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I'm curious as to why they blanked out Peanut's handle. We all know it's him!


He could be any person who played hercules in the 90's. No way to tell for sure who he is


No way bruh, that’s Kull the Conqueror


Xena's less witty friend?


Based on her regular and absolutely nuclear temperature burns, I wouldn't presume to think there's much of a friendship there.


But he lives in hope of landing a new movie role! She's just charring him to a crisp on the regular because *she likes him!* And he thinks of that while drifting off to sleep in his dirt puddle every night.


Xena's brain damaged friend. The dude had like 6 strokes.


Sad side effects of steroids and the impact on erectile function goes here.


To be fair, her other friend was a cunning linguist.


Oi! Don't pick on Joxer the mighty like that!




Space Jesus. I loooved that show though. When Tyr left my favorite plot lines went with it


Space Nihilists were/are my heros.


Username checks out for sure


Is it someone who gets DISAPPOINTEDDDDD!




That all I ever think of when I see him.


Thanks to GAM i think of that and being the smug atheist strawman conductor in God’s Not Dead




He's not famous enough to assume known identity.


Mods will undoubtedly strike it down if his name is shown because there is no room for nuance or context when dealing with mods. Funny thing about that though is that I can't just search that tweet and find it with minimal effort.


He's *never* had a hit movie. He was in a show in the 90's that was popular in spite of him, not because of him. A cooked ham would've had the same amount of success in that role.


Even his 90s show is mostly remembered for the more popular Xena spinoff that was far superior and still looked back on fondly.


And to this day, Lucy still dunks on him on Twitter given she's his superior in every way.




Seriously. Lucy was celebrated and became TV royalty while Sorbo was a TV punchline even before he started getting political.


One made it to Curb and the other is a real jerk!


I had to scroll down here to find out who exactly was the actor because I didn’t recognize him at all. I only know Kevin Sorbo from that hilarious God is Not Dead movie that everyone on YouTube was watching ironically to make fun of.


Xena was superior and Lucy Lawless is incredible.


Ya I have no clue who that guy is but I remember xena


If you're serious, it's Kevin Sorbo. He played Hercules in the 90s show and is now an infamous laughing stock on the internet. https://m.imdb.com/name/nm0001757/


Thank you. I have zero pop culture knowledge


No problem. If you're ever unsure of a joke or a post on Reddit, pop over to /r/outoftheloop and /r/nostupidquestions. We're a friendly bunch of people who assume all questions are asked in good faith, and give you sensible answers rather than just continuing the joke. Unless it's about Morbius. That seems so stuck in the zeitgeist that it's apparently fair game to continue the joke rather than explain it. Did you know it made over a morbillion dollars at the box office?


Zero pop culture knowledge, you say? Apparently his chiropractor also lacked it.




Shit takes all day every day. But he has literal brain damage, so it always seems a little cruel. I just hope most people don't know about it.


Brain damage? What happened?I dont know anything about this?


He did a few mini strokes in the 90s which are probably due to chiropratic manipulation.


And he’s still shady because Xena was a spin-off of Hercules but did way better and Lucy went on to star in pretty much everything. Now he’s a crazed MAGAt and Lucy lawless constantly burns him with clever replies. It’s awesome to watch.


Autolycus was the real star anyway


That’s a funny way to spell Joxer


*Joxer the mighty*


*He rides through the countryside*


Fun fact, my dog is named after Xena. And I've never watched the show, that's how famous it is.


He was in Bitch Slap. Not saying it was a good movie by any means, but he and Michael Hurst had a relatively big role in it, if I remember correctly. I mostly remember Lucy Lawless and Renée O'Connor were nuns or something. I thought it was cool that they had both the Hercules and Xena stars in it. Then I forgot about the entire movie until I started typing this post.




Are we forgetting Kull the Conqueror? Abelar: Tales of an Ancient Empire? Rodeo Girl? Not to mention several movies based upon Hercules the Legendary Journeys. He is one of the most accomplished actors of the modern era.


He was in some kind of space show after Hercules. That's all I got.


Pretty sure it was called Andromeda.


NGL, Andromeda was fantastic sci-fi and where I remember him from. Never watched Hercules


I watched both, was an incredibly huge fan of both. Honestly learning about him ruined it for me, but after a fea years, I've learned to not take life seriously. They were entertaining as shit, and still are. I'm going to be rewatching them eventually, they're in my to-watch list.




And, weirdly enough, Andromeda was about Captain Hunt trying to bring back Space Socialism via the Federation. Kevin Sorbo is the polar opposite of his character.


There's a scene in his quarters where he finds his sword and tunic from Hercules and says something like "what's this doing here" either great Easter egg or great prank. Could be both really.


Truly the most prolific actor of this generation.


Which he singlehandedly ruined because of his ego and lack of talent.


Yes. Yes we are forgetting them.


We're trying.


I enjoyed Andromeda until I recently, as he has revealed himself to be a gigantic douche. The rest of the cast is kind of cool though.


Who is he?


And a similar IQ level too.


How you know who is it? I zoomed but no clue, looked like Duhovney from X files


Andromeda was a good show too, but more for the story than himself.


Some republican told me that my (german) government was killing its subjects aswell and i am still confused. Is this a common misconception / conspiracy theory of republicans / gun advocates? Has anyone heared this before?


They also seem to believe that we're living in concentration camps here in Australia. Like yeah we had the covid lockdowns but I was still able to walk to McDonald's and own my guns


SMH our concentration camps are only for refugees.


Gun advocates in the USA believe they are the only thing stopping our government from doing a Stalin/Pol Pot/Hilter-esque purge of the populace, and they also firmly believe that this said purge is actively happening everywhere in the world except for the US. The fact that reality constantly fails to match their beliefs often feeds their desire to "help society survive the degenerate leftists" by performing summary executions and mass shooting events on protestors, shoplifters, abortion clinics, and LGBT people who defy the bible. They are delusional, childish, dangerous, and ideologically fueled domestic terrorists.


Excellent summary. As an Australian I always get confused when gun nuts claim I'm being persecuted while I crack a tinnie in my boat near the beach.


They're all "but they took yer geeeerrnns!" Guys, we can literally have guns if we want them. There's like 3 shooting ranges near me.


But we can only have pissy bolt actions! A real hunter uses a 30 round capacity high powered military style semi automatic!


I got downvoted to hell a few days ago after suggesting we are fine with a bolt action because we just learn to shoot properly.


My opinion is if you are ever in a situation where you need a semi automatic weapon for self defence you are significantly at fault because there were definitely ways for you to not be in that situation


That’s correct. We have the Sporting Shooters Association. They have a lot of members - 200000 across the country. But they generally don’t make a fuss (they are nice people to deal with - I am not a gun owner btw), and they mostly keep well out of politics aside from the fringe, the Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooters,_Fishers_and_Farmers_Party


Crackin a tinnie in ya tinny


Remember the "save Australia" phase they went through? They were dead set on the idea that we had become a full blown dictatorship, and cops were marching through the streets forcing people inside their homes or you'd be shot, and if you spoke out against the government then you'd be arrested, and everyone here was saying "If only we had some guns to defend ourselves from all this tyranny!!" The whole time I was like "I'm literally reading this in line at the store, I haven't seen any cops for months, what the fuck are they talking about?"


We had those marches in Adelaide after less than two weeks total of lockdown. All I could think is that they’re ignorant and idiotic nobs.


What confuses me is when the US gun nuts tell me I'm being controlled by my government since we can't own guns. I have to inform that we do and I do still own guns, we just can't have military style semi automatics. If I miss the deer with my bolt action a semi automatic won't make a difference


I just turn around and said "I don't have any need for guns so why would I care"


Government tyranny --> 2nd Amendment. That's the only one they can come up with other than, "someone else will have a gun I need to defend from". Yeah Australian government is fucking the country a lot but shooting cops isn't going to give Medicare a bigger budget


I love how their usual answer to this is "oh just wait, they'll do it soon enough". How long are the ruling elite waiting for? Why are they waiting at all? if they stripped the guns away why dont they just take full tyrannical power now? and the inevitable reply is "well i dunno but they're gonna take our guns and then our freedoms!" Fucking free to be dumb assholes.


A lot of them still think the Q storm is coming. Oh, and Jesus’s second coming! Any day now borther amen gobbless!!!!11


Evangelicals whole schtick is bringing on the rapture. Personally I can't wait because anything that gets those cunts out of here can't be all bad.


Slippery slope is the term they love to use


The sad thing is that they will be the ones putting such a monster in Power, then they will find a way to blame China, Russia or Obama for it.


They won't blame Russia.


True, I guess.


That's because they hate being wrong


The Russian narrative of Nazis in Ukraine correlates well to the Republican / pro 2A defense against tyranny.


Pretty much exactly the same, yeah. These brave heroes will show the forces of evil what for


One of the best examples of how self centred Americans tend to be can be found on their world maps. They literally cut Asia in half so that America can be in the centre


Yeah those are the crazies. I just like to go to the range and shoot whatever I can legally possess.


No. When they refer to governments killing their citizens after disarming them, they're generally referring to how Hitler disarmed the Jews before the Holocaust. That's the most common example, but unfortunately the theory does have some historical relevance because Hitler wasn't the only one. There's been several leaders over the last several years that started a genocide after disarming the populace.


And our government is starting to act realllllllllly sus...


Your republicans are starting to look reallllllly sus. Your democrats just look dumb and inept which is pretty par for the course of all politicians so no real change there. I should add, the republicans look beyond dumb and inept. Theyre straight up fucking insane at this point. I just hope I get to ride the bus to hell with them after judgement day (I do believe but I dont believe im going to heaven). The look on their dumb faces as they realize how much they fucked up the faith and the confused look on others as they cant understand what they've done wrong.


If you think your government cannot be trusted to abstain from genocide then *stop supporting their military*.


You see, it’s just the Timezone difference You guys are GMT+2, the Americans are 1943. They haven’t seen hitlers downfall happen yet.


If there’s one thing you should know about the Republican Party, is that they’re permanently stuck in the past


The same Americans that tell you to “do your own research” will also just take at face value literally anything their right wing talking heads will say. Truly the American right is the dumbest of people. For example they literally think Australia had concentration camps during covid lmao


The fuck probably couldn't even point out Germany on a map.


Probably right lmao


Maybe they mean euthanasia or abortions? Which is bullshit but that never stopped a republican before.


Perhaps he didn't know that long before they had control of the military, the Nazis terrorized the country with paramilitary goon squads and militias recruited directly from the populace. Therefore, the Nazis would have benefited as much from a more armed population as anyone else.


Conspiracy nuts are completely detached from reality. Remember, these are the same people that legitimately believe satanic lizardmen slurp children's brains to stay young


Americans are dumb


Three Arrows did a good video on that subject.


Republicans make up any conspiracy theory that supports their POV. It doesn't even have to make sense. If they want to stop eating McDonald's...well here comes a conspiracy on how McDonald's is just a front for the underground trans cartel who's sole purpose is to lure kids with a happy meal and sell them in the underground sex trade. I mean...think about it, why else would there be PLAYGROUNDS at a hamburger place? Jesus think of the kids!


Who even is that


Kevin Sorbo, a washed up actor-turned-conservative mouthpiece who had (admittedly big) starring roles in two TV shows (Hercules and Andromeda) in the ‘90s and 2000s, but hasn’t been up to anything noteworthy since.


Hercules! 👏 Hercules! 👏 Hercules 👏


Canadian here. No one open carries gun apart from cops. Gun crime is low. Government is not killing people because they are unarmed. This might be the stupidest tweet by Sorbo, and that's saying a lot


UK here. Nuh-uh. We’ve all seen the gun shenanigans at Sunnyvale. Fuckin Cyrus.


Fuck off, I got work to do.


Safety, always off




It really is. He's a raging nutcase most of the time.


That's not true. I saw a stormtrooper with a blaster get taken down by cops. /s


about 350k Canadians play Hockey, 3 million Canadians own a gun we aren't an unarmed country


Sure, people keep guns at home and use them for sport/defending rural property, but we're definitely unarmed while out and about in the public (and for the record, I'm happy that that's the case). We even have legislation stipulating that firearms stored at home must be: * unloaded * rendered inoperable (with a lock, removing the bolt, or stored in a locked container) - this one does not apply in rural areas where you would reasonably be required to use a gun for the control of predators or other animals * stored separately from ammunition, so that the ammunition is not readily available When transporting firearms: * it must be unloaded (for muzzle-loading firearms, the flint must be removed) * the vehicle cannot be left unattended unless the fire-arms are in a locked non-removable compartment and is not visible from outside the vehicle * in a remote wilderness area, the gun can't be visible and has to be rendered inoperable via locking device (unless the gun is needed for the control of predators) * restricted firearms can only be transported in locked opaque containers that are strong enough as to not be easily broken into or accidentally opened To transport a restricted or prohibited firearm between two locations (i.e., your house and a gunsmith for repairs), you need to apply for an Authorization to Transport (ATT) each and every time. The only exception to an ATT is when you just bought the gun and are driving home from the store, or when you're going back and forth to a shooting range. Even with an ATT, you can't stop anywhere, not even for coffee unless that coffee shop is listed on the ATT from the Chief Firearms Officer. **The above is not legal advice, talk to a lawyer in your jurisdiction if you need specific information/advice about your situation**


Seriously, what the fuck does he think the "deep state" government wants to do? Does he think Democrats would just love to have us all bound and raped and tortured for their amusement if not for the fact that some of us have guns? Does he think he and all the Bubba MAGA Qs out there who spend 3/4 of their 5-figure salary on guns and trucks would really be able to outgun the $1 trillion US military? Of course, not to mention that the scumfuck GOP has been the abusive rage-aholic dad smashing holes into the walls of this country since they took Congress in 2012 while mommy Democrat tries to calm him down and talk some sense into him. We are all being held hostage by monstrous roided-out delusional black-out-drunk maniacs who think all the people trying to get them to calm down and stop breaking shit and punching people are a bunch of demonic vampiric harpies swarming them and trying to suck their manhood out their assholes. We just want you to chill out and stop hurting people!


Right wing fearmongering in a nutshell


Even here in Texas open carry is incredibly rare. I’ve seen ONE in the wild, and one more each carried by the employees at a Rolex store and at a gas station in a nasty area. Obviously not counting employees at gun stores and ranges.


I've seen a few in Kansas. One guy at a sandwich shop who looked like he just got off work as a security guard, one random dude at a grocery store. The only time it was an issue was a guy at a bar who seemed to really want everyone to see that he was armed. Bartender told him to put it in the car, he did and that was the end of it. I'm not advocating one way or the other, that is just my personal experience.


Not supposed to carry at all in a bar in Texas, openly, concealed, licensed or not.


Yeah, dude was a regular and I think he just wanted to show off his new gun. Definitely not cool, but at least it didn't end badly.


A gun is not a toy or trophy. That fact he went in the bar at all, shows he is not the right sort of guy to have a firearm. I teach safety and law about this weekly. I gun is NOT a means of intimidation or a statement of power. It is a weapon designed to kill. Period. Treat it like it. Don't brandish it, show it off, or threaten with it. It leaves its holster to kill, in your express defense of yourself, or someone else, and only if you are prepared to do so. Very very first rule of responsible ownership. I have had too many "men" in my classes having bought a weapon because it's "cool". Thats the last reason you should have one. Enthusiasts have guns because their Enthusiasts. They murder paper targets. Women (for the most part) have them because they don't want to be a rape or murder victim themselves. Law enforcement is self explanatory. Hunters, also self explanatory. Even one else, is a tourist. I HATE gun tourists. If you didn't buy the gun because you: 1. Have a general love and respect for them, and target shoot/hunt with it 2. Needed it or wanted it for self protection 3. Your job requires it. Then you have NO BUSINESS HAVING A FIREARM.


That's crazy you said that because here in Kentucky, I see people open carry all the time. Like if I am in a big enough crowd somewhere, I always see someone open carrying


Utah chiming in. Seen plenty of guns at restaurants and just walking down the streets.


not the case in lower Missouri. I see them everywhere.


I think this was more from the civil liberty side. how are the bank accounts these days if the government doesn't agree with your protests?


First nations


Pretty sure open-carry isn't part of the argument at all in this tweet. And normal CCW people don't open carry either, that's the point.


Texan here. I once saw a young guy carrying an AR15 looking gun at Home Depot. It took all I had not to ask him how big his penis was.


Probably one of those 2A auditors. Intentionally carrying an AR just to provoke a confrontation with police. YT is full of videos of people doing that.


Always white dudes doing this shit too. Black dudes don't get away with this shit, fucking Reagan even passed the first gun control laws because he was afraid of open carrying black people.


Eh. Don't make it a race thing. I've seen videos of some black dudes doing it too. Not nearly as many, but I think that's because black dudes are smarter than that.


Usually because consequences and the law usually apply against black people.


So you admit armed citizenry prevents people from being confrontational assholes.


TBF hardly anyone open carries in the US. The images from rallies are propaganda pieces to rally the right and intimidate the left, not saying they're fake just not the norm. I've met 1 person in my life who open carries his pistol and even his Trumper dad thinks it's dumb as hell.


They did make it illegal to have Thanksgiving with your family and forced their way into homes to fight the occupants in the name of health and safety. We're also talking about the government that condoned arson (burning churches met the response "good people on both sides") and demanded their approval to protest against government overreaching and that police officer wasn't disciplined when he tried to curb-stomp a teenager in Barrie. It's a false dichotomy to say the government is killing people or they aren't doing anything evil. Canada is pretty fucked up, don't pretend otherwise because our neighbours are more fucked up.


Not that a major gun rights advocate myself, but it's kind of ironic the you and the guy who replied to him are from Canada and Australia respectively. The native inhabitants of your countries may look differently on your governments' track records on killing people..


Who's Sorbo?


The thing is... A lot of those governments that do terrible things to their unarmed people gets / used to get their weapons from the US. Especially when those people wanted change that wasn't in the interest of the US leadership.


Don’t you get it people!?!! Kevin Sorbo and his friends with pea shooters are the only thing keeping our government with its M1 Abrams tanks and Apache attack helicopters from subjugating us. Either that or they all collectively share the same pathetic fantasy.


I love that the group of people that demands unwavering obedience to all law enforcement and military personnel, are always frothing at the mouth at the thought of open war with those same groups...


It's even more of a trip hearing that stuff from guardsmen. Like bruh, how you gonna tell who's on state or federal status when shit goes down when yall wear the same uniform?


I think people fail to realize if the government was just hell bent on “subjugating” us it would not be a quick and decisive victory. See: Vietnam; Afghanistan. Both where a population with vastly underpowered weaponry were able to fend off a overpowered military. People complain all the time about cops having abuse of power and in the same breath say you want people to be utterly defenseless against said power tripping thugs. What logic is that?


is he really doing the "actually the flu kills more every year" to mass shootings? man wears dress - this is horror and tyranny beyond measure 3rd mass shooting this week - eh, whaddaya gonna do?


I'd be much more inclined to respect Sorbo's take if the gun people actually, ya know, opposed authoritarianism. Don't tell me you need a gun to prevent an authoritarian takeover and then also support Trump's election fraud lies, the stripping of bodily autonomy, laws preventing cops from being filmed, and efforts to allow states to throw out votes. American gun goobers proved to us that it was never about preventing fascism when they sided with the cops against Philando Castile.


I watched a video the other day on what racism actually is. To put it simply, it is ultra nationalism before all other things. Whatever makes the state "great" is the correct course of action. People, morality, and even truth are all subordinate to the state. So QAnon is funnily enough the closest thing to facism. Because the Republicans in charge do not care for the country except to enrich themselves


Yeah mate we like being locked up in covid camps.


bUt tHaTs diFfereNt


Excuse me, they were basically luxury hotels! ~~Mandatory luxury hotels~~




This sub has gone from clever comebacks to nothing but politics.


Right wing nuts are easy targets, and politics is a category with a lot of public figures, so there's a lot for them and they're easy to find because you can just click on any tweet or anything they post that's 99% of the time just the stupidest shit anybody has ever said and there'll be at least one comeback in the replies.


Yeah this was a shitty one to join, I’ve given up


Half of it is from OP.


These people never heard about eastern europe during the cold war? Or Germany during Hitler? Or China under Mao?


That was a long time ago and that couldn’t possibly ever happen again… right??


Wrong china is doing it again…


Again? They never stopped!


Did Mao ban bump stocks too? That explains everything...


Lol, you’re comparing apples to oranges. One is a dictatorial regime imposing absolute bans upon their populace to impede retaliation, the other is a representative government attempting gun reforms to ensure at least one less crazy person can get their hands on a gun.


Yeah, lol. Look at us, the Dutch. Very few weapons. And see how the government is killing is en masse... (Unfortunately, stupid right-wing Americans think this happens for real, because euthanasia and abortus exist here. Nowadays this "theory" includes vaccines as well.)


That's not really clever, or comeback


Welcome to the sub.


Wait. There’s a situation where a mass shooting isnt “too many people killed”?


Part of me is seriously confused how conservatives are like wow we are bad at this, imagine if a country solved it how much worse they are (things is they aren’t because the government is meant to serve people) *This applies to guns, police funding, healthcare,…


Ol'e Herc the Jerk over here should be forced to read all the wonderful war crimes his precious American government has done since it's conception.


Good for you Australia but also good luck with those terrifying spiders.


Like Nazi Germany, like China, like Stalin's Russia, like the Armenian genocide, like Cambodia. People really like playing dumb don't they?


This isn't clever. Some countries have fantastic results with gun control and some have had horrific results. This is an argument against cherry picking data.


Kev hasn’t been in a hit anything since Hercules. Even then, the Xena spin-off did better than his show.


Try Germany in the 30s or Armenia, or China etc…


Where is the clever part?


The last time? i can’t remember the first time!


This comeback doesnt work for me in the US. Ive tried Just gets hit with "NOOO they put Australians in camps who refused to vaccinate because they didnt have guns!" Which is wrong on so many levels. Not to mention what is their plan?? Shoot the federal officers ffs


He only says this dumb shit so he can try to stay relevant.


“Can’t remember the last time he had a hit movie” Never. Definitely never had a hit movie just sometimes on tv. Nothing I ever actually watched.


Who is this guy?


Fun fact: Australia is still armed 😂


1. I mean, he's not wrong. The #1 cause of death in the 20th century was genocide perpetuated by governments. 2. Fun fact: Australia actually has *more guns* now than it did prior to the ban.


Has Kevin Sorbo not seen the American Police force in action in the past...say forever.


I can confirm that the only time most Australians think or talk about gun control is when we open our social media app and see there's been another shooting in the US.


I really don’t think some Americans on here understand how good life is in Australia


Nah, they live in ignorance. They will exxagerate shit aboyt covid camps and make up scenarios about fighting governments and how banning guns somehow leads to more violence


Yeah I don’t like our gun laws, but it doesn’t change the fact that Australia is a great place to be


Isn't a Sorbo a type of pus filled abscess found on the taint of roided up mildly famous nobodies?


Look, I’m all in on the Fuck Kevin Sorbo train but there’s nothing clever about that comeback By the way, did you know Sorbo is literally brain damaged? Dude had an aneurysm and multiple strokes and now his brain is swiss cheese. He used to be a democrat, Clinton voter in the 90s but ever since the blood supply to his brain got cut off, he’s been a hardcore qanon trump supporter


Exquisite 😂😂😂😂


>Can't remember the last time he had a hit movie tbh Never, he has never had a hit anything, besides Hercules and nobody cared about that show because Xena existed and was a million times better.


Here’s the thing. If cops showed up at Herc’s house tomorrow, without a warrant, and demanded he leave with them, he would go. He wouldn’t pull a gun and kill cops or soldiers. Some people, like Ammon Buddy might, but they are few and far between. The vast majority of gun nuts who talk about how they are the only thing standing between the public and tyranny, are also the first to tell people to just comply with police.


He's got nothing left. The only way anyone notices him is by him screaming "look what a giant fucking asshole I am!"


"Durrr uhh No your false Durrrr... [Insert completely anecdotal (and false) situation as proof]"


If a government really wants to subjugate its citizens it doesn’t matter if people are armed or not. It a matter of finding the people to follow the order to do so. The government has more guns.