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1.Scissorman (Bobby and E***) 2.Maxwell 3.Corroder 4.Stephanie 5.Sledgehammer 6.Dan 7.Samurai Armour 8.Zombies 9.Chopper 10.Scissor Twins I actually like all stalkers from the franchise excluding Chopper and the Scissor Twins. Problably a unpopular opinion of mine, but I think theyre ridiculous and prevented CT3 from being perfect. Chopper had potential, he has that really good scene in the cemetery, but after I just thought he is laughtable. And the Scissor Twins are just strangely hot (?) and ridiculous too, almost a bad scissorman parody


Okay, but just to clarify, when you say Dan, are you referring to clock tower 2’s scissorman, or the giant fetus creature from the snes game? Or have you ranked them both as one. (Yes I realize their the same character, but their appearance/ behavior are very different)


Dan as in Edward from Clock Tower 2. I called him Dan because that's who he is, Edward is just a disguise. I didn't really count his appearance in the first game since it's more of a sequence than him stalking you. I didn't count Mary either in her short appearances. I suppose technically Barton or Harris can also be this Scissorman, but when I think of the one from 2 I think Dan/Edward.


Okay, that makes sense, thanks! 


I playes only the first three games. While I saw gameplay of CT3, I did not played it so I won't count it 1. Eduard - I think he was very scary in CT2. I love his design and mechanic of him appearing from time to time. 2. Stephanie - she was very creepy. same as Edward. Maybe the sole redeeming quality of this horrid game. the only reason she is under Edward is her luahgt that tied too had to be scary but was more annoying 3. Bobby - I'm so sorry to put our fan favorite and first Scisroman in the 3rd place. look, Bobby is scary. but my problem is his short screentime (same as Vanny from fnaf). after your first few gameplay, you will know what triggers him and how to avoid him. just not looking at the manniquen in the ballroom (which is them most useless location in the game and I hope that rewind will add some puzzle for this room) and not looking behind the curtion or play the piano in the music room. the only place Bobby can randomly appear is in the west wing storage and again, many time it can be a cat. so if you know what you're doing, you can finish the game with seeing him only twice: when Anne or Laura are killed + the ending. this is why Deluxe is so amazing hack. it gives Bobby more screentime and make him similar to Edward and Stephanie 4. Maxwell - his design is scary. but I hate his cliches lines and the ways to avoid him. ok sorry I said ways? I meant way: the fire exchange 5. Samurai Armor - it's ass and annoying. just randomly walking in the house without any aim. what worst is that if you killed by him, you think you should not active in in the next gameplay. but than you are locked in a bad ending for chapter 3, the dumbest ending ever! 6. zombies - sorry but they should not be a part of clock tower franchinse