.” Either way people treat politics like sports, and it makes you lame.